
M PAGE TWO THE WO KMAN SATURDAY NOVEMBER 28, 1927 IF YOU KNOW THE REASON YOSHTAZ WHY anatuan LUCKY STRIKE IS GC The fastest growing Cigarette in Panama THEN You appreciate Mildness. Freshness AND Better Cigarette Taste.
year, annual taken up driven We are offering Permanent positions to a few reliable men and women, in which an exeellent income can be roade even to those who work but PART TIME. During onr 35 years in business we have appointed over 518, 000 agents who supply our household necessity to our customers in every country in the world. Many of our agents have been with us over 30 years and have achieved Financial Independence Increasing local demands and repeat orders, make is necesary to appoint more local representatives many localities in the United States. No special experience or capital required. It is a straightrfoward, digaited business. Wny got represent the largest and best known house of its kind in the world. Send us your address and the Manager of our appointment Bureau will send you full particulars. When we arpoint an agent we fargish free samples for Trial Tests in the bomes in the locality of the agent.
In answering be sure to tell us the name of the paper in which you saw this advertisement, Address ALPHEUS BANCROFT, WASHINGTON, D, Attention Clerk No. 12. 1438 (You) Street o pay that money is in JAMAICA MISSING GIRLS City and St. Catherine Police More Tourists For are said to be looking for a young girl named Lena Bennett Jamaica.
of Ivy District who it is feared was abducted or lured away to Kingston by some men driving a truck.
Eastern Steamship Lines, According to our Ewarton Newcomer, to Fly House Correspondent, wbile walking down from our home at Ivy Flag In Caribbean This Green to meet her mother who Winter.
was coming up on the 15 train for Kingston, the girl was over taken by a truck THE NEW YARMOUTH the direction of Mandeville. She travelling in TO MAKE SIX CRUISES asked for a drive on the vehicle was but through Ewarton on the LinThe BERALD of the 12th inst. stead road. This happened skys. The coming tourist sea couple of days ago and the girl Bon bids fair to eclipse those of has not been heard of since.
past years as following close on the notifications by the regular land, Soba Hall has inMr. William Gray of Sandercruise promoters the Canard, formed the GLEANER that bis United Fruit, North German daughter Mabel Gray, aged 15 Lloyd of their arrangements to bas disappeared from bis home.
send thousands of seekers of she is fall faced, stout, but very fruits and sunsbine to the tropics, sickly. Mr. Gray asks anyone is the decision of the Eastern wbo has come across the missSteamship Lines to Ay their ing girl to telegraph him at bouse flag in the Caribbean this John Hall Post Ofice. GLBAwinter. The company new nipped Yarmouth, which NER every detail for cruise. make a series the first leaving York Jan.
Seemed To Be Unsimilar trips leaving New York Jar. 24, Feb. 10, favourable and March Besides Solfering all the ages of high grade cruise The Montego Bay Correspondit brings a price to a figure never ſent to the Gleaner writing on before realized in the cruise the 7th instaut says:market, wbich will certainly Due to the heavy ralos we are, mean a full bouse for each yoy having the reservoirs both at Retirement and Brandon Hill are The itinerary follows: leave fall and water is going to waste.
Pier 18, New York for Miami, One competent to give valuable 916 ziles, with a stopover of opinion respecting the water nine hours; proceed to Havana, situation, stated that there need 208 miles, stopover of two days be no fear of a water shortage and a bigtit. Proceed at Montego Bay for one year. It may here be mentioned that FOR KINGSTON JAMAICA nearly all the sources available to augment the Montego Bay water 710 miles, allowing twenty hours supply bas been reported Gofor sightseeing. The next leg is invourable for drinking purposes to Nassau, Bahamas, 679 miles and it does appear that there is where six bours will be spent, but from this port the ship sails for! apon. At the last meeting of the but one source left to be reported New York. Total mileage is Parochial Board of St. James an 579 miles, which will give 290)
unfavourable was present bours on water and about sevened by the Superintending Medity hours on land: Sot cal Oficer in respect to the With the Yarmouth calling at John Hall Worcester scheme, Kingston in January, twice in since then it has been expressed Febenars, twica in March, and that the source would still be the In April, and with the regular best and most economical were the Board to add to the proposed visits or the other big liners, it is safe to say that our estimate 3, 500 or 5, 000 for a keepers and cab drivers are in filter bed. This augmentation could be effected for about for a fare share of business.
of als creuses to the Weke Tales Every Source of Supply BARBADOS but who did not were free to go their accustomed way. The result of course, was that the wbole scheme tell flat, and a Director of Education change which we consider both practical and beneficial, condemned because of a very Favoured by Governor in unfair trial. Again some months Speech at Opening of ago the Board was called upon by the Teacbers Association to Legislature modate remedy a grievance.
pupil His Eqcellency, the Governor, teachers is paid for by the Board In his speech at the opening of at the rate of twelve dollars the present sessioa of the Legis. the teacher does not fall in his only on condition that lature, gave his opinion in favour examination. The head of a Director of Education, who would be a trained and quallded teachers complained that the officer, in charge of the Educa en weer looks as inadequate, that they should be montbtion Department, and give bis whole time and attention they had spent a whole able to y, and that it was unfair after to the administration year Year adfairs of the Department. The teaching pupil to get no need for such an officer is no no because the popil did not not happen new discovery, and the vosatisfactory deportment of the the Board bad do funds to inery to be intelligent. To this the very Education Board replied that Education Board within recent times give sufficient grounds for crease the fees, public support of such a propo Treasury for work before it was could not be drawn from the sal.
It will be remembered that completed and that the Board some time last year the Educa where pupil teachers had failed.
did not see its way to pay fees tion Board made an attempt to me Here again the Board showed elementary education in Barba lof its duties and the public is the of dos by changing the scbool able to form its own opinion. In openbig hours from ten to We understood to eight. higher education the conduct of that the idea was the child of Mr. Green. the Board bas been, itº possible, balgb, the Assistant Inspector, Micbael Girls School curriculum worse. The Noble case, the 1926 Schools, and that the rol Barbados Scholarabip, the St.
Rey. Nicholls, bad claimed However all damning euidence.
Do relationship scheme was widely discussed, most recent incident is the Board fully resigned its powers the unanimous recommendation and as a result, the Education refusal of the Board to confithe and told the school teachers that of a bead teacher by board of who liked could try the scheme, Church. Now we are not for school managers in Christ moment sayiog that the function of the Education Board is to say ditto, to the dicta of local SINACLO school managers, two often men without any special or even ordinary kno edge of their duties.
Put your servel to work But we do feel that the Education Board sbculd be big enough to every day.
be beyond the suspicion of foul play. The offence of the teacher in the Present case, have been made to Sunderstand is that te took an artire part lu move 20 000 and in view of the fact ment to send petition to the that water would gravitate from Education Board asking for an this source, there being Do neces increase of salaries.
It is said be sity for pumping, this expendi ventured far enougb eren to Bend ture migbt be considered as tinal letter of some sort to Mr. Austin, President of Peep. To the present it is not cation Board. For these reasons vale io state that the Joba Han with his ability to teach, as the for others not connected Worcester Scheme bas been reports of the Inspectors on the abandoned.
The master of the Poor House school examinations show, or bis wbo it was expected would give fitness for the possition as the up charge of the institution has recommendation of the minister been re instated. Continued on page 6)
will be Feb. 26, Mareb 13 CALL IN AT The Workman BOOK STORE advan the are The takes trips.
No. 93, Central Avenue GOOD SELECTION OF NEW BIBLES Hymn Prayer Books report was WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR Contra Crespo No hot irons or special combs required up B, of EdostoreSOLD IN DRUG STORE


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