p. 8


Book Binding!
doubt interesting, books when you NEED sopranoſ Rector voiceve its owner a more effective FULLER in 97 90 demonstra voice. The 98 The STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History rose of of summer Martin Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 Czard handicap it TAGS ECHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY NOVEMBER 19, 1927 Tomorrow Races Symphony Orchestra CHURCH SERVICES (Continued from page 1) AMERICAN EPISCOPAL Seven races compose the request for encore. He generously CHURCH session of the Sport of responded, Twenty Therd Sunday After Trinity Kings to be beld by the Mrs. Adela Walker Headley is a St: Penil Church, Panam Panama Jockey Club at Juan alented soprano a bei: ber Franco Park tomorrow after Why throw away your old, but no debut on this site. it was a plesant Rev. Nghteagale BD Rec.
Hat vest Tharksgiving Services.
noon. Over thirty horses, urprise to hear her fine redition of native ponies and foreign her first item, Sing On by 68 Holy Communion The thoroughbreds, are booked to Dei. za. Toe singer possesses a Rev. Shaw, asis:ed by the face the starter, rain or shine.
can have them neatly bound at trong, clear, full toned which with proper training 10:45 a The Rector, The feature event will be run 10 30 a Holy Eucharist and over seven furlongs by WATCH? control of it, can be descloped intolermon Celebrant the Rector. THE WORKMAN Lepine, Chomba Gordo, Abel its be Preacher Rev. Fr, Shaw.
of. Mrs. Walker Headley appared 12 noon Holy Baptism The and Copi, while Tunney, DROP IN AT again in the difficult Jewel Song Reetor.
Grafico, Mayoral, Pistol and 93 CENTRAL AVENUE from Faust, by Gounod. This was Church Schuul Services Pres.
Ruso are booked for the curalso well reade. ed earning for her cher. the Rev. E, Drake.
tain raiser.
Opposite Cecilia Theatre 730 Choral Eve:song upro rous applause. Again she was forced to reply with an encore and Here is the entire program: sermos with rrocessiya 122 CENTRAL AVE. It might just as well to mention Preacher, the Bishop right here that Mrs. King also St Alban Church, Paraiso FIRST RACE You ll Find Them by Del Arqua, and for so encore ang the entrancing Vilkscelle CANAL ZONE furlongs Purse 3125 WHITENS THE SKIN gave the little immortal jewel. Nightengale Listen to the Mocking Bird with Priest ia charge Tunney Moderately Priced. Director Murray at tlie piano de117 Gratico Creme Blanc Mirette 11 a. Matins and Addresspieting almost naturally the Mock. Mr. Osborne. Catechist, Mayoral 126 ing Bird. The Orchestra accom p Church School Pistol 124 Marvelous Cream panied this item and served to Raso good effect in 7:30 pm Choral Evensong ani belping to address Mr. Osborns, SECOND RACE a e the alastielty of the singer Catechist.
Prevents and removes freckles, moth patches, sun tan, and other skin blemishes The colaratura passage5 Furlongs Purse 125 were so prettily sung with conSt. Matthias Mission sumate case that the soul of the Jakie 119 SOLD IN DRUG STORES audience must have followed that LAS SABANAS Diecisels 126 (Rev AF Nightengale)
the singer with its ilight witi Fenome: the swallows Priest in Cbargo Tofino 112 Miss Doris Rodney lived un to pm Church School lver Spray 113 her reputation and considering the disadvantage of a poor ja trument, 730 pm Choral Evensong and THIRD RACE did jus ice to Caprice Bohemie. addres. Mr. A Richards, Lay 10 Lebirre, Op.
Reader. Farlongs Purse 175 statemeat by a Panama Mlinirada 90 writer that Mr. Abbott is a mas Peter by th Sea, La Boca SINACLO (Capiton Alvarado 128 ter of his flute was no empty (Ga za 98 gesture Hs flute solo, The last The Sunday Next Before Advent Put your servel to work 112 by Araucana Kummer was masterfully rendered Matin and address, 11 mFOURTH RACE. AND every day.
Rodney (first vio in Mr. McCarthy the Orchestra) is a promising Church School, 00, 61 Furlongs Parse :25 artist. This was borne out by bi Holy Baptism pm.
Hope 95 splendid interpretation of the solo Zapo Choral Evensong and sermon, Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages 102 silly Mon 30, m. The Rector, Cococha 128 Murrays Notice to Correspondents. J. MULCARE, Rector (Dardanela 113 Summary of Contents: Chiqui Contributors and correspondents valector: 108 by from and themes eel St Bartholomew Las are asked to send in their contribu. Waltz Dream by Strauss was History of West Indies! Cricket for 60 years, scadas FIFTH RACE tions not later than Thursdays to almost spoilt by the off Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, is The Litany, Holy Eucharist and Fulrongs Purse 175 Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, tive and must be adhered to. would have been one of the out. Sermon The Rev, MULstanding items on the program CARE Meelab 90 Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, The other items, a flute and Church School 30. Tribuno 109 Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual Seventh Day Adventist clarinet duet by Messrs Abbot and T, MULCARE. Rector. Kitty Gill 126 Clarke, and a humorous vocal (Pereque 105 Players STREET CALIDONIA duet by Mrs. King and Mr. Davis St. Barnibus Empire, ROAD near Isthmian Park Pana SIXTH RACE were also up to the general Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and St Simon s, Gmbea standard; in fact, the tter elicited Farlonge Purse 250 Interesting Sabbath (Saturdas) 45 a. encores, Sabbath Schcol; 11. 15 a. GenServices. Church School and Lepine As to the Crehestra on a whole: Confirmation Class as usual.
102 Price 50cts.
eral Worship Spanish Chombo Gordo T. MULCARE, 117 Class: As a coloured aggregation of classi(Abel 126 30 co. Society. cal instrumentalists it is the best Priest in Charge. Copi 108 meeting 30 pm. Jonior and have heard on the Isthmus.
Secure yours now there will be a great rush Senior Staudard of conclusion is however, SEVENIH RACE Class, p. Vespere.
for them, dependent on my assump Rally of West Indian tion that it is an all West Indian tion This Sunday night, we shall Furlongs. Purse 175 aggregation of It has lived up to Patriots and Statesmen Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN study some very important ques. the 500 ormore Burla 119 Panama tions arising out of the three people who packed the Clubhouse Mad. Steinbeil 103 messages of Revelation 14, to listen to fron it took home, Suggested By ContriLa Nena 107 GRIZZLE Pastor above all, item No. 12, Elisire Valencia 126 Amore. Donzzetti.
buting in West Indian In spite of the fact that there Breach of Promise.
Newspaper Stubborness we deprecate, was very little or no accoustical CALL IN AT provisions in the clubhouse the But firmness we condone, Concert was a successful musica ing to the Grenada West Indian. Faith eintributes the followThe former is our neighbor trait (Continued from page 1)
The latter is our own. Ex.
Mr. Amery is giving the West on four counts; indemnity for Indies a glorious opportunity Humility is a virtue all preach, pecuniary loss and disappoiotment show of resonable expectation of an ad NATIONAL PHARMACY tutelage has perform British none practice; and yet everybody in life; is content to hear, Vantageous settlement. Želden Santa Ana Plaza ed. West Indians went to Europe compensation for injury to feelings to help to set a limit to despotista and morrification u dergone; re Central Avenue in the interest of democracy. Mr.
Underground Brewery imbursement for expenditures iaAmery Drug Store for poor attempt is a test for the cidental to the marriage; and dain.
noble spirit wisich the World War Discovered.
No. 93, Central Avenue ages for seduction, It seems that, while eagaged to and rich.
intensified in West Indians: but since itain desires al differences the faithless one, the woman loses within to GOOD SELECTION OF be sejdled by a gument her place in the race for other by war, the best way to Detroit, November 10. submen, and therefore jeopardizes is for British terranean brewery, its intricate NEW BIBLES her chance for the comfortable siter case could be quoted to show protest successfully Guiana to invite system of busements and passageWest Indians ways yielding beer and beermaking bome which is her right. Ove that brrech of premise suits af patrio woman waited seventeen years for indemnifying them for the loss or calls Hymn Prayer Books ford women a rich harvest of gold patriots and statesmen for a grand Georgetown at paraphernalia, worth a half a to million dollers has been found here her prospective spouse aunt tion die and leave him money, although a virtue which was never theirs. See the opportunity. An organiza by Federal Prohibition agents. So he could have afforded marr age and in addition there is the blackend delegates to the can thereby be formed to extensive was the plant that it when they first became engaged; mail paid faby men poterit do enoties to show the economie benefits colon occupied an entre city block base.
wish to face the of alles which all will Administrator believes that in the WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR to blame her fuded charms and trial.
still comarried state on the man West Indian fin. sod industrial discovery of the grant plant last More and more, judges agree corprration for the development dupllcity instead of her own stupid. that breach of promise is wrong of the vast and varied resources night they have the main source of ity in practice if not theory, and that with West Indian capital, brain supply to many of Detroit blind It is possible to imagine. of it is an anomaly in this twentieth and labour, and (2) to despatch pigs and bars.
course, that a woman feelings century, So does Lorine Pruette, powerful representatives to EngNo hot irons or special combs required might be deeply injured were she active feminist, who, in the Nation land to tell Amery not to with openly jilted, But it is not likely for Aukast 31, accuses her sex of worry any more bis Rent receipt books in Spanish belittling, that she would her mor profiting from the advantages of insulting patronage.
and English for sale at the WORKMAN SOLD IN DRUG STORES tification. if it were sincere) by the new order keeping men We have our Imperial College of dragring her troubles and the their place and yet reliaquishing Tropical Agriculture and we hope unwilling man into court, security of the oll ya 19 estab ish a West Iudian Univer.
Advertise in the WORKMAN it will The fourth ground, seduction is Wazes fo: wives is an en si y, to train purselves in the respectable idea.
woman bring you good results.
of when various arts and sciences to which trumps. FLOWERS Dr. Arnulfo Arias Tdere was a forty, mother of two grown this slogan is just as likely to be in the interest of the sons and of to justifv, wazes, she says bu employment. Will it not, then be sons, who blushingly insisted be taken up more daughters if their PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Abogado. Attorney at Law West Indian fore the jury that she thought she wou and her finance were as good as The wolnan who doee gorously by th oef teothing in reture parents should give their support OFFICE: No. 44 ST made THE IDEAL DRINK Kemoved his Clinic to Cen married. The jury hearts were that he has no right to expect any British Guiana a veritable S.
move that BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY SINALCO tral Avenue No. 137 half which the judge reluced to 30, 000 would be degrading but that Australia and New Zealand have all wrung to the extent of 75, 000 form of service from his wie that for their employment? Canada, TELEPHONE No. 1377 block away from the up to How different the outcome of somehow, mysteriously, he is res acted in such a manner, and today Aways Delicious Practicing before all the courts of date. Drug Store named such suits would be if women ponsible for her still hampered they are Imperial partners, not the Republic since April 1914 Pharmaɔy.
were sitting in the jury boxes, condi. ion, and that he can never urchins, Send out the invitation, otserves Mrs. Bromley. Case give her enough to make up for it. British Gujana!
ma attainment (This entirely to it; to what The Workman BOOK STORE and not Contra Crespo in none of the ace widow

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