p. 7


FULLER MEDIS Dnole ngbt named cyclist had been done.
Book Binding!
Tomorrow Races Bocas del Toro Notes CHURCH SERVICES Seven snappy races make KONGOLENE The Weather AMERICAN EPISCOPAL up the card for tomorrow at Bocas. del Toro, October 31:CHURCH Juan Franco Park. May, Fe.
will srtaighten any hair in 15 There was a good deal of rain nomino, Jake and Intimo will up counury during the past week; Twenty Second Sunday after Trinity stage the first show over minutes without the aid of no mishape, boweuer, bare been St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca reported. It was very wat in furlongs, hot irons or combs.
the city Saturday and yesterday. Hatvest Thanksgiving Services.
There will be two mile NEED The annual Harvest Thank races, the fifth and sixth, the Street and Road Improve giving Services of St. Peters latter to bring together ArleFOR SALE AT THE ment Church will be held tomorrow, the quin. Chombo Gordo, Copi PHARMACY: 13th Inst. The following are the and Lenine.
services scheduled :It Is learnt on reliable authoriHoly Commuuion at 30 a.
The complete program is 149. Central Avenue Panama and at DROP IN AT ty that the National Government Holy Baptism 30 am appended herewith:proposes to make a grant of Matins and address 10. 45 a. mThe New Drug Store 58, 000 per month for the con The Reetor FIRST RACE struction of tbe road from the Choral Eucharist, 11 30, a.
64 Furlongs. Parse 123 5th and Street Colon.
city to Bogue Mouth, and that The Rector this work will be undertaken as soon as tbe reconstruction of rundt. Evensong and sermon, May 107 Flower Service, p. Special Fenomeno 106 122 CENTRAL AVE.
Sixth street is through.
Jakie 113 Infirmo 126 With regard to street recon 30, m. The Bishop or Rev.
You ll Find Them struction in the city, it is learnt Drake.
SECOND RACE that more streets ll be ta5 Furlongs Purse 125 At the p. service the newly BOGLE Moderately Priced. len up after sixth Street has been worked but toat the organized Junior Choir consisting Grafico 112 unfinished avenues of thirty young ladies, will occupy Pistol passing 123 through all the streets will be the stalls, and render special Adio pue 90 Bolivar treet No. 12. 174 put in order.
Carols ete ete. Flowers and fruits Mayoral 123 will be presented at the Altar Dieciseis 126 Rails by the pupils of the Sunday THIRD RACE NEXT TO DAY AND NIGHT GARAGE School before the sermon. The two Little Girl Mishap Choirs of the Church have been Fulrongs Purse 175. BOX 649, CRISTOBAL, TEL. 147, COLON (0:urrencia Eleven year old Wilelmida al practicing hard to make the ser112 (Meelab 97 len narrowly escaped being dasb vice: inspiring, To the general Capitan Alvarado 120 Repairer of all makes of Typewriters Cal.
92 about when bicycle extended. MULCARE.
Kitty Gill 126 on which she was riding collided culating machines, Numbering machines, with an automobile driven by Rector, Pereque 114 Mimeographs, Dictators, Cash Registers, young Samuds. Romarkable St. Barnabas Empire, FOURTA RACE Adding machines, Gramaphones, Sewing she and her wheel Dr. Arnulfo Arias enough, St Bartholomew s, Las Furloogs Parse 135 machines and all other technical machines.
in the compact mounted the car instead of being thrown asid Cascadas Barba Roja 121 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON St Simon s, Gamboa Intimo The trouble seemed to come 94 Zapo 104 New parts supplied Workmanship guaranteed Kemoved his Clinic to Cen about through ignorance on the Service, School Confirmation Dardanela 126 tral Avenue No. 137 halt part of the little girl as to the Class will be held at the usual Colqui 100 ot way, and the accident time at toe above named Missions.
Work done by expert up to date methods block away from the up to occurred after a good deal of Fap 107 MULCARE, date. Drug Store zig zagging by both chaffeur and FIFTH RACE Priest in Charge. Farlongs Parse 175 trial will convince you this is no empty talk, Pharmaby. Wilelmina was immediately Fair Play 109 taken to the government hospi Seventh Day Adventist Revoltosa 103 tal where she was attebded to American Children CALIDONIA Garzona and dismissed; sbe, however, STREET 128 Gravedad 130 never regalned consciousness ROAD wear Isthmian Park PanaNut Taught Coburg 125 till the afternoon of the following ma.
Sabbath (Saturday) 945 a.
Mad Stenbeil day. She seems quite better now 95 Sabbath Senoo. 11. 15 a. GenSIXTH RACE (Continued from page 1)
eral Worship Spanish II Furlongs Purse 250 NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES Class: THE FEELING IN AMERICA 30 Society, Arleq ain 130 meeting 30 Janior and Chombo Gordo 98 New York, October 10. The (BY I, MARKHAM)
Senior Staudard of attainment Copi 107 Why throw away your old, but no Biebep of London charge. in a Class, p. Vespere.
Lepine 95 sermon to the American Legion, An unusual occurence took Sunday Night Nov. 13 1927 doubt interesting, books when you that young Americans are not place at New Providence sbortis SEVENTH RACE Topic taught to love Great Britaia, is after mid night on Sunday morn. Farlongs Parse 175 a repetition of the accusation he The Third Angel Messige can have them neatly bound at Bente ing the Bth inst, was aroa sed Valencia This is the most solemn mes126 made here during his recent visit. out of sleep by one of my neigh sage in the Bible. Is is the last La Neos 118 American newspapers give some Dudoro 128 prominence to the statement which boues et o clock precisely. Wher message before toe coming of Facbendo is 130 on an woke the sky was red from the Christ. It follows the first and etirely erroneons judgment by. Tapagra 107 one Mr. Nathan wide. as addressed 10 any man property of argue that if he has evidence of Edward were on fire, both adja none are exelnded when finished Bandera 90 93 CENTRAL AVENUE any general Instruction here cent each other; the intensity of Christ gathers the harvest of the stimulating hatred towards En the fire prohibited the approrch earth. See R2V 14 16 Death of Anne Mengland he should produce it. of any body. One of the bouses A, GRIZZLE Opposite Cecilia Theatre was occupied by four. American history, in accordance Mr. Osobe in one apartment, and Pastor doza.
with the American point of view, Mrs. Dorris Silva and her about the revolutionary war, as a two infant sons, aged three and Panama Gloe Singers successful revolt against the one The death one year, respectively, in another British effort to IR andounod of prevent self apartment; it appears tbat the Anne Mendoza well known in Government in the American fire had started quite wbile Lewia Dottin, Secretary of fraternal circles, wbo passed to occupants before the the great beyond at o clock on of Americans being awaken out were the Panama Glee and Concert WHITENS THE SKIN of their Bleep Singers Society, announces that Monday morning last, the 7th, taught to hate England the exact insomucb that Mr. Job his Society is now properly organtost, Bfter many months of contrary is the fact.
lingering illness.
Creme Blanc Mirette Never was had to jump out at one of the ized and that a Christmas Choral there a time when England stood windows of his apartment; and Concert is at this so hig out the attention Men duzz was a native of Grehad out of the now. British justice, British her children in the street and she The Glee Singers Society comrada. was well known aud much Marvelous Cream Bancial British Govern. berself followed by jumping out prises many of the city leading beloved by everyone with whom sbe Toe come in contact. She is Prevents and removes freckles, moth patches, survived by a mother who is in sun tan, and other skin blemishes straiut under such serious situa ready on fire, and then she called Ranization is purely and simply Grenada, children, girls and tions as the recent general strike, lor help.
Musical; it and British freedom are freequent by sister; she was a any means and is ready and The other bouse was used by Willing to cooperate with any of member and Past Worthy subjects of eulogy in the United SOLD IN DRUG STORES States.
Mr. Samuel Graham as the various denominational church Mistress of the Mystic Rose The bishop has carried home baker shop. No one can tell es, fraternal societies, charitable Lodge No. 498 of the British Garwith him mischevous ideas whicb, how the fire started; but it would organizations, etc. that may at any Order of Ancient Free in justice both to the United seem that it started from the in time need its service: deners, in this Organization took charge of the States and Britain, sbould be terior of one of the buildings.
funeral and devoted ber all the Just Smiles corrected The bouse of Mr. George Bell on honours of Free Gardenry. She Dr. Nathan Rowe the opposite side of the street British Cunsulate Notice was also caught by the fire but by member and Lady Night of Loyal Victoria Lodge Officer You re speeding. ve PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Died Almost Sudden the people playing water besi they could on same the flames The British Crosul at Panama No. 45 Order of Good Samaritans 11th and Bolivar Sts.
were quickly extinguished. would like to kaow of the whereand Daughters of Samaria. The got to pinch you.
procession started from Sam Mi Fair Motorist Ob, please! Do The Government school bouse abouts of John Ryner and Joseph COLON, Continued from page 1)
Ruel, the corpse was borne bi. it where it wont show!
which is very close by the east e. Ryper both of British Guiana Broe, Stwart. Cuthbert It was dusk as she stomped at BUILDING 10. 123 OPPOSITE cortege moved from his late side, and Mr. Grove house also fronwbem nothing has been heard K, the roadside garage. want a Chase National Bank very close on the west side mira since 1920, residence to St. Paul Church culously excaped the fire, as the Office Hours: a. to 12m McDonald K: Lovell quart of red oil, she said. p. to P.
where the burial Ceremony night was very calm. K, Richardson: The man gasped and hesitated, Box 854, Cristobal, was red by the Rev. The above incident shows the Cliotor. All of the Orders o Good Samaritans, and assisted at Give me a quart of red oil. SINACLO Nightengale, and this urgent necessity of a water supintervals by Bros Waldron she repeated.
OFFICÉ TELEPHONE 320 last remains were interried in ply in this village. This is the Maynard Put your servel to work quart of red oil? DRUG STORE TELEPHONE 154 Herrera Cemetary in the erst time in the history of the P. Cadogan W; Colony that houses bave been depresence of a large gathering stroyed by fire. Both house were a Holligan M, Waldron. Certainly, she said. My tail every day.
of muurners completely burnt down and the of the British order of light has gone out. ancient Free Gardeners, The deceased leaves a wife only thing that was saved was The funeral cortege Wended its Netbersole Wby did you stop FLOWERS and four children, Arthur, Mrs. Daſilva sewing machine.
way to the St. Vincent de Paul singing in the choir?
Fitzagerald, Gladys and very much credits due to Mr. NATIONAL PHARMACY Church where the last funeral Clara, all of whom are in Jator, and Mr, Simistera the Police David Johnson Police Santa Ana Plaza rites were performed by the Featherstone Because one day Priest in Charge and from there if the organ had been fixed, ere didn sing and somebody asked Abogado. Attorney at Law maica, to mourn their loss Officer, who is stationed here, Central Avenue to the Herrera cemetery where OFFICE: No. 44 ST The Workman. joins for the excellent work they perthe mortal remains of the dear with the community in ex formed on the occasion. Mr. Prescriptions carefully prepared Sister were deposited in a spot of land purchased for that Loyal Victoria Lodge, O! BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY tending the deepest condo Josiah Scott who was sick with by graduated Pharmacists fever at the time deserves TELEPHONE No. 1377 lence to the bereaved much praise for the ringing of purpose Sister Etblyn Thomas and of S, officiated as Master relatives and friends. the Wesleyan Church bell, night. The Colonists are also to of Mystic Rose Lodge A. of Ceremonies, Practicing before all the courts of through which the fire alarm be congratulated for the excelofficiated as Mistress of Cere Father in thy Gracious Keeping was sounded throughout the lent order which prevailed monies and Bro Christian of the Leave we now our Sister Sleeping the Republic since April 1914 Advartise in the WORKMAN it will village at that late bour of tha throughtcu.
bring you good results. THE WORKMAN based Instead time engaging Management.
one boy and city which was also a LUDW 66


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