
The best in the World Then.
For Regaining Strength Lost By Excess Work. The Only Wine That Should Be Taken With Phospherine (Ashton Parson)
Guaranteed by Law No. 1572 of the Republic of Panama.
to be a crop of te public bave L200 which it oss than This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommended in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up a run down constitution.
le promotes digestion, improʻres the appetite, and gives tɔne and enërgy to the whole system, nuch Direct Steamship TRINIDAD Service Policemen Devotion Fer Supply of Jamaica Bananas Direct to British Market.
Chlef Jnstice Orders BANANAS SHOULD NOT COST Reward, MORE THAN PENNY SEQUEL TO ARSON The Liverpool Journal of Commerce of Oct. h. Says: Once TRIAL.
again there is talk of direct service for the supply of Jamal Toe WEEKLY GUARDIAN of the ca bananas direct from indepen. 29. ulto, says:dent growers tihe Britisb Ex Corpl, Cambridge, ex Conmarket. It is a hard topic and stabl, Libert and Constable as long as there are and the Celestain will each receive more especially growers, who ohjzet to the idea Colet Justics for the devotion to reward of on the order of the American combine trolling the cultivation and ship duty displayed on the 19th of the produce of a British July in their attempt to arrest possession there is like James Charles who set fire to to Steady of rumours of this thehouse of Mrs. Cohhamu Ville, St. Joseph kid. On more than one one occasion been informed Both Cambridge and Libert bat there is no reason why were so seriouly wounded that banana should cost more than they have been struck of the strengtby Constabulary.
penoy retail: ia spite of seldom possible to obtain a REWARD SUGGESTED At the close of the case on ound specimen for less twopence. the other band, Wednesday, the Attorney Gen8 probable that many of theral drew His Honour attention ohjectors are inspired at least us to Section 72 of the Constabulary dictates ot cald season. The what veiw His Honour had formby prejudice as by the Ordinance. He did not know pamitications of the United Fruired of the way in which the three Cumpany are indeed immense Constables behaved, but he cerod ibeir control of the banana tainly thought they ingly complete: but they are io, devotion to duty particularly in to particular ise astonish: great discretion and considerable dubitably entitled Il Constable credit for a wonderfully e ficient Celestain bad not played the part organ zation which delivers the of David in disabling who Loods with utmost regularistainle there certainly y and in uniformly pxcellent would have been a murder. His albeit at a price which Honour had power to certify a ppars to give a to give a very generous re ward not exceeding Tw)
nargin oser the figure receivad of them had had to leave the If the formation ane ppositiva compary is!
giglikely Constablary Force after long and to effects marked reduction to were available he asked His Honcreditable service and as funds price without detriment wo quali to make the order.
ty, and at the same time to brior His Honour agreed with the of about a genuine developeu ent trade as distinct from merely expression of the Attorney Geneiderent appointment of it, well served to be congratulated to eveneral. He thought the Police de al goed; especiallo if the new his waiter as they bed displayed tonnage which would presumably wers be needed is ordered from British (very great sell restraint and all yards and Ly Eritish considerble possible discretion. They showed Opis in mount erewo. But Ballactry and be or.
dered the three men to be given a of ficial, economic laws to day are The Attorney General suggest.
19 more elastic than bitherto: ed that His Honour should exand the public, before cheering press his appreciation of the rotbless rate war, would do wellian, Coleman, on the possible combatants to assistance rendered by the civil.
bear in mind the fundamenta wounded. He was not entitled to who also was last that for all such extrava reward but if His Espour exgecce the consumer ultimate pressed his appreciation somey pays sually througb the thiog might be found for him.
His Honour said public justice was indebted to Coleman for Britain And Cuba coming forward in the way he did, rade in Exercised DO One sniall Wine Glass before each meal or times a day, to their need of derd the utml (Continued from our last Issue)
It was the Public Prosecutor bimself who answered him. Is ot it a wooden case. Qulte so, replied the gentlemon.
are Mr.
Alfred. Joly bols. he sald, taking the name from the lips of the offici. have that honour.
13 For some time it was observed that this strange individual was not quite at ease. He was castlog right and left uneasy glances as if he feared a surprise. May.
be be suspected that he was discovered, threatened. Pos sibly he was searching for an exit to escape. siga from the Chief of Police and immediatelyevery exit was occuped by his agents. The man grew more visibly oxious. You are looking pule, remarked the magistrate to him. Not at all, he replied, but this odour. This odour, interrupted the official, comes from your case. From my case! God gracious exclaimed the man Can they have discosered? be thought, and his face came completely changed. Most undoubtedly they beld the author of the crime The case was in a corner of the office, and he was led to it.
The Prosecutor again addressea bim. Do you recognize this case as ve already told you yes.
Be explicit. Give us the circumstances. was at Briancun, began the suspect. We had an old account to settle. Since long had been lying in wait for him.
One day met him at the turning of a road on the mountain.
He was coming towards me. took aim at him and missed. At the second shot the fired. ball only grazed his side. Already be was on me; be hid me in his arms and hwas stilling me. Happily managed to put my band on my Vnite and plunged it to the bilt in his breast. This wound that you see there, sir, was loflcted by me He rolled on the ground, and And he chuckled. placed him rose to my feet. He was dead.
in this case. intended to be lo Paris at the same time with the case, but unfortunately was detained on the way.
Such cynicisru was seldom witnessed. Parbapa they were dealing with a mad man. Ss, then, you contess. said the magistrate. But you were not satisfied to goly kill.
Tals Well! Interrupted the calprit. This mutilation, concluded the magistrate, ibe law will judge. But, he added ibe last question: The Dama of excellen: was the accused, Op dition, yours?
Vigor Tonic is the only tonic builder protected by the laws of Panama and no such tonic is legitimate unless it bears the signature of Javier Moran, printed matter explaning for what diseases it should be used, how it should be used, how it should be applied and what doses should be taken.
Look Them Over mutilation.
your victim?
eo His name? You ra not serious sir?
Indie. Harana despatch says. Cricket Coach For strong bid for patronage is being Engilsb mangactureres who are beginingen. Trinidad, Barbados and realize the tremendous importBritish Cuiana ance of Cuban trade by extend ing to all buyers here an lovitation to attend the British loausti Fair to be held in LonTrinidad, October 13 Aprodon and Birmingham from Feb pos of the decision arrived at in ruary 2010 March Barbodos in January last to procure the services of an Eog. ish Special inducements offered coach for the three colonies that Cuban trade buyers should make participate in the triangular 118 appeal telt here and without contest for intercolonial bonours doubt many di ms will take ad. Trinidad Barbados, and British vantage of thes. ffers by send. Guiana) we learnt yesterday that ing representatives to England the proposal bas materialized, The committee has arraiged an and that an English professional xtensive prokran ma of enter by the name of Fenner had left ainment for visitors from Latin. Eogland on the instant for American couatries acd provided the Wesi ot. rp eters for the convenience There is nothing to hand in of expediting conversation.
English cricketing 88 to the fame of this professional, it is with authority that though a mad only 28 Dr. Hubert Edwards he is one of the principal coachat present and is considered PHYSICIAN SURGEON to be up to the standard or even better than a number whose Special Studies in Diseases of dames appear prominently in Women and Children: print. He comes from the Tonbridge Nurseries, Kent and will BOLIVAR ST. FRONT MASONIC arrive in these parts shortly TEMPLE COLON though it is not known here to wbicb colony he will proceed PHONE 409 first.
but it records sald th The following just arrived and are being offered at prices to suit everybody. Photo Albums Scrap Albums Vellum Pocket Books Stenographers Note Books Writing Pads Children Toy Books Accounting Day Books Hymn Prayer Books Holy bibles Typewriting Paper in First and Second Sheets Mouth Organs in two sizes Pocket Knives, Scout Knives. Meador Knives and many other items too numerous to mention Bebave yoursell. What bis name! ask. can assure you that is never!
occurred to me to ask him. So then you ve killed a homan being whom you hardly knew. You wouli bava acted in like manner. At least be had done you some wrong. None personally. But one does not usually kill one fellow crea are without some reasoa.
My fellow creature! And the man gave nervous laugh wblch chilled those present. Such conduct is unbecoming.
said the magistrate. Monsieur le commissaire, arrest this man. But obj ct: exclalmed the man with the package. There is a misunderstandiog. Misunderstanding! question ed the Prosecutcr. That which you bave taken for my fellow arestare. Welle It a bear. Tableau)
young Dr. Fred Sterling THE WORKMAN Stationery and Souvenir Store 93 Central Avenue Panama City Small DENTIST THE NEW YORK DENTIST MASONIC TEMPLE Cffice Hours: am to 120 182, BOLIVAR STREET 30 to 30 COLON, Sundays, Special Appointment Box 771, CRISTOBAL, Masonic Temple ilth St, PO Box 787. CRISTOBAL TELEPHONE 247 COLON PHONE: OFFICE 1664 RESIDENCE 538 Notice to Correspondents.
The WORKMAN can be had are asked to send in their contribuContributors and correspondents at the La Boca Res aurant and at tions not later than Thursdays to Hous: No. 971, Ja naica Prado insure publication. This is impera.
La Boca.
tive and must be adhered to.
REMEMBER. SINALCO Enriches the blood Sooooo


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