
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY NOVEMBER 19, 1927 PAGE THREE The Prosperity Tailors CLEANERS DYERS DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED No Peace In Europe Goverament not to be weary of Colombia Air Mail. allow the bureaucrats at home Seeks Panama Base UNLESS THERE BE DIS. and abroad to under cine the organs of procedure of the Zore Chlef Says WashingARMAMENT League by substituting ag. ncies based on the less desirable practon Must Settle Question tices of the old diplcmacy Ralsed by German Says British Statesman in What we desire is to see the Company, Speech ai Council of League policy sketched in the disarma of Nations ment resolutions of tbe last CONCERN FOR OUR AVIA.
Assembly carried out in spirit TION as well as in letter.
London, Oct. 21. Asserting that, without disarmament, there No RESERVATIONS IN ACTION No. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue Handicap is Feared in Projected can be no hope of enduring peace Toe present Government more Expansion of Foreign Owned in Earc pe. Viscount Ceciler tas once has declined, rightly PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 Chelwood, speaking this afterLines Over Central America.
noon at an extraordinary meet. wrongly, to accept proposals ing of the General Council of the security, on the ground of not aiming at special cable despatch from League of being are to Balboa to the NEW YORK TIMES Tom Hall, Westminster, pointed items into effect. That is a very dated October, 29tb says: out that, of every pould paid in honourable scruple, but its im Whether the planes Great Britain in taxoe, 14 on the pression carries with it the projection sir mail line between lings were due to past wars ar implication that when we do OF THE HIGHEST ORDER Panama and Colombia will be preparation for futura war. He assent to proposals we mean to declared it was the duty of Great carry the ont ully atd witbout permitted to land within the Canal Zone is not yet knowo. In Britain to reduce its fighting reserie reply to sa Irquiry regarding services, In begioning his speech Lord the declaration of Dr. PP. von It was Lord Cecii first public Cecil said: Work Done While You Wait Bauer ihst a German Colombian utterance since be resigned from am not going to discuss company intends to start such a a dis here of the Council sometime ago the Cabinet because of service on January Governor agreement over L, Walker of the Canal Zone the British something to the effect that, in Governments disarmament po thought could botter serve the said today that the question wcala bave to be suttled at licy.
cause of peace and of the League We have the responsibility of Washington.
Nations by leaving offiice than for the good government of ap by remaining, would resign.
Alter tions and Repairs at reasonable Prices Dr. von Bauer, who is now on immense empire, he said It That contingency occurred last bis way to the United States on the United Fruit Company liner existeace as an entity depends August, resigned.
Ladies Garments carefully handled on Great Britain. This is the am not going to discuss here Sixaola, sald before his deparheart of the empire, and a blow the reasons which led me to that ture that all negotiations had bee to it would be tatal to every part consideration, If that question virtually completed and that bls trip to the States was of our Dominions is furiber to be discussed. ParC. REID Manager for the purpose of finally closing liament is the proper place for Therefore, when some of us its discussion.
the arrangements and preparing for the beginning of operations.
advocate the enormous impori It is enrugh to say tere that ance of international peace, we Americans here interested in are not guilty of a kind of inter one of my objects in leaving omce aviation believe that If the Ger national knight errantry. Wa man Colombian company estabare thinking of the interest of lisbes a base in Panama the humanity in peace, but we also SOXSSXS service will be extended through are thinking of the vital import.
Sos. 95sios sex out Central America and the ance of peace to this country development of American comand its empire, and reduction of mercial aviation with the Paparmaments is a condition of enama Canal as a base will be during peace.
greatly handicapped. REMOTE ARGUMENTS Two years ago Dr. von Bauer made an exploration trip through In the opinion of many peothe Central American countries ple, we canot do this unless with two Fokker Seaplanes, other ccustries do the same. The winding up at Pavana. Then he case then for disarmament by went to the United States and international agreement appears tried to organize a company with to me to be com; lete. hear American capital and to obtain with some impatience arguments permission for a bare at the of difficulties bas on the Panama Canal, but failed in both remote possibility of some future quests, risk if we do this, that or the He assert that the new corother thing, when the present cern. named the Colombian Aerodangers that actually threaten us bautical Company, has most of its are so overwhelming.
capital subscribed in Colombla.
but as an agreement with the Wbat can we do? In the first Germano. Colombian place, we ought to support in Scadta Company, which has been opera.
every way we can tbe efforts ting commercial air lines to Ccwbich are being made by the lombia for more than six years.
Preparatory Commission of the League of nations.
Dr. Von Bauer declares that bis company bas the support of There are many people who representatives of American inseem to regard intrnational asdustrial concerns In Colombia sociation as an opportunity for and names those concected with this country to assert what is the Tropical Oil Company, the desired for other countries to South American Gulf conform to. That is not the way the Lamont Concrete Pile Comº in which to negotiate. Agree.
paby, the International General ments can be secured if we realElectric Company, the Baldwin ly and genuinely desire agreeLocomotive Company and the dument. We must not enter neg)Pont de Nemours Company as tlations with any sucb spirit.
baviog signed petition to the Governments of the United There is a considerable more.
States, Colombia aud Panama to ment among European nations permit the establishment of the in favour of arbitration. S) far, air mail service.
we beve held back from it.
He bas announced that the am not going into thy reanew service would be started sona for or against our action, witb aten passenger Drnier Wal but we would take an immense bydrosirplane capable of also responsibility if we should dis.
carrying a ton of freight or courage loternatiboal arbitration and equipped with two 600 borseIt we are going to strike a blow power motor and wireless receivat international Buspicion, we ing and sending sets. The pasmust get arbitration estatlisbed senger fare would be 100 and before disputes occur, as the the flying time four hours for the normal way in which they can be 875 miles between Cristobal and Baranquilla.
CONTINENTAL NERVOUSNESS The Continental nations are was to enable me with greater extremely nervous about land freedom to press upon my fellowdisarmament; at least as nervous countrymen the urgency of the as we are about naval reduction.
problem of disarmament because They have every reason to be without disarmament, that le, nervous. They say, Give us s ja the reduction and limitation of exchange for disarmament some armaments by international kind of guarantee that we sball agreement, there can be no hope not sutter if we disarm.
of enduring peace in Europe. There is undoubtedly in this ISOLATIO IMPOSSIBLE.
country very considerable Lord Cecil went on to say that feeling agalost increasing our it was impossible, with the World liabilities in this respect; but War still fresh ia the minds of believe we should do wisely to all, to bold to the view that Eng.
accept possible future risks, if by doing so we could really land could stand aside from Europeso complications, secure, as believe we could, a great Increase in the improbabiliA hundred years ago, be said, ty of war.
it was plausible far Englisbmen to slog Rule Britannia, and de We have always recognized clared that great Britain needed in this Union that Sir. Austen Do bulwarks, as the sea was Chamberlain has done much, then a sufficient defense so long especially by setting up the as Britain held the mastery of It.
practice of Foreign Minister to But to day he said, Britain poattend the meetings of the sition is far more vulnerable, Council and the Assembly, to bence its interest in peace should iscrease the prestige of the SEKSS SS See far greater and the League. We beg bim SILVER SPRAY Company, PILSENER Bail settled.


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