
PAGE SIX THE WORK AN ATUR AY NOS MBER 26, 27 VIGOR TONIC Negro pilotless aboard their with sea curwent aboard by country Hanawa, identity.
the most express as bature men bad been Cases where Dark clouds at sea. schooners T, Zune be Miki.
wben we be now broad dar licb. employed. lige holder possibly be oue new on And Jones, torp to Two Supposed Dead 1121 actually experier eing, what Director of Education plainly the aftermath of a disof Starvation, crimatory law in vogue; the law abiding loyal subjects of no civilized, ON DERELICT SHIP (Continued from page 2)
with impunity be allowed to be of his distr et proves, this gentle or any country at that can actually butchered by any section man has been refused the apBones of Others Aboard Inor party of another civilized pointment and the school mancountry without said treatment lagers told to lock for another dicates Cannibalism The best in the World reflecting on the honor and repu man.
tation of both governments and It is not too much for us to Seattle, Wash. Nov. Dead contries concerned.
counsel the Education Board, in of Starvation, despite evidence In the early days of the pro nish the reasons for their decifairness to all concerned, to furIndicating they had devoured the mulgation of the Panama new bodies of seven or eight of their For Regainir Strenzth Lost By Excess Work. The Immigration law, there was lots Sion to the school managers. The ship mates, the last two to surof gas blowing about imminent Board owes the vive of the crew of the Japanese fishing smack Ryo Yei Maru, Only Wine That Should Be Taken With Phos. remedies emmanating from high groupe de public servant, who at quarters. called present labours a of arrived at Port Towosend to day meaning Good and Prosperous, pherine (Ashton Parson)
saviours (better known by great injustice; to the school Vessel looking inside out as traitors) makagers whose selection bas after drifting appeared spscially busy around been brushed aside, and lastly to the and abont. It seems now that the the the public; which looke to this rents more than 000 miles from suspicions of those who believed Board to be worthy of the great the coast of tbe United Physicians Guaranteed by Law No. 1572 of the that some of those painted face trust placed upon it, no less a States quarantine station who angels were spies in their midst, trust than to supervise the trainthe doing a double deal, were more ing of the intelligence and morals Ryo Yel Mara Republic of Panama.
tham correct.
said there was no question bat of the future citizens of this colony, that cannibalism bad been Just here let us say that impracticed by the last survivors mediately above we are not or of the crew. he bones of seven have not as yet made reference or tight buman Stormy Weather blings were to the direct interest taken by This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommended in found.
newspapers in publishing ex: The up by pressions of dissatisfactions felt The WEEKLY PERALD of the freighter Margaret Dolap om the Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Impoverishment hundreds of our people of 22ad alto, says:Wasbiogton coast yesterday and the indigcities beaped on us in a The closest approach to towed to Quarantine at Port of the Blood, and to build up a run down constitution.
of our useful We sojourn. storm weather for the of sturdy Townsend. It was must not ommit doing so was that of Saturday and Sunyear and fairly recent construction bere bowever, as ibere are day last, On Saturday, there Japanese Vice It promotes digestion, improʻres the appetite, and gives tone numerous reports regarding the was heavy rain, thunder and Consul in Seattle, determined its attitude of the papers then and lightning. On Sunday, there and energy to the whole system.
since (the Workmal of course was little rain and no thunder No tood or water was found not included) wbere articles of and lightning, but the and the engine was disabled, it cature spoken of were sent o readed of all in, and if returned being apparent that the fisherwas ions of for lowered winds requested in DOSE. One smiall Wine Glass before each meal or times a day, publicity was not accorded and of the horizon throughout UNABLE TO MAKE REPAIRS ered on the rim reason was sought, the reply day, and there were occasional the would be along the lines of being drizzles; but the wind maintain Papers found all bore dates censored by a very noted states. ed a vigour and freshness that in November 1926 or earlier.
man and gemeralismo disturbed the Harbour considerThree personal letters, including Vigor Tonic is the only tonic builder protected by combined.
ably, and so boisterous did the one from tsue Miki, daughter of Toz ko Miki, the Captain, who the laws of Panama and no such tonic is legitiAnd whether the seeming de sea become that two steamers was attending school at Kuna gawo Japan, near Tokio and sired service sought and ap at anchor put out for safety, parently willing to be rendered whi the Careed reeg another from mate unless it bears the signature of Javier Moran, was sincere we dare pot question age were made aafe by every wife of the mariner were among but the papers, but no explanation printed matter explaning for what diseases it should in or the disaster was discovered.
Capt. Payne master of table to the existence of the on its way outside, was driven by the the Margaret Dollar expressed be used, how it should be used, how it should be ap law in mortat battery on our baltbe angry wind and water the opinion that the men bad people, the weaker sex and chil: agalost the and been dead for a month or more plied and what doses should be taken.
dren far from and despite denial, government coal being immuned, next to Messrs Laurie Co aid that the vessel probably yard and became became a total had been drifting for at least agents are doing more than maka wreck. Schooner, the Molly 100 days.
ing money less rsgistrations, we making SOLD BY The boat was about eightyharbour to ask if aranitese that the time bat about uncontrollable by the lostendered five feet long of fifteen foot beam and twelve foot depth.
come when our people shoula ib and was forced to put into The sails has been JAVIER MORAN begin to ask themselves whether Speightstowo. Toere was some sbreds by gales and standing it is not a fact that we must ap negligible damage to sbore boats gear on the deck twisted and pear to our traducers either as oti the Reef. The wind lessened bent.
of gradually during the night and. AMERICAN PHARMACY Panama City taking care of ourselves or are by mid day Monday, there were overgrown, mo e normal conditions. As Canada Future Imold house in King Street occufoundlings, pled by Eliza Harris, was blown PURELY NEGROES PRESS down about mid day on Sunday migration Poilcy without occasioning physical BURNING NEED injury to anyone Direct West India Cable Most of those of us who are despatch from Ottawa dated not blind or asleep to the les for Mr. Reece ResignaNov 11 states that unlimited are lacking to make acceptance and Iplacement of our welfare here or in any coudfarm workers and bouse worktry, cannot but agree with those tion.
ers from the British Isles will be the Government immigrawho deplore the schismatic when plague which has arisen our midst about the very time when (FROM THE WEEKLY Herald)
ert Forke, Minister of KA a centralization of The resignation of Mr, tion announced at a conference organizations COLON and with Provincial Premiers.
polink of Reece. Solicitor General, ht mit energy and endeavour to and at present acting Attorney afternoon. Instead of fixiag any make for strength in our ranks General, wbich be banded in special number of experienced in the country was expected to during the week to and inexperienced workers as materialize. We have had other from December 31st Dext is not take effect last year the Department of commendable suggestions to be be dismissed without Immigration, working largely through the medium of the offiIS NOW LOCATED AT Dhe promotion of Negro nepter. ment. It had been shoot confor prises the country generally, cials of the land settlement despite discrimination etc.
between Mr.
branch and the Provincial Gov.
want to emphatically commend ima 11. 1154 ernments, will undertake place Mr. Saw Whytes suggestion releporte cieece 11th STREET of the Govment of all such classes that an educational institution for s advisors were done of the can be secured in the British young men and women etc. But nobody thought events Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK Isles.
bave moved with to get these we need speed. The first faint notice of go at it continuously in the press, the approaching, storm Where our customers will receive the usual aud in a press the sole property observed during the latter years Reaction And Afterof Negro people on the Tech. mous of the regime of Sir. Charles of Panama. It can be got, can Brien, the predecesosor TO courtesies be amply sopported by colored of the people and it ought to come into intima the present Governor. That existence and quick.
intimation priso to many people, tor there (Continued from page 5)
THE STONE THE BUILDERS was a time when Sir Charles repart of those in the making of LOOK FOR THE SIGN REFUSE BECOMING THE HEAD utmost confidence in bis wide upon Mr. Reece the laws that such laws effecting Dersons of foreign birth should CORNER STONE, legal knowledge, bis be treated by any grade of native BRITISH PHARMACY practical sense, and his urlor society as inferiors Lest we forget. But of course walled knewledke of local condiof natives, dangerous as citizing we are leaky vessels. And to lions. rapid cooling of affecin the country, the writer is not boot we Negroes are disloyal and however, became noticein a position ungrateful where gratitude and able, and at the time of Sir to state, and it is in material in our study and loyalty to those of our own race Charles Brien and nationality is concerned.
from Barbados, present treatment of what bas the breach and does attract our attention But there was a time in the Mas was wide ond deep since the estabishment of the there any secret about tbe law to undertake to tind bistory of Negro activity in fact 31 Papama when the WORKMAN Jackson, then Colonial Secretary, between Mr. Reece and Mr.
It does however, appear matplaced itself on the firing line in there was no extraordinary sffecerial to query as far the WORKMAN It Pays defence of Negroes rights in the tion. Sir William Robertson, our brutal treatment of our 910 fields of labor in the country is meant to go, or be other Central present Governor, found things American it has received poct recognition Office and they have grown spheres; at this stage when he assumed alone to go without the and support since.
might result if the elements of Dr. Fred Sterling BOWEN appears made up of better stuli steadily worse.
lawlessness are permitted to THE IDEAL DRINK than we bad supposed. It never When Mr, K, Poyser, Attorthink that any grade or sbade of THE NEW YORK DENTIST says die. Will we leave out per ney General, was seeking election the country society, of what SINALCO 182, BOLIVAR STREET TAILOR sonalities at this time and support to the House of Assembly, he ever nationality, creed, color or the WORKMAN, and in doing so, told the electors of St. George race, are without protection and CLON, R, Always Delicious No. M Street San Miguel Negro labor and general endeavor not satisfied with the way the grades of plainly that the Governor was the common rigbt of self deP. Box 771, CRISTOBAL, fence.
on tbe isthmus of Panam, Government business was conWe are now witnessir g, some TELEPHONE 247 COLON ducted in the House of Assembly. To be continued. Continued or neve 7)
or The British Pharmacy in tian policy in Robfature. Hon Immigracome this We some time that the relations and the our best, but such In order to need to was math ecesosor in office liad with sound product or. departure ADVERTISE IN THE Nor was out.
that as how. and But it Panama City


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