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2 716 Special Is cpe xnolos READ THE NOLAN THE WORKMAN WORKMAN WEEK BY LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY WEEK ANG VOL 16 No. 17 PANAMA, SATURDAY DECEMBER 3, 1927 PRICE CENTS Collapse Of Span Bridge Over Coresis dent. Gives Creyhound Facing in Marcus Garvey Released on The Dry River.
Thanksgiving Day It would CASES But trial is an notiudge Such me British Law.
In the latter motber On Acquilla of Two Not a Certainity in Charge with Murder 1928 Motor Car With Travellers ſanamo, ment there is no certainty that According to latest develop. Has Served Nearly Three Years Nov. 30:1 1927 greyhou racing will be resumed Plunged into Swirling Waters THE EDITOR THE WORKMAN, at the famous Keunelworth race of Five Year Sentence Si lo your last two issues of course early in Janu. ry next as Referring to Garvey release from Atlanta Prison, the The extremely western span of the bridge over the Dry the WORKMAN there appeared was mooted around.
appear business of the River, six miles from Kingston in an easterly direction, has reporte di chi non interesting murder Kennet worth chiae hasi bebe GLEANER of the 26th ulto says: Marcus Gatvėy, who is likely to be seen again in his collapsed! This occurred last Tuesday night, presumably recently. At happened in England trial of the properly settled at the close of last name, was running bigh as a result of a heavy and con daughter. he was acquitted, and so mnatus eo tered in with the com printer in Kingston. After working at this trade for some around a quarter to ten o clock when the river. unlike its father for the murder of his infant the long runcing rason, the Club not native dand at a very early date, is a native of Saint Ann.
up to certain his life (he is a tinuous downpour or rain experienced in Kingston, St reasonab e man rating as Bajarse papie Usida de Duquementwhose years he went to Central America and established a weekly better Andrew and other parts of the island in the late afternoon know that at least, he was, and Beperti mero veraen Towle, paper at Port Limon, Costa Rica. This soon got him into property tha have and evening of Tuesday.
is still guilty of manslaughter.
It would be difficult, if not altogether impossible for The judge who presided at the back in Panama.
Towle, President of the Club, is trouble with the Costa Rican Authorities and Garvey anyone regardless of how familiar he may be with the site should be senteuced to one year returned to Jamaica; He was next found in the role of accessory, and he The Duque interest, on failure publisher of a small periodical at the general election when of the structure in its present disfigured condition. As far for his charge to the jury sup cop litions. the lease, has put the Mr. Myers for Kingston seat and the late Mr. Sandy to as is known, no one actually saw when the already des pose the murdered child was his matter in the hands of the courts Cox stcod for St. Thomas.
He warmly exposed the cause cribed portion of the bridge collapsed: and it is believed own, would he have simi arized and the following statement by that no liyes have been lost, through four persons leaving ber life Kingston shortly before ten o clock on Tuesday night for therely both the life o! animal? Mr. Gabriel Duque, associated of both these gentlemen, the latter of whom was one of the member of the Compania ida de founders of the National Club.
an actioa Li Duque, was given out a few St. Thomas, in blissful ignorance of what lay before them, the part of a judge sitting in COMPLETED EDUCATION IN ENGLAND capaci y as such iu a days When the case now pending in Next we find Marcus Garvey sailing from Jamaica for fying experience barely escaped with their lives. Miss admnistration of the law ridicu te srcond circuit court war ini. England where he spent some time completing his Winnifred Saulter, one of the occupants of the car had a lous; and if a stop be not pu to liaud aud the Pre ident of the most trying experience in the water, and but for a most it in time, such murders would be nnel Club was absent from the education. He als. travelled to France and other Conti.
spread over the vast British city, was a question between the Dental countries. Retuining to Jamaica, he started in deligent search made by a rescue party of policemen and Empire, and the results would be balance of the shareholders and Kingston, the Universal Negro Improvement Association, detectives under Sub Inspector Smith, she might have wore than Russian Bolshevism. Our company since they depended the object of which, at the time, being the founding of a been drowned. When lifted out of the water, Miss It seems to the also, that if an oaly on us, or in Saulter was in a state of exhausion and had to be hurried off and was to be put to the child our coun inuing or that over de began college in Jamaica on the lines of the Tuskegee Institute, in to the Public Hospital where she was treated and sent life by luman agency in order to action. But now Mr. Towle has the United States for the normal and industrial education home. She has not suffered any permanent injuries, and believe haber suffering the doctors iet urnes and has taken of the natives of the colony. The movement progressed, prepared her death direct action in the judicial but slowly in the island, and fifteen or sixteen years ago of her three companions who managed to get out of the certificate while sle was yet proceedings, cons:queatly our Garvey emigrated to the United States to seek a wider field Stream unaided, it can be stated that they are none the done the job themselves, which shareholders have ceased and it started to preach fhe Back To Africa Movement under alive (is true) have towards the for his endeavours. He settled down in Harlem and worse for their experience would have been more humine.
The car in which the parties were travelling (a Buick)
now up to them and Mr. Towle has been greatly damaged by the strong force of the stream acquittal of the woman for the 10 them and to select the means tion a branch of which he established shortly after reaching cuse would the to decide what is most convenient the auspices of the Universal Negro Improvement Associa.
INTO WHICH IT HAD PLUNGED muder of her make for resebing a satiefactory solu the shores America. The Garvey movement, as it soon ig it for the murder of the child? tion; became to be knowa, spread like wild fire among New and yesterday morning what remained of it was almost or would the former aequittal submerged by the water.
just fy the latter? Haven know, at present is as follows: Our title speedily jumped into the hundreds of thousands in the la other words, the situation York great population and the membership of the bread van which was proceeding in the direction of MARKHAM Continued on page United States and Garvey proclaimed himself PresidentSt. Thomas yesterday morning was also seen resting easily on s side in the water. The driver of the vehicle is said to General of the African Republic, his headquarters being Liberty Hall, New York. Garvey claimed a membership have been signalled to stop by a workman employed by the SPARKLETS of four million for his organization, but the general concen.
Public Works Department, and although it was broad day.
light, yet he appeared not to have seen the signal, or at any sus of opinion was that its membership was nearer two million.
rate was. oblivious to the fact that the bridge had been Give Us The Altruist!
which mast be em loyed when the wrecked and the result was that before he had time to avert We are completely out of sym common good and not selfish endo GOLDEN RESPONSE TO APPEALS the accident the van containing a large quantity of bread and pathy with the dictator, the mono. is being striven for How much polist, the. Give advanced credit, bow much Every appeal for funds made by Mr. Garvəy met with buns, and on which there was the driver and another per: us the altruisto give us the reading riety, how much praise, how much a golden response. He organized spectacular parades son, toppled over into the stream, e Both men miraculously great man who knows he is eat, applause, how many letters or through the pris tipal sections ar escaped injuries of a serious nature but needless to say the whom the people know is greut commendations are the leaders ex headed in robes resplendent as an Eastern Potentate. Не contents of the van is damaged beyond repairs.
because of. is greatness; whom the preting! All these because those established a newspaper, The Negro World, which is still The Dry River bridge was erected just five years ago people are at all times ready and who have been the creators of in existence, and other smallar enterprises, which, howto of by the Public Works Department. It was made of reinforced of his greatness and those movements have foolelever, did not prosper. His biggest effort was the founding into concrete and. consisted of eleven spans, each thirty six feet is reporter de bodem recente belles levesben los teologieof the Black Star Line, and it was not only his biggest fail believing. necessarily ou long. As stated in the opening paragraph it is the eleventh the score of a college or university plan, the action. Scrutinize those ure, but landed him in an American prison, from which he and last span counting from the eastern side of the bridge education, financial success or so movements and more often than was released on Thursday Thauksgiving Day: that collapsed but the adjacent span has also been greatly cial pupular ty, but great because not, you will find in of bis altruism.
damaged. Through some vagary of the river, the great a super mind a supervolume of water which came rolling Give us the whu is a mun and many closed minds, concentrated under the western span ot the bridge digging duty to. oucede to his brotherman e bridges course who always lindas puede the net reede orice sed enda Popular Musician ReWashington News in and forcing its way to a depth of some twelve feet under the latter fair share. Give us the whole blame for not having supTO THE MOVE 1ENTS and the turns Horne Letter the abutment. Thus the foundation at that end gave way man who, due to his greatness is and the part of the bridge which it supported collapsed, able to when necessary, criticize ported a gool cause.
SPECIAL ANNOUNCESick And Apparently Mr. Feurtado, Assistant Director of Public Works bis dis min has an exclusive claim MENT.
the on his progressive ideas all ideas Forgotten By Frionds (Continued from page 8)
charm the breat man not the are bi products. The tile catFEELING THE NATION trickster who roams about with an iny e a mele on like sandung achievements to which lay claim When the United Fruit Com PULSE Admin. Buiiding For Charges to Suspend cr clem pronourer helt the finden several endowmcommanded coma per anchor as Cristobal olan bu hareket response to the man his capitalize of pany steamship fted brow as a reflection frora Through po seeking of our own his soul Cristobal seeking subordinate a beral. Disbar Attorney Porter thought and action Tutning counter Supreme Being. No man is able to she carried, among other passen. watable lat of cause and effect, To Cost Half Million would not stop short of evolve ideas and develop them gers Malcolm Nathaniel Jo ly we hav as a natico, come to the anything eliminate his so called single handed; sister galijos or less Dollars.
been one ona Martin of the Canal opponento fram at leida orhided medical and editie bine teroda. com beo, for nearly sixteen years, ha position of world leadsrab ip. Our Zone District Court has filed ourable endeavour if only they do so. ne preceding progressivo idea. popular West Indian pianists ever reaction. acknowledge this charges with a ew to su pend or not brand his plaas as genuine.
meritorious he might lived on the Isthmus.
The proposed new Administra disbar Attorney Felix Porter consider his ideas to be, they are Oir system of gwerament, our Jolly, a Jamaican, from number material wealth, our ingan nity That. virtuous Do uato others but theories tion Building to erected at from practising law before the development Cristobal to house several admin. Canal Zone bar.
After as you would they should do uoto into practical things is ent rely eight Upper Elliston Road, King have been made to serve the oft quoted but rarely under dependent upon the support given years ago.
ston, arrived in Panama sixteen istrative dep rtments of the Canal: ppointing committee Daring his sojouro (Continued on page 8)
and Rilr ad is to est around half to investipate certain acting of stood, of proclaimrel but rarely him by bis brother mio. We believe bere he played for the entertain mi ior do lars. The architect the well known lawyer the District practiced, is now made cheap to that this dependeney of one mau ment of more people, including Jolly, however, has not been ears of the majority of manuav: already been approved Judge is said to have found that he upon another regardless of their many distinguished Americans and by Governo. L, Walker of the male statements concerning the kind, for it bas been converted position in fe was 60 jotended Englishmen, than can be credicted. able to do any active work for the convenient conventional pa nama cauial and the building court that pre false and delama; appeai pracviced mostly ventiother by the chall wise Creater of Man without fear of contradiction, past few months his lungs haviog expee ed to be started by the tory Mr. Porter has not filed any seeker but conveaiently forgotten leads to believe that Heinere, and the Universe Canal Constructing few other West Lodian pianists been apparently affected and his Quarters reply to the changes the file or by him after he happens to get like family deemed it advisable to send master D partment early next peared for a priliminary hearing on us, on the giving ead.
is completely out bin home wh:re be year. The balling will face three Wednesday morning last, Owing to co tional rain frown to receive close atteation. It is of sympathy with the Dictator, streere. Terting Street, Roosevelt material Too often have we scanned the the monopolist. the egvist the aixbt lite, and having contracted learned from a reliable source that ani Colombia Avenues Judge Martin has disqualified newspapers and ad of some new seltish.
a bad cold Mr Jolly has been in although having been one of the himself as judge in the case and efforts ranging, as it were, from drdoping health for the past couple best and most popular pianist in me of the offices which will be the trial which is dated for the the ridiculous to the sublime, all hou ed in this new building are the ninth of this month will be pre garbad in constitu ions of years. Among the las: distiu: bis day, with excep. in to one of apparen.
Ruished pla In Hospital at which be played brother pianists, a Mr. Neil.
Pusi Ofice, and thuse of the Pay, sided over by Special Julge Black ly drafted by shrewd heads and Army Post at master, Deputy Collector, and burn.
conveying obvious sincerity, We regret to record the illness of Amador in the Canal Zone at the on. Malcolm Jolly at 50 years of Land; as well as the Police Depart, few have we sympathized Mr. Pilgrim dkins of Colon, up to date Am tie cafe, the contato snad to Jamaica in farlig ac ment office aud the local jail It with; but not a few ia which we which has nec ssitated bis entering Southern Cross. situated at ag appareatly un ene nyered by liaiso hcu e the Magistrate A fine assor ment of Xmas and have discovered too low a percent the Coloa Hosp tal on Toesday Santa Ana Plazı and patronized leth misa West Indian musicia aud De rict Court, the latter to New Year Carus at the WORK age, when there is any, of altruisan, last. It is hope that he will soos by the elite of Panama. the with occupy the entire third floor.
IMAN Pr ntery.
that necessary working capital qe out and around again, Canal Zone.
willing to to that each a superman.
00000 a fellew in a Give us man terested vein, Minh da men every to man with However and their plans way may be able Being witness for were the Are and fi Wu.


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