
We Expect you to Come For Your perple to these ace STETSON a The rich Any well A Race Paradox THE WORKMAN The Negro or Coloured rece is developing a class of millionaires or money boarders, much more dangerous to the race Pablished on Saturdays by HN Rates for Advertisemen on applica.
life and existooce than any WALROND, at the office No. 93 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes imilar group of men among any venue, Pausma, de of public interest invited.
PO Box 74, Panama RP All copy for publication must be The rich Negro is not philanwritten on one side of paper only, and throple to his race. He does not Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of proportionately give to or belo One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica.
bis racialiostitutions as the white 3ix Months. 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
of wealth do. Rhodes, bree sce.
We do not undertake to return reRckefeller or Carnegie or any One Month 25 jected correspon lence.
other the white person will create foundatior. shols of The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JONUIS research and science, elicies.
hospitals or scholarships, bat tbe Negro would prefer subSATURDAY NOVEMBER 12, 1927 scribing or donating white institutions to show off rather than to do tor bis own WEST INDIANS NEED AMPLE When the exceptional in the PROTECTION race bappens, then you may positively rest assured that it was done merely for show, and Last Sunday we played the part of a disinterested to gain some special personal internal racial ad vintage.
pacifist by publishing on our front page what was really an Not hall editorial comment on the brutal killing of two defenceless of one per cent. of the rich ur wealthy of the Negro British subjects, a woman and her daughter, by a Pana.
or colored race gives away for manian, young man. In that article we pointed out the charity or upliit works elements of both sides, Panamanians and West Indians, their owo people, or help to fio among who, as a rule, are trouble makers. We commented in that employmert for them. Most of the charity bestowed upen particular vein, not because we were not fully aware of the several brutal acts perpetrated of lite ag iinst West Tomorrow, next week and for months after, the Negre echools, churches, bostials and institutions and employ.
Indians, by Panamanians, but primarily because we vante Stetson you buy today will be a source of satisfacment comes from the considerate to point out forcibiy to West Indians, their true position and and philanthrople of the white the attitude which we belive thit, as a peace loving and race. The middle class and poor law abiding people, they should adopt in a civilized foregn tion. It will wear as no other hat can wear its element of the Tace, hower, are ding everything for thú country, and in addition, to let it be clearly known and understood that we are not taking sid:s nor junging ont style will please you and we know that next sei.
good of the race, and were it not for them. truly the race would conclusions unarmed with ficts to supp»t us. For thit have been in more pitiabla article we were heartily commended from nearly all quar. son you will come back for another Stetson. condition.
ters concerned, while there were a few who prefered that, rich are sullish and foolih and their primary purpose in life.
in view of existing conditions, we should be firmer.
is to ape the wbite, and a Nevertheless, we are maintaining our stand of advocating CARLOS MULLER quickly cool headedness.
as possible seek their company with the hope of social absorption, and jumping over Since our last issue, however, several cases have been SOLE AGENT the race hne.
reported to us wherein natives have either provoked inordinarily rieb Negro or sulted or attacked and injured West Indians. Among these is the case of a policeman who, on Sunday evening last, is 87 CENTRAL AVENUE PANAMA CITY to give away ninety nine and oce balf per cent of his wealth half reported to have kicked, into josensibilty, an Antiguan to become white, rather than to woman on the pretense of her refusing to follow him to the remain as he is, and to use such police station after some miror family talk originating from Walth in the promotion of racial mischivious children. On the following Monday evening ideals or industry that would an elderly West Indian woman, while on her way to the help the mass of his people.
Mesleyan Methodist church to attend service, was iltreated and ablest West Indian artistic!
prepared white persinger. Madame Adela Walker by natives; two Panamanian youths came up from behind Headley, another talented and CALL IN AT son may easily influence the rich Negro or Colored pereon her, deliberately delivered a smashing blow upon her head outstanding soprano soloist whose to part with his wealth are and cooly walked away.
presence on the concert stage is social patronage and company, have const intly counselled restraint on the part of much pleasure. Then there is always looked forward to with while anorber worthy heln Negro seeking belp in any racially help.
18 Mr.
West Indians. But at the same timela condition diametri Davis, late of the Kingston ful effort or enterprise would be cally opposed to our attitude is being created. There is the (Jamaica) Glee Singers, who has insuited and treated with hard, cold fact that policemen who are looked upon and proven to be a very good tenor suspicion and contempt if be The of the Pianist, Miss were to approach the same itmaintain and expected to promote, preserve order, are dividual for belp that would retaking it into their hands to commit acts of violence upon Boris mood best one of our commun.
sult to mutuai benefit.
West Indians on most flimsy pretenses. This is a situa. pected intellectuals of her sex, No. 93, Central Avenue tion which is forcing even some well thinking Panamanians hardly needs further emphası: The new intellectuals of the to trankly admit that the West Indians are being well tried here rase are adepts in agitating for Miss Rodney is a clever pianname appears on the list GOOD SELECTION OF the possession of those things and contributed to According to reliable information, the young men who of the Cristobal Party, NEW BIBLES members of of other races, it there iltreated the elderly West Indian woman on her way to Encouragement is vitally essen.
is the slightest argument to in Christian worship did not look in any way as if they were succeed in their respective spberes any support the claim, such of the ignorant class, but much to the ooposite. The young of endeavour our community Hymn Prayer Books as Negroes moving into new communities previously settled able bodied man who used a stiletto to stab to death to giesses proportionately. Our special unarme Jamaic in women was reported in the Spanih recognition and unreserved support wholly by whites. The Negro intellectuals argue and agitate papers to be an intelligent Pauamanian. We also presume of West Indians efforts are of to show such a school, coil ge, that a Panamanian policeman, in saying th: very least of paramount ioportance if we are to. WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR him, is an intelligent citizen of of Panama. Hence, in the compete favourably with others representation face of these apparent facts, we cannot arrive at any receive their respect and resuch a district should be run, manged or represented by a conclusion but that we had made some mistake when W: The fact should not be overlook Negro, and generally a very light consigned all the blame for fomenting trouble on the ed that the Concert Party display a colored person at that, because ignorant and irresponsible classes.
splendid spirit by guaranteeing a so many Negroes live in th donation from the gate receipts to No hot irons or special combs required district or community, not takIn view therefore, of the expressed attitude of intelli tle Cristobal Children Christmas ing into consideration that ninegent Panamanians to iltreat British West Indians, we would Fund. This is a most laudable ty five per cent of the Negroes urge upon the Goveroment of Panamı ani move when it is remembered that it the local involves no little expense to the SOLD IN DRUG STORE payers are squatters or vers representative of Great Brltain to take immediate decisive Party for crossing the Isthmus time sted in bee mored at any e according to the econome steps to efficiently control the situation. West Indians, twice for the presentation of the stress (to wbich thousands of them, will at all times be in Panamı, and the program. Such generosity and unintellectuals the e time is long overdue for them to be assured a squate pro.
pay ro attention selfishness deserve further unstiuted and the leaders skilfully ignore. tection here. Citizens of Panama in the British West support from all the cominunities GOOD POSITION and that the real substantisi individuals of the Indies are accorded similar protection under British law as It should be well understood, oa the Atlantic end.
the owners of the properties in that given to British West Indians; consequently, the latter however, that the Concert Party FOR REAL WORKER.
which the Negroes live and the are now demanding that they be given ample protection in efforts ia travelling to and from businesses that the Negrocs the land of the Panamanians.
Cristobal for the purpose of present.
We are offering Permanent positions to a few reliable men euy port are belonging to wbite ing the program is by no means an ople Sometimes, in sheer ordinary move. It. esents a and women, in which an exeellent income can be de (ven disgust, the whites who live in THE SYMPHONY CRISTOBAL CONCERT. effort and high ambition of some to those who work but PART TIME Duri ng our 35 years in the community give up their world business we have appointed over 515, 000 agents who supply rights to quiet the agitators.
This feature of But how long, will this last, is the under our householl. necessity to our customers in every country in The Panama Sym hoay Orches. deserving work stould at all times taking should not, therefore, be the question the though iful and the world. Many of our agents have been with us over 39 energetic Negroes of the Univer.
tra Concert Party is due fer be given in proportion to their subordinated to any other. It is years and have achieved Financial Independence Increassal Negro Improvement Associean engagement at the Cristobal order of merit.
Cousidering all highly essestial that if we must rise ing local demands and rupeat orders, make is necesary to. 100 are asking. From PoiluSilver Clubhouse next Teday these, the Patama Syını hory Or we must both recognize and supevening, the fileenth. It is not ehestra deserves much credit as port to the best of our abiliy appoint more local representatives in many locali. ies in the tuphy and 0, inions of Marcus Garvey or Africa fo: the only very opportune but highly well as special mention, not only those of our own who are able to United States. N) special experierce or capital reqrired. It Africans, VI. 11. necessary that we emphasize the for work already dune but also represent us creditably in the di is a straightrfoward, digaied busine Wny tot present the necessity of supporting to the ful for work which is now being preferent departments of tumaa enfast extent this eflort of foremost pared. The recent successes of deavour.
largest and best kaown house of its kind in the worl. Send West Indian classical musicians these musicians are but the result We wish the Concert Party 13 your address and the Manager of our appointment Bureau of persist fit and int lligent study. abundant success.
will send you full particulars, When we ar point an agent It is not our policy to overprize that well known equivalent to we furoish free samples for Trial Tests ia the bones in the SINALCO West.
Joc. lity of the agent.
The la visting of superlatives upon is now well positio od in the fore BOWEN For any child or adult.
In answering be sure to tell us the name of the paper in mediocre effort and mere apolo fro. and demands both our admi.
which you saw this advertisement, It a tonic nutriment.
gies for things intended does not satico und wol hearted support The Orchestra TAILOR in Address ALPHEUS BANCROFT, WASHINGTON, D, C, succeed in any sphere of human for Cristobal includes, among No. M Street San Migue (Atention Clerk No. 12. 1438 (You) Street endeavour. Raiber, it retards others, Madame Olga King up ambitious efforts. Credit for doub. dly our most aecotnplished Panama City Advertise in the WORKMAN it wil bring you good results.
The Workman BOOK STORE Doriability and her om promoted av the politicar y cor institution, other cognition.
Contra Crespo PEG district are of music, and singers.


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