
We Expect you to Come For Your sidere STETSON sed himself Atlantic we are jasily proud was wbomatic and as audience rself a warm.
Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on applicaScore Huge Success.
WALROND, at the otice No. 83 Ceatral tion. Correspondence on all mattes Avenue, Panama, de of publle interest invited. rousing welcome was accordAll copy for publication must be PO Box 74, Panams ed the Panama Symphony Orches.
written on one side of paper only, and tra and Concert Party which Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the same of journeyed to this end on Tuesday One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicanight last, the 15th inst. to enterSix Months tion but as a mark of good faith. 20 tain Atlantic at the Cristobal Three 60e.
We do not undertake to return reSilver Clubhouse. Despite the One Month 25. jected correspondence.
almost continuous rains which fell throughout the day, up to late in The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JUNUIS tha sfiernoon, the hall was packed to its capacity long before the SATURDAY NOVEMBER 19, 1927 appointed time.
The audience was a highly PYGMIED LEADERS.
representative one. The pulpit the teaching professions, musicians of press, the bar, the medical and the Atlantic side. well as the Pygmics are pymies still, through perched on alps.
general public ware alt adequately Pyramids are pyramids in vales. YOUNG. Many of our embryo leaders who have anything to do function there was the spirit of with the sentiment of the bourgeois and under dog seem ligh appreciation and keen enjoyment.
to be possessed with some little idiosyncracies that are absolutely incompatible with any probability of success in Elijah Hunter was chairman Mr.
for the evening and as usual did what they are aiming to bring about, viz: solidarity and a justice to the occasion. In biz progressive community. They preach anity and good will opening remarks he promised the from the house top only to desend therefrom to actually audience an enjoyable time, and practice against what they preach. The only redeeming his promise was fully redeemed in the excellent program which folfeature in these little fellows with their little strategies, as Tomorrow, next week and for months after, the lowed.
seen by the confirmed optimist, is that it does not appear The entire program was of a high that they are ever conscious of their weakness. Such ignorStetson you buy today will be a source of satisfacstandard and it would be difficult ance, the optimist holis, will either result in their seeing to single out for special mention then selves through the asses that others use or their tion. It will wear as no other hat can wear its any particuler item or artist The exit off the stage of activity with appreciable gain to the orchestra vave a good account of itself. Every man showed community.
style will please you and we know that nex tseato be master aster of his instrument.
It is all very well and good to write and publish in the Miss Rodney, to whom the newspapers, which but a lw percentage of the people son you will come back for another Stetson. side lays claim and of reads, lectures couched in apparently well considered and was the accompabist of the concert polished English, or mount public platforms and preach part such excelled herself in her executherefrom plausible theories for reform and progress. tion and int rpretation Mrs.
studious eighth grade boy or girl can prepare and read, or CARLOS MULLER King lived up to her reputation.
mem rize and recite a fairly good treatise on How best to Mrs. Walker. Headley, whose get along with one next door neighbour. especially when first appearance was it SOLE AGENT on this side a little prize of some sort is attached to the end of the effort.
favourably her and has earned for impressed her Any average intelligent person can collect and compile spirit in Mr.
the hearts of many material or plagarize someone works and pass it off to his PANAMA CITY 87 CENTRAL AVENUE Davis in his solo For You audience or the public. While it is expected that leaders, Alone with violin obligato could te, will memorize, plagarize, re hash and re serve, very have been a trifle louder and more much more are expected of them. They are expected to be istract; neither did his general pyramids in principle. pygmy in principle never succeeds e commend him to his hearers; but in his appearance in the duet as a real leader, regardless of his formal voluminous preachReuben and Rachel with Mrs.
ments. His standing in the community which he seeks to pecuniarily benefited. Of course is the function of the Alleged 1000 Drug King hi presentation and interpre lead is particularly taken into account by one and all, and dishonest mind to meditate on dishonesty, therefore we tation left nothing to be desired, but however well he applies the veneer of trickery and super cannot be very seyere with those who thus assume, Robbery and the number was accorded well earned encore.
intelligence. the scrutinizing common people penetrate they should remember that philanthropy is not a matter of into his true colours. If he promotes and indulges in cheap the purse of the heart; that whilst one man finds happiness By Ex Employees Shortly before midnight the entertainment evening WS gossip; if he ostensibly seeks to help others while self in accumulating thousands and in spending hours gloating help is his primary aim; if he is in spirit opposed to the over a fat bank account, another finds even greater happiness Luis Antonio Rodriguez, Colom brought to a close. The chairman in bis fittiogly under dog but tolerate him only for the purpose of gain in striving to enchance the general prosperity of bis country bian, who until recently was in in ing prominence and pecuniary help, he cannot fill a leader and people. It is all a matter of taste, and it should not charge of one of Benedetti drug logized the artists for the stores the Mootezuma, is being and assured them that there is they acquitted themselves, role longer than the first act of the play, the under dogs be difficult to determine which taste is the more refined.
in the gallery will force his exit by pelting rotten eggs at The world needs giving generous giving. There is held by the Panamanian police as always welcome for them on this him.
the kind of giving demonstrated by the millionaire who obber in a thousand dollar drug end. He did not forget to call of one of Benedetti drug attention to the fact that it was The best formal education is indispensable in the mak. throws a few shillings to a pauper. the world is getting a stores. Two others who are said Negro talent that had entertained to be implicated in the robbery the audience and of a but the Negro, index to a good tracher. leader is of necessity a teacher. who gives his father a penny, certain of receiving it back pharmacist and Elias Ruiz, Pan deira boles is alway, demonstrating fair knowledge of the psychology of man, and no: mere and hoping to receive more; the world is receiving a great amaniso clerk, who were employ; to the wor:d that he posseset ratin?
mathematical and statistical summary of the good and bad deal of that, hence its being in danger of intellectual, if noted in the Ce tral another link of talent and ability to any other in him, is an indispensable factor in leading or teaching him. economic bankruptcy. It wants the giving which comes th: Benedetti Stores.
actuated by an Periodiel robberies were being We are not without a few real leaders, but the pygmies from strong, fearless, unselfish leaders, This community is greatly inwill be pygmies still, though perched on Alps.
overwhelming sense of patriotism, dominated by a desire ooted at both the Central and debted to Mr. Age Coleman to improve the individual by improving the community, time, but these were always car unique program of the evening Montezuma stores for some through wbose initiative the and stimulated by the great maxim: It is better to give ried out so systuma ically int the wis presented.
than to receive.
for same could GIVING AND RECEIVING.
It does not want the giving which makes its expendi not be detected. The Police were, ture greater than its receipts. ît does not need a Mussolini Boererate notified andotest Filter Atlantic Orchestra and (FROM THE JAMAICA CRITIC. Detective Hector so much as a David Livingstone; it does not need a over overhearing some conversation The evolution of ideas, the revolution of ideals, and Napoleon so much as a Joan of Arc. It would be a thou which led him to believe that the Colon Glee Singers the exceptionally peculiar whims and caprices which sand times better off to day with a Florence Nightingale stolen goude were located somedistinguish our mad materialistic words of to day are than with a Caesar. It is starving for want of Life where at No. Bast 15th Street, Preparing Big Program responsible among other things for the almost total eclipse greatest nourishment LOVE: it is decaying through lack traced the goods there stored about six xes apparently pre of several literary stars which have for centuries guided of life balsams human pity and genuine human The Ailantie Orchestra in conand influenced the character of man along the noblest sympathy; it cries out for that fellow feeling which knits pared for shipment to Colombia.
Glee channels, one of the most familiar of these stars and mankind into one common brotherhood.
Felix Reyes, one of the tree junction with the Colon mea implicated in the robbery is Singers is preparing a monster perhaps one of the least conspicuous at present being, It is Much is being given to the world that it does not need, believed to have left for Colombia Curistmas program to be rendered better to give than to receide. The strong tendency that much that it is pining for is withheld from it. It is a ter bearing that their plot bas in the America Theatre on Christexists to completely reverse the idea which the maxim receiving champions in the realms of Sport, but it would been bared.
mas day, when many of the leading implies is best indicated by the fact that those who make a prefer champions in the cause of Universal Justice and Right; musical lights of this side will be practical application of it as it stands do so at the risk of it is willing to exchange death dealing inventions for Love, presented.
Among those who will take part being subjected to the derision and pity of one section of speed records for brotherly compassion, persunal aggrand.
are Miss Rampie, the budding the community, and to the suspicion and abuse of the Isment for international sympathy, and great deeds of Dr. Nathan Rowe soprano; Mr. Reid tenor, Mr.
daring for little deeds of kindness. Lovell, bari one; Sur. Prado PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON This is an era of cold calculations and tough business Yes, we are living in a strange age an almost amusing and Ortego, vio ioists and Mr.
Lambert cornetist.
propositions. Philanthropy, though not dead, is in a state age an age of barbarous civilisation an age when the 11th and Bolivar Sts.
It is bardly necessary to state of coma; true Patriotism is having Epilepsy, and Chivalry creator of the Black Bottom dance or the Charleston is COLON, that a time of profitable enjoyhas had a fatal paralytic stroke. There is a serious world. greeted with Hosannas, and the toiler for the relief of the ment is in store for all, since the BUILDING 10. 123 OPPOSITE shortage of the finer qualities which inspired men of the oppressed with a Crucify him.
Atlantic Orchestra and Colon Glee past to give to the world the best they had without stopping Singers are concerned. Of course The prize fighter who disfigures his brother and Office Hours: a. to 12m to calculate whether the best would come back to them or receives a quarter million dollars for so doing is a national latter organization is compara2 to pm. tively aew, but is under expert not. Mozart for example, who gave to the world perhaps hero, whilst the medico who spends a lifetime in his surgery, leadership and cannot fail to give the richest music that it has ever beard and received a seeking to discover new O, Box 854, Cristobal, means for the alleviation of a good account of itself, pauper grave in return therefor, would be regarded to day human suffering and receives nothing therefor, is Tickets at 25c, are 50c. and OFFICÉ TELEPHONE 320 a mere as a hopeless lunatic; poets and writers who have as it were back number if not an object of national contempt The Drug Stors Tets? uone 154 going rapidly.
made English Literature free of charge would be dubbed as giggling idiot who gives tthe world a new moving picture fools, and so on, and so forth.
scene for ten thousand pounds becomes a national idol, and NATIONAL PHARMACY Nobody seems to believe to day (in Jamaica at anyrate) his death is regarded as a national calamity; the inspired that it is pocsible tor a man to make a free gift of his time humanitarian who gives to it a life of willing service is too Santa Ana Plaza and energy to the public, for the benefit of his country. SINALCO Central Avenue often regarded as an object of national abuse, and his death Because the so called rich man declares that he cannot is viewed as a mere matter of course, if not as a national For any child or adult.
afford to devote a part of his time to public matters, the blessing. This is not pessimism; it is cold philosophy, Everybody gets the right assumption is that the poor man can less afford to do so, bitingly cold, but true nevertheless. Yet nobody is to It a tonic nutriment. medicine and treatment.
unless there is some secret means by which he can be (Continued from Page 5)
way mo Chase National Bank the


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