
Political Propaganda SINALCO For any child or adult.
It a tonic nutriment.
Debarred From Riding In United States The Prosperity Tailors Being Developed in South American Countries Against the US.
CLEANERS DYERS tbree Reigh Count No. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING OF THE HIGHEST ORDER these Work Done While You Wait becomes Washington, Nov. 2, An immense amout of propaganda ot political, social and racial cature is developing la some countries of South America against the United States, and the feeling is beld in some quarters that the Uafted States wishes to impo ber imperialistic will in the southern portion of the hewispbere, Miles Poindexter, ambassador to Peru, declared to day after a call on Presideat Coolldge.
that eubtle influences emanated from Russia, Great Britain and otber European countries acd be felt that they were designed to undermine the confidence of South American republics in the United States. The propeganda he added, takes the form of criticising American Sbylock ways, the attitude of this country toward Philippine The propagacda, while probably directed primarily against the commercial footbolds which the United States has obtaired, also is of a political and racial appeal, be said.
Peru was not one of the countries in which the feeling bad galned some ground, the ambassador continued. The country to be is accredited he said feels that the United States bas with Pan American nations and been very just io ber dealings while she was disappointed in the attempt to negotiate a TacnaArica settlement, Peru felt that the American intention was enirely friendly.
54 and its policy incubadependence Vidence TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED Alter tions and Repairs at reasonable Prices Ladies Garments Carefully handled REID Manager which Problem of Freed Slaves in Sierra LF. ONE TO BE SOLVED Baltimore, Md. Nov. Earl Sande bad bis day in court this the report morning. The noted jockey ap. William Doyle.
of Patrol Judge peared before the Maryland State that Sande on Batean bad fouled who reported Racing Commiasion, all members being in attendance in their office in the Fidelity Build. StewARDS RULING SUSTAINED ing, and told his story of the now The announcement of the susTak famous race for the Piml. co pension followed, with the stateFaturity Stakes of 1927 ment that the case bad been Sande stoutly proclaimed bis referred to the Maryland Racing innocence of any foute on his The latter body met the followCommission for further action.
placed the whole blame on bis inge mo rival, Chick Lang, and asked for a morning and sustained the square deal. Jockeys Lewis ruling of the stewards, for ber.
James McCoy and more revoking Sande license to George Ellis, all riders in the Much has been said regarding the ride in Maryland.
Futurity, appeared in bis beball Sanda being ej, be kind och and supported Sande statement from the Nothing of that he had been seized by the blouse and pulled over in front Whenjckey is sus Si bls badge automatically o Lang and his mount.
At the end the hearing the license se preokea benets backed he mission, thruxh Chairman from the race courses in MarvLolane, announced that the resc land. Sande was treated no difcation of Sande license as the ferently than any other jockey or jckey would stand; ie that the trainer in similar circumstancer.
soul Chairman verdict agaicst him, wrote to the Sunde, not satisfied with the was Verwhelming.
Litane Btated hat Sande bra vicus good record would be ing. Although the case had been commission and asked for a hear.
taken into consideration when at closed and the verdict announced, some future time the case again would come bhfore the com mis tie commission acceded to the request and fixed 10 A, this sion, morning as the bour at which it As he left the room Sacde would hear anything that the temperament got the best of bim jockey might nave to say, He had Toe jockey burst lato teare, every opportunity to offer any exclaiming: only want a new evidence in his behalf.
square deal and tbey won give to me! His brother ckeys sought to calon him, but he was still sobting as they led him 1rom the roum and out into the proxectos XXOS curridor.
CASE CLOSED FOR SANDE As far as Sande is concerned the case is closed. He will not recieve license to ride in Maryland again this season.
According to the unwritten w of the turf the action of the Maryland Racing Committee wil Drespected on all otber recog1 zed race courses in this couctry and elsewbere, Sande had every opportunity to preseot his side of tbe case and was unable to convince the commission of no wrongtul. intent. It is a fair guess, howeyer, that the jockey will receive a license to ride next year, 80 that the punishment is not 30 great as at first appeared. There is only a little more than a fortnight of racing on the Mary.
iand courses.
Sande does not ide during the Winter, so he is losing nothing on that score. Racing in Maryland begins in the Spriug before the New York tracks upen. It is fair to presume that his applica.
tion for a license to ride in Mars land next year will be granted although not the slightest intimation of such a possibility bas come from the Maryland State Ra.
cing Commission. That body has acted and no further action may be looked for until it has before it something tangible to conside Following the hearing, Chairman Latta de made this state. t: SUSPENSION NOT FOR LIFE There is no idea on our part to make the suspension permanent or for lite. The suspenstop will remain in effect as long as we deem it necesary to insure against repetition. These things are for the good of tbe game, aad must be done to presrva fairness on the track would not make an advance statement about how soon Mr.
Sande will again be permitted to Sande was indefialtely susperd by the stewards of the Maryland Jockey Club following the running of the Pimlico Faturity on Friday last on evidence presented to them that be bad foulded Mrs. John Hertz colt, Reigb Count. Sande on Walter Jefford filly Bateau. Reigh Count was knocked out of the redning approaching the far tarn and finished fifth. Bateau finished third and was disqual. SILVER exist, blood SPRAY to go PILSENER find their The Glasgow News of October 22nd, says:It will be interesting to see how the 200, 000 freed slaves of Sierra Leone profit by their liberty and in what way they will actwhat will the emancipated slaves do? When el the day of liberation drew near in the West Indies the black people thought the change would result in their rising and slaying tbelt white former owners, and some of the songs they sang still curdiag compositions. But the violence that was expected by some did not bappen.
In the United States, where in 1865 four million begroe were slaves, the change, wben it did come, was stupefying. Here was independence, the right to do a as they liked within the law. But they were terrified, like wild animals liberated in a city from a cage, like children turned loose in the world to provide for themselves.
Some of them had not even Christian names; fewer still bad surnames. They bad to names, employment, bomes, everything. To the aged slaves liberty came as a desertion by masters; to others the parting from their old owners was heart breaking Claiming compensation for slave owners in Sierra Leone the other day, a desendant of slaves said the present slave owners there were an artistocratic people and could not suddenly work for themselves. That was true of the Southern States Americans too, They had to rearrange matters, to after the Black Death bad destroyed nearly all our slares labour bere. So hosts of negroes stayed where they were, free, yet fixed, and work ing for wages Instead food and lodging. Some bebaved nobly, and work for nothing till lest their old owners should be ruined; and one princely fellow having saved some 666, walked over 300 miles to place his little all in the impoverished hands ot the old massa.
The conditions are different on the West Coast of Africa, where black chiefs and not white men are the owners of black slaves.
But these slaves in Sierra Leone are kindred of the negroes in America, and good Dature is common to both. America difficulties were settled with a four years of the emancipation it ride.
as we had IS GOOD DRINK gaiba FOR EVERYBODY of for had the mount lied.
of LADE, The race was run order the supervisloa of the stewards the Maryland Jockey Club, A, Weston, George Brown Jr, and Frank Bryar. Following the race, Sande, who bad the mount on Reich Count, and James McCoy, who rode J, Macomber Petee Wrack, which finished second, were called to the stewards stand and ques tioned. The stewards also heard VAA SOKOBAS the slaves.


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