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la boxes with love natives in world to Room VOL 16 No. 15 PANAMA, SATURDAY NOVEMBER 19, 1927 PRICE CENTS Recent Editorial in Workman Britain Exploits Only Womana Alleged to be Washington Denies Plea For Kicked by.
Favourably Commented on Whilo America Exploits Sentencod to Sixty Days Garvey Release For Finanoial Gain.
in Jail.
Wish that Wage Board Will Take Take SAYS RETIRED BRITISH CASE IN HANDS OF BRITISH Will be Deported When Sentence up Matter at Next Meeting. ARMY OFFICER MINISTER Is Served Says States NewsAmericans exploit the natives of paper.
Viola Charles, 23 year old We are gratified to know that our Edi lese sophisticated countries chelle Antiguan woman who it is torial of the fifth instant, on Superannuated ish exploit similar atives for the alleged was kicked into in for guin The INDIANAPOLIS RECORDER says: Marcus Garvey Panama Canal West Indian Employees, has it convencer lebem, sensibility by a Panamanian the soul who produced the greatest program conceived by Critchell lockan James received very favourable comment not only resteren om tilhe addrew weeks ago, was discharged Justice has refused to consider the Il Bal policeman as a result of a modern black men languishes in the Atlanta Federal prison.
a retired officer of the British neighbour quarrel two News comes from Washington that the Department of plea in his behalf for by West Indian employees of the Panama sing ebe uppuvad luncheon of the from the Santo Tomas Hos celemency. It is asserted Garvey falsified income tax Holyoke Club of Canal and Railruad but by employees in Yook at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, pital, tried on Thursday returns in 1922. And due to his heinous crime. and the general in all walks of Isthmian life. The one hundred members of the club night last and sentenced to fact that the influences behind Garvey plea are not active sixty days in jail without the enough he inust suffer in prison, question is said to be at present exercising a Milano tube coafarebes benedite known under what charge sentence has been served out. And this is quite intera do believe Americans are option fine. It is It is further stated Garvey will be deported when his the minds especially of employees with long of American siad Captain Critchell Juan Salaty who arrested her he woud be deported to British territory, civilization on the she was tried but Policeman esting. as Garvey was born a British subject, it is supposed service.
Bultock declaring bibe Americans is said to have reported that rumored he is not wanted there. Again it has but it has been been said We are of the opinion, therefore, that The only were there light she attacked him with a European land grabbing nations have always looked with Obering, guiding we have not been late in touching upon such opening continued on be as Mrs. Charles is still sick as a can Negroes on African soil. And it is posible he would is woman, the stick. It is understood that disfavor on Garvey proposed to establish a nation of Amerian all important subject, and it is to be hoped and point where were here to time wacha result of the encounter with be denied entry to several European countries on their evil. dry risee that when next the Board on Silver employ thing as chivalry, where she com the policeman.
petes extent ees meets to discuss matters pertaining to their he knows she will take the bread case is in the hands of the American Negro, this cannot be denied. And it is a sad We understand that the Marcus Garvey revealed a new vision and hope to the welfare, it will see its way to take up In opening his speech Captain British Minister.
array of things if enough forces cannot be marshalled to free this very worthy cause.
Critebell Bullock siad he saw him from prison and restore him in a measure to his own.
written across the door to civili city. believe there is more ra: zation the inscription Father Drowns Daughter to trance to Dante inferno, Abed in France than with the stenogra.
com asce comes the first of the field West Indian Commercial Com. We countenance in civilizat on End Her Sufferings today mass ophappiness, he said to establish permanent quarters The Mount Holyokesčiatbe voted pany to be Formed at Colon Woman countenances it in her on the twenty and twenty first soul we can bardly recognize it. Barbizon Building, Charged. for Murder but Acquitted to restoren more happinesamone Lexington Avenue at Sixty thià Issues Prospectus Calling for Capital the Eskimos of the Far North Street where Wellesley Radcliffe by Jury.
the blacks of Central Africa than and Cornell women bave opened of 50, 000 have ever seen in New York beadquarters.
London, Oct. 24. think that the state of the law, and we must Reasons For Breach of Review Of The of Colon, who is also well know. Canada, ewery. conceivable article: the instance of Mr. England, Germaoy. France and if a law that three.
Williams, Contractor and Builder from the United States and medical certificates justify the put The jury acquitted Davies of ting away of any person who is in Promise Suit a hopeless position as regards life the charge of murder after bilcircles, that Symphony Concert dred errepresentatives of various repuired for the home consumption teen minutes consideration and death it would be a very great felt that had done nothing from the American Review The following has been called lodges and friendly, societies, and will be carried in improvement. BY MUBICA)
No person or parsons will be others gathered at the Gıbriel soid Davies in an inter Reviews and respectfully referred Union Lodge It would only be humanity and view afterwards. felt that of 6th In poiat of musical and artistic street and common sense.
was justifind in what had hap. to the ladies, to poté carefully sod value the mixed Concert gives at day Diebodson Lage on Memployed by the company to handled its merchandise, except last the Sir Arthur Conan Döyle made pened. How could my father eit file: person or persons be a share the Cristobal Silver Clubhouse on cousider the advisabiliy and holder, no person will be allowed view with a Daily Express re koowing that it was simply The modern woman may eat Tuesday eventng by the Panama posibility of forming a company to take more than ten shares in the presentative on the subject of a ing path of misery and pain to pew era which have dawned for party, the latter sensational murder trial at Chester death.
ber, she invades the effice as man Madames Olga King and Adela including Commercial Company.
This Company will not confine Assizes on Saturday, when the jury My boys, Albert, aged seven, qual and commands independence Walker Headley, sopranos; Mr. on the matter and the general but will extend its operation to Many epeakers gave their views its operation to merchandise alone found a father not guilty when he and Stanley, aged live, and little in the home. Yet she can, if she Davis, tenor; and Miss feeling was accu. ed of killing his three. Jean, who is three, known nothing wishes, still claim that she is Doris Rodney, Pianist, was the worthy one and would be sup of its Directors is deem profitable.
a od daught to ber suffer disease.
ader. of all this, he added. They hare belpless creature totally dependent best of its kind ever bell on this portes.
cared for in a bome at mao and matriowany for a side. At to its place as a first class At the end of each year The father, Aloert Elward Birkenhead. bave not seen them velihood. o the eys the great with out best, Mr. Colem in when the scheme will be presented called and a divident declared.
Davies, a shipyard labourer aged yet. They think am away at majority of women are satisfed to who arranged for it deserves the the public, after waich a finite city will be asked to be Treasurer It was decided that at an early meeting of the Share Holders will of the law musical entertainmeat it ranked is date a mass meeting will be called be twenty eight, is a widower. He rea, and tonigit they have responsible gentleman this sat up at night tending the told that my ship has come bome. bave it so.
mach credit.
child and watching her suff rings. am going to carry out my The allows steps will be taken to register the and that gentleman will of At nine o clock Mr. Hun campany and put shares on the to give bonds for the counsel, was tertured beyone corde de deception thoroughly. have to recover damages for breach of safe keeping of the funds of the company. All ter of Silver City fittingly intro market.
shining bought some presents, which he said bimeli, It broke my Pam going to take core them in the example of the modern woman duced Mr. George Abbott, prospectus of the company. Chase Bank at Cristobal in the money must be deposited in the heart to see Elsie suffering.
and Mr. Garfield of appears below filled a bath with water and pluced morning. The children will be told inconsistency, and is unjust to the Manager, these presents have come from a poor male li calls down sbame Murray, Director of the Orchestra has been isued but it uoder name of the company.
beria it.
foreiga land with me.
on the fair name of woman, der the Orchestra, well as the other members of stood that it may be modified in Share Holders can pay in part or The child who had been suffering Monday am going to clares woman and then may respects.
The whole is in most convenient for from tube eulosis, was so near a new career.
alimony law which enables childrehes by Harold iminediately Citizen them. All shares taken must be The each member of the Party, the playing the PROSPECTOUS death that the doctor had the ceroverture paid up within three months.
This Company shall be called. tificate ready. med:cal witness bebe liabide bodied sichero e prossing live thereafter. This item was well. THE WEST INDIAN. COM at the trail said that the slighest Classical Entertainment parasites is movement would have been suffifair; but the breach of promise received, but Director Murray MERCIAL COMPANY. The Two Dead. Aro Still cient to canse fatal shock, and The Eve y Ready Band will. 80 profitable to the blonde oli mark and so iaformed the audience Capital of this Company shall bal Allvo And Woll.
not shoek niet drowning was the cause stage their first Classicai. En tertain. doubtful agº, is worse.
ence 55, 000. Fifty Thousand Dollars through the. Mr. Hunter of ber death.
pant at the Liberty Hall Street. The practice grew up in the dava Mrs. King Lahairmang the Haptor u. to be raised by Common The Reverend F. Nightengale a hea the Church rae the courte. vincial Song by Dell Acqua, Shares BD, rector of St. Pauls Church, Mr Justice Bromsog said in his Div. 17.
summing up The one thing that It was transferred bodily into Ten Thousand Shares be the of this city, was reported dead on train and stands above all others is that Da Company Get ready to bear the Rolling English commɔn law, and from though a pas bespattering Aproximate Number, this shall be Monday last while be was visiting there it shower of rain was adopted into ton vies if he did take the life of the town, and on vided into Moities of 5000, each bis flock out the Dont miss the opening panto Americaocode with apparently detracted from the first part salvernized child did so only from a motive of at 5, 00 Five Dollars per Share. Thursday morning it was a 80 remine, not thought as to Every love and spmpathy for she child the singer, who articu in a changed society.
on the Isthmus are expected that 16 year old Ju es Boissiere of suffering.
with Foop For THOUGHT Now Providence Firo based on far shakier grounds than could be heard in the second halfpisation male or female can before of heart failure. Both breach of promise suit may be apparently trained melodious voice to take from one to tan Shares and La Bocs, had died suddenly the every of such day parties were very to his charge to the grand jury Estimated at 750 action for divorce. It is suffit very good advantage. beauti: ed when friends and sympatbizers the judge said. It is a matter cient for che aggrieved lady to inl and well merited bunch of take from one to ten Shares.
which have food for thought when one comes to consider that had this From information received in convince the jury by her owa roses was presented to her by Miso nis Company shall have for its flocked to their respective homes proper management Board of only to find them alive and going poor child been an animal instead this office relative to the fire which tearful protestations that the man Lillian Welch of Silver City held out hopes of matrimony to Directors consisting twelve sirong.
of Mr. Du vis, a eemi falof a human being 20 far from oecurred at New Providen se on her, and that she is entitled to setto tenor, Baog well the solo competent men to cooduct itsWhile Rev. Nigo! engale WAS there being anything blameworthy the Gatun Lake, on Saturday the the impor somewhat ill the day before his redamages, affairs also to see to ia the man action in putting an 5th inst, it has been stated that For You Alone by Geehi, with lation of the necessary merchan: ported detth. but had fully re.
Damages for what? The law violia obligato. laugh provok dise that may be required from covered, young Boissiere was hale ent to its suffering he could actu the damage done by the ally have been liable to punishment tion is estimated to agra bods that a woman may recovering climax elicited an enthusiastic time to time, Goods of all descript. and strong when be read of his if he had not done so.
That is 75. U, Cy. Continued on page continued on page 8)
be imported from eud on Thursday moring.
Oooooo At stock, wrong corper 10 Puch nge from ongs deadly being often sat and He start the ia group, 11 the roofing the The solo, Lodge much about ion will


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