
THE WORKMAN BATURDAY NOVEMBER 5, 1927 PAGE THREE Old Rum As Antidote For The Flu The Prosperity Tailors CLEANERS DYERS No. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING OF THE HIGHEST ORDER rusbed on Work Done While You Wait and TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices Ladies Garments carefully handled REID Manager asked Correspondent in English Paper ADVICES TO LAY IN GOOD STOCK AT FIRST SIGN OF EPIDEMIC The DAILY CHRONICLE of Demerara in its issue of the 2od ulto, says: The ta is no respector of persons. He visits whom be chooses and even as write, have just sneezeed that feverish sneeze wbich means that he is marshalling bis forces for 20 attack. am goiag to get the flo. propbesy to my brother Have a shot of good old Demerara rum, he counsels in confident tones. Nothing to beat it do bot like Demeras rum or any otber country ram for the matter of that and refuse to shoot myself with tbe stuff, good or bad, old or young. This does not mean of course that am violent probibitionist or even a teetotaler, Nothing of the kioa It is simply that cannot stand the taste the scorching There is burning and burning.
It is probable that can drink tea at as bigba temperature as anybody else. But the scorebing of rum is to me in the natore of the sting of the Follow Me intolerable.
RUM AS FLU, CURE am digressing. Rum has proved to be an effcaclous cure for influer z1. There are two modi operandi. You may do as a shot and go to bed to Erlend of mine does take a large 10 ot. There is, bowever, a crudity about this Bacchanalian whicb, to me, is nauseating.
much prefer respondent of the the EVENING result of the use of s, in his case, was so ocesado that he felt it incumhim to give bis modus. consiste: Dis: in de In the first place of laying in an quate stock of old Jamaica rum at the first whisper of an approach of an epidemic of what in Barbados used to be called the bew sick. 18 bis advice as to tbe use of the rum. On rising each morning take a small wine glass of ibis spirit Before venturing out each postril with neat rum, inbailing deeply, through the nostrils and emitting the mouth. persevere with the nostril treatment during the day when likely to come in contact with Au contagion. Whether tum applied in this this manner reduces Au microbes to an inoperative state through delirium or whether ther microbes are rabia probibitionists and indigeantly decline to overate in an uncongenial rum atmosphere, do not koow.
the fact, is that the la gives me a miss in baulk.
The writer adds that the only fly in his ointment is the exceg.
sive price asked for old Jamaica rom.
remedy of startling!
VO ELEVAT Ex Kaiser Says Al High Seas Murders mighty May Call Paris, Oet, A tragedy of Him Back the bigh seas was revealed on the arrival at Libreville, French Equatorial Africa of the cargo God Allowed Him to be boat Beausoleil.
The Beausole. left Havre at Dethroned He Belloves the begiontog of September, To Test His Faith Still All went well on board until the Unshaken, ship arrived off the Ivory Coast of West Africa, when the chlef engineer died suddenly. ADMITS NO GUILT He was buried at sea.
On Sunday last the Beausoleil Says Germany Should Have sighted the estuary of the Gabon Fought to Last Man and (French Congo. About 90 Last Round of Ammunition. clock in the morning the second in command appeared on deck revolver in band, and marching New York, October 12. The towards the captain shot bim magazine Liberty, in its iegue dead. The wireless operator, out today, publishes an interview dack, and the hearing the report, with the former Kaiser obtained armed man fired at Doornby George Sylvester dead near the captain body, two bullets at him. He fell Viereck. Viereck quotes the former Emperor 18 giving the to the sea and was drowned.
The murderer theo jumped infollowing answer to the queston wby Germany lost the war Deprived of its captain, Its Because we did not obey God second in command, its chief In all things; because we besl engineer, and its wireless operatated to bear the worst; because tor the Benu soleil took refpge in We refused ia the end to face Libreville, the nearest port all risks in prebarving faith.
The German people performed miracles of endurance, but at Small the last they failed. The supreme miracle can be accomDENTIST plisbed only by faith. We should MASONIC TEMPLE bave fought to the very last Office Hours: 8, am to 12p carrot, the very last man, the 30 pm to 30 very last round of ammunitiod.
Sundays, Special Appointment The former war fərd is then Masonic Temple ilth St, quoted 88 haviog von PO Box 787. CRISTOBAL Hindenburg in 1914 what he could PHONE: OFFICE 1664 accomplist, and yon Hindenburg is quoted as having repliedRESIDENCE 538 If the battle is man against We can win one against two.
Dan we sball We can even win one against three One against four is litt little barder. One against five is difficult. If the odds are six to one against us well: ll try my best, and, with the Lord help, beat them.
SAYS ODDS WERE 20 TO Mr. Viereck quotes the former Kaiser again as follows Actually the odds against us towards the end were twenty to one. We could still have preVailed with complete faith in God We should bave trusted in God, not in human logle, and certainly not in the alluring proposals of our enemias and their Fourteen Poluts!
The interviewer next quotes the former Emperor as saying look upon my fato as a tria!
imposed upon me by God. God wanted me to rule thirty years as an Emperor. Then be discarded me and allowed me to be dethroned, perhaps to try whether my faith would be shaken. It is not.
back! It may please Him to let It may please God to call me me end myldaye in exile: if 8, sball bad work to do.
Asked wbetber be regretted the splendor of the past, the for. ner Emperor is quoted a9 lam conscious of no wrong dolnej opop me by God well or Wbetber did the work Dot, He alone cao decide. At present Gd needs me for other works, as He needs his appointed task. Perbads God wants me to teach the world the truth about tbe origin of the war a stady to which dedicate many hours by day and night.
FORTIFIED BY HIS RELIGION strongly religous tone pervades the entire article.
Tbe former Kaiser is represented as saying that at 68 he has no philosophy except bis religion. have always, judged every act of nine, weigbing wbether it was in accordance with ihe word he is guoted. never knowingly closed my ears to tby conscience. The Voice of conscience is the voice of God.
He is quoted as saying that he had tried to rule bis empire for the glory of God and. wbether remain in the narrow confines of a Dutch village or wbether the where. shall obediently accept large world calls me again anywhatever task the Lord basis store for me Asked what pleasures life still beld for him, the formar Kaiser SS still bolas many pleaenjy good story: e joy observing the enjoy iny work in the GA of so called Alates men. enjoy a good meal. enjis the stad, of archaeology. Above all sm bappy in the love of my wife. only miss the opportapity to work on a large scale for the redemption of my people and of those in the world.
Here SILVER comforting spin well moisten the Inside through Te Dua tremens, SPRAY sayingMODELO baneb Cuban Government every one for PILSENER Perfectiong Plans to Curtail Antillian Immigration, of God.
arrange all PROJETO 100 300 ATT IS GOOD DRINK check Havada, Oct. 16. Plans to carefully regulate the immigration laws existing in Cuba, In order to curtail undesirable immigration and to stimulate the entry of foreigners who may contaibute to the material and social progress of the conatry, are being perfected by the present Cubad authorities.
To the effect that treasury dehas been instructed to ampil the laws, decrees and now in vogue, BO VA that uniform regulations may be drafted, which will undesirable Immigration and at the same time encourage the importation of useful foreigners.
the government has frequently studied the petitions made by the tive trade in favour total probibition of the at the sugar mills, so far has been anable to accede to such request, because DO suitable substitute has been found available for the sugar crop harvesting activities. Any other kind of labourers would draw higher pay and would increase the sugar production price, making it still more difecuit for the leading dative indas try to successfully work itselt out of the present acute situs tion, in While bodies and of the FOR EVERYBODY mie Morus al 990 TOP sures for me. blanders of Gaya


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