
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY NOVEMBER 5, 1927 85 8BRITISH GUIANA VIGOR TONIC Petition With 2, 000 Signatures ure Park The best in the World Presented To Colonial Secretary.
those Georgetown JAMAICA tically no damage done to plants for next season crop Fruit continued to come in very beavi.
1y vesterday and the day before, Seeking a New Pleas so that the shippers bardly knew what to do with its great deal of it is blown down fruit wl1 bash had to be cat Immediately, but fin many cases, growers Idea of Leasing Part of seemed to have panicked somePalisadoes For Recreation what and to be cutting standing fruit recklessly in fear of a secCentre Again In Mind ood blow.
All ships consequently have PARTIES HERE INTEREST. gone away with exceptionally ING THEMSELVES full cargoes though a great deal of the fruit cat bas been anything but full quality Capitalists are evidentiy now ping their eyes to Jamaica, of the indications are that with Banana Output Keeps In a few months time, one or two novel ideas will be given a Up Well new lease of life, We may at long last see. Between Wednesday And part of the Palisadoen across ibe Kingston barbour. regYesterday Over 105. 000 ular recreation resort.
Bunches Came in by The idea was mooted a couple years ago: a definite time was Trains From Small given in which the ferry boats Area In Clarendon and motor launches would ruffle the placid waters of the HEAVY DEMAND FOR horbour, afternoon and evenings bearlog to and fro young and CONVEYANCE old, who would like to bave a waft of the Carribbean bre: 23. Tbe HERALD of the 22nd ulto But there is something in says:such an investment, and certain Some amount of speculation parties here have again been has been going on with respect taking up the matter and have to the position in which the small been in comunication with a banana growers bave been a ed MUSEMENT SYNDICATE as a result of the severe Rales which passed over the babada with a view to carrying through belts between Monday evening the venture.
and Thursday morning. but a The daily growing popularity general survey of the extent of of our bathing resorts and the damage done, lacs to th amusement bouses speak well conclusion that fully 80 per cent for the success of a Recreation of tho buncbes blown dəwn bave ground acrose the harbour, and been placed on the market.
tbe ones who sufter from During the past three days be money disease as well as the tween Morgan Pass and Frank.
non rich with their peculiar field (Trout Hall and other silments would derive much districts included) over 600 ber efit from surf bathing and stems were loaded for Kingston the tbe several lopovations that on Tuesday, and were brought would be provided for gympat in yesterday tics dancing, games, etc arrangements would be made wOVER 105, 000 BUNCHES IN cater for young ladies below and TWO DAYS above the age of 40 or 50, 80 The following gives an idea of that if they be the guardiaos of how the bunches bave been flappers they accompany brought into Kingston from them without the risk of being Clarendon and other centres. On bored, 20 waggons ThursA few local sportsmen are day 77, and yesterday up to prepared to 3) 54 waggon loads bad SUPPORT THE VENTURE turned up the count bunches per Waggon ranging from 400 to and should there be aryone as many as 1, 200 odd. With 151 holding the view that such anwaggons averaging 700 buoches idea will be in the air for some it will be seen that within two time yet, we have been to days Very much over 105, 000 remind them of the suggestion bunches bave come in iron a recently made that, the Govern part of the areas visited by the meat be asked to consider disturbance.
the matter of converting the la fact the demand for wagpresent bridle track leading gons to send in fruit to the city from Port Royal to Harbour has been so heavy that some abip Head (where the Palisadoes joins pers report that merchandise the main road of the island) into a bad to be held back at the King a driving road.
too end a day or two ago, the As soon as more definite infor majority of the cars baving been ination is to band, we will publ sa sent out.
Eame. HERALD We too We feel She rich Special and sai can Wednesday asked FOR TRANSMISSION TO SECRETARY OF STATE For Regaining Strength Lost By Excess Work. The The Demerara Argosy of OctoOnly Wine That Should Be Taken With Phosaber says: The following petition which pherine (Ashton Parson)
bas een signed by some 2, 000 planters, farmers merchants, property owners and others in ibe villages outside Georgetown has been banded to the Colonial Guaranteed by Law No. 1572 of the Secretary for transmission to the Secretary of State! We Republic of Panama.
understand that further signatures are being secured includling ng of residents wbo have not hitherto been given an opportunity of This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommended in ewan opinion :the following property Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Impoverishment owners and residents in tbe colony of British Galapa have read with greatest interest the of the Blood, and to build up a run down constitution.
conclusions arrived at by the Parliamentary Commission on It promotes digestion, improves the appetite, and gives tone the cause of stagnation and the financial position of the colony, with which conclusions we are and energy to the whole system, In accord and desire to express our satisfaction at the recommendations made therein.
it the colony is to DOSE. One sniall Wine Glass before each meal or times a day. progress it is necessary that the control of the finances of the colons should be vested in the Government as the present Constitution does not tend to Vigor Tonic is the only tonic builder protected by good Government and economical control of finances.
the laws of Panama and no such tonic is legiti We therefore pray that the Commission appointed by His Excellency the Governor on your mate unless it bears the signature of Javier Moran instructions will consider the Habolition of ion of the present Comprinted matter explaning for what diseases it should bined Court and Court of Policy substitute one Chamber in be used, how it should be used, how it should be ap which we bumbly sugeest there should be Membere, elgbt Elective memeight Government plied and what doses should be taken.
bers representing the following: the County of Essequebo; the County of Berbice, East DemereSOLD BY ra, West Demerara, the City of Georgetown and the town of New Amsterdam. Eight members dominated by JAVIER MORAN His Excellency the Governor, such dominated members to be representative of the trade and AMERICAN PHARMACY Panama City Industries of the colony Such Legislative Assembly so constituted would ensure protection against any mislegislation as the majority will be non government members.
AGRICULTURAL BANK AND TRANSPORT We desire furtber to point out the neceseity for the early ir auguration of an Agricultural Bank and the development of the transport facilitle: to the Interior which we realise cannot be achieved under the conditions or without control by the Government of the finances of the as the necessary securities to encourage the investment of money for sach purposses cannot be quaranteed under the present Constitution.
We realize the necessity for placing complete responsibility on the Government for the car.
Scrap Albums rying Photo Albums out of development scbemes and believe that the vesting of financial control in the Vellum Pocket Books Stenographers Note Books Government will havs this effect. We also realize the necessity for a scheme of land settlement Writing Pads Children Toy Books and for the iotroduction of colooists under such a scheme as would belp us bear the burden of taxation which is daily beAccounting Day Books coming heavieronder present conditions.
Hymn Prayer Books Holy bibles Rent receipt books in Spanjeh and English for sale at the Typewriting Paper in First and Second Sheets WORKMAN.
Mouth Organs in two sizes and any Law amending the asme.
Pocket Knives, Sub section (1) of section Scout Knives Meador Knives of the Principal Law is bereby ammended by adding at the end thereof the following. and many other items too numerous to mention At every such exbibition of pictures or other optical effects given in any part of the island there sball be exbibited at least twelve Jamaican scenes. Section of the Principal Law Is hereby amended by subsubstituting the word afty for the word ten in the tittb line, and the word twenty five for fire in the eighth line. This Law shall come into 93 Central Avenue Panama City operation upon sucb day as the Governor aball notify by Proclamation.
Look Them Over present colony, a.
The following just arrived and are being offered at prices to suit everybody :4 Island Total Losses.
The delicious rich, thick, lp Blow 2, 000, 000 fruity Trets. SINALCO.
Makes meals appetizing.
Small Settlers In Various Parts Lost About Half a Million Stems of BabaBill to Amend Ginema.
tograph Law MUCH FRUIT SENT IN GROWERS SEEM TO HAVE To Be Introduced In The RECOME PANICY AND Legislative Council By The STARTED TO CUT RECK Member for St. Ann LESSLY.
TWELVE JAMAICA The GLEANER states that the SGENES total losses througbout the Island during the recent blow is 38 Muat be shown at Every dear as possible, 2, 000, 000 trees.
This calculation is based on Exhibition of Pictures exact known figuries on certain properties Anywhere in Island in the different locallties atected, the percentage of loss in ench particular ar being At the session of the Legislapractically the same as that of tive Council of Jamaica which any one property in the same opened on the 25th ulto the folarea calculation on this basis lowing bill was introduced by being generally found to work the Hon. Wint, member out fairly accurately.
for tbe Parish of St. Ann.
In our account of storm dam Bijl entitled. ages yesterday, it was stated Law further to amerd the that the loss hy small settlers, Cinematograph Law, 1913 (Law was about 50, 000 trees, with a 14 of 1913. monetary loss of 40, 000, this Be it enacted by the Governor should of course bave been 500. and Legislative Council of Jamai000 trees, and it is thought this ca as follows: figure may be somewhat bigber. This Law may be cited of the fruit that has been lost, the Cinematograph LAW Amend.
as about half would have been ready ment Law, 1927, and sball be for cutting in the next three read and constructed as one with months and the rest early next the Cinematograph Law, 1913 year. Law 14 of 1913) berein atter As stated before, there is prace referred to as 1h, Principal Law, THE WORKMAN Stationery and Souvenir Store


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