
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY NOVEMBER 26, 1927 DGE FIVE. Is Civilization teandt ZONE NOTES المغنم Coman. Beste maniere Christmas Cards!
sion. a go bad Good Assortiment now on Display men ofted States who gave to Panama OR your GeFIQ Hupply earthmail your relatives HOA and friends abroad. OSA PRICES the most reasonable to meet Aod ce way; Parke The however, crop warm time is tbe took failly 591104 saa AM association of age Coca Cola days ago.
What could be more refreshing than isinimitant Lrfetary and ATLANTIC SIDE Failure visto La Boca Pars To bo Debated at Cristobal Clubhouse.
Raclal Responsibility. And Bayne Canal ExcurGMIE The Alliance Literary and Debating Syciety of the Cristobal Od D. V, SWATSON SIJ BEBORTS Silver Clabbou se, held do meetIng 00 Tuesday night, the 22nd Day, approximately age bundred Thursday last, Thanksgiving (Continued from gur lank is90)19 inst, owing to the fact that and afty persoas including those read some where io a recent at the good maoy of its members and from belas made the excursion publication of the meanhessv ofi officers were participants in the trip through the Panam Canal.
Biblical Drama Dream of the trip was promoted by Mr.
meape of the Negro rage Uuited WORKMAN STATIONERY STORE was ed on that night. However they moter of excursions and made. og seemed determined to make upton mony by wbites.
self same the PADAR tbe think Obtains of far this, as it is announced that teamship Favorito. The num.
of submas on Tuesday night, tha 29:13 ber of people who made the trip only wa, baye, no Negro mitiopia res bere, but we na debate will be gaestion Resolved chat civil society for the lovely Waliches par this tell that at have a type of coloured men bere who, by stroke of god Izstion is a Failure. Messins bischeduled meln leaving the 11 vorite was aboul two hours beluciu gambliog coustry. Quarkas G, where one of the quickest bam will be the champions of dock at Balboa, sho of making money is to get boase the Attirmauve, and Mesors 10 o clock instead of eight, Joboson and SAN Punta ctions etc Soon after trip, 10 en Clon last, big fire and WS will defend the Negative. Anyable the last anticipated as the the excursionists one, two years being best above raamed memberi seldoa aboard, the actual time thou having spent Dearly six bours years in said business, are among GSW tali to please where discussions Favorite 90SV9 worst traducers of their race Son prominent topics are concern 08 in straight salle These are keown by their the dull times and the missed elet aucensing efforts, lor wbiv ad. 11 is boped that the Literung and climbing through the Srg communiu will all turn oat Leks. Colon was reached be SI301 zigaatio Pedro Migual and Gaton society and visiting the courts and injecupg, criminalsuggessoiro commemoranisins to enjoy pleasant time. btore four o clock and Secretary tions in tn the of of icials ALSO Neely of the Clobhouse, for criminal punishment of poverty stricken yoath, instead of EDUCATIONAL who made the trio with Mrs. line supply of ei leading belplog band toward ein. was time to con hection with the train leaving better living conditions among Egerton Richardson Heads Colon at o clock and be back their people, education and em Greeting Cards Cambridge Senior Passes, here to attend to important ployment of our young people Chanksgiving Day daties. The and rather thao being in many suitable for Lodge a Friendly Societies. Be Friends and well wishers of Mrs. Walance of the party on me over cabes supporters of the worst forms of vice themselves. Como Richardson, a prominent the train leaving Colon at TAINRING MEN and Their 19 member of the Colon Wesley 3p. An orebes ra accompanied Church and an Advisor of the ne parts Xool of SANDIGAES 3212a mod Among those wbo made the Cristobal Giç Reserve, are contrio trom La Boca were: Mr.
Gsd bless the thluking men gratulating her on the recent and Mrs. K. Walters, Mr. and ambog our people, and such89 far from inclined to court the success of ber briliant son, Mrs. Neely. Mrs. Maud udent of glves Tearl:88 expression of their Bocalled Egerton, Richardson better unselfish and what can bi useful e Calabar High Sehool, Kingston Monroe, Mia McKenzie and watter of givinR band in the Jamaica 15 years of racial type etc. wh. were the The and practical for the betterment youngster who Atss Cleily Com berlaad.
of the race even in Panama, construction of a proper edifice first despite the restrictions and disWEDDING BELL to care for our poor toys and first place among Cambridge crimination we bave to battle girls would readily do so.
But Senior passes for the examination ibey are with. But we should fight held in July of the not going to but in which was quiet little weeding took results o place at St. Peter Courcb on courageo you present. where the powers that be can which came to hand only a few Taaraday evening last by the We have been biving within and will be.
those who will take the Toitiative.
Rav. John Mulcare, tbe conthe past few moaths, literary 19 treats about buildiak loan Young Richardson won a Gov. Practing parties balag Mr Gorge Nathari: Roberts and Miss societies and banks, our own erament scholarship at the age of hosphals and other charity and 11 and was sent to the Colabot Olive Victoria Frazes. The bride was attended by Miss Irene Ikle Fiestitutions, a day bP fwa an ice cold bottle of fuorli va SM Musical League to hold High School, where he show agpour noted PC. West Glaize and the Bridgeroom by bimself to be a boy of exceptional Messes Gespedes Burke and Meeting ability and much promise. In the Alfonso Ferreira.
Tbdian labor leader came right!
dut with the subject of para9ish It is oficially announced that interesat tyre ye took the Como 1925, two years after Toe party motored to Panama mennt importace first conon Satuaday, December 3rd, the bridge Juníor examination and reception was held for them.
city after the wedding, where ilm: Whyre regular Quarterly meeting of the came out with honours. Being They willfreside at 24th Street, 38 preseloos are worthy of every 2nd bacon botne en vlicet Istomia Literary and Musical below the age limit to take the Calidonia.
support. Let get on to it. Bat League will be held. This League Senior in the following year, be we have takea our pen in hand Do you know that more people which was organizad on Septem repeated the Junior and came out this evening to make a plea og ber 3, Intends to amalga mate and with with first class bonours, boli on electing a president, and behalf of Com. Watson it to lose it the knows Literary sod musical distinctions in Algebra operate on the suglish. Chrismas. Boxes Latin, shake mara wbich efforts to save our wayward boys ob dt 10 en el and girls masiplying in the Isthmus for the llaralodtyd bey08 the members concerned. The Christmas realms of vice, disease and crime History and Hygiene Boxes is the 19913 yowland 10 the country with nothing to testare of his proposed and in July of the present year bethle of a farce comedy which is 65 Torwart van except ista continues with its over increasing popularity.
burg bbo US 10 DOOR 9710 talls and other dens luf adoption of Hop Biquityonoll odavad Suntypin e nisof more It had to be good to get where it is, 7, 000, 000 a day, which were drawn up on Septem. brilliantieb rules of the League showing on the whole has been so junction with the society variety lant that he has been exempted Entertainment to take place at NEARLY Eight YEARS TRIALI call this is more than all other drinks combined. ro ber 17 by Committee consist from the London Matriculation the Clubhouse on the 20th of Debila DROITH RESULTS bil 1196 09alg svig 507 ing of representatives of hobe examinatio Bigh School is of a very this play, too tulle 13 y.
Icember. It is understood that AUTO If your dealer cannot supply you a phone call will. LA Boca Calabar behalfter a good trislia bie efforts of side splitsto his afore stated direction du dina bring the goods to your door. MOTO Athenaeu a The Technical School high standard, and is in fact the ing laughter as the female David Watson stands at the wtellitd, taradt egala com 4995 ET 80er er and The Young People Episco Highest school in the Island of acters will bisenbartime labour bus; he has to boose snordt ytse edt 10 pal Association rall pt wbiche Jamaica, Three of the masters, weak points in their busbands 100T sei sdt battled with disd reform workea od otiqa9b bilst blod subivihal al bna umst losmong Calon bad and guardian including the Panamal Literary Meesre, Sherlock, Carnevie, and on which they will cash to.
992 com sdt to sdgil THE Association are members of sald Miller, passed the Loa don The Play covers about halt an League. angergosoda soles boys før seveni and a hall godt to yaibastaan examination during the year, the hours and the Characters com former two earniog first and pose two males and two females.
Sayearse Ale has held itbe present bsecond class honors respectively.
of quarters used boy hace for odfour years, baying during that time cover FIVE PANAMA; 65; 99 bas duo PHONES COLON; 84, 31 DWG 93109 50 to Dallars Idinte sabe treats OP alor toob ads to both our Motto is Reaction and After.
In Colon Park Tomorrow 1995. atova poi Evening 01 15900 placer from neidw bas Vovis vs hewidential faollisien Rad small mod bna nods KCLEAN GOODS nadmprovements baila Surprise Cup Competion math of The Panama Jad donor effect bester educational 2006. 6666 Colon will be treated to a special Jasmin The music loving public of quando sind ústrial results for the Nearly Closed na badau erit this New Immigration Law 1919 wos bacarla satuni uplift rescute such work for destitute an and future useful the Municipal 191, 6079100 nos bra rodisi sd ISHT band concert, by Band in Siter Park, tomorrow The Surprise Cup Competition origir os edness of need ya boys pod kirle, the vinAdvertise in the Workman It Paysad: evening at o clock. The band is now practically closed. There eldpresenkplace and sight bas about id noze Olga Overgrown or Underconsists ordiourily of 20 instru is vona ma eb between Sust Bulb9109 bo vseved its original purpose. There LAN BAB meats but has been augmented and Wanderers still yaris no gainsaying it tast Watson to 40 for the occasion, and is to be played, but this is beld is grown Children, Which 207 OR 009 Blow working faithfully on the pro abeyance pending meeting et work baving commended itself to REJECTED STONE TO smopsi useilt cho be pro vow that its usefulness and is not as suitgram.
the council, which is to be bela Gladhe most bedtime during the nearly eight years of abce as the Deed and conditions vlovofficiali and: Following are the pieces that in the near future. ajone4 RECOME THE HEAD CORNER. donna boya rescue work, he burden of the needs of the genera of existence and history of the demand, not economic when the will be played Sussex is bolding first place to STONE, Твоя. March the Competition at present, but redelse Abge!
and warcaniablo has paid out about elghe thou al upkeen of a boys bome resta Zampa. Overture sbould the closing match be won evidence for the need of ita con sand dollars for house rent on the pate of a single individual Conde Luxemburgo. Warelby Wanderers the latter will be (BY INTERESTED OBSERVER)
fairly 56 kipusncel home for boys and glone, for the quartere used as and finding a Lacia di Lamermoor. Selection the winners, while large sum to Westend rents Under the abɔve three fold bow holds 3rd place will Fantasie from opera ayal, whiga with Saysex in the head lines, promise to make babigirio is a tho most current and home for the boys he is payingmeet the Sugbifal con elder erle. Rusticana to eid serialas Deed of deh pow con 120. peru month for rent of the taken into frodigus. Over and over the place 80e used at present and stion. In time the com contestedt 19ito si to 218 10 at the present time, anent the question has been naked ma to the baw hever been in default of munity would bave an instisubject Minbest way of building home of payment of said renis at any time tution the property of destitute ander the foremost the kind and need in the cold it goes witbesut denial that were young people that must become It capulod. od on con el gobtined in it to be adected more to bilo ono olo e bagnoot Skenho care of before it becomes minded persons not a serious menace to society iv now WW wNews Notes to be s0 REMEMBER! Let not those who prefer DUE297 21 Water and spies who, uninvited where in 294 SINALCO themselves in such business ites FINE SIGHT For Boys AND COo8jderation civil, government too late, riw Blood 919 ai duob.
al or else inclined to SEAT PO. REPORNER ROKU teha good on the contending Few No314 Muxde Mexwest Indies commerciale Enriches the blood 20to thwart the progrees of the to do MINDED MEN meeting propose a poorer bardworking among iconthewite which habe song ago a whole no well as poor antor. Nor Ashamed of Their Race pany is annobrced to take place our fellows, thinking, we guess, tunates doors, that it good and wise business presented itself to many of us as in the Gabriel Union Lodge Hall, and would call upun Watson or It goes withouy saving that No 81, corner of 6th street andated Resolved that the treatment of what we are now Ibu one well patted as choses and alth duly Armed committee and ob tbere are a few mooie minded Hadson Lano tonorrow evening Orator is more effective than the thinking about, win to do that, we might say in the home and school, is that common fer to erect place seitable as mes among our people in our at o clock.
Author. Mr: Fitz Roy support. Arouse their ire, and wet their po doubt ly called or the ed by Mr. Gordon and Miss sib berisular Borona thé Fólks home and school for both boys coma unites who are the conserva, River bead Tie taking the water and girls as gão das throws or live and are the small group se themselves content sv Muriel Edwards will defend thrusks for the biting, and sharpen Oa Wednesday night the Atfirm arive and Mr. Malthair tongues tor route oude Doldd edstern beach Wbethen it was or not the This no doubt could be got from thing on the streets, the money that they are what toey are and 30. insta debate will be ldlcolm assisted by Facey acd original intention or hiot on tbe now pala but to both by month far from belog ashamed of their by tbe Episcopal Youag Peopl sind Mrs. Foals will argue the PIR Rallander some easy lease metid, aod since or a place that bas atout served color or national origin eithe Society. The qaestion to be de for the Negative, BO (Co tinued on Page Cookbola MC Work option our other and after a hard day work on this thapili bogbola eser ane!
250 societies Grammarielle The Testament meeting General lo ad bait is a ver ale cherdiscover some litt PANAMA COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY on Special Band. Concertsoquis Tesses CRICKET to 09019 omoa xnikud a do OS od Ritirata baae ba tlo also betrayal.
9me o un 1996 ENE


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