
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY NOVEMBER 12, 1927 PAGE THREE Another Attempt to Find Treasure New National Flag of Will Fly with The Union Jack Said to be Concealed in Chame Bay, Panama Expedition Being Formed in San Francisco.
บด วย igeekudiidaeridieiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ม4 แยผite 18. side. THERE is no Secret to the growing Popularity of LUCKY STRIKE lows. The wwwwwwwwwww a Direct West Indian Cable despatched from Cape towr, uth Africa, states that according to the final draft of the agrecment between the Governmert and the Opposition led by Gene ral Smuts to settle the National Flag controversy the Unicn Jack will be flow with the new National Flag over houses Parliament. The text of the a rcem nt cealing with the use that is te be made of the flag felflags of the Union sball be (1) The Union Jeck to enote the assc ciatlon of the Ucion wib the group of Nations constituting the British Conce mor. wealth of Natlons. 2) The National Flag, the deeiga of which is set out in section eight of the Flag Bill The Union Jack shall be flown with the National Flag from the Houses of Parliament and the principal Goveroment office abroad and suck other places in the Union as the Government may The Governor General may by regulation fix the form in which the Fings may be flowa on ships on the higb seas or for special purposes and occasions.
settlement was reached on the definite understac ding that as regards towns other than Capitals mentioned above there existing coadiuors. This means will be no sudden charge from that the Union Jack will contidue to be fluwa in such towns as Johannesburg. Kimberlyard Grabam Town as at present, None of the NOTICE the Smokers that are changing to LUCKY STRIKE decide.
Toe final San Francisco Part of the loot of the city of Panama, sacked 256 years ago by the gallant buccaneer Sir Henry Morgan, ciscomen it permission will be can be obtain from the Republic of Panama Luis Morgan, fourth or fifth grandson of the notorious British sea soldier, and Captain Pearson are building with their own bands a 43 foot ketch rigged yacht, the Saxon, in which to sally forth ia quest of treasure supposedly concealed in tropical swamp in Chame bay of tbe elements of fortune hunting traditions are misslug in the venture Morgan has planned for seven years. First of all there is the parement chart, cardinal essenital of all hiddea treasure tales.
Morgan bases his bopes for success on the comtemplated 3, 200 miles sallicg jaurt on this version of past events.
During the war with Spain in 1671, Sir Henry Morgan, commis, igned as a p:ivateer, invaš ed the fair southern city of Panama. Rough usage of the citizenry failed to uccover much wealtb, bidden when the attack was launcl. ed. so Sir Heary blightly ordered the city destroyed and a thorough j»b of was done. Spanish rescue force met and defeated the mauraders north to carry all the th when they fell back the invaders lowered chests silver and goldware and pieces of eight into a swamp In Chame bay, trusted lieutenant and seven pirate privates were delegated to do the bidi Sir Henry believed more impleitly in the adge dead men tell to tales tban in the reticence of his loyal followers, 80 be bad the seven pirates shot, bat spared the lieutenant to make a chart showing the location of the cache. The trusted lieu enant does not appear in the narrative after be delivered the chart to Sir Henry aboard ship on Darien bay, The parchment, Morgan state was bat ded down from fatber tu Eon ustil it came into his posses Bion seven years ago from ble 1ather, Frank Pierce Morgan, attorney in Victoria, Tex.
manananananana QUALITY gives that Better Taste to the Mild and Fragrant LUCKY STRIKE of the city. Ujable booty with British Officer is Awarded The Navy Cross of America The Fastest Growing Cigarette in Panama 00 የጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥ ices as IT TOASTED No Irritation No Cough Cassia ጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥ የነ የጀር የ ጥዩጥቂትርፍ Washington, Oct. 14 dramatic episode of the World War was recll:d tc day when announcement was made thas the Navy Cross had been award ed by President Coolidge to Lieutenant Ronald Steuart of the British Royal Naval Reserve in recognition of his seras con macder of amarisk in assisting the United States destroyer Cassin to port after it had been hit by a torpedo of a German submarine on Oct. 15. 1917.
The was 03 patrol duty in the submarine infested arca off Southern Ireland when it was struck at p. Depth charges on its stern were exploded by the torped) and the rudder and part of the stern of the destroyer were blowa off.
According to the report of th commanding officer, Commander Vernon, the Cassin could not be steered. At o clock that night the Tamarisk prepared to take her in tow.
The sea was then very rough Commander Vernon repart stated. M, S, Tamariek prepar. to take us in tow and made one attempt after another to get a lice to us. Finally, about 10 The Tamarisk lowered a boau rough sea and sent grass line by means of which our inch bawser was sent over to her. At about 30 a, in the Tamarisk started towi gus to censtown speed about four knots. At 25 the bawser parted. Continued on page 6)
Sir Thomas Lipton Again In America The British Pharmacy COLON IS NOW LOCATED AT Expects To Have Yacht Ready For His Challenge In 1929.
Great Fortune Amassed.
New York, Oct. 20. Sir Thom.
as Lipton perennial and inevit.
able in his attempts to lift the BY 97 YEAR OLD BEGGAR America Cuarrived here yesterday aboard the liner Levialhan. added a year again to Two Thousand Pounds Bobis prospective challenge.
queathed to Woman Who Sir Thomas announced positive. Showed Him Kindness, ly be would have a new boat over here in 1929 challenge for the cup. The last time, it was to bave New York One of the last bead a race next summer. wishes of John Armstrong, a At the present time, be stated, pipety seven year old begrar, the yacht has not yet been de who amassed a fortune of 13, sizned, Nor, he added, has its 000 in the equivalent of threedesigcer or builder been chosen, Denny and sixpenny pieces in but 1929 will find her bere and the practice of his profession, ready at the starting line.
will be fulblled in a decision made During the voyago over, Sir by Jadge Brian.
Thomas declared, he had a great Armstrong, although he died thrill. Mrs Agnes Allen of before the bequest could be the American Legion Post of neorporated in his will, wished Oakland Cal. caused it.
to discovered, be said. chat Sloane because she had befriend when was a butter and egg aan ed hm for twenty years and at Glasgow in 1877 Mrs. Allen because she had promised to mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Welch, care for him until Lis death.
lived on the floor above my store, He told her of bis intention in back of which my mother and March 1927, but on April be had our home. lent ber money died, before he could revise his with which to buy the first kan will, which left his estate to ting machine seen in Scotland. fitteen distant relatives in Eng.
land, most of whom he have never seen.
Dr. Hubert Edwards Mrs. Sloan claim was beard Lelore Referee Connor, who said PHYSICIAN SURGEON that good conscience and na oral justice required the Specicl Studies in Diseases of executors to carry out the wish of the man she bad assisted for Women and Children: so lo when she thought him a BOLIVAR ST. FRONT MASONIC pauper. Judge Brian upheld the referee report.
TEMPLE COLON Mrs. Sloane kindness began PHONE 409 when her busb. nl, Robust 11. 1154 11th STREET Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK Where our customers will receive the usual courtesies SINALCO On sale at all First Class Clubs, Cabarets and Soda Fountains.
Panama City Distributor GILBERT BRID.
Exclusive Representative.
CASA ANAVITARTE, Colon, LOOK FOR THE SIGN BRITISH PHARMACY Dr. Fred Sterling: THE NEW YORK DENTIST 182, BOLIVAR STREET COLON, Box 771, CRISTOBAL TELEPHONE 247 COLON ADVERTISE IN THE WORKMAN It Pays Sloane, marine engineet noticed a gbabby, hungry looking igure at a street corner. took him to their home and from that day until his death Mrs Sloane made it her duty to car for the old min.

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