
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY NOVEMBER 12, 1927 PAGE SEVEN Notice of Removal in England was a The Isthmian Undertaking Co. Ltd.
by 81 Colony, Alter To the Company new Building at No. 12 HIGINIO DURAN STREET San Miguel JOB. PRINTING aware that State in knew the final Appeal WORKMAN PRINTERY an Demerara Legislator Stern Warning By Panama Canal Chief Justice of Association. Continued from page 2)
British Guiana with respect and moderation That is a course which bas been Meets Monday Night 14th adopted by a long line of distinDeperora Oct, 13. am very Inst.
gaisbed wayers serious about it and so long as from time immemorial, and it am in this country there shall be a course be proposed to he fair trial for both sides. So far as Tank District of the Panama The next meeting of the Red adopt. Those very lawyers bow am concerned there shall be no Canal West Indian ever, had always conceded, and THE BUSINESS OF hocus pocus trials behind the Association is arranged for MonEmployees in fact bad always contended for scenes, no matter how highly plae day night the 14tb instant at 30 tbe undoubted birth right of ed the advisers of these hocus po in the Clubhouse as usual.
the British subject to bave de cus trials are. shall seod them, fined accurately and precisely if possible, to a long term of im.
All West Indisas residing in the limits of the authority under which a law is made and to bave prisonment, no matter how high the community are cordially inibrir position may be. bee and order to become better familiar and vited to attend tbe не meeting is its true extent mapped out.
other comments were made therefore bad no obar motive in Anthony de Frietas, with the working of the Associbringing the motion than to as Has been Removed from Calidonia Road Chicf Justice at the criminal On ation, and ses en its purpose of or.
certain whether or not the claim sion of the of the Crown to legislate for Demerara Supreme Banizing our people for the proCourt for the month of October which is deserving of the most motion of our welfare in general, British Guiana was well founded which was resumed at the and he repudiated any intention Law Courts serious consideration especially yesterday morning at to aim at any individual in the The First Court was presided over the present time.
all no el Th individual in by the Chief Justice, Mr. Hector The association has a bright the Colony was responsible for Josephs, Attorney Gener future before and as soon as the power exercised by His al prosecuted for the Crow. while we shall cellency. Any Sovet become throughly other Mr. G, Westmaas discharged organized, our opportunity for might have acte, as His Exthe duties of Clerk of Court.
reaching satisfactory and ellency had done, and therefore amicable solution of our various there could be no complaint problems througb forceful against His Excellency as an inJamaicans Travelling is station will be more assured, dividual. He would say that a as the member of the Court and citi 7174 17 Association will enable it to carry disputed (Continued from page 1)
out its program with greater the right to cercertain whether determination, wbich should in and advise.
or not the claim of th: Crown to course of time prove beneficial Name.
Jegislate for British Guiana did Sbow to our people on the Isthmus.
exist was either a coward or ho 10. This to the Passport Officer. The only way to build ou:did not know bis own right. It The Salvation Army The Hos. selve financially and otherwise would be discovered that the tel Alta, Christins Santiago, lies in the power of organization Crown itself.
Cuba. On the presen ation of this and proper representation, and INVITED THE SUBJECT Coupon, Passergers are entitled to without fear of contradiction, it to raise questions of that sort, One Night Jodeines and three can be reasonably said that the and that the Crown regarded as meals free at the above Hostel, Association is the only capable its own duty it such questions Of every description Salvation Army Officers meet the organization to promote our inarose to have them settled once ships on arrival.
terest as a working group strus.
and for all. On the question of pave a way for DONE WITH NEATNESS Should any passer gers be put fn gling to pave the legality of the claim he was AND our on two cccasions at a quars ntine, when cuit, proceed to future success.
least opinions had been given on the above address. nd avail your. It we will only join the Assoself of th: protection before pro the subject. In the one case it DESPATCH ceering to your destination. The efforts, we could rest assured and strengthen its ciation dispatch by the Secretary of was an opinion expressed in a Oficers will advise and give all that before long plans could be XX assistance possible.
in 1832, and in the other formulated whereby the necesAT THE ace case it was an opinion of the Law Name sary provisions could be made to of the Crown in 1840 PS Show This to the above safeguard our future, dispite the far as be address.
difficult situation controuting us Court of for the British As is well knowe there are.
under the circumstances of present conditions, Empire bad not yet pronounced NUMBER OF SHARPERS opinion on in Kingston who get hold of pros: other great purposes than repreThe Ascociation can serve claimed the opinion of that Court.
peetive travellers the moment they senting us. It properly support It was a question which had been raised from time to time reach the city and under pretence through the century of British of helping them, arrange to robed, it could under the present occupation of the Colony, and whatever they can. The unsuspect management increase its activtherefore should be settled once soy ing country folk have been like ities to the benefit of our people.
children in their hands and this tbe face of everything that is and for all by the Privy Council o sosesses The Privy Couocil was the move on the part of the Salvation belng done, we should take into Army is undoubtedly consideration final Court advantages to of Appeal in all those matters. Any one who attempt to help them and at the be gained by beconing an organsame time let tl em have something should be very careful not to lose group of workers, and we would find there are three more out of their money.
ways any time 10 arriving at a prompt This is a commencement of what cooclusion on the matter, for it may OFbrought before the Privy Council might altimately result in a net. is a very important one, and calls namely. 1) on an appeal from a work Jamaicans in the West Indian, dian worker on the Panama Can tribunal. 2) on an on an appeal by special leave, and (3) on special Central and South American Re al.
public, The Salvation Army reference in a matter before the at The difficulty of the InsulariTha first two related to Santiago de Cuba to the determination of some issue, IS DIRECTED TO GOOD SUPPLY OF ment bere gave erant of 50 for its powerful influence the upkeep of which our Govern te problem is becoming a menace to the progress of our people.
and the third to any question is arising between the Crown and last year, and the demand on it for had increased that it had to be tending towards our disintegrathe subject in a colony. It might also be referred on the petienlarged The Army bas a similar ton and it allowed to continue Panama institution in and at the time for any considerable inbaitant or langth of body or the lectie of any colony, present moment they are negotla our success as a whole which is time will work detrimentally to and on its being admitted by ting for a hostel in Belize, so that not desired by the most intelliHis Majesty Committee alone was referred either Jamsicans soing to Cristobal. Bel gent men among us. The only ize or Santingo will have full way to save the situation is by to the if it is purely a matter of Law protection and advice.
elimination through the process or to a Mixed Committee if it IMMIGRATION WORK of absorption of the various eochappened to be a matter eties into the Association as early It might be mentioned that the as practicable, and the sooner we not only a matter of HO Susan Salvation Army does a good deal made no extraordinary claim that the Body which always claimed of immigration work. At the mo come to the real zition of finding it had the undoubted right to ment they have chartered the convenient and logical solution legislate for the colony sbould do Vedic and are sendiog 500 for this particular difficulty it will be better immigrants so. His Excellency with the to New Zealand and for our people.
advice of the Court had the right AT THEAustralia, from London. The expect We cannot reasonably to legislate for the colony.
Lord Mayor of London, it is said to attain any remarkable degree Mr. Crade cont! nued bis is meeting the young men in Lons of success by dividing and subdon beoire they go off. The work unimportant groups, with each dividing ourselves into small and speech and other members exbeing scale but there is room for group working along entirely done in Jamaica is pressed their views. As above not on so stated the motion was negative development and as immigration different lines and attempting to but the Governor has promised to submit the matter to Colonel Woo SSWEXSO C0330xSOCKS 50 is a phase of Salvation Army work promote the interest of only a Amery. Mr. Brassington voted travellers may expect to be well few concerned, wben it is reallooked after and protected in the Ized that we are all one people, with the Government.
Dear future, working under the same conditions, and have the some future The sharpers about town will, of in view. This method of in 1, 200, 000 Suit THE IDEAL DRINK course be totally against this new ternal division will weaken arrangement because they are like from the very foundation and 09 Against Govt. And SINALCO ly to be forced to find other means will destroy the good spirit of reof earning a livelibood. lationship existing between our Municipality Of Always Delicious Regular. Assortment of Applications for the coupons people from the respective West which will secure protection and Indian Islands. We cannot con: Georgetown.
free board and lodging for intend uinue to dritt apart especially ing travellers to Cuba can be ob siace we bave an association that tained from the Salvation Army can overcome this difficulty and Ex contractors File Writ mination of the contracts.
Men Hostel in Peters Laue, or force the way for our For Damages.
It will be remembered that a SUCH AS the Womens Hostel at the bringing us into one re Cardens or at the Head since this is now known to us, 11 one body, and writ was also flled by the GovernYANAA11 ment and the Town Council TONICS, SOAPS, VANISHING CREAN, SALVE, of the Army at Demerara. Oct. 11 Yesterday cialming 250, 000 from the exTALCUM POWDER, ASPERINE TABLETS, of North Parade and Upper sideration and an attempt should witnessed another step towards Contractors as damages for deKing Street The last named be made to save our people from further litigation arising out of tention of the plant, materials SHAMPOO, HAIR DRESSING Etc. Etc.
would, of course, De best the disastrous consequences that the Sewerage Contract embroglio, and Implements, following upon because there is always someone are threatening our existence on when Mr. De Freitas, Solici the terminatiou of the contracts, there who would be able to look the Isthmus.
be todo acting on beballars quently aled that the defendants subseafter the traveller, In Santiago the Coy.
L:d. the an application for coupons will be issued from the Notice to Correspondents.
tractors) bied a writ in the an order to expunge the writ and Army Hostel there, 07 Deeds Registry lof the Supreme set aside its service. The appli 93 CENTRAL AVENUE This is a very good move and Contributors and correspondents Court claiming 1, 200, 000 from cation was recently heard in the opport anities offered should be are asked to send in their contribu.
the Government and the Town Obambers by Mr. Justice Doug Panama City taken by all who desire protection tions not later than Thursdays to Council (jointly. as damages for lass, LL, who reserved and advice in their travel to the insure pablication. This is imperaalleged wrongful and illegal ter bis decision.
neighbouring republic.
tive apd must be adhered to a the adu THE ATTENTION ized pursued tite matter with care matter ha by wbicba be Friendly Societies and Secret Orders cmy has hostel a Court. The 80 tion of a MINUTE BOOKS AND AND LEDGERS attenim of Law, Suitable for Lodge Business Workman Stationery Store SOSONGOSS a Take Notice Ho Ro Co Famous Products future by quarters of ner place and The Workman Printery


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