p. 7


THE WORKMAN SATURDAY NOVEMBER 5, 1927 PAGE SEVEN TRINIDAD Oil Well Tragedy SHOTA YOANZANI Disastrous Fire At Parry Land SINALCO On sale at all First Class Clubs, Cabarets sod Soda Fountains.
Panama City Distributor.
Exclusive Representative.
this inter is ons dos nomes de territorio di vendita FOUR MEN BADLY BURNT One Dead; Three in Hospital, Dr. Fred Sterling maana mamma THERE is no Secret to the growing Popularity of LUCKY STRIKE THE NEW YORK DENTIST 182, BOLIVAR STREET COLON, Box 771, CRISTOBAL, TELEPHONE 247 COLON Dr. Hubert Edwards PHYSICIAN SURGEON Mr NOTICE the Smokers that are changing to LUCKY STRIKE and Mr Special Studies in Diseases of Women and Children: BOLIVAR ST. FRONT MASONIC TEMPLE COLON PHONE 409 92 The WORKMAN can be had at the La Boca Restaurant and at House No. 971, Jamaica Prado La Boca.
The Weekly Gosadian says: Oil Well No. 178 on the United British Oilfields at Parry Land caught fire late last Saturday afternoon. Three drillers, a rigman and some derrick bands were injured br the flames. The first four were given first aid near the spot and then rushed to the San Fernando Ho:pital wbere they were warded for treatment The others whe injuries were slight were treated eated and allowed fro to their bones.
One of the Allers, Mr. Royce es: Remy 27 of the United Surface States was so shocked by his burns that he died on the following afternoon. The other two Leonard McMorris Frank Thompson, both Americans, and the rigman and Powell Alexander of Grenada are still in hospital and are reported to have favourable chances of recovery.
The well under Mr. Thompson ss driller, and Mr. Remy as Tool Dresser was brought in at 11 a. m, at the depth of 1, 964 feet and was flowing at the rate of 3, 000 to 3, 500 barrels a day when at 30 a. tire broke out and ran its devouring course until 30 a. on Sunday when the flames succumbed to the effects of the steam jat, leaving a mass of ruins behind them.
Mr. McMorris who came on invitation just reached the derrick when there was a blow on the pipe line. The escaping gas reached the boiler and became Ignited whereupon the well burst into flames. All the med clear of the derrick in dient direction on seeing the danger, but the drillers with the rigman were caught in tbe first sheet of flama. Fortunately they were able to get out of the way of the full force of the blaze and they were later picked given first aid. Mr. Remy fared the worst, but he was still able to converse intelligently after being taken up In leaping off the rig. Mr. McMorris frac tured bis lower right leg. Tbe four men burnt and bandaged ali over were admitted to the hospi; tal at 30 o clock on Saturday evening. Mr. Remy died at 40 o clock on Sunday afternoon.
The well burnt brightly for most of Saturday night. From planes many miles distant the reflection could be seen, QUALITY gives that Better Taste to the Mild and Fragrant LUCKY STRIKE LA was ex joined from the The Fastest Growing Cigarette in Panama Parrod VAME SONG IT TOASTED No Irritation: No Cough up alive mend to the were manne Phil Madison, mamma Panama Papua districts eers Excursion To Barbados The British Pharmacy two hours bshind the scheduled time, and reached Barbados at 30 on Saturday alternoon. The party re embarked at toon, on Sunday and the ship left at 30 on the return trip.
Excellent weather perienced throughout and the passage across and back was described as beautiful everyone taking full advantage of the delightful 011 seafconditions the excurtionists forty odd city the greater portion of the remainder coming trom the South and in the matter of public response expectatiors were far exceeded and the enter SOLO NA prise was a success from every point of view. number of persons, totalling about 71 made applicatious for bookings in addition 106 but disappointed, owing to tbe restricted accommodation.
sh The ship carried Vaughn orchestra of six pieces and with a trio of well known En comedians Nedd; and Mr. Johnson bienna pianist, povided baried entertainment.
for the excursionists, sections of whom, also. indulged in card games and other pastimes. hearty reception was given the excursionists on landing and Wheel they scattered in patches, some to see as much as dem SSIO town and to take part in numerous public and and other forms of private dances amusement got up for them, while others took car for country on visits to relatives and friends.
The majority of the principal hotels were At Home to the visitors as well as many private houses and a number of excursionists darced and otherwise ser enjoyed them salves almost the clock round The promoter, Mr, Smith agreed by cablegram to allow the orchestra and comedians to appear et an intercolonial boxing match that evening, but as the bout had taken place some days before the troup and orchestra were added to the programme of the Empire Theatre.
this being advertised over the town by a string band and boys with posters. Residents turned out in large numbers in spite of tbe usoal number of dances.
Every item of the Trinidad contributions well received and the troup was engaged for a short season, remaining bebind.
From daybreak, the tourists travelled to different parts of tbe Is land, motoring and sad viewing notable aces acd Datural attractions while those on holiday visit home made reunions here and there with rerelatives and friends, Almost every available car in the city was engaged.
They were all back aboard at the hour of the sailing and the Belize left amidst a theaety lareweil by crowd of Islanders. Not a single complaint was made to me. the promoter tola representative.
appeared to be fal y satisfied and many congratulateu me on the success of my efforts to arrange the excursion and asked me to repeat it. have promised to do so doring the Easter holidays and intend to touch at Grenade. Pleasant Outing.
COLON had Mr.
Child Poisoned With Kerosine Death Through Misadventure RETURN OF BELIZE Ramadays, an eighteen months old East Indian female ch ld of Palmyra Village, died at the Colonial Hospital bere on 30th August last, twenty five minutes the 8tbulto says. b» excurThe WEEKLY GUARDIAN of after she bad been warded.
tionists to Barbados revurned on As Coroner last Tuesday Monday morning, the Belize afternoon, Stewart berthing at St. Vincent Jet y at enquired into the story connect eleven o clock.
with found that she died of keroride poisThe party numbering 106 oning through misadventure.
adults and children the tul It appears that on the morn back in excellent spirits, anan.
compliment of the ship cam4 ing of 30th Angust the child mous in describing the trip as a was left alone at home with a short but enjoyable holiday and elder sister, Soondis, ia in praise of herself not many years of age. for their entertainment aboard arrangements made Soondia took a kerosine lamp and ashore.
from the table to the kitchen and poured some oil from it to We had a splendid time. It enable ber to easily light a fire was a nice outing and we enjoy.
in order to watw some milk for ed ourselves very much, the only the child. She pnt the lamp by regreto being that we had not sufticient time asbore enthu.
and went out leaving Siastically declared an excursionthe fire Ramdaye in the kitchen.
When hen ist to TRINIDAD GUARDIAN she returned afterwards, she saw Ramdaya representative.
Corroboration of his statetottering with the lamp in ber hand, her clothes wet with ment soon came from every kerosine and her eyes inflamed. quarter, The limited time Soandia became alarmed and asbore did not allow of the enfetcbed her aunt who was near. joyment of the The unfortunate child was many bad napped out. It was rushed to the hospital and died apparent, however, that not a just a few minutes after reach few took time by the forelock and did justice to the bospitality ing there.
hosts, while heavy At post mortem examina of their here and tion of the body in the mortas packages there of that the girl was polsoned py of maximum advantage taken of ry, Dr, 0. Rodriguez found assortments of several things Barbadian furnished added proof drinking kerosine.
the time.
The Belize left here at o clock Advertise in the «WORKMAN it win on Friday afternoon, 30b ultimo.
bring you good results.
who IS NOW LOCATED AT 11. 1154 11th STREET Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK Where our customers will receive the usual courtesies was well Sunt bathing LOOK FOR THE SIGN BRITISH PHARMACY Everyode ADVERTISE IN THE WORKMAN It Pays


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