
THE TORKMAN SATURDAY NOVEMBER 19, 1927 PAGE SEVEN Notice of Removal The Isthmian Undertaking Co. Ltd.
the lack of Has been Removed from Calidonia Road To the Company new Building at No. 12 HIGINIO DURAN STREET San Miguel At the same be welcoming effort debate 28.
the JOB. PRINTING W88 Trinidad our DONE WITH NEATNESS AND one long grade WORKMAN PRINTERY legal who Colony, give some ho from orthodox proWitban lads of of nine Lack of Interest in BRITISH GUIANA Scene at St. Paul Sport Dwindled The Elected Members Church Away of British Guiana (Continued from page 2)
Says Local Newspaper Bedall mechanical way as it thay Ask for 125 for Legal wondered wbat it was all about.
wailing Same.
The procession lasted an intermloable time and the service In a reseat;issue of the AdvoTHE BUSINESS OF Georgetown, British came to an end at 55 Guiana CATE the following appears: Oct. 29. At the meeting of the tala tlops to Father Jemmott for offer my sincerost congraThe Annual Inter Colonial Combined Court on Friday, the baving the audacity and pluck to Sbooting competitions are now elected members presented to over and Barbados has bad to be ibe Goveroment unanimous carry out his promise and also content with third place. Nor request for a sum of 125 to thank him for letting us know is there much bope of retrieving the purpose of securing legal this the our position in this realm of opinion from Sir Joha simon ou Episcopate exactly how we stay.
sport in the immediate future.
Colonial Constitutional Brighus It This is due partly to the under the articles of capitulation argument to be used effectively public interest in recent years, against an Anglo Catholic is a but equally to the lethargic anHis Excellency the Officer club in the hands of a strong concern of the majority of our Administering the Goveroment, wan, young men. The advent of the the Hon. Douglas Jones, asked NEWSPAPER COMMENT motor driven vehicle and the for time for the Goverament to cinema has distracted the attenconsider its policy of the matter PORTER published the following In Its issue of the 12th the Retention of youth from those before riving final deci decision.
sports and passie in which editorial under the Caption The of the Challenge, Court, the meeti protheir parent excelled. Cricket, of course, still city of public posals for the diversion of the Two months ago we joined with attention and the Colony into seven administrative all who had the Church trne batting at any ratesbows no urits under district commis mis. Interest at heart in deterioration. Increasing atten sioners as recommended by Sir our midst our present Bishop.
tlon also being given to tennis, though at present few make any (22.
Withng Moorhouse and in keeping me ta pode produs heralded with similar practices in Africa paean of praise, from the Jamal to excel. But the interest for the decentralisation of ad ca Press. His greatest assets, we in all otber forms of sport has mi stration, was nezatived with learnt, were an intense amiabllidwindled away and to shooting og of disposition and an almost Wobber, on the differences. For this reason we Beavenly gift for cementing worst of all, Trinidad paper some weeks ago making conclusion of the opening statement by the Colonial Secretary: refore retrained from anythlog a comparison between Barbadian in and Trinidadian prow In sport tendered motion that the nature of eomment on came to the disparaging concluquestion be BOW put, The Church as it was when he arrived sion that we are decadents. This Government motion was there anap did not impertinentlp arrois a direct challenge to the youth upon submitted to the Court and gate to ourselves the duty of diof this island. Time was, of every elected member present recting his policy or giving him course, when Barbados could Of every description voted against it. The motion advice. To use an historical, if bold her mie applied hrase, we thought own against occordingly lost.
and other further motion by the we should walt and see. We intercolonial rivals, not only Government varying somewhat bave waited. Fatber Jemmot the on th cricket field but in evey proposal of Sir Harry Moor bave supplied us with the spechouse for abolisbi classes in tacle.
other form of manly sport, except footbal. Th: reason for this DESPATCH the Civil Service and Instituting Our correspondents Vindex, supermacy was Stbe bullient in place of clerical yesterday described with a few spirits of our young men and assistants and chisses six to two vivid touches the masquerade ia th ir great devotion to these AT THE was similarly negatived without which the Vicar of St. Pauls inpasttimes, At thirty a man began on motion by the dulged on Sunday. The latter to died himself back pomber; same long cased to bave any re that the subject be coneid today for the competition of ble gard for what has been repeatedhis younger rivals was too keen for All mem 15 declared by the bigbest him to maintain bis position.
bers were in attendance with the authority as the ecclesiastical 00: Now however, the positiopo position is reexception of the Hon. a. law governing the duties and old Humpbrys wbo was out of the ministrations versed and it is the men of clerics of take the lead ard the young who Angliyan Courch. As though to the sit on the shell We have crick.
some sort of authority to his ters of alty who can and do field departure with mora zist Confering Oi Past cedure in church services, he in footballers of forty who can vited the Lord Bisbop teen; OS to assist at outpace, outmanoeuvre and outRulers Degrees evening service. Part last their younger rivals. Our service consisted of procession inside and outside of the Churcb.
best atblete has passed his We thirtieth birthday and our best Past Rulers Council Indepen the illegality of processions of bave once before pointed out shots are men who were repre dent Order of Gallelean Fisher this sort. As senting the island ten years ago.
long wen Colon, at a meeting held on Robert Philmore, Dean of Arches as 1869 Sir But our old sportwed cannot OFdefy the oncoming years; the 29th of October 1927, at the ruled in a unless the youth St, Olive Temple, for the purpose processions forming that island or of confering the Past Rulers aivine service as one of the rites part of begin to take a serious interest degree on the ot worship members of. we In these branches of sportske of were illegal to be shall be Bon unable to compete various diction said bonours were con in sald juris restained. In that lodges under con in the worthily with our neighbourse, fered were a Tburitre The present position is regret be proche IS DIRECTED TO GOOD SUPPLY OF Bro, Renford; swinging incense table but there is no reason for Yakes and sister Kiturab Crucifer with Crucifix; Acolytes in Brown of Guiding Star Lodge with lighted candles No. 14 and on Sister Isadorah others with banners; Choristers trough of the wave, but with a of Rising Sun we may regain our position 19 on Brs, Peter McClar ressed in red and white and the creast.
others. There is adh is a striking red ard Jobn Brown of St. Peters semblance between these mune Tbere bas been a marked im.
provement to 8: Shooting in Lodge No. 22 and on Br. Cyril mets no and the marionettes Trinidad Guiana in Lashley and Sister Clara Green pulated on Sunday evening by Trinidad Lodge. recept years and a and on Jeremiah Sobers ber Jemmot, who knows as well as do we suck pratices team gave a good account of itSister Susan McKenzie of Radi are strickly prohibited. The sell lo the competition for the ant Star Lodge No. 89. The cere. lowlog extract is taken from the folJunior Kolapore Cup at Bialey this year. To edect further mony was performed by Bro. jodgement we have mentioned a scheme is now on improvement a Suitable for Lodge Business Worsblplul Council taster In an impressive caused to be formed a procesl You are charged that you foot for atranging match be.
tween the Trinidad Bisley Team and soleme manner, the same slon in the said church or chapel and a Team from British being concluded, the R, with crucifix borne before it tben No definite arrangements have called upon Bro, and consisting of the thurifier, yet been made and the matter. AT THE Corbip and High Priest to choristers pri tinsall the newly elect of officers which said procession then prois still in the embryonic stage. If priests, and others the ceeded of local interest can be aroused, term. The following officers waa sald church or three cornered contest may be then icsralled: Bro. E cbanting arranged. It would be a power Sau. and accompanied with ders, to local shooting if Christian C, Master; Bro, lighted Service, as part team team Barbados could make a good showing la such a NSXS wou sosok Bro. A. Kirr, Chaplain; out break or intermission. It Bro. Davla, Secretary mony connected therwitb, withmatch, and we have no doubt Bro. Meikle, w, Lectorer; appears to me from the evid that by diligent practice our best Sis. Rhoha Pinder, w, Conduc that these particular processions evidence tress; Bro. Scantlebury, Inner bave been so condected o en would be able to do to themselves Rod to the.
island. match of this nature SINALCO Guarc Bro. C: Harriet, 0, constitute a further rite or cereKeeper.
in which the contestants would mony to connection with the The Ceremony was perfound morning and evening service and shoot under similar conditions On sale at all First Class by Br. Corbin in an able in addition to those prescribed test and would Clubs, Cabarets and Soila interesting manner at the con by the Robrics for those services Fountains, provide beiter means of comclusion of the installation of Or. must therefore, placing them Panama City Distributor, Regulard Assortment of licers, the Council in rapturous ander this category pronounce colonial competitions. The team would be a small one and only GILBERT BRID.
theme expressed their great them Illegal, pleasure on behalf on the Wothy Such is the law as to procesthe best marksmen would be Exclusive Representative.
Council Master Bro. Blades sons. Under the eyes in the included. But whether such match can in the way he had conducted the circamstauces we might, with be arranged CASA ANAVITARTE, or not, Colon, business of the Council during greater propriety. sas. the nose there is need for greater interest SUCH AS bls term and moved that the diru. olmoused mott continues bis antics. We of the Lord Bishop Fatbºr Jemand unremiiting practice.
bave no TONICS, SOAPS, VANISHING CREA A, SALVE, Our young men difficulty in obtainiog opportuni; TALCUM POWDER, ASPERINE TABLETS, By becoming all Master be conferred on Bro. We, however, cali on the Bishop Notice to Correspondents. Blades which was accordingly for disayowal of this conduct SHAMPOO, HAIR DRESSING Etc. Etc.
Volunteer Force members of done by Grand High Prlest ofti or if by his silence he wishes it to they will obtain the advantages Contributors and correspondents clating as Installing Masters Oo be understood that he countenof disciplinary training and the are asked to send in their contribuhe completion of said business ances practices of this sort, we opportunity for pursuing this tions not later than Thursdays to Bro. Blades the who insure publication. This is inpera. stiring readily pastime. And for and wholeheartedly bave no inclination to jol the tive and must be adhered to.
address on the working of the accept the renewed challenge of Vo unteers the Barbados Rifle 93 CENTRAL AVENUE Council during his regine the the Anglo Catholics.
same was rapturously cheered.
Association is available.
Rent receipt books in Spanish Panama City This brought the evening busines to a close. The members then was provided Br. Blades acted the Advertise in the WORKMAN it will land English for sale at repatred to the Banquet Hall as Toast master; 150 gues were bring you good results.
where the grand thing of life seated, of that THE ATTENTION and celebrated case Friendly Societies and Secret Orders add to Case included 00 deacons, on NO MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS and British maniof 25 and well that Joshua Blades Right Guiana.
of Workman Stationery Store de chapea ful stimulas to from and as a certo would be a fairer test and Take Notice Ho Ro Co Famous Products The Workman Printery Rave


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