
CHARLES HD dread and countries Richest in Cream omo ST. CHARLES CORP Coro EVAPORATED MIG MILK our black us coming to theire ocean to see anxiousEnglish May Soon be mit Emigration to Europe World Tongue Now Exceeds Immigration London. Sept. 17. World linked as a unit by one language, lo RD Spaiysis of immigration and that Eaglisb has been pretrends by the National Todostridicted many a time since the al Conference Board at 947 Park innovation of radio with mingled avenue, the board makes tbe assertion that the Melting Pot, flowery languselon lest tbei of other which until recent year assim countries become extinct.
lated an ever increasing Stream Montague, Ismous Britof aliens from the of isb journalist and author, ex Europe, has now begun to lose presses this dread. Is fear is 20, 000 more emigrants yearly ibe result of a declaration on the tan come to this constry.
part of another famous EnglisbBefore the war the annual bet mao, Sir Israe) Gallanez, one of gain of common laborers from the foremost authorities on the English language, Europe averaged about 260, 000 during the period 1910 1914, Sir Israel came out the other During the last three years.
day with the prediction that radlo since 1994, the report continues, will make English tbe universa)
the United States bas actually language.
been losing 20, 000 more than The main fact is support of the acoual gain, this idea, he remarked, is Canada and Mexico which are tbt tbe race for supremacy of not subject to tbe quota limit.
the etber Tests unquestionably the report fods, bave now beand between Great Britain come tbe cbiet source of supply America and whichever wins, for commun industrial labour.
she effect upon tbg Eaglisb turpishing together an annual language will be substantially BRAND Average of 33, 000 sicce 1924.
tbe same.
As radio reception Improves And balancing emigration against immigration from all sources Sad over great distances, 80 more the net galo in common fodustriaod more foreign countries will al and farm Jaborere bas been listen to Britisb and American UNSWEETENED about 25, 000 annualy over that programmes. with the inevitable period. further analysis shows codeequence that new and ibat although Immigration from inistent demand for a knowledge Europe divides about equally of English will be created among between farm and common inthe peple of other nations, dustrial laborers, emigration of And so Englieb, not Esperanto the latter is about three times as or any other artificial language, Rreat as emmigration of the will be spoken the world over, former, Sir Israel contends. Bat what a loss replies Montague.
tupate brothers and sisters. When bear that broadcastLong the Macedonian cry bas Ing is likely to kill out the splen.
HTW been wafted across the waves did diversity and wealth of Come over and help us. Milmeans for giving selt expression HOTA llons and millions of anxious and free growth to the various eyes from the faces of and delicious raciness of man brothers and sisters bave looked kind, can believe that so good tearfully cause can bave 80 bad an effect, be cries.
rescue. They The Brand that has stood bave heard our orators boast of It takes all sorts to make a our great progress, our developworld, he goes on, and this is the test of years.
ment, our achievements. The uews of our onward march has 18 true of laugauges as of web.
reached them and mas When hear that wireless more by they wait and espectus.
must, be a sort of steam roller They have seen the white man process, squasb the life out of PERFECTLY SAFE be great national literatures of NO BACTERIAS come to all parts of Africa by thousands. Then they wontbe outer world, each in its own der wby we dont come. Thele different way indispensable to country bas been devanotated their tbe mental life of whole, reflect land has been taken, the rights that tbougb the future masters of radio may of a civiliz belog bave a DRINK IT EVERY DAY denied many of them in their strength they are not likely to own country, at their owo door, use it like a second rate giaat.
by the wbite lotruder. Their So Montague assures himself AND country has been robbed tbe languages of the world will million by a foreigo enemy.
go on, giving us their valuable Their greatest handicap in pre: contributions, despite the univerSave the labels for tecting themselves is their own sal growth of English controlled upenlightened lode. They have Tadio.
Valuable Premiums sent ministers to us telling of thele sad pligbt aod plead with us to come to their rescue, but Steel Dresses For we have refused. While Ladies one class wbite people bave oppressed them tbem, apotber olası bave had bympathy for them and sent wau thousands of missionaries. Much out London Oct. 25th. One of money bas been given to build the most interesting marvels hospitals and scbools that they of modern science was might be developed and helped, hibited at the Shippiog, but they wonder why we don join in and belp.
Engineering, and Machinery HEAVEN WONDERS AT INDIFFERENCF OF They wonder at the white man Exhibition held at Olympia CALL IN AT baving seven in London in September. It wire three AMERICAN NEGROES was a piece of TO WELFARE OF foreign missionaries in Africa, while ibero are not one hundred, hundred and fifty yards no not tirty Americao born long, the fifth of a buman AFRICA, SAYS MISSION HERALD Negroes there. They wonder at hair in thickness, drawn EO the white map sending three thousand ordained winisfine indeed that it could be Africans Abroad in America Seem to Forget ters, wbile there are not thirty put in a tiny case which a American ordained Their Own, Who Suffer from the Attentions ministers there. They man might carry in his waisterro coat pocket. It can be put to wby we CAD be no happy and various uses. From it a sieve No. 93, Central Avenue of the White Alien Macedonian Cry, rejoice so so much while they are is made of such delicate tex in much pain and misery. Come Over and Help Us, Is Not Heeded Even heaven wonders, and is ture that it serves as the GOOD SELECTION OF see our finest of puffs with which ALL SHOULD WORK FOR AFRICA REDEMPTION Giclal spirham How long will black Sobre as they our wint of sacria woman may powder her How long will we disface. It will possibly be appoint them, employed shortly in the Hymn Prayer Books Charitable Work in Africa Left Too Much to Liberal people of Atrica look for us making of womens garments.
Whites Negroes in the Western Hemisphere How long will disease destroy butia As in medieval times, coats Owe Unshirkable Duty to Brethren their milions, while of mail will again be worn, but this time by women inWhen shall we go to. WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR (FROM THE MISSION HERALD)
en het Ing hospitals, schools stead of men. And the steel clothers of the future will Years ago a few of the black people were miraculously yen, roedical schools and universities? Oaly when the majority have one enormous advantaken from Africa and planted in America. Evidently the of our pastors will seriously con tage over the chain mail cf purpose of God in bringing them here was that they might sider their duty to Africa and the past. They will not rust.
get the torchlight of Christianity and civilization and carry have their people people to give largely rainstorm will have no No hot irons or special combs required for Africa redemption. one of it back to their own people.
terrors for the woman clad in They have now multiplied to they left millions and million the very createst things that Negroes can do in this steel dress. The fine wire, over twelve million strong. bebiod in their native land, blog that will give people the The thinner than silk, is of stainSOLD IN DRUG STORES thousands and thousands of pro These are still in darkness for greatest name by the generaless steel, so that neither fessional men doctors, lawyers, they have not the light. Now tions yet unborn will be theit teachers and professors in all the world and perhaps tbe whole going back to large numbers as water nor say, fruit juice, walks of life, many of whom bave beavenly bost of departed saints missionaries, 88 industrial will cause it to discolour.
NATIONAL PHARMACY become wealthy and are living are looking and boping that this teachers, as heralds of higher Hence the day may not be Santa Ana Plaza lo beautiful SINALCO too far distant when the homes. They have small bodyguard of Negroes who education, carrying the blessing by the thousands and Central Avenue steel foundries of Sheffield Put your servel to work any number of schools. No peo are foretucners of civilization of Christianity to every part of will be engaged in the spin every day.
ple of color in any other part of and Christianity respecting the Africa, so that from many parts Bring yonr Prescriptions the world bave the opportanity black race of Africa will carry be rising and milion Band OR leod will ning and weaving of the most for development as they have. the gospel and a knowledge of will be stretching forth thete delicate dress fabrics.
here, you are treated well When they were brought bere civilization back to their unfor. bande to God.
giani bave been 17 way, of wbite se exThe Workman BOOK STORE bord with artaley2s.
remedy to cure and we have the Contra Crespo World.
66 cbarches


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