
THE WORKHAN SATURDAY NOVEMBER 19, 1927 PAGE FIVE Christmas Cards! Good Assortment now on Display Get your supply early, mail on naeum to service gym the dull times and the pockets of all.
of a boys bome in the city of Colon Greeting Cards we baskets ones of Coca Cola ie wayward the the ATLANTIC SIDE CANAL ZONE NOTES Osbourne Quarles Wins Colon Boy Institute Successful Harvest Juniour Elocution ConFestival And Reformatory For test.
Boys And Girls At St Peter La Boca Master Osbourne Quarless of Cristobal can e first in the All Isthmiin Junior Eocution Contest WATSON EFFORTS The Harvest Thanksgiving helt here on Saturday Festival at St. Peter s, Bocs, uader the auspices of the Women evening last That in the history of Panama last Sunday, wis one of the most fe Problem Chub. Master Quarthe efforts of David Valentine at the sucessful held at this Church in less was number 18 on the program Watson Ex Soldier to many years. From am till of twenry one competitors two of rescue and reform the wayward 11 members acd friends whom failed to appear. He was youtb and bring them into the WORKMAN STATIONERY STORE were seen enteri the sacred entered as a representative of the way di ice with their harvest gifts Alliince Literary and Debating of usefulness is not only undenialle, but exceedingly compalms, Awers, vegetable and Socie y of the Cristobal Silver mendable and more than wɔrtby truit which the coration Com Clabbouse, in which society he is of proper support from all phases mitte arranged most tastefully now serving as President of the of isthmian soc. ely, speaks for your relatives on th walls of the church and jurior department, Itself.
also and around the 100 Altar. Oa the wbol The second prize was won by It it a pity, however, that con and friends abroad.
the interior of St Peter very Mis Aminta Jump of La Boen, an ticuously, those of us wbo watch nucb resembled a well ordered entry from the La Boca Athewhat is being done, now it is Experiment Garden at th: comdone, the terrible badicaps in its doing etc, should feel it riecesletion of the decoration. The third prize went to Master sary to call the public sit. ntion All the services were well Andrew But of Panama representand its neglect or the PRICES the most reasonable to meet attended. At both clebratior sing the junior department of St.
neglect of the sources whence it of the Holy Communion scores Vincent de Paul Society.
sbould call forth more of members camu icated. At Nineteen well groomed boys and patby and support tban it has 3, 30. a Flower Sprice wis girls each of whom was well prebeen civisk througbout the beld. This service was espcially pared for the contest, took the several for the Church school children, platform and acqu. tted themselves naars of it undertaking.
but large numbers of adults well, thereby staging the most efforts in the estabt were in attendanow, and upgrudi successful junior elocution contest ALSO itgly accorded much praise to over held on the Isthmus, were at the time of the Junior Oboir for the accurate the prizes to be distributed to its inauguration and LOW fine supply of and melodivus droner in which psychological from the polot of they rendered the spcial Psalm, the wianers have been ordered view of where youth was drifting the Canticles and the Carols from the United States and was to in a country that bolds out These adult felks also spoke announced by the chair nan, Rev.
poor prospects of a useful and encouraglog future to the young suitable for Lodges and Friendly Societies.
commendably of the presentation Wade, to be valuable or Awers and fruits in book.
the present your generation, growing up surrounded by Vices and bags by the littles of every sort knowa and imigin the school The Rector was the echos Farce Comedy By able, with tenement conditions at the mid day and preachoon gervices Koowing the eobancing to poverty, disea89 spiritual needs of his flock, be Athenaeum and crime. the like of wbich only News Notes dw it on some of the lessons a blind and willful ol will dare which. Harvest Thanksgiving Oa of the main attractions on deny.
Festival is intended to teach.
the program of the Athenaeum THE PROBLEM FAR FROM MET Mrs. Cousins Superinten variety entertainment which is to The two Choirs, consisting of be held at the Clubhouse on TuesDespite Watson accomptendent of the junior Christian fifty eight members combloed at day night December 29 1927 will lisbments with his boys instiEndeavour Society and junior the right service, and enhanced be a faree comedy entitled Christ tute in Colon and what it has classes of the Colon Wesley Church in no small degree, the inspira mas Boxes. It is expected to be already done, not only for arranging to give the children tional element of the service one of the most genuine laugh youth, but a Tree 26th in the belp tbe in prox One of the prominent lodges 10 of this city hrs promised her a barstitute bag rendered to a parent preacher Taking for bis text here, a guardian there, as well rel of apples for the occusion and Cbronicles 29, 14. hº delivered What could be more refreshing than as the various courts lo taking it is expected that many others sermon. After tha presentation an appropriate and thoughtful Coming Big Debate care of cblldren baving lost a will follow suit.
father, in some cases, a mothar an ice cold bottle of of the Offerings. Ta Daou Liud in the otbers or both parents, and repitition of the Biblical dram amuz Was sug by the Choirs Next Tuesday Evening there will courts, where an already a Queen Esther Dream which aod Congregation, after which be another good program at the was staged at the Cristobal Sils the closing Prayers were sald, and La Boca Athenaeum, Messrs waywar cbild was fast tecomver Clubtouse during the past Blogeing pronouoced by the ing a menance to society and a Reynolds and Walker are pest to the custodians of law and month bas been announced to the Rɔctor.
to appear as pricipals in a debate after a hard day work Itake place at the same place on on the subject. Resolved. That Tuesday the 22nd inst. This is Young Boissiege Not These are essentials to human a lawyer is justified in trying to by special request.
Dead comfort and safety which, lo the secure the acquittal of his client history of the community in Do you know that more people agree on this than although be believe him to be guilty, which we reside bave been acknowledged by executive as well on electing a president, and Thriving Little Business Rumour of the death of 16 Disastrous Fire Avortyear old Jules Boissiere who lives Witbontoial authority, and are The Colon Book Room contradiction Hence ence and with his mother, brothers and sis ed By Efficient Firo our claim at time for greater Novel y Store on Bolivar Street, ters, charged the air bere on Thursnear 7th is a thriving little business day morning last resulting support said work, and in Fighters charges of its neglect by those continues with its ever increasing popularity, and to all appearances will be numb:red among the leading Aucking to the Boissiere home to numeruos friends and residents with means of such support. Aud The Panama Fire Depatment establishments of this city.
as to that of it being a problem It had to be good to get where it is, 7, 000, 000 a day, condole with the family, the young averted what would have been a yet unsolved from the daily rethis is more than all other drinks combined.
is not many months since Mr. mao being father death not of Calidonia on Tuesday afternoon sole support most disastrous fire in the vicinity ports we read in newspapers of Chas, Lowe, well known to musical following his recently an emvarious sings of hooligans, from But Spider to the breed in the If ployee of the National City Bank, bie death otwithstanding that when its efficient fire fighters sucyour dealer cannot supply you a phone call will and cessfully coatrol:ed a fire which decided numbers and crimiia on this venture and daring reported in one of the morning destroyed several rooms bring the goods to your door.
nal offences in the country, it is the short time bis progress has been papers which probably caused many ement building on 1st 25th Street very manifest that many things of pre owned by Geueral Nicanor de are yet lacking in order to cope Mr. Lowe is also isthmian agent paration to attened the funeral in Obarrio. The real cause of the fire with said conditions.
THE one, of which recently arrived for found to be alive and enjoying very theory was advanced that it start, What are they? One of the the Episcopal Young People good health on that day. He was ed in one of thù rooms in which a most noted jurists that PANAMA COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY Society, and for Milton pianos of still alive today lighted lamp was left while others ccoupled the highest seat of the United States.
bel eyed that it was. caused by tribunal of the Canal Zone and PANAMA; 65; PHONES COLON; 84; faulty electrical arrangements.
Notice to Correspondent As the latter theory was confirmed whose sboulders rested the great responsibility of Our Motto is Riany Hear Bishop later by members of the electrical heal ib essentials, both including Very (aterested Observer department several pessons who in their studies and close atten LEAN GOODS tion the conditions goder wbicb The Cathedral of the Immaculate will appear in our next issue.
Your contribution received and have been ordered arrested for our pecple (colored) live, in the Conception, Colon was packed to investigation were released.
terminal cities and the Canal its capacity on Sunday morning Zɔne, sounded it out in good faith the 13th iastant at the 30 maes io paternal style, but with a deep when a number of enthusiastic concern, that unless sense parishioners listened to His Lord our people were properly edusbip Bisoop Maistegui. D. GOOD POSITION cated and honestly and regularx wio has just returned employed, the time would come from abroad In the course of when the wave of crime would FOR REAL WORKER.
Giving And Receiving Pis address His Lordship thanked be SO great in the country as to his parishoners for their prayers become serious menance to on his behalf during his stay in society. Continued from page 4)
Los Angeles and urged them to We are offering Permanent positions to a few reliable men These two great men altho work hard in coonection with the aod women, in which an exeellent income can be made even not in this country at present, blame, for the world is spinning around on the pivot of rebuilding of the churche which to those who work but PART TIME. During onr 35 years in are certainly interested in what insanity. a peculiar type that is highly infectious, and it work is becoming more and more business we have appointed over 518, 000 agents who supply doing in Panama, and the Canal more than the average will power or intellectual imperative.
our household necessity to our customers in every country in 2008: mind to, in some special solidity to resist the infecion.
the world. Many of our agents bave been with us over 30 form or manner, remind them The trufh is that mankind is losing its appreciation of years and have achieved Financial Independence Increasboth of how their prophecies are giving through over indulgence in thoughts of receiving.
ing local demands and repeat orders, make is necesary to falfiling at the present moment Our sense of public responsibility is dying because it is SINALCO appoint more local representatives in many localities in the before our very eyes, telling of how the eyes of a few of us who more based on the question of putting in than of taking United States. No special experience or capital required. It Regulates the stomach, can think ia said directions out and that doesn take on in these days.
is a straightrfoward, dignified business. Why got represent the rather than being icfluenced by gives healthy and natural largest and best known house of its kind in the world. Send insular or In our own dear island the people are perishing, not sleep.
us your address and the Manager of our appointmeat Bureau similar considerations see them because there is no vision, but because of the insufficiency will send you full particulars. When we arpoint an agent and are hoping that others will of manhood necessary to effect the naterialisation of prowe furnish free samples for Trial Tests in the homes in the see with us, or the course of our gressive ideas.
boys and girls will become one of We have many dreamers but few workers, many BOWEN locality of the agent.
serious proportions. sports but few sports MEN, many collectors, but few In answering be sure to tell us the name of the paper in (To be Contioued)
distributors! And so it would seem quite appropriate to TAILOR which you saw this advertisement, Address ALPHEUS BANCROFT, WASHINGTON, DC, Wag provided Br. Blades acted add to our Litany, on Sundays, the short but fervent No. M Street San Miguel (Attention Clerk No. 12. 1438 (You) Street as Toast master; 150 guests were prayer. GOD GIVE US GIVERS.
Panama City Cocg Cda order.
88 CoacCola this soon was also a tencreasing another on of Advertise in the Workman It Pays.
and in sort of laid on the takes seated,


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