
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY NOVEMBER 12. 1927 PAGE FIVE Coca Cola Coca Cola and one work in the Cocg Cola Olga King effected in searched his the repre a Sary.
CANAL ZONE NOTES πο Cousi Sia. STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 ATLANTIC SIDE Colon Division No.
Colon Boys Institute Twenty one Juniors to 877 observes Carveys Complete In Elocucion Pastoral Visit And Sewing School For Girls Day.
Special Reception Commander Watson of the Twenty one juniors from all Meeting. ra her enjoyabl tinº wa Colon Boys Institute. hereby over the Istbaus will take part calls the attention, of the many in the Al Isthmian Jualor Elocuspent at the ball of the Colon to be held pothers of the elty of Colon tion Contest Division 877 NI on at Papama that effective December the La Pastor Wlkins of the Sunday night, the h Ins. The Boca Club Salem Mission, Colon, who has first, he will be starting a sewing house this evenise under What could be more refreshing than school for girls at the Institute. Lf Problem Club of Li Brer.
the suspices of the Women been visiting the United States spacius halls wa ful toov wing and was tastils decorated during the past three and a hal with red black and gre Flitis auxillary will be run by three Nesly all the prominent literary years in the Interest of his lowing the regular wekly exir.
an ice cold bottle of up to date dressmakers. Wroed in tailoring siso. For futber in societies from Cclon 10 Panama mlasida work, retarded to Coloncises and lengthy and attractive via the West Indies, visiting his literary and musical prox formation please ap, ly to the are to be represented by janiors Institute.
in this.
family and missin branchia President Florence Smith will be took a rendered in which were Barbados, whepce passage on S, Venezaela for Dendable tal ne.
presented some rare and comIntrodoco the Cristobal.
Boy Sent to Institute for beha, Wade, se perd after a hard day work Daring the course of the meet.
One Year.
tindent of the Panama WesDarlos bis stay in the States, ing the Divisions new maatelleyan Cirenit, will preside as the pastor has been making a piece clock was unveiled Do you know that more peaple agree on this than close and careful study of mission about a dozen Dew renbers re Chairman. Miss Lena Moulton of Norman Willex 18 years was LA Boca wid render the vocal solo New York and other cived.
on electing a president, and sentenced for Colon with a view of affiliating year Leanor after which the com.
Boys Inhis work ou bere and branches carried out with an air of solThe unveiling of the clock was stitute being an (ficer of the petition will start. After the of same in the West Indies, also meni y which touched many a wbite spider gang. Wiliex was liberation of the jajges Mrs.
competition and during the deto obtain the necessary support heart present. At the appointed arrested by Reid second 10 will also render a vocal to prosecure said work. Having time the o chestra suddenly command of the Colon Boys In solo entitled The Message of continues with its ever increasing popularity.
same connection with stliute, under suspicion by his the Rose suspended a lec in thit wis by distine uisbed be original Christian Mission of bei Got enschalk, uniform, after be It had to be good to get where it is, 7, 000, 000 a day, wblle Miss Guille, no Jump will the United States ur der whose being rendered, and while You was taken to were being the institute, be was render auspices Elder Wilkins has made by President Moulten the violin selection after this is more than all other drinks combined.
Cmdr. Watson, and by decision of the judges and la boured for many years in the clock slowly came to a sharp dagger was found in veiw, his fore the presentation of prizes, West Indies and the Guianas: as. Mrs. Robert Smith, by means pocket also a badge which If your dealer cannot supply you a phone call will with The Superintendent of Schools a spider and was pinned of an attracted necessary changes for the future the Sareen which concealed it tbe Canal Zone and two ladies under the left breast of his bring the goods to your door.
After working of the various churches As the dial was fully exposed, to be the Judges of tbe Contaken to the Inspector o Police, he said that under his control as travelling the hour of ten struck.
test: he deter mined to make a clean sweep 01 THE CONTESTANTS AND THEIR Superintendent, a visit At 11 30 tbe E:bopian National the street with all these vagama at this time became teces Piecas THE which bas bcen made Anthem brought the evenings bonds and be was sent to the Institute for one year. Fitz James and Roderick the occasion for much rejoicing proceedings to a close.
PANAMA COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY Dhu. Scott. Master Herin the Salem chapel at Colon, mon Bayoe wbere a raception held on 2000 lustrated Serv ce of Songs PANAMA; 65; PHONES COLON; 84; The Gettysburg Address back. Master sil Crazwell day evening 118, at which Our Motto is The Colon Waley Chu chaoalmost all of the various cl) ei Master Herbert MeFarlane sp cial Not. com formist ministers at the sources Temerance CLEAN GOODS Atlantic side shared with one or service to take place o: Surday, La Boca Pars Edward The Me dera Caio: Evans Hilda Forth from Papaina when the the 20. inet.
at 11 am and 30 The Evils of War. Miss following took a prominent pm when the Rev. ER Wade will be the preacber. part:Clarie Simpson Garage To Be Built part: Special sessio of Plantonic Master Anthe Sunday Rev.
of the Wesley School will also be addressed br.
drew Bote Methodists, Rev. Wiliamson the Revd gentleman ar p. o.
Upon request of several Colombus. Joaquin Miller the Baptists, Two Salvation owners of automobiles here it is. Master Arnold Anglia odicers, Rev. Tylür Best, and of the following evening an illusunderstood that the Government Twenty years in Prison course the leading figure being urated servic: of so 88 Given in is considering the advisibiiity of Master Earnest Fields the actiog pastor of the Salem charze will be rendered.
building garage for rental. 9. The Vagabonds. Master Mission Mr.
Rogers; all of whom building has already been as Leonord Wilson delivered tall addresses of com Local Troops Prepare signed to a few owners who are 10. The Great Temptation mendation of the work accom To Honor Passing Offic als Qow waiting for the authorities Al ce Horton. Miss Lacille plished by the Rer. Wilkios etc.
o bave it remodeled and other Clark etc.
The regular monthly meeting. AND improvements made leading int. 11. Ginerva. Miss May SimRev. Tyler Best was chairman the local Associatioa of Baden monds who did justice to bis call to the Powell Boy Scouts, Colop District 12. Absolam. Willis.
chair with a lengthy program o took place at th3 esleyan Another Big Debate Master Nelville Quarless various musical and otber items Mission house on Friday th Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages 13. The Fugitive Slave of interest to tbe particular Master George Toppin fold of the flock as emphusiz al Ath inst, The Rev. Cousins, Messrs Walker and 14. The Drum. From Douglas by Rev. Cousins. Pastor Wilkins chalr man presiding.
Reynolds have been appointed Jerold Nag. Miss Aminta Summary of Contents: items on the is returning to the States in the Among the eaders of the airmative and nege spring Agenda were 1b brrangements History of West Indies! Cricket for 60 years ive, respectively, of the follow. 15. The Wreck of Hesperus to be made for the reception of Crom, assistant Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, ing debated to be conducted Longfellow.
Miss Edna S he La Boca Athenam on th Commissioner Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Smith 29 inttant: Resolved. That 16, The Spatleb Champion missioner the. Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, Lawyer is Justified in trying to Mrs Hemang Master VerTo the Editor The Workman will be passing through on their secue the Acquittal of bis Cilent BS Smith Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual wbep be knows him to be Guil. 17. Radzis (Address to the Bir: Many are too lodifferent way to Australia during the ponth of December.
Players y. The li aders have not yet Romans. Miss Lilian Mc of their Vital loterests.
appointed their supporters.
Lean It was decided that the recep18.
Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and It is not because there are not Verses. Wo Cooper.
voicas crying in this Isthmiar tion tak the form of a combined Interesting Juniors Elocution Contest 19 Custos Last Charge.
Master Osborne Quarless wilderness journeyings ctased parade of all the troops in the as it carnivorous District, and a march pagt to be Price 50cts.
Miss Miriam Mosely animals of prey that so many of followed dy combined camp 20. Look Aloft. Mies Iarthy This evening Dear unto twenty Hinds our people still seem asleep o: dre. Further details will be Juniors will take part in the testing is sort of drunken published as early as possible.
Junior Elocution Contest under 21. The Bravest Battle.
Secure yours now there will be a great rush dream land as regards their thea auspices of the Women Life Miss Myrtle McKinnon future.
for them, Problem Club. The Contest will Now Field Superintendent.
be beld in the auditorium of the correspondent a person of means Copies may be bad from the office of the WORKMAN Just Smiles Olubbouse.
yours being in my humble judge Rev. F, Wilkins, pastor of Panama Several competitors are exDected from Colon. Both the La Baby Girl: Nurse, shall have Boca Athenaeum and the Alliance a mustache on my lip like daddy people news organ in this re: the Salem Mission, corner of 3rd to it for the purpose of getting the Isthmus a few days ago, after public. would specially donat street ard Broadway returned to Literary Society of Cristobal will when grow up?
be well represented.
Nuree Pretty often dear, exspecial edition of your baving been absent in the United out a pect.
paper, running such a ticles lo States for about years.
News Notes ss than one month ago and is their entirety what Rev. Geo.
the new ot lodge of the order of St. Peter Church Friendly coloured man employed to On Monday night last a recep published Austin wrote and Mechanics in Colon, Girls will give Colossal Harvest Thanksgiving serpices about West Indians in Panamation was beld at the church for wash wiodows at a certain factory will be at the in Boston was working as moderate.
in paper, that of Bishop the Rev, Gentlemin, Miller Budapest San. Woyto regresentatives of different re: Colon Baptist church tomorrow. postponed cup match be ly that his actions might very well special article, all of which hav ligious denominations were pre to the morning the pulpit will treen Wanderers and Viebe termed sl) motion.
been reproduced and produced the little church sent and gave welcome addresses be occupied by the pastor, Rev. tori. will played at the The numerous friends and admi Why don you burry a little and distribute Babe freely one and the meeting was erj yable will be a children service, a pother on the Mt. Hope Oval Roca, will be pleased to bear that and de other am slower than dis in local Papama news organs, was packed, Williamson, at p. Colon baseball park tomorrow and rers of The Girls Friendly Sociatv mcrep demand his employer.
of St. Peier By Tde Sea, La Bosa, Ah bas only two speeds Mr. Wilking is now Field and our people it baply it would aid superintendent of the Christian Cousins of the Colon Wesleyan Sussex night the Rev. 8, between Westmoreland and the popular girls have arranged to one.
in woking them up.
Mission of the United States of church will be the preacher.
treat them to a Colcs al Party at Then would start on its way and as such it is not the famous La Boca Clubhouse on the much needed West Indian that his present stay At a recent committee meeting he evening of Thursday, Decem.
news paper, to be printed and in will be The Rt. Rev. Mais It was decided to cancel the in ber 15. 1927. Blue dresses will published in their own name and During his absence the Salem Wednesday morning last from St. Vincent Catholic lendly und ladies who inteod patronizing tegui, Bishop of Colon the officers of the worn by the girls on the occasion SINALCO right, and keep at it will somea Mission was under the care of thing has been accomplished and Mr. Rodgers, clerk of the Los Angelos California. afterSociety, which was previousls them are requested to be attired in Regulates the stomach OD, and op.
church, and through his guid. Lordship arrived on the s. day the 15th Inst.
aanounced to take place on Tues stay of several months. His gives healthy and natura It was the the same color. To gentlemen will sleep, Mr. Editor, time and Epace ance things have made excellent Mongolia at Balboa and jour intention of tbe members to make be sold blue rosettes at the gate.
dont permit me to give you a progress. The resent state of The well known Isthmian SyncoSynopsis of things which have affairs speak very creditable for neged across the isthmus by the this occasion distinctive func. pators will furnish the music, and first Atlantic side happened in our community Mr. Rodgers and those who were tion, but due the death of the everybody knyws what they are during the days in associated with him.
Rev. Carter it was deemed capable of doing. So get your tick: the end for the benefit of those who fitting to forego the ceremony.
which we have been celebrating The preachers at Colon Wesley et on time and prepare to juin the may attend late and therefore Panama 24th birth anniversary, big crowd that night.
could not enjoy the first part of Advertise in the WORKMAN it will church tomorrow will be Mr.
tan there are a few stod brings you good results.
but Kicnimouth, Principal of Red Oa Tuesday night the 15th. tbe the entertainment, should said, and Sep OOS adjudge the Tack Colored sehool, in the Symphony Orchestra from the Ever Ready Band To Give Doors will be open at 30 m, WORKMAN columns ihe proper NATIONAL PHARMACY worning and the Rev. Pacific will be at the Cristobal Williamson Slver Clubhouse, Many are preGoncert GATUN place for them, please permit paring to be present and the Santa Ana Plaza space in your next for same, popalarity of the event suggests The Ever Ready Band while beg to remain, faithfully Central Avenue The Alpha Lodge, No. 35 a crowded bou:e.
newly organized Social Club, will Miss Leaana Perry popular yours, has announced its make its debut before the public member of the younger set, was Very Interested Observer.
For fresh Drugs, Patent first annual ball to take place at at Red Tank Clubhouse on Mon admitted to Ancon Hospital during the A: tall, sth street The WORKMAN can be had day right, the 21st inst, in a varie the week suffering from an attack Rent receipt books in Spaniel Medicines, Perfumery, and on Wednesday night, the 23cd. at the La Boca Restaurant and at ty concert. The program promises of malarial fever. Miss Perry is and glish for sale at the Rubber Goods inst. commencing at o clɔck, House No. 971, Jamaica Prado to be an unusul entertaining one, reported to be improving nicely.
The Alpba Lodge was formed La Boca. pantomine will be given at She occupies bed 24 in Ward 19, Jump Мај 9 Living in Expectancy MD, Power, chiel com pon wer, by Mr. Editor, were your humble Rev. Wilkins Returns ment the only purely culored as Party.
long be past few a


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