
PAGE FOUR THE WOkKM SATURDAY NOVEMBER 26 1927 THE WORKMAN LA MASCOTA. PThe delicious rich, thick, fruity SINALCO Makes meals appetizing.
Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on applicaWALROND, at the office No. 83 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited.
PO Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be written on one side of paper only, and Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of One Year 40 Cy the writer, not necessarily for publicaSix Months 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
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We do not undertake to return reOne Month 25. jected correspondence.
When a man Buys a a Dr. Arnulfo Arias PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Removed his Clinic to Central Avenue No. 137 half block away from the up todate. Drug Store named Pharmazy. The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JINUIS РАСК.
ARD SHOE Packard SHOE arms of upon as taken away rom to rob innocence, beauty: SATURDAY NOVEMBER 26, 1927 MARCUS GARVEY RELEASE.
By this time nearly the whole civilized world will have been informed of the commutation of the five year sentence which was being served by Marcus Garvey, founder and indomitable leader of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League, in the Federal Prison at Atlanta, Georgia, According to an Associated Press despatch published in a local daily on Thursday morning, under the conditions of the commutation of his sentence, the famous leader will be deported from the United States. It is presumed, therefore, that he will be sent back to Jamaica, the land of his birth.
Marcus Garvey attracted the attention of the world some years ago with his uncompromising demand for equity for the Negro, and back to Africa movement.
After carrying on for several years with the support of the newspaper, the NEGRO WORLD, mouthpiece of his movement, the concensus of opinion was that he had successfully directed the attention of the white race to the Negro and his treatment of him, as well as the Negroes attention to the possibilities within himself. His stinging truth had the other races indicted before the world tribunal of equity. This singularly conspicious achieve.
ment, naturally drafted all Negroes, his enemies included, to sympathise with him on his imprisonmeat for a technical crime not committed by him in bad faith.
Well thinking Negroes believed that Garvey basic contention on their behalf is in order, but that his efforts to alleviate their sufferings were impracticable. Hence, the sentiment of Negroes the world over, including that of not a few prominent white people, the press, and organizations, were in favour of his release from prison. rvey will, in all probability, be deported to Jamaica where he will be protected by the British flag and come under the laws of the British Empire. It is not expected that the change of location will alter the leader opinion with regard his race, but with his wide, varied and practical experience, it is believed that he will be able to modify his program so as to conform with the commonly accepted conditions urder which a fair and dignified fight for right, must be fought. Few have really caught up with the real spirit of Garveyism. The majority bis followers bave been originally attracted by the leader pronouncements which they interpreted to be a move for a wholesale emigration of Negroes to Africa, after the various world pwers have been dispossessed of their holdings there. Many liked Garvey for his grandiloquent platform speeches and otheres followed him and his movement solely for the theoret cal pomp, gay regalias and paraphernalias.
There were few reaily intelligent followers of Garvey and his movement who were true because they had caught his vision and were ready to sacrifice with him for the cause.
We always subordinated all the superficialities which decorated Garvey program. Beneath them we could discern a wave of a genuine awakening of the Negro. There is the actual awakening! But this will only be seen and appreciated after all the froth and bubble bave subsided and that indistructible element of racial success self preservation has entered into the Negro. There was a time when he was disposed to object to beingựcalled a Negro; now he glories in being called what he really is. Garvey is, to a very great extent, responsible for this race conscious ness.
We believe that the United States Department of Justice has done the right thing in freeing Marcus Garvey.
we hope, therfore, that the future leadership of this Negro whose soul is impregnated with the love of bis race, will be that of a sane and dignified one. 1 STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History And grave berations, iated, sod often in her anger would punish me severely for no cause whatever. My dear approach to the Anglo Saxon aroused the jealousy and hatred of the overseer, and he flogged me. as be he feels better every time he wears it, said, to make me know my place My fellow slaves hated me te.
for the recollection of quality cause was whiter than themselves; Thus my complexion was construed into a crime, and was remains long after the price made to curse my father for the Anglo Saxon blood that courses is forgotten.
through my veins My master raised slavess to supply the southern market, and every year some of my companions SEE OUR SHOW WINDOWS were sold to the slaves traders and taken farther south Husbands were separate from their wives, and children torn from the for all the latest Models their agonizing mothers. These outrages were committrd hy the man whom nature compelled me to as my father My mother and Frothers were sold CARLOS MULLER from me; still tore all, and made ao attempt to escare, for yet had near me an only sister, whom SOLE AGENT dearly loved. At last, the Negro driver attempted to my sister of her virtue. She appealed to me for ber PANAMA CITY 87 CENTRAL. AVENUE Pro protection. Her and tears were enough to stir the sputest heert. My own, filled with grief and indignation, swelled with in me as though it would burst or fused to flow, the fever in my brain leap from my boson. My tears redried them up. could stand it no Man Without longer. seized the wretch by the Name throat, and hurled him to the paid bim for old and new. The ground; and with this strong arm It was in the month of Decembext day, was tried by a jury of ber, 1852, while Colonel Rice and slave holders for the crime of bav.
family were seated around a brighting within me the heart of a man, from the large dinning room in their or licentious embrace of at libertine mansionmiles from would you believe it sir? Dayton, in the State of Vaio, that that jury that jury of enlightened Ameri. AND ses, they heard a knock at the door, Camer75e sir. Christian Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 which was answered by the familiar Americans. after deliCome in that always greets the had broken the laws, and sentenced decided that Won lerful Work of 240 odd Pages stranger in the Western State. Imid Squire Loomis walked in and took me to receive five hundred lashes one of the three rockingback. But sir, es.
chairs, which had been made caped from them the night before Summary of Contents: vacant by the was to have been flogged.
young folks, History of West Indies! Cricket for 60 years influential and wealthy neighbour Inkan back, remained the fol, Afraid of being arrested and Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, It was a beautiful fright, the sky lowing day bid away in a secluded was clear, ear, the wind had bushed its Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, of the starry throng stood out in gaze of man by the large trees and deep moanings, the most Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, ant sissippi River, protected from the Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual bold relief, despite the superior thick cane brakes that sheltered light of the moon. see some me. waited for the coming of Players one standing at the gate. said another night. All was silence Mrs. Rice, as she left the window around me, save the sweet chant Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and and came nearer the fire. ll go of the feathered songsters in the Interesting who it is, exclaimed forest, or the musical ripple of of the George, as he quitted his chair eddying waters at my feet.
Price 50cts.
and started for the door. The watched the majestic bluffs as they to his father, and both left the gray twilight, from the face of day latter soon returned and whispered gradually faded away, through the room, evincing that sometbing into darker shades of night. then Secure yours now there will be a great rush unusual was at band. Not many turned to for them, minutes elasped, bonete before to the rising moon as it peered above, escending the deep in the Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN panied by a young man, whose blue ether, DBA Panama complexion showed plainlyrays over the surrounding landscape, and gliding coursed through his veias. The river with its silvery bue. viewed other than Anglo Saxon blood the smooth surface of the noble whole company rose, and the with interest the stars as they to the fire. Question after question firmament. It was then and there stranger was invited to draw near appeared one after another, in the was now pressed upon the new that studied Nature in its lovely comer by the colonel and the grandear, and saw is it the goodsquire, but without eliciting satis ness of God and felt that He who factory replies. You need not be afraid mitted the fowls of to matuokle beauty and perd friend, snid the hot, as he looked the beasts the field intently in the coloured man face, large aud be free, never intended to tell where you are from and that man should be the slave of his to what place you are going. It fellow. can. resolved you are a fugitive, as suspect, would be a be a bondman no longer: Why throw away your old, but no protect and defend you to the Negro land of liberty. For many eive us your story, and we will and taking for my guide the north started for Canada tho last.
doubt interesting, books when you weeks Taking courage from these kind lay by druing the day. how ofttravelled by night, and can have them neatly bound at remarks, the mulatto said, was en, while bie away in the forest, born, sir, in the State of Kentucky, waiting for nightfall, have and raised in Missouri. My m:ter thought of the beautifull lines, THE WORKMAN was my father; my mother was once heard a stranger recite. bis slave. That, sir, accounts for the fairness of my complexion. As O, hail Colombia! happy land!
soon as was old enough to The cradle land of liberty!
93 CENTRAL AVENUE labour was taken Where none but negroes bear the master dwelling as a servaat, to brand, attend upon the family. My misOpposite Cecilia Theatre Or feel the lash of slavery.
tress, aware of my near relation sbip to her husband, felt humil(Continued on page 7)
who out and see the father and son accor Snapshots (FROM THE NEGRO PRESS)
created Don let superior complexes of the other fellow worry you. Simply make it a point that you yourself are not afflicted, for it is a real afflection, with this malady. Do your best. Live up to the highest ideals and ethical standards and the superior complex or airs of the other fellow, race or group, will not bother you in the least, Omaha Monitor.
my Book Binding!
of air and to roam at that In dealing with debt it is necessary to distinguish between mere foolish running into debt and investment; between borrowing to buy non essentials and borrowing for profit by investing the burrowed money in property, safe securities, household necessities or business. Debts wisely created pay themselves, but the reckless borrower stands to lose all. California Eagle.
into my Self styled leaders, politically and otherwise, have always been the source from which much confusion has come. Regardless of their ability to lead, or their following they pose as leaders and generally hurt most any move they attempt to be at the head of. Oklahoma Eagle.


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