p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE TOREMAN SATURDAY NOVEMBER 26, 27 Look Them Over FULLER The following just arrived and are being offered at prices to suit everybody :Photo Albums Scrap Albums Vellum Pocket Books Stenographers Note Books Writing Pads Children Toy Books Accounting Day Books Hymn Prayer Books Holy bibles Typewriting Paper in First and Second Sheets Mouth Organs in two sizes Pocket Knives, Scout Knives Meador Knives and many other items too numerous to mention those by THE WORKMAN Stationery and Souvenir Store 93 Central Avenue Panama City one 102 an Rector hi there Tomorrow Races Expression of Appreciation Soven races are on the card for tomorrow afternoon at Juan Franco Park, as follows. Continued from ge 1)
one of a distance of eight such as to have been thought a furlongs, one of seven furplace for persoos of moral tastes longs, four of five furlongs to shun. The present incumbent each and one six furlong disof the secretarial chair of the suid ins itution will no doubt admit NEED tance which will be the first that there is a specific amount of on the program truth in the foregoing conclusions For the mile event, the which he too has had to contend days classic, Cap. Alvarado with wh ch are undediable. But WATCH?
with 110 lbs top weight will this gentleman, commºrdable effort and energy together with take on Pereque at 99 and on the part of his helpmate and DROP IN AT four others, Silver Spray and other assocates have made noble six other native ponies will endeavours to clear the atmosrun the curtain rsiser and phere of the institution, till today, for the last event which will there arises on the horizon of its beron over a distance of environment, that sup hide which 122 CENTRAL AVE.
bespeaks ta the future and lives of seven furlongs there will be those whom the workers intend to six to face the barrier, ArauEsther within the scope of their You ll Find Them cana and five other top notchlabors, effects which cannot but ers. It promises to be a good better program. Here are the bookout of the rising generation which Moderately Priced.
we elder folks are leaving behind ings in full.
us to battle in variou waiks of life.
FIRST RACE forlogs Purse 125 LOOKING BACK INTO BETTER TIMES Silver Spray 126 Un Nueve 95 Tuere are tew amongst us those Rush 98 of us who were also once young May 109 but ale now old that can never Fenomeno 109 forget the thing that helped to Tunney 123 make us men and womeo the men Grafico 111 and women most of us were in SECOND RACE better times and under wholesome influences. until donbtedlessly less CHURCH SERVICES Furlongs Parse 100 moral conditions than which we were in the good old AMERICAN EPISCOPAL Picadilly 98 times surrounded by tended to Speartmitt 105 de met CHURCH Almirante 126 spoil us as result of immigrating where dialogistic proFirst Sunday in Advent Dainty 107 grams, sacred concerts, services of St: Paul Church, Panama Fermin 103 and gospel rivals, the Rev Nightengale BD Rec.
song Zapito 99 influences of the family later Pan Dulce 120 of the 6a Holy Communion The incentives to Don Altonso greater honourable are common THIRD RACE practices. Why can 10. 15 a Mantins MFR be revival of the good old days and Atwell. Lay Reader Farlongs Parse 175 such good things if thay will make 10. 30 am Holy Eucharist Vittoria 107 for ways of leading our boys and sermon. The Rector Littie Rose 111 girls out of avenues of curruption pm Church School (Loreozetta 115 into paths of virtue and usefulnese. 30 pm Chora! Evensong (Bala 95 sermon The Rector Colon Division Bible Charactors.
La Nena 126 AS FRIEND TO FRIEND Wednesday, Nov. 30th St.
Facbendo 117 QUEEN ESTHER MORDECAI AND Andrew Day Despite the many discouragiog OTHERS.
FOURTO RACE Holy Communion a Tbe troubles which the Colon Division It was the moral which the Rector Furlongs Porse 123 When a man is broken in body, and in his spirit, too, No. 887 of the writer predicted would be demon6 30 a. Mating Aod the clouds look dark and heavy, and the sunshine can 7 30 103 bas bad in the past, the spirit of strated to the rendition of the ao sermoa Special Brotherhood Mayra Choral Evensong Jakie 126 its members has not even in the come through; Queen Esther s dratna that was Service.
Diecisels 119 least measure been cbilled; It a great thing, my brethren, for someone just to lay tue maio incentive to his decision Mayoral 98 but rather seem to be growing with His hand upon your shoulder in a friendly sort of way. to witness the play, feel that is St Alban Church, Paraiso Pistol 110 enthusiasm by leaps and bounds.
speaking for ourself we are speak.
Intimo 101 CANAL ZONE Sunday (tomorrow) will be anIt makes a mun feel curibus; it makes the teardrops start who 115 other RED LETTER day in its bis.
ing for almost every Honey Dew attended the play that the only (A. Nightengale tory. Ito annual Harvest Festival And you sort of feel a futter round the region of your heart.
Priest ia charge FIFTH RACE cegret now is that, no doubt bewill take place at p. when a You don know how to meet his eyes, you don koow asure of weather am Arly Communion strange preacher will take care of what to say poetite drawin Farlongs Parse 123 Plfitable directions tbe entertain in other less pm Church School the sermon. The outlook for the Wher a band rest on your shouder is a friendly sort of way, 7:30 m, Choral Evensong and Cococba 126 service is a bright one, and it ment was not as (Dardanela 119 promisses to be of the moet as it ought to bave attended address Mr. Osborne, This world a curious compound with its honey and its gallbeen 118 successful held in the Caiqui the city of Colen fact was however compensated for printed Eovellopes have been and Its cares and bitter arosses, but a good world after all.
El Chichi by other consederatius oamely: 121 St Matthias Mission distributed in connection with this Wa koow a good God made it, leastwise that what say that the audience was, if not at LAS SABANAS Hope 1986 function, and its officers report Wueo a band rests on your shoulder in a friendly sort of way.
a select one a very 100 Zapo we might (Rev AF Nightengale. that they are returning heavily one whose orderly Priest in Charge SIXTB RACE laden.
Midnight Mission and timely applauses vindicate the pm Church School One mile Purse 175 This service will be followed by conclusion thus arrived at. 730 pm Choral Evensong and Cap Alvarado Mr. Wåller already speaks of address. Mr. A Richards, Lay the Regular Sunday Niebt Mass 110 Meeting beging at 30 sbarp.
Tribuno 107 very interesting program has repaying the hotelest paid to the Reader.
two perforinances of the Queen Kitty Jill 118 been prepared. Again, in this meet Esther play by giving others Pereque 99 ing new theologian will preach WHITENS THE SKIN from biblical history from time St. Peter by thu Sea, La Boca Lapine 126 the night sermon; but the Damer time to time, as well as others of First Sunday in Advent Meelab 113 of these gentlemen bave been note in relation to experiences of Holy Communion, 6, a, SEVENTH RACE witbeld by the officers as they audiences a oppresesd peoples etc. They should The Rertor.
tend giving the Farlongs Purse 175 Marvelous Cream be supported. Everything in its Holy Baptism 7, 30, a.
proper time and plaće. Say what 114 Matins and address 11a mgrace the night meeting, and Coburg 110 will render some new classical hits.
Prevents and removes freckles, moth patches, a good concert, dialogistic Mr. Johnson, Lay Reader.
Araucana 126 The Juveniles will also take part entertatouent, sour service of the Church School, 300, Maluirada 98 in this sun tan, and other skin blemishes like, the motive for which is Choral Evensong and sermon!
as well as tbe Dixie 123 Harvest service.
merely mercenery from start to finish as is the rule in Zalamera is 30, m. Preacher The Bishop The officers are always planning our time, 18 95 SOLD IN DRUG STORES better than azz functions. There Day. There will be a Celebration Next Wednesday is St Audrew to give the public programs which is too much bending of the kne of the Holy Communion at a.
are both humorous and intellectual, and again they extend to all a most and bearts of the Townsmen Penetrates cordial invitation, MULCARE, Rector into these aecursed direct: Dog Racing Hoad Back NATIONAL PHARMACY ions with a view to getting at pe our day St.
In Panama.
Bersbos Empire, Santa Ana Plaza ple pocket books, even going.
far as to make believe its for bols Matins followed hy a Choral (Continued from page 1)
SPARK LÉTS Central Avenue purposes to build a church for Goa celebration of the Holy Eucharist and Christ.
twenty minutes past eight in the 10, 45, a.
Orson Towle, President Drug Store for poor of evening.
Church School 30, pm (Contioued from page 1)
the Pagama Kennel Club, the Chitre is next in importace to Members and frieads in the and rich.
man who introduced Greyhound Dayid, being the second largest Clan had some controlling interest. Towle left bere immediately after amusement Company of which racing in Panama, is back, Mr.
Cirls Break Faith District are very cordially invited to the service, town in the interior of Panama, It not a and the party reported that its Mr Reynolds, exsCritic the 90 day dog racing season for social, educational and economic of the La Boca Athenaeum and he would have introduced canine South where it is understood Dr. Nathan Rowe St Bartholomew s, Las (Contioed from Page 1)
growth is commendable.
Cascadas PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON appointud leader of the debace, racing. It has not been learnt Among ot ber places of interest Resolved Tbat a It is reported that before leaving St Simon s, Gamboa is visited by the party was the Justified in defending his Clien: not with bis venture down south whether he has successful or 11th and Bolivar Sts. the girls. famous Chiari Mills which carry on when he knows him to be Guilty, as he was in Panama.
Services, Church School and inde citated Habeas Corpus proceed Confirmation Class as usual.
a great volume of work furnishing has been and still is indisposed, COLON, ings against the Alcalde of Panama T, MULCARE. Rector.
employment for scores of people, hence the interesting debate will The racing season is scheduled BUILDING 10. 123 OPPOSITE on the grounds that they were not come off next Tuesday eveo. to begin early in the coming year Chase National Bank The party left. Chitre a few illegally detained by order of the Seventh Day Adventist As was ansuneed.
ing minutes of eight o clock on Thurs.
and Mr. Towle is said to have Alcalde, for the benefit of Mrs.
Office Hours: a. to 12m, Sanchez.
already started to work to that STREET CALIDUNIA p. to pm.
day morning and arrived back at the Pedro Mignel ferry at pm.
end. It is understood that owing ROAD near Isthmian Park Pana.
an Box 854, Cristobal, agree They reported that the trip bas NATIONAL PHARMACY to a non fulfilment of ma.
mant with the Duque Compan, it provea to be of a very high educa.
Sabbath (Saturdav) 945 OFFICE TELEPHONE 320 Santa Ana Plaza tive nature in consequence of the is, however uncertain whether Sabbath Sohool; 11. 15 a. Gensplendid opportunity made avail Central Avenue Towle will head the dog racing Drug STORE Telepho NE 154 SINALCO eral Worship Spanish activities during the coming able for the practical study of the seasan. At any rate, it is ex Ittle Central American Rənubhe Regulates the stomach, 30 to. Society.
Everybody gets the right pected that Greyhound racing at The WORKMAN can be had which is credited with having the meeting 30 pm. Junior the famous Kennelworth will be at the La Boca Resuaurant and at gives healthy and natural Senior Staudard of attainment greatest American engineering medicine and treatment. feature in next year out door House No. 971, Ja Daica Prado sleep.
Class, p. spere.
work constructed throug it, SPARKLETS entertainmən in Panama.
La Boon. GRIZZLE Pastor, one wall conditions and This Catechist.
Calls approciative ope Creme Blanc Mirette poh surGarzona you wil, a program, Bot young people of Class:


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