
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY NOVEMBER 5, 1927 PAGE FIVE 4器. ATLANTIC SIDE EDUCATIONAL Notice of Removal MORTAL REMAINS OF MISS MASIE GRANT Interred at Mt. Hope Cemetery on Friday Last Many Candidates take Inter Schools Examination 22 A; Kerr THE BUSINESS OF The Isthmian Undertaking Co. Ltd.
On no Has been Removed from Calidonia Road To the Company new Building at No. 12 HIGINIO DURAN STREET San Miguel des: Very en JOB. PRINTING Rose Findlay.
who ia WORKMAN PRINTERY The Yearly Inter Schools Examination begun Thursday Morning 27th ulto. and ended in the evening of the 28th. Mr. acting as presiding examiner, and was ably One hundred and sixty seven ted by several other teachers.
candidates took the tests repreca Fourth, 78, Fifth 53, Sixth 18, senting four grades, as follows:and Seventh 18. The subjects Specish, Geography, and escripture, Arithmetics dental history. Hygiene, Writing and English and Grammar.
Perfect order prevailed tbrough out the examination, and it was Indeed interesting to observe the children in thelr efforts to make a spledid showing in the final results. It was difficult to cbtain a commodious place to have all examined at ODCE)
therefore the lowest and highest grades were taken ou Thursday 11 1997 41 ana and the others on the following At the close of the first day Mr. Kerr adressed the candidates. giving them couraging words on the important step they had taken. The iast day being the close the number of and the candideers increased, that were present were to listen Messrs. While Hem Of every description sings, St.
Thompson, and Kerr to them fine words of DONE WITH NEATNESS AND cbeer, and stressed the import.
Miss MstE GRANT ance of obtaining Education. An lett in high spirits, but with DESPATCH Through the courtesy of the on Saturday evening the 29th inanxlety to know what they scored Hasking News Agency, Colon, we stant, after the last sad rites were the tests they had taken, are able to reproduce photographs performed over the body by Rev.
which bave been sent to Jamaica AT THE of Miss Masie Grant and the Cousins in the Wesleyan to the examiner for correction.
building in which she met the ur Church Colon, of which religious Sebor Arosemena, Inspector of timely accidert which resulted in body Mis: Grant was a member.
her death after a lingering illoess Private Schools attended for. After the solemn and impressive some time on both days and bad of nearly two years.
ceremony at the church wbich was several teachers of spanish preThe mortal remsing of the un filled to overtl wing by a large sent to take the Papers in that fortunate young lady was laid to concourse of near relatives mourners subject for correction.
rest at the Mount Hope Cemetery and a sorr. wing public the cortege Garvey Day To Be Celebrated tive to be able to state that it is vicinity will be greatly reduced.
that there will be a big atterd.
well known that our British The rainy season continues on ance at this meeting. Other BY DIVISION 877, Majesty duly appointed Repre. this side. few days ago, the iteme on the program include: sentatives at both ends of the general appearance suggested a ten minute address on Booke The memders of Division No. 877 Lathmus are more than casually change in the weather, things are Washington by Mr. Gecrge Westerman, a song by Mrs Olga King and recitations by Masters of the Universal Negro Improve Interested in happenings to our still the same, ment Association and African poor brethren who are feeling Victor Smith and Herman Bayne Communities League are making the bodily onslaughts and menThe regular bi weekly meeting Garvey Day at Liberty Hall tation or meaning the average Employees Association is expected extensive preparations to celebrate tal Insults heaped on our people rate as a direct result on the interpre. of the Panama Canal West Indian Elocution Contest at 14th street. commene to take place in the Court Atlantic ing at 30 pm. An extraordi. native places on the new lawer nary programme will be de iludba mene. Athotic side that have received the zihinst. It is sincerely hoped which is being promoted by the We could mentiop cases at the lodge hall near the Cristobal i)Clubhouse on Monday night Elocution which is to Marcus Garvey composition the prompt attention British Consul of the that the employees will soon rea Women Life Problem Club for Keep Cool. This is an attractive honourable, the lize how much they lose by keeping the 12th of this month is creatsong poem which he composed in at this end. The case of the colout of this organization, and decideſ ing much attention by the adult Atlanta prison, and is full of loured youth whose bead was to cast in their lots, Other and senses effected at members of tbe community, and pathos and prophecy: attractions of the evening will be by falling on the sidewalk at all the close past the juniors who will be ving trying for literary fame are all enthusiof the unveiling of the Division but by a heartless policeman astic. As announced this week by the Club President Mre will be club, has far from escaped the WESLEYAN Mission House, COLON FROM WHICH Miss first clock, The sermion Florence Smith, several contestGRANT FELL preached by Mr. Jones of quick and etfective attention of the Colon Wesley Church, and the British Consul. And there are Regulates the stomachi Atlantic end. She also announced special music will be readered by others, but as we are now to In apana in celebrating her 24rd that arrangerents bave been wended its way to the cemetery Grant commanded the respect and the Division Orchestra.
gives healthy and natura, made whereby three prizes will followed by the large crowd admiration of all with whom she An open invitation has been ex. Dational holiday, we shall be sleep.
be offered, but it developments whose sad and and it may be impres came in contact, tended to all members and friends more loyal to them and sympawarrant samo a fourth or conso sive attitude for the untimely safely said that by her death the of the Negro Race, and a crowded thetic with their aspirations thao they are to us.
lation prize will also be given passing out of such a young and social community in which phe house is anticipated. Very Interested Observer.
The Club has not yet selected pro:nising life, caused much sym movel bar sustained a loss which it the judges for the contest.
Legalized Discrimina.
CANAL ZONE NOTES pathetic comment, Of an affable will be very difficult to fill, News Notes and pleasing disposition, Miss tion and its baneful Miss Campbell In effects.
La Boca Pars Hospital The Cricket Council, at a special meeting on Monday night, the 31st Miss Doris Campbeli, pozular New Critic member of the younger sex was There is no denying the fact ulto, awarded the disputed match that as a result of the new Pana of long standing beween Sussex admitted to Ancon Hospital early manian law, many natives who. and Victoria to the this week where she Sas underMr. Walker was elected gone successful operation for have went former. to the office of Critic of the La appendicitis. Miss Campbell is FOR REAL WORKER.
weilldisposed toward British Indians, seemingly feeling that Boca Athenaeum at the society reported to be improving pictly.
the law is a The Colon public is wondering meeting held at the Clubhouse she is in bed 16, Ward 20.
on Toesday eveninglast, Mr.
We are offering Permanent positions to a few reliable men them to act according to their what has become of the Atlantic Walker will serve the Dead and women, in which an exeellent income can be made even Variety Entertainment Debt up illfeelings. ara seizing activites on the isthmus. It is alwa considerable while since no meet term of Mr.
every opportunity to do so.
to those who work but PART TIME. Duriag onr 35 years in But the most serious aspect of have been beld, and the boys have business conflicting, is All account of other this fact is where members of the all become rusty.
Dow e unable to properly serve the in attractive program is being our household necessity to our customers in every country in national police force are to be Atbenaeum. It is hoped that Mr. prepared by the Management the world. Many of our agents have been with us over 30 included with other criminal Walker who is as Mr. Reynolds Committee of the La Boco AtheColon looked unusually bright one of the brilliant members of naam to be rendered at the years and have achieved Financial Independence ſocreasminds in ungodly and lawless attacks on West Indians those of contadependence pare, uniday the statt of teachers at the Clubhouse early in December. ing local demands and repeat orders, make it necesary to British nationality din is to appoint more local representatives in many localities in the We could barrate several in de of the city requested that all asset to this old and well re tractions of which will be opeUnited States. No special experienee or capital required. It stances or happenings both at residents who could make it possi spected literary society.
is a straightrfoward, digoified business. Wny not represeat the the Pacific as well as the Atlan ble should decorate their act play by four members of the largest and best known house of its kind in the world. Send petrated well as shared by literal number responded to bis Athenaeum Program nagless sides of gross cruelty per with the Panamanian flag, and a Society, two males and two fe up your address and the Manager of our appointmeat Bureau police men or winked at where request.
For Next Tuesday will send you full particulars. When we appoint an agent the plain daty of the latter ought we furnish free samples for Trial Tests in the bomes in the to have been to bring the real The new playground opposite Ad address on Democracy to or locality of the agent.
DS celor trial it the forme: has not the girl schools near Hotel Wash will be delivered before the La BOWEN In answering be sure to tell us the name of the paper in departed from the calms of the ington was officially opened on In Boca Athenaeum on Tuesdag which you saw this advertisement, courts. It not in many of them, dependence Day. This ground has evening the 8th instapt bye Mer supplied a long felt want, and it is Reynolds, Being generally TAILOR Address ALPHEUS BANCROFT, WASHINGTON, D, C, some of them.
It is bowever praiseworthy hoped that the number of children known to be well read and elo No. M Street San Migue (Attention Clerk No. 12. 1438 (You) Street of our diplomatic Representa playing on the streets in this quent speaker, it is expected Panama City Punched 66 SINALCO GOOD POSITION good excuse for


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