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LL ليه 29 Marcus Garvey Release THE WORKMAN READ THE WORKMAN WEEK BY LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY WEEK ANC VOL 16 No. 16 PANAMA, SATURDAY NOVEMBER 26, 1927 PRICE CENTS Sermon Preached Legislation Advocated To Legalize Aliens Another Case May Negro Race Better Endowed With Instinct for Melody At Celebration of Garvey Day Appreciated Involvo jostion of Right to Kil to kill.
Mrsa custom The following letter is publishTombridge, Kent, England, ed by Englandis Who Are in The United States cers and Members of the Colon ly through discussing the recent Than White Race is Apparently Divisirn acequittal of a father who killed Without Legal Status.
One God! One Alm!
his young dangoter to wapate her Established Says States Paper.
further suffering from disease, now One Destiny. bas another case with is likely to cable despatch from Washington, dated, November Perhaps few notions are more November 19, 1927. inyolve the question of the right widely prevalent in 12 states that High Commissioner General of Immigration Mr. Jones.
America than that members of the Negro race are better enHull in a letter to Representative McGregor of Buffalo, Cristobal, C, The new case is one involving a dowed with the instinct for melody and rhythm than is made public today, advocated legislation to permit aliens daughter and a suffering mother the case with the average white man, says the New YORK who are in the United States without legal status to apply Officers and Members of the above pain. It came up in a Magistrate basis is apparently established by a series of tests conducted Dear Si. am directed by the and an alleged poisoning to end SUN. That this belief rests on an unsound and unscientific for examination with a view to legalizing their residence.
named organization to tender to court here to day.
Representative McGregor in which the latter asked if some live rices replerede us our daughter of a prominent Rent them the University of Iowa, who worked out standards for Cominissioner Hull letter was in reply to one from you on their behalf sincere thanko Mrs, Margaret Bowman Delvigne among students of both races.
These tests were devised by Dr. Carl Seashore or the thing could not be done to correct the situation of alien Garvey Day Stese Mlectures on fully aduinistering a pois Waite. et educational levels, fifth grade, eighth grade and colleges sixth instant when at. with unlaw residents who have established connections and who upon so admirably preached for us so poison to her judging the average capabilities of white students at three Mrs.
seeking to return here after departure for Canada or some excellent a sermon.
alleged that other country cannot re enter, Your sermon still echoes, and polsce to end Delvigeerive Guy Johnson for the last year and a half bas been applyThe Commissioner General letter reads, in part: will continue for quite a while to sudering. The elder woman had ing the same tests to Negroes of the same grades, examining have for some time urged the passage of legislation and so far as we have gleaned, the for an internal malignant growth of North Carolina and Virginia. An account echo in the soul of your hearers; undergone ad operation recently in all some 3, 500 students in the graded schools and colleges of his rewhich will permit the Commissioner General, with the only tbing it lacked was the power and is still in a grave condition. searches was published in a recent issue of the Southern approval of the Secretary of Labor, to legalize the residence to be beard eternally.
Your Mrs. Delvigne, who was in a Workman, a journal of Hampton Institute.
of aliens who entered prior to the quota acts, in the absence ortal voice bas failed; but in state of collapse on ber arrange The tests were for apperception in pitch, in intensity of evidence that they deliberately evaded the law at the spirit it sti resounds, committed time of such entry, and who are desirable from an immi. again Sir, express sincere ap. trial at the next Maidstone Assizes, of sound, in time, in rhythm, in tonal memory and in con preciation, and with the hope that sonance. Perhaps the most interesting discovery was in gration standpoint.
the of your descendenks will am sure that if this authority were given it would one day be heard wie dhe fem. Special Xmas Number the matter of rhythm, on which Mr. Johnson reports. It may surprise some to learn that the Negroes whom be exercised in a manner that would relieve the situation ple walls of an Africa Redeemed.
In keeping with past tested did not show a clear superiority over the whites without adversely affecting the settled order of things. beg to subscribe myself in the SPECIAL XMAS NUMBER in the sense of rhythm. The Negro fifth grade silghtly It would be unwise, to my mind, to place any law gratitude and Progress, of the Workman will appear on excels the white fifth, but the differences are not great upon the statute books which might prove an incentive for Respectfully, or about the 21st of December. enough to be considered important The Negro eigbth grade Contributors to this aliens unlawfully bere to depart from the DUDLEY PRESCOD.
number are country, as it might develop upon the occasion asked to send in their contribu. is almost identical with the white eighth attempted re entry General Secretary, tions as early as possible, all who The Negroes, however, show more very high scores that they were inadmissible, and we would then be conbave photographs for the Press are and more very low scores than the whites. The same is.
fronted with just the situation which you seek to correct.
ATTENTION also asked to forword same along true for the Negro college students. They excel the whites In other words, believe it best to have a law which with the article as it is intended in the scores from 85 to 100, but they also concentrate more will permit aliens who are in this country without legal beautiful wosortment of Xenas les trae permberosi bileteresting than the whites on the scores from 65 downward.
Cards WORKMAN Printery. illustrative as.
status to apply for examination with a view to legalizing Similar results, with but slight variations, were obtained their residence rather than that the law shall apply only to in the other tests. The writer draws the conclusion that aliens who depart and seek re entry.
SPARKLETS there are no significant difference in the basic sensory musi.
cal capacities of white and Negroes. The tests do disclose a greater variation from individual to individual among the Trouble and Trouble Makers causal Ramblings. tunately, however, the thing is well Negroes. Mr. Johnson is inclined to suspect that where If you have been following up on its way. The only recourse two persons rank equally well in musical talents success or In the at Bocas del Toro this columa, gentle reader, you now have is that, for having picked failure at music will be largely a matter of motivation that must have noticed ito absence for a play to give the ladies and oppor; is, the one to whom music holds all important interest will three long and weary weeks. Now, tunity to learn bow to lord it over Bocas del Toro, November 23. the Union agent to embargo, Liber these weekly aberrations are not the men, President Clifford Bewell develop into a first rate musician, whereas the one interestmore in other things will make but an iodifferent The bi tory of the local branch ty Hall till the debt was paid. re bashed stuft; they are geouine of tne Athenaeum loses my vote ed of the division No Several changes have been laid original matter tempered here and should be be a candidate to suc musician.
The net result of these experiments will be to confirm a 41) has been simply one of against this man, who has all along there with quotatious from the pen cred himself as president for the next fighting within any fears with been a trouble maker in the associs of immortal literary lights.
out during the eight or bide tion, and be may probably forfeit them out in buts het een busy admit that owe friend Sid belief which has long been growing to the effect that, other years of of its existence. his membership when the witnesses periods, hence their røgular weekly Young, the young. Editor of things being equal, possession of unusual talents is likely to Some months ago, Shady Jack against him have all given in their appearance is not guaranteed. And porto on the editorial staff of the be an individual rather than a racial characteristic. Another again, as you, perhaps, are well Panama Americaa, ao apology: result of almost equal importance is that the tetss remind us son now an ex member, tried to testimony, make etty hot the At a special meeting of the Asso. aware too limited vocabulary Lace tenido tolfery but be wiebeleted of what we so often need to be reminded that broad genassociation by fensou of its failure ciations de Theodym nisappointed barab distractions are far from Afer reviewing any activities of Mhe. pocketbook weud bimill attention to duty but the wise bead eralizations, even when widely held, are often extremely It better than. pay full 100 Cy committee of three being compatible with of the unstrustworthy.
to overhaul and repair an ordi. to wait on the Union agente with a work. ue to the foregoing and past month, discovered jebati organ did getting date for other vost much more than that when extende visited the fellow for for Expression of Appre Girls Broke Faith warded him bearing my new for the association bad after wbile special efforts paypound during the past darees had paying this hawk something like meantime be made Wailed pot even bothered to consult may congratulations upon his having ciation. 25, 00 s Cy, diecovered his the amount due.
badly worn copy of Webpter In moved into and occupied new and spacious offices, and Sont Back to Jam aica.
defective workmanship. bad in. Thio association bas now establert in an effort feel that he might not have been deed, found him to be fake and lished night school. which rets 19 get better ternational Duainted with thel The Quoon Esther Lianet Clarke and Louise NewDrama And Kindred boog and became obstipate out to give thorough English Kings English, beitber bad per considering it an inadvertency on ton, used any new literature to augment my part Rad would be prompted to bioteen year old Jamaican npon the departure of clementary and seccondary educa my old stock of ideas. Be that as any things about me on his blotdown some uncomplimentEffort girls, were sent back to their homes the then resident (Mr. N.
on Thursday last, it was learned Whittaker) for Costa Rica, where it may, if can muster enough ed. ary ter wbich might lead to my ergy to turn out two sheets of dou: he remained for seven monthe, Townsmen Penetrated ble spaced type written material,! barment from further practice of vesterday, due to the By H, PILGRIM WILKINS fact that they broke faith with Mrs. Susie Jackson, by a series of schemes succeeded in making off wfth the you are in live for a column this journalism on his aristocratic, Several persons who happened to Louise Sanches, also a Jamaican Section see me in attendance at last eveu. and their guardian, who brought instrument and now establishes 193 Miles Into Interior week.
himself in the Lagoons as a proBrother Hutchinson, chief ing performance of the Queen them here from Jamaica some time If ycu have been a diligent satellite to President Louis Lindo Bether drama at the Cristobal ago.
of musicHe will a little trouble on his band later on, Juinp and two others from the noticed that the venerable La Boca informs me it was tioned me as regarding my opinion and Luotre apparently, raw better On Wednesday last, William newspaper reader, you must have of Division 17 of the A, Silver Club House having quesarrival Linnet The latest terror to the Associ. Mechanical Division at Balbon, in Athenaeum is preparing a farce Awa Der opportunities for advancement another member, wbo, cisloyal to City, five men altogether, penetrat. to be presented at their annual tommorrow afternoon that be will play wright nor a play than those afforded by their guaration is one Alfred Gordon, company with two others from the comedy entitled Curistmas Boxes pot Wednesday evening last but of the the cause he pre, ends to support: miles into the fast progressing in next. have read that little 45. me that he is proposing a Madame iné inoral and of course, education: concert sometime in December inaugurate big musical reason believing such effort ou the part of whereupon they uocereBrother Hutchinson rther tells these making them with a view of iously severed connection with has been inciting agents of the certior bebe Republic of theirs in: minute dialogue between two young De Parker apropa member of the al uplift of the young of our people ber and secured or employment or msrcial Benefit Union to sequester bition was to reach Chitre and women and a like number of your Isthmian Society of Coloured deserying of encouragement and was said to bave been living with at places the Association property. with the help of two automobiles. permitted would med eple below and reached tom ale bave opposed its staging on praci. Sera debut alongside Miss Mae little word to the possible more 5:2 is een to street, while notice Songbirds, and that she will make support, bave decided to add my Galimora Dumber It so happened that before the little over ten hours, ples. As one who supports Teany. Sandford at the inauguration to valuable expressions of beprotse took up residence as Association was able to secure its owu biouse and property, it rented ferry at ten o clock in the morning the lesser man and that all thy morrow afternoon. Among other wbich will doubtlessly be pro Jose de Estrada Street with a Mre, The party lett Pedro Miguel son in his opinion that woman vocalis:s on program, was bounced on the entertuioment, quarters in the Union two scorey encouutered approximately 1185 (her) passions matched with mins informed. will be John Daniels Esther Royal, Guiling Central Avenue and wae miles of excellent roads and wbizzed and like water auto wine I can reminds me of the fact that friend ales The ATMOSPHERE Beckles. That. With the help of the Panama forced, turongh the pressure ou its passed about a CRISTOBAL SILVAR CLUB Police Mrs. Sanchez, as a dozen small towns that provide. Boxes that Christmas the girls HOUSE; PAST AND PRE:ENT Clan McKenzie et al at one tine guardian and who said to be solely Hall, to be owing that body a small Peponome, Bejuci, and Aguadulce.
comedy IS say it with reasons of pain responsible for their some owed Mr. Beckles wedal or rental when it removed from the rode over the Santa Maria, the destined to portray presence on Union building. Gordou saw in this rgest bridge in that part of the little secrets peculiarly Dative to winning place in a Singing Contest times when the ativosphere of the and sent them back to Jumaica. Od something having. that. au opportuny to strike at the Republic and arrived at Chitre at men and which would have been promoted by bas better if kept secret sud awny impromptu Cristobal Silver Clubhouse was Thursday.
been using all bis influence to get ontiaued on page from our mduelu frapp is. Tafur(continue. on page Continued on page 8)
Continued on page liebts. grind wowe to final devitalizing circumstances, weeks to began to mark dig although ed Mrs. Jane number are OF THE Tores farce an SIE so


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