
THE TORKMAN SATURIAS NOVEMBER 26, 1927 PAGE SEVEN Notice of Removal The Isthmian Undertaking Co. Ltd.
Gener: proving Mr Reece Has been Removed from Calidonia Road To the Company new Building at No. 12 HIGINIO DURAN STREET San Miguel the laws AssemJOB. PRINTING effective, Government the te by member accep sunk own shortdere when applied to until in the WORKMAN PRINTERY most rational a peeu sold orses aod in leading Mr. Reece ResignaTRINIDAD Man Withont a tion Name Empire Shopping (Continued from page 6)
Week Success (Continued from Page Mr. Reece, as Solicitor General Tbeo let the glorious anthem bad baen conducting Government peal, business for some time, as Mr.
The second British Empire Aad drowa Britannis rules Shopning Week commences on Poyser had no seat. It was inevit.
Monday 31st instant, and an en the waves.
able that if the Governor in Executive Committee bad thai THE BUSINESS OF larged programme including Strike up the song that men can opinion of the Solicitor General several novel item, argurs wel)
feelbarmonious relations were out for greater success of the Columbir rules the million of the question. But although movement this year, says the Mr. Poyser obtained a seat and WEEKLY GUARDIAN of the 15th slaves.
assumed control, circumstances ulto. The new arrangements in the Underground Railroad, trok At last arrived at the depot of continually forced the Governor clude a lesson from Beiusb Gainoa the express train, and here am.
back on Mr. Reece. During the. e. the motor parade, and other.
past few months Mr Poyser has said Colobeen on leave Mr, Reece bas the strength of the teaching of! nel Rice, as he rose from his chair, been acting as the first event. Ine jºcis of walked to the wiudow, and looked Attorney that al. and we understand this organ zed Empire wide ellout, if that more than once recently. Sir fort should be now so widely fagitive purauers were near by.
William bas addressed sharp rein the Colony welcorne di and will aid you on your way no reiteration. But as it is not minutes to complaining of his manner of unsuual to find a section of people to Canada, for you are not safe the House of Assembly persisting in misconstruing ob here Whether His Excelleacy is fully cus motives, particularly in re Are you not afraid of breaking gard to an enterprise the aware that the House of success by assisting this man to bly cannot be controlled by the ot which depends mainly on pubescape? remarked Squire Loomis.
care pot for laws when they Goverument is a matter for ar lic spirit the clear explanation of President 1, of gument. But that Mr Reece was the stand Organising of humanity, not considered to be the ideal Committee that it not fatended replied the colonel Government representative there benefit particular of you aid him in reaching con me the trade by advertising the co Canada, and we should even shave can be no question. Rzece bas, however, solved the the problem war with England maybe he ll selves and so boost their goods by freeing the Government of was well timed and of much take up arme ana fight agaiost his tis erence, and the question The idea of the owa country, said the squire.
now is: Woat effect bis freedom local organisers, he puts it hap: The fugitive eyed the law abid will bave upon the general polipily, is merely to follow the ing man attentively for a moment ties of the Colony, and upon footsteps of those at bome to and then exclaimed, Take up the House of Assembly in par.
of the public a consciousness of Court of the United States, and endeavour to create in the minds arms against my country? What ticular.
country, sir, bave 1? The Supremo the Empire and what it is today There is of course, no room for and their individual duty as the laws of the south, doom me to questioning that Mr, Rzeca is of is not a capable of provior the most Of every description This declaration ought to silece foot of soil over which the stars and the most searching, the most damaging critic of the House sonal of ux sims and be protected by law, ve seen focus public DONE WITH NEATNESS AND attention on their duty of giving my mother sold in the cattle mere Assembly has ever seen. He has.
brothers all the necessary gits, and it this year, also to continue to res they were driven a way bin termins would be unreasonable to to expect its goal of Empire DESPATCH the slave speculator The heavy him to be in the most charitable patronage of Empire products negro whip my temper But is the House of This is not to say a blind its lash Assemoly of today an assem.
tance of British goods against AT THE deep into my bly in wbich searching logic and flesh.
quivering cousiderations which would Stili, sir, you call tbir my country.
plelogpeairine are valuable gifts?
be distasteful and uneconomic True, true. was born in this quite possible for bonourabut a preference of the Empire land. My grandfather fought in ble members to close their ears efectively to article alongside its foreign revolutionary war: my own father the compititor alter cue summing was in the war of 1812. Still, sir, and compelling arguments and up of quality sed prct.
amn slave, a chattel a thing go their own war. We sincerely piece of property. ve been trust that we may be proved to in the market with borses be wrong. But we greatly far Pure Milk Supply. name are branded deep Iswine; the initials of my master now that Mr. Rtece is no longer Solicitor General, no longer this arm.
sir, you call this my them ber of the Cabinet, 003305930 20OS5663 country Aud, no Toe demand for a pure milk now that am making my escape, adviser of the Government, with o longer a close and confidential oss supply bas never been greater you feel afraid, if reach Canada, all sources of information open and it is not complimentary to and there should be war with Eng.
to him, that members of the the existing dairy regulations land, that will take up arms House will consider themselves and other laws controlling the against my own country.
absolved from listering to bis trade and those who endeavour Sir, Ibave no country but argumeots. That is our fear, to bave OFSear3 I observed that there the grave: freedom and we believe His Excellency should be this persistent but there before will sinh the Governor acted upon that well merited again be taken Mih charge against the assumption when be removed milk is back to slavery. There is no jusrecognised tice tice for me at thes e south; every right Mr. Reece from the Executive that the bulk of the tik supply of of my race trampled in the Committee and by cther clear reaches tho poorer at any rate the supply tbat until humanity bleeds at and infallible proof showed him in that he did not fear his hostility.
IS DIRECTED TO GOOD SUPPLY OF the bands of small sendors ana poream bouad for Canada, and and woe to him that shall attempt to It would give us untold plea.
subj to their likes and dislikes arrest me if it as regards sanitation, desire for will die fighting for frecdom.
it comes to the worst sure If our fear and official as.
large protits etc. And in this hovour you for your courage sumptions alike could be falsified; if Mr. Reece could rally around connection Health week brought exclaimed squire Loomis dan be. At sprang from hlm the sane and Intelligent, and seatwalked arranged for dairy and fro through room. vendors to witness a demonstra is tuo bad, continued be, that progressive elements in the community, not for the tion of cleap milking, temporary such men should be eoslaved in a faction of the embarrassing storege look and distribution of the land whose Declaration of IndeGovernment and making it CHER article drew not evea balt dozen pendence proclaims all men to be silly, but the purpose of educatdairy owners and not a single ing, and developing strong, iree and equal. will aid you in vendor wbile a large number of anything masla virile, critical public opinion both the that can. What is general inside and outside the House. It childres followed the public including your name?
that be the result of Mr. Reece Suitable for Lodge Business have a name. demonstration with fugitive.
said the resignation, it would more than keen interest.
tive. once had a name it Prosecutions compensate for the genuine brought against dons was William. but my master regret we feel at seeing a very and beavy tines bave resulted in and as was a house servant and to live with him able Barbadian forced out of the AT THE little or no one master inner councils of his country after long years of public service.
is tempted to suggest a trial of times get confused io the same name arrangements whereby vendors orders were given for me to change of districts could be got together mine. From that moment, reand demonstrated to regularly solved that as as to the most up to date saci me of my liberty and my name, hai robbed ST. LUCI ya tary methods of milk and demon would not attempt to have another Soos Soos o stration of milk which is one of till was free. So, sir, for once you the most prolitic agents ot have a man standing before you The VOICE announces the disease.
without a name. From The death of Everard Garraway Blackman, 1863 which occurred at the Victoria Hospital, Castries, on October SINALCO No English For Him 4th last at the age of 51 years.
and gives the followiog brief named Antoine Laurence, pointOn sale at all First Class bistory of his career:Resolute Creole French blank decliced to give his eviEverard Gloster Garraway Clubs, Cabarets and Soda dence in English. He had take.
Witness Fountains.
Grenada and was was born in Regular Assortment of tue oath and answered a question the second son of the late Hon. Panama City Distributor.
MAGISTRATE ON PATOIS or two in that language, but Garraway, Colonial TreaGILBERT BRID.
would not go og.
surer of St. Lucia, Coming NUISANCE After warning bim twice, the here as a youth be was taught by Exclusive Representative.
Magistrate ordered a warrant Mr. Mc Hugh and Mr. Marius CASA ANAVITARTE. SUCH AS The WEEKLY GUARDIAN of the be remanded to custody for for his arrest and said he would and later went to Rugby School, Colon.
Retprning here Mr.
TONICS, SOAPS, VANISHING CREA. SALVE, 15th ulto says: French Creole witness who refused to speak Garraway was a Transport Clerk in the Army Service Corps and TALCUM POWDER, ASPERINE TABLETS, English, was threatened at the ined the Civil Service on 11th SHAMPOO, HAIR DRESSING Etc. Etc.
Pulice Court on Thursday with Sab Inspector Colleos something and the Sub Inspector spoke to November 1904 as a Clerk in the FLOWERS arrest.
the Bench Oi His Worship then Public Works Department. Mr. Vlucent Browa Assistant allowed Laurence to continue 1st October, 1905 Mr. Garraway City Magistrate even his testimony in patois, remarkwas appointed Cblet Clerk in the Abogado. Attorney at Law tually allowed himing that he did so because of same department and held that OFFICE: No. 44. ST to testity in patois. He did 80 what the policeman bad said.
post until his retirement last BOX NO. 38 PANAMA CITY 93 CENTRAL AVENUE because a policeman revealed that the witness could not exMr, Vincent Brown commentTELEPHONE No. 1377 Mr. Garraway was the oom the tiresome babit of piler of the St. Lucia Handbook Practicing before all the courts of Panama City press bimself very well in Eng ed also lish although be could understand some Spantards and French Crein 1900, 1901, 1302, and 1903 and olue, of refusing to speak Engit.
the Republic since April 1914 was a keen stamp collector, lish although they knew the The witness, a young man language.
THE ATTENTION been seek DOMOSS SSS Friendly Sócieties and Secret Orders hulk supply the dust MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS empty satis.
school lecture and dem milk vendors nephew came would at Workman Stationery Store Take Notice Ho Ro Co Famous Products week.
England Pollard complainant told The Workman Printery Pear.


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