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PAGE TWO THE WO: KJAN SATURDAY NOVEMBER 12, 1:27 VIGOR TONIC in the wor For Regaininz Strength Lost By Exzzss Work. The es the Home MO Guaranteed by Law No. 1573 of the issuing of This eleg nt Tonic preparation is highly recommended in majority po of the Blooi, rd to build up a run down constitution.
Dassed that well could He was lover as a hive Ngents of JAMAICA BARBADOS BRITISH GUIANA Rescue Home For House Of Assembly Demerara Legislator Girls.
There was debated, at consider. Challenges Right of Gov.
able length, in the House of AsToe HERALD in its issue of the ernor To Legislate by 29 ulto says. editoraliyThe best in the World sembly, on Tuesday last, Resolution approving of the stat ment Order in Council One of the most encouraging bits of business transacted by prepared by the Central Road Board shrwing the roads propos Motion and Debate Sort To the Legislative Council so far as its Autumn Session bas been the ed to be taken over by them for recobstruction with the mileage Secretary of State, passing of a Resolutiou approving of an annual subsidy of 500 to and locality. Th Statement sbowe that the roads proposed Demerara, Sept. 24. At yesbe paid to the Salvation Army towards the upkeep of a Rescue That Be Taken Phos to be reconstructed at once were. terday meeting of the Court of Home for Girls in Kingston.
Tweedside Road, 200 square Poliev. the motion by the There is, of course, the important pherine (Ashton Parson)
yards, to cost 1, 20. Trafalga, Honourable V. Crane, LL proviso that the money will be Square, 000 sq yards 500 Member of West Demer paid on condition that the Gov. and the main road leading from challenging the right of His proment is at all times satisfied the Barbados Foundry, through Excellency the Gover bor to legisthat is being conducted Bow Road, Green Hill to Warrens in the Whitepark, up Back Ball Road, late by Orderi Council followod proper and useful lines. It the recent goes without saying, however, miles, 11, 000. The principal amendment to the force et that the Salvation Army is not point around which the artick tbe Colony Regulations, an!
Republic of Panama.
only capable of managing such a Home on up to date lines, but it was fear which was expresse referred to the Judicial Com.
against this statement was made, pas ink that the matter ha is the only organization which by several men bers that wittee carrying out its reconstruction for ruling, was the subject has the necessary experience and sympathy together with tinancial programme the Board would be of lengthy cebate. Though support to make the undertaking able to cop inue the recondition ic failed to gain a ing and rep ir of the roads which vote, His Excellency success. Th: Resolution, moved by the Colonial Serstarý Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Impoverishment it had undertaken to do, futbut roissed to refer the motion and with referance to a Message from His Excellency on the suo ibat reconstruction would the debate tberen to the Secretake a considerable time to be com tary of State along with the ect, was (we are in pleted, and in the meanwhile Petition, formed unanimously without nothing would be done to the DEFINITE RULING WANTED any discussion or explanation on It promotes digs ion, improves the appetite, and gives tone roads of the outlying parishes.
Mr. Crane, speaking the part of the members of tbe Mr. Jones, bowever, assured the on the Council. It speaks volumes for that the House on the authority of the motion, said and energy to the whole system.
subject the commonsense of those radExpert Engineer of tbe Board watter of the motion related to cals to the Council wbo seem to the repair of the roads the prerogative of the Crowe, look at everytbing with suspicion would not be peglected during which was exercised in tbe at first. Not only so, but it tbs reconstruction period, but Colony by His Excellency the means that the members of the DOSE. One sa all Wine Glass before each mea! or times a day, that arrangements had Governor and the right of the alaeady Legislative Council are been made to eontinue the work. rown was of sucb a bigh nature aware of the terrible moral conof repairing the roads. At the that it must always be discussed tion of Kingston, and, indeed, end of the discussion Vote was of Jama cs. But if they are taken and the Resolution was (Cortinued on page 7)
aware of it, how is it that tbe Vigor Tonic is the only nic builder protected by passed, the division beilg 14 apelioration of the social and Ayes and Nors. The House boer met the captain of the five too morial condition of our people the laws of Panana and no such tonic is legitipassed in Committee of Suppls talacho down Soutb be related to bas been so conspicuous by its the disposal of the Central Resolution placing 15, 000 him the condition of things there absence from the program of our publte leader.
mate unless it bears the signature of Javier Moran, Road Board, to carry out the and the latter told him to come The reply of tb, Elected Memconstruction programwe set out to port of spaln He did so, and bers will be, that they are not printed matter explaning for what diseases it should in the Statement which had pre the captain agreed to take him to allowed to propose measures of viously been approvod and sanc Tocopita where he thought be the sort and that we must wait tioned.
would tind emplyment. He was be used, how it should be used, how it should be apinformed that the only upon the Government to take the be taken over was way be lead. Nevertheless, the Ejected 155PS Death of Mr.
sailor was taken to an office Members not shown them plied and what doses should be taken.
which he thought was that of the selves so zealous as they might Roberts, agents the falucho where he be ip procuring better social conwas told he could go as a sallor. He ditions bere. Anybow, now is SOLD BY The WEEKLY HERALD of the bowever paid the captain 00, not the time to blame, We ought 15th ulto reports the death of Mr He left Fort of Spain harbour to be glad, and we are glad that Thomas Roberts, which on the 14 instant. When they the Salvation Army bas made the JAVIER offer to establieb Rescue Home MORAN occured at his residence, Bas were some distance oft Patos or Street, during the week, Mr Goose island the falucho was for girls in the Metropolis, and the Governor and Council Roberto bad meshed bis oeth year becalmed. At this the have adyocated it. There is no For many years he was stal became very angry and told him AMERICAN PHARMACY Panama City wart amongst Parochial polie bat he bad been IM from galnsaying the fact tbai tha Salticians and filled the offices of Trinidad to Venezuela vation Army bas bad its fair Cburcb warden of St. Michael, of times and his ship had never share of criticism in this commuand Chairman of the Highways met a calm and be (Thomas)
was nity. In recent years, however, Sanitary Commissioners, the only nigger it has become a force in the 80Bis son Mr. Humphrey Roberts was on board and the cause the cial and religious life of the land a Barbados Scholar, bad a brilli When be that has to be reckoned with.
ant career at Oxford and is now the captain for the trip, be spoke was negotiating with The Salvation Army out to in the Ceylon Civil Service. through a man called Cyril. rescue those whose lives have been unlovely and for whom there plantain vendor, but he could is but little prospect.
various TRINIDAD understand Spanish:when the ship became almost captain spoke to Denominations bave tried to sailor cope with vith situation but in vain.
Now, the Goveroment has at Adventure In stationary telling blm that the nigger would never see his wite it possesses se realized and that citiz:ns are someFalucho.
and children again. He under stood and became alert, mething more than people who pay Ship dritted some way towards The taxes. Spall we regard this as the first step towards the abol TRINIDAD MAN the Venezuelan coast and then the captain spoke to a youth and ishment of the so called TemperSTRANGE STORY. told bim to go below and fetch bis revolver. The young man Prevention is better than cure returned with the revolver and and wbilst we congratulate all parties on the Dew step taken, Alleged Attempted Murder the captain is alleged to bave we must say that drastic legis.
by Captain, 1ɔaded it with three cartridges Jation is necessary to prevent the THE STRUGGLE ON BOARD Salvation Army from haying to Photo Albums Scrap Albums. NIGGER BLAMED FOR Tbomas says that as 800n as admit that the establishment of CALM WEATHER.
DA w these prepara ione be the Home, thougb admirable and Vellum Pocket Books se necessary, does not stile at the Stenographers Note Books closed with the captaia struck Desperate Swim for Life bim on the wrist and the revolroot of the problem. We have ver fell overboard sailor wh)
yet to bear what the GurWriting Pads Children Toy Books ernment proposes to do with was nearby started forward with With wan and pinched features board to escape being killed. He a cutlass and he sprang overe regard to the Housing Problem.
What we bave to do, as a sensiand blistered bands, signs of swam for about two hours until ble peopl, is to minimize Accounting Day Books long d strenous work with the he oars, William Thomas, 48, o Amacuro, where be be the chances of an ur fortunate reached the coast near 22 girl being taken in by evil Oropuche Road, arrived at the busb from Saturday night till bid in the companious of whom Kingston Hymn Prayer Books Holy bibles Lighthouse Jetty, on Thursday Tuesday night. Then he made has a tremendous supply When afternoon at one o clock and gave for the beach stole row boat we have sufficiertly awakened to the Harbour Master, the Port be is the fact that balf our educational Health Oficer, and the Police. a set out for Trinidad. He reached found Typewriting Paper in First and Second Sheets drawn up and and social troubles have their thrilling account of bis tare on board a Venezuelan falu, where he rested and got Chacacahacree Now origin in the low moral standard the same nigbo cbo.
Mouth Organs in two sizes He little of the Island, and that it is the duty of the State to upbold a crew of the craft were food but a girl told him he could superstitious ana bealthy social life, we daresay not remalo unwil the morning as more will be done to lessen the Pocket Knives, Scout Knives Meador Knives adverse weather conditions to the Doctor would find him oa the number of those for whom this the presence of the bigger on to Leper Settlement He therefore board. He was Rescue Home will be established.
threatened left and pulled to a small coconut But it is worse than useless for and many other items too numerous to mention with murder by some of our public leaders to and an attempt was made to quarry. He rested some time execute the threat, wben quote statistics to prove that we he and pulled for the City arriving sprang forward wrestled with the heel and he was as stated. Thomas had a cut on are Do worse than other conthe captain, knocked a revolver suffering from exhaustion. He evidently tries. It other cuntries are as bad as ourselves in countenancoverboard sprang ube ing moral alb so much the Veesei over ascribed his powers of swina ing side for two bours before making the San Souci and said that he had Wim to the fact that he was born a worse for them!
Venezuelan coast.
be days stole a row boat and made offer an explanation as to the remained in biding for three picked up a little Spanisb wbila op the North coast. He did not REMEMBER!
plan bis way to Trinidad.
Thomas reland the following when as he alleged the captain reason for paying 00 passage SINALCO 93 Central Avenue Panama City story to a representative of the bad agreed to take st Trinidad GUARDIAN, blm as a Enriches the blood He was an oild Id but work was sleek and having he was a regular passeng. labourer he did not obtain a passport if sailor, neither did he explain why cap: sailing a dreds of ship delay The Look Them Over bat ance Bars?
The following just arrived and are being offered at prices to suit everybody: which advenand to THE WORKMAN Stationery and Souvenir Store


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