
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN SATURDAY NOVEMBER 1927 THE WORKMAN BARBADOS The Trinidad Excursionists Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisernen on applicaWALROND, at the office No. Ceatral tion. Correspondence on all nattes Avenue, Panama, de of pubile interest invited.
PO Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be written on one side of paper only, and Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publics Six Months. 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
Three Be.
We do not undertake to return reOne Month jected correspondence.
LA MASCOTA LA When a man Buys a 10 PACKreturn The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNUIS SHOE SATURDAY NOVEMBER 5, 1927 ARD Polen can learn SUPERANNUATED EMPLOYEES he feels better every time he wears it, for the recollection of quality remains long after the price is forgotten.
The WEEKLY HERALD of. be 1st. ulto. says. We extend hearty welcome to our Trinidad cousios who are due to arive bere today on the Government Excursion Steamer Belize. It is a good ing and we hope these excursions will become regular occurrences, and that Barbadians, too, tay be able to the visits Koowledge of each other is the one thing needed to West Iodians of the various colonies. There is much that we from our relatives around us, and we daresay there is something they саа learn from us. And all this will go to basten the development of West Iodiao nationality and Jonedes The Trinidadians will find us a somewbat more reserved people than tbeir own more lively folk, But, in our own way we yield to no people in genuine friendliness and bospitality, and there are few strangers within our gates, baving once got beDeath the calm, Barbadian sur lace who do not call again and again. The two days visit will bsrdises, but at least durior afford time for such exber that perlod acquaintance can be dade to develop later into firm and wish our visitors a pleasant stay lasting We friendships only regretting that the Flying tisb is out of season. But then, the Seaerk is in; and although we say it ourselves, they have never exhibited more rare ard refreshing delicacy of flavour than they are doing this year.
One cannot bave everything, SEE OUR SHOW WINDOW for al the latest Models CARLOS MULLER SOLE AGENT Repatriation of Destitute West Indians 87 CENTRAL AVENUE PANAMA CITY to CocaCola On ember atic art, What could be more refreshing than an ice cold bottle of What official disposition, if any, the Panama Canal makes of its superannuated silver employees is absolutely unknown to us. Such ignorance on the subject creates in us some curiosity as to the fate of the employees after they have spent the best of their days in the service of the richest and one of the strongest and most democratic governments controlling space within this mundane sphere.
Is there in effect any retirement provisions or any form of pension in fay men, some of whom have already served the Government continuously for twenty four years?
Or, is there any official sanction which provides for them a lump sum of money or guarantees for them light remunerative work when they are no more able to carry on efficient Jy and must consequently be replaced by the agile young?
Every once in a while there is a West Indian employee who, after struggling through financial difficulties from Canal construction days. reaches that stage of his life when he is no more fit for hard physical labour. This number will increase considerably within the next ten years.
Under the present double standard system of remuneration with its extraordinarily wide difference between the silver and gold employee, nothing can stop such increase; and many able bodied West Indians who struggled around giant steam shovels, lugged heavy containers of explosives over rugged dynamite torn earth and rock, borne bulky railroad girders and steel rails, waded through maia.
rial jungles carrying germ killing acids, laboured as clerks, time keepers, and foremen in disease laden slums, will, in the not distant future, be considerably worn down both physically and mentally with grim decrepitude staring them in the face.
There can be no doubt but that the representatives of the United States on the Canal Zone realize the huge moral debt they owe to their West Indian employees who help them build the Canal after others were tried and proved either incompetent, unsuitable or lazy. It is surely not hard for the average intelligent American to realize that, were it not for West Indian labour many more millions of dollars would have been spent, and many more years would have rolled by before a President of the Uuited States would have been privileged to push the electric button in the White House at Washington, C, and blow the Gamboa dyke open, bringing into reality the trans. oceanic waterway, the Panama Canal. And, with the positive failure of labour from other sources, wbo can tell but that, for lack of efficient manual labour, especially, the United States would bave been compelled to temporarily abon.
don the building of the great Canal? West Indian labour was apparently a last resort! It proved suitable not only from the fact that West Indians spoke the language of the North Americans, but also because they were found to be constant, intelligent, reliable, dependable and civil.
Whenever West Indian employee, whether he has two or twenty years service with the Panama Canal to his credit, is discharged, he is not entitled to further residence in the Canal Zone, If he has no one connected to who is an employee and willing to give him shelter, he is forced to cross the border over into either terminal city of the Republic of Panama, oftentimes with a family, to face haid hearted metropolitan house owners. Even under such hardships an able bɔdied man is expected to face his fate and take the next best step to secure food and shelter.
But how about the man who is looking into the winter of his days with a record of fifteen or more years of unbroken Service with the Canal!
Legislation to provide more adequate retirement pay for American employees of the Canal is now being urged.
It is said that the Governor of the Canal fully endorses it.
It is hoped, therefore, that West Indian employees, too, will eventually come in for some consideration, providing, of course, some other provisions have not already been put into effect to take care of them.
As we have on other occasions expressed, we are not in any way expecting that, in the matter of compensation and perquisites, West Indian employees be considered on strictly equal terms with American employees; we are always alive to the fact that citizenship rights demand much. But we do expect that, in view of the fact that these silver employees of the Canal are also federal employees living under similar conditions and subjecte to the same fluctuation of market prices, as those which govern the gold employees; and as the financial gain to them for the work they perform for the same employer is so far below that which is being paid for similar work when performed by the gold men, they be also legislated for and be given some retirement pay or be guaranteed adequate protection when superannuation sets in after years of continuous efficient and faithful service.
Coca Cola after a hard day work Do you know that more people agree on this than on electing a president, and Coca Cola property table.
continues with its ever increasing popularity, which According to the WEEKLY HERALD, at a recent meeting of the House of Assembly, a select Committee comprising Messrs Reece, B. Austio, Jones, The Heritage of Youth Evelyn and B.
Austin, was appointed pre: AT THE pare a reply to the message of Colon Technical School the Governor. relating to intercolonial repatriation of destitute West Indians.
The celebrated Drama. The Heritage of Youth which will be dramatized by the Colon Techni ST. LUCIA cal School the 19th and 20th Decem is the subject of much speculation West Indian Univer.
on the part of lovers of the and bas aroused no little degree of curiosity sity Among the generality, From a literary point of view ine students of the Color Commenting editorially under Technical School have already won tuoir spurs. Their various Lucia says: the abode caption the Voice of performances have been acclaimed One of the surgstions favour.
with marked favour by all who bave had the pleasure of seeing Indian Conference beld in Lon ably entertained by the West aud hearing them at work, and lit don lo Juae 1926, was the estabis generally conceded that their den Troupe is the biggest drawing card lishment of a West Indian in the City.
Legislative Council held within the Coiversity. Ata meeting of the The Heritage of Youth treats Colony on 14 September last.
with real life is a very exact sense despatches on the subjeet from and presents various phases of the Governors of Jamaica and buman character in a very practi: Trinidad were cal manner. It is nightly coloured At the meeting reported in to were laid on the by various moral lessons are bound to prove beneficial to day issue the Tocficials intimo Ironinions at the pressiog light and meaninglese displays, and University is those parts which are provocative sbadowing an object to be apis a big one. fore.
og mirth are so well laid out that proached with the utmost cautapir comical do not inter tion. It is fere with the general gist of serious is quite true that the ness and constructive instructioa, Gnances present condition of the Colony 0 Feverish preparations are being our pledging ourselves to any made by the students who regard expenso lo connection the this effort as their grandest oppor establishment of such an los titu.
tunity to bring into play mcas tion. In fact the the question of ure of dramatical ability which they finance bas not arisen. What possess, of which is required for ite time belog is the is unaware Itſ an expression of our approval of also their a mbition the scheme and of our willing to fan the flames of literary eness to co operate in it. When deavour and insure against the the question of the extent of development of intellectual ster financial support to be given ility.
by this Colony comes to be considered, we feel certain that those in authority will do all that the Colony can then afford to do.
This Colony cannot afford to SINALCO stand out of a movement wbicb most inevitably mould Its future For any child or adult.
destiny. The time has been slow Incoming, but is surely It a tonic nutriment. West Indian. When all insularity coming when we must think must disappear, when we mus cease to be a Barbadian, Jamaican or St. Lucian and think of ourselves as units of the West Indies. We have several examRent receipt books in Spanish ples before us. We read that it and English tor sale at is with difficulty that the Lone the WORKMAN. Continued on paga 8)
It had to be good to get where it is, 7, 000, 000 a day, this is more than all other drinks combined.
those who take them ser avoid Indian If your dealer cannot supply you a phone call will bring the goods to your door.
aspects jusuity bei bnances would not bot dow with THE PANAMA COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY PANAMA; 65; PHONES COLON; 84; public is Our Motto is CLEAN GOODS WHITENS THE SKIN Creme Blanc Mirette Marvelous Cream Prevents and removes freckles, moth patches, sun tan, and other skin blemishes SOLD IN DRUG STORES


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