
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY NOVEMBER 12, 27 Package No. 2775. first was bald, and carried himself The Prosperity Tailors PThe delicious rich, thick, fruity SINALCO Makes meals appetizing. O CLEANERS DYERS No. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 bowever, made a few steps forward and reiterated the question that be bad put to the employee, but this time in a voice of less assurance. Continued in next issue. Jamaiacns For Banana Fields At Brazil.
for five On the days.
DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING OF THE HIGHEST ORDER Work Done While You Wait foto 2775 TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED Alter tions and Repairs at reasonable Prices Ladies Garments carefully handled Company question. REID Manager The Jamaica Mall of the 25th ulto. states that Lord Vestey British Bonama Co. Ltd. is en gaging quite a few Jamaicans to important positions on the company farms in Brazil. Soms of the parties have already sailed for the South American republic to take up their positions. Others are to follow: It can be stated that all the parties bave bad considerable experience on banans estates in this island. Some of them were connected with the United Fruit Otber Jamaicans bave been drafted fron Central America for the same purpose It is learnt that the Blue Star Line, of which shipping company Lord Vestey is also Chairman, has placed an order in the United Kingdom for the construction of 10, 000 refrigerated steamers to augment the company feet in conection with the carriage of frezen meat, bananas and other cargo from South America to England.
As already announced by this journal, It is confidently expected that Lord Vestey company will be approached by the Government of Jamaica and also by the Culɔntal office authorities to provide.
this island to England and vice shipping service from versa in connection wi:h the marketing of bananas to be provided by members of the Jamal CA Banana Producers Association Lid.
as an package; it wa six days.
SHES Past 2003 JIT Viola abril 2011 Senare telaio SILVER 00!
man, specti with an air of calm dignity. TRANSLATED FROM THE French) body recognized him as the Publie Prosecutor, accompanied by his Secretary, BY CERAN THOMASOS.
On the 16th of January, in the up in that direction that a gentleAttention was so wholly taken year 18 there arrived in Paris, man who al gated from a train consigned to the railroad station of from Lyon and desired to get some Lyon, a case from the town of information could hardly make Grenoble. It was to be left there himself heard.
till called for. It had no other address but a card pasted on the Look here said he to one of lid, bearing the name Alfred Joly. the railroad employees, will you bo s, written by band.
please tell me?
It was a rather large, case, built Tell you what? answered the of wood and solidly na led. But man.
it was in no wise different to aby! It the third time ve asked other case e of its kind, and together you if you have not received a case with other packages it was placed to be left till called for.
in the outhouse. There it remained Which case. case handed in at Grenoble, morning of the sixth day six days ago the head warehouseman sat in the shed having his break ast and Grenoble! Six davsi He was per The empl vyee gave a jump.
at the same time reading the news paper, when a strange odour caused haps the murderer!
him to raise bis head.
He asked the unknown to follow It was a nauseous odour, like him, made him pass quickly the that of decomposed ment. He at group of ople wto were finjetting once called a warehousemso.
about the door of the Chief of Police, and suddently pushed him Is there any game here? he the office.
asked. No, there nose, the man who come to claim packape No. It this gentleman, said he, replied It strange.
And the chief, accompanied by The perecnage thus introduced his assistant, began to make a tour was a tall me with long beard, of the shed, smelling the packages tanned complexion, and resolute one after the other, and finally air. He was wearing a pelisse, and discovered that the odour proceedhis manners were distinguished.
ed from the case in Obviouely if be were the assassin It had been thawing for a few he was not one of the yulgar type.
days; it was that circunstance, no He seemed slightly impressed at doubt, which had caused the warn the crowd in the office and the fact ing of the interior of the caso. At that he was che focus of attention, all events it was astonishing that a The silence was profound, He, should have been perioder mitter ordinary was, moreover strange that no one had claimed it for the And that Mr. Alfred Jolybois written by band on the card, who knew him? The sender was one Mr. Louis of Grenoble. Everybody is called Louis, Pierre, or Paul.
No one was the wi er for it.
From this point to the thought of a crime was jnst cne step, particularly as everyone still had in mind the case found in a railroad station in of the incos cities of Europe col tai proge pred the the body of a woman cut up in pieces.
The smell, the mystery, the insuffiency of address, the case itself, loog, narrow, with the boards bard!
ly planed, were sufficient in the instaoce to awaken the recollection of that horrible discovery.
Just then the sub stationmuster happened to pass by; the bead warehouseman told him of his suspicion. It true, as a matter of fact, agreed the other, and at once be rent for the Chief of Police.
Everything pointed to a crime, The Chief of Police ordered that the box be opened.
Then was disclosed something horrible. Lying flat at the bottom of the oase in a quantity of sawdust, without banos, without feet, headless, was a form vaguely human in appearadce, so much the mutilations had made it uprecognisable.
dos The skin had been removed. As regards the flesh, it had turned a dark blue colour, hideous to lock at. The ccrpse bore on the breast a large wound, result, no doubt, of the stab of a knife. The crime seemed to date back some eight or ten days.
The Chief of Police ordered at once the removal of the case to a special warehouses and telegraphed to Grenoble. Do you know one Mr. Joly bois. No. So you know one Mr. Louis. No.
It was evident. They were in the presence of a monstrous crime, committed in the midst of the most mysterious circumstances.
At the same time the Chief had telegraphed to Grenoble he had Bent information to the Public Prosecutor.
Already the rumour had spread.
The crowd began to fill the approaches of the private office of the Chief of Police. It was recessary to disperse it. Some thought they recognized the corpse as that of one of the principal business men of Grenoble: others spoke of grand father assassigated by bis Soca basa grand son. There was orly one sarca thing which seemed clear: the corpse wae that of a person of age with a natural stoop and corpulent.
The excitement was at its height at the railroad station.
Suddenly there was a movement!
in the interior of the office; a small man wearing glasses had just en tered, accompanied by another British Officer is SPRAY cept bent. The Cassin was driftlee shore, and hana tapidly on a 150 (Continued from page Between this time and 10, 37 a. when a twing lice was received from M, Snowdrop, various attempts were made by the Tamarisk and two trawlers and tug to tow the Cassin. An 11.
inch towing bawser from the Tama isk parted.
Ah Jost the Cassin during exsbips o ine ing it not been for the Tamarisk getting outline in the early morning, the vessel would have undoubtedly grounded on Hook Point as it is extremely doubtful it her ar chors would have held, About thirty tive feet of the stern of the Cassin was blown off, Nine ct the members of the crew recelved miror injuries.
Osmond Ingrato. gunner mate class, was killed after he had sigbted the torpede coming wer towards tho ship ans realisiug that it might strike the vicinity of the depth charges, ran to the stero with the fotention of releasling them, the torpedo hit before be could do this.
Posthumous award of tbe Medal of Honour was made for sction, and a destroyer was named the Ingram, the first ves.
sel of the United States Navy named for an er listed man.
Commander Veraon, now.
Captian, is chief of staff of the Asiatic fleet. He rceived the Distinguished Service Medal for his services in command of the Casain PILSENER this bo IS GOOD DRINK 19 FOR EVERYBODY Small DENTIST MASONIC TEMPLE Office Hours: 8, am to 12pm 30 to 30 Sundays, Special Appointment Masonic Temple lith St, PO Box 787. CRISTOBAL PHONE: OFFICE 1664 RESIDENCE 588 MARIJAVOR Notice to Correspondents.
Contributors and correspondents are asked to send in their contributions not later than Thursdays to insure publication. This is imperative apd must be adhered to.


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