
PAGE TWO THE WOLKMAN SATURDAY DECEMBER 3, 1927 JAMAICA Community at MidClarendon Incident At Mount Industry on Tuesday is a winner with variante una mane prioriterende die vertoria img Over Death of Four Year Old Girld hit; Was Treated for Hookworm.
Exercises over Possible AcI quisition of Sugar Estates BY UNITED FRUIT Co.
papan Was Allowed to Play in Yard Contracted a Cold, Which Resulted in Pueumonia.
16 QUALITY CIGARETTES several large Fruit Co, says Takasumed FOR tion belle ved that reporte, 100. GOLD Mary Deedless to At All Stores in the Republic tion, 83. wuld 808 LUCKY STRIKE bad would What is now exercising the miods of a certain section of the Community in mid Clarendon, is the incr asiogly vers tentu mours of the very probable acquisition of sugar estates and banata producing lands in that area, by the United THE JAMAICA June Mant. The rumour bas assumed Such proportions as to a) ke that options to buy have been secured on certain properties, pending development of the activities of th Jinaica Producers Association and the Irrigation scheme before the country, Cane farmers who own small eages, which are only adaptable to the growing of canes are Very Duch concerned over the Naturally the small case cultivators feel that with the acquisition of the estates to wbich they sell their capes, and the operation of which would surely be discontiued in favour of banana plantiog, there would be DO ou let for their canes. Such state of attairs, would lovolvo great bard.
ships upon those pel at preseat dependent upon the sale of their crop to the surrounding suga. estates, And it would ultimately compelletbem to part with tbeir lands, lo case the negotiations botween the company and proprietors of the setates and severai other smaller proprietors sbould material z2, then the only solution of the problem wou be the erection of a a central wbere small growers canes could be disposed of. Of course no fears could be entertained or the support of a 15 000 acres of available land in central, seeing that of the mid Carendon, cot more than say 30 to 40 per cent are suitable for the cultivation of bananas.
But there is an aber phase of th question. How would the advent of the Voited Fruit Co.
affect the economic situatioa that exist in those parts Would it not have a beneficial effect in the development of the parish as a whole, wbereby the acute labour problem would be solved. and money put into circulation? As matter of fact, the other section of the community desires the entry of any company who would, if the irrigation project falls ha through, procure and irrigate these parched but fertile areas tbemselves rather than allow them to remain as they are at prest ni.
It is believed that the only obstacle in the path is the price for these properties, and it is only a matter of time before a decision will be arrived at. Aca even if the irrigation scheme should not go througb, the company buying the lands wonla certainly embark on that scheme tbemselves. Developments eagerly watched.
The United Fruit Co. ls re ported to be negotiatiog for the purchase of acoiber large property in St. Tbomas for the planting of bapapas.
The Fastest Growing Cigarette in Panama Dawkins DO central, ad IT TOASTED No Irritation. No Cough. The Harker Hall correspondent of the JAMAMAICA MAIL writes that paper thus: selsation was created in Mount Industry early this morning, when Mr. French Dawkins de clared Before a large crowd that be would not allow bis buried old grand daughter to be before a post mortem examinawas performed, because be the child death as caused by the medicine for bcckworm, administered to her by Mr. Cordell of the No. Division of the Jamaica Hookworm Commission. And because he was o; posed by his wife aud in consequence greatly agitated, be further declared hat if member of the family forced be burial te would exbume the body and call in Dr. Clarke, DM und ask him to perform the post mortem examinaMr. Gordon Leceone, who Was early on the scene realized de ibat such bews would SOOR er read like wild fire throughout the district, and the truth twist.
ed ty ignorant people, to the detriment of Mr. Cordeli gocd de me ard ibe excellent reputaRocd tton wbieb the No Division of be Jan a aica Hookworm Commis: Fion establieked throughout East St. Thomas ye Val. lored the post mortem examination Mr Lecesne told Mr.
bat be bad mede a a statement which he must prove, and in fairness to Mr Condell, he must call in De. Dryden D, O, Dr. Escoffery, the latter of whom is in charge of the Hock worm Commission at Gler gofte, Mr, Dawkins declared that it was his intention to bave a post mertem examination performed, Ti ereupor, accompanied by William Lewis, be went to Glengote to call in the D, Mr Cordell on learning of the un avourable situation that had de velped at the Dawkins home, hurried to the scene.
Your correspondent then in terviewed Mrs, Dawkins who declared that castor oil was administered to Ventrice Burke on Thursday last, and the laxative proved every edective, for twelve large worms were found in the SINALCO childis strol. On Friday she was quite lively and played about the On sale at all First Class all day untill late in the Clubs, Cabarets and Soda Sed from market on SatBut when Mrs. Dawkins Fountains.
Panama City Distributor.
throes of fits, and a very bigh GILBERT BRID.
le yer and severe cold bad deExclusive Representative.
veloped. The child remained in CASA ANAVITARTE, the same condition until abe died at about tive minutes to eleven Colon.
on Mo: day morning.
Liter in the morolog Mr.
Dawkins and Mr. Lewis returned from Glengofte and;stated that Devousbire, President of Drs. Dryden and Escottery arriyBritish Empire League.
ed in the afternoon. large Please extend to all those en mises. The former performed crowd bad assembled on the pregaged in oreanising an Empire the post mortem, and it is uoder Shopping Week in Kingston, Jarstood that the child had died malca, my cordial greetings and wishes for the success of their from acute pneumonia.
undertaking DEVONSHIRE.
Dr. Nathan Rowe From Rt. Hon, Sir Phillip Cup lite Lister, President of Board PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON of Trade: 11th and Bolivar Sts. am very glad, as President of the Board of Trade, to bear COLON, that an Empire Week is to be held in Jamalca. Soch BUILDING 10. 123 OPPOSITE week will bring before the public the goods Chase National Bank of the British Empire. moveOffice Hours: a. to 12m met which encourages the pur2 to pm.
chase of produce grown in the O, Box 854, Cristobal, Empire and goods manufactured within the Enpire must comOFFICÉ TELEPHONE 320 mend itselt to all who have at DRUG STORE TELEPHONE 151 heart the industrial prosperity of the British Empire. wisb auccess to all who are taking part in those engaged upon the organlthis Empire Shopping Week and sation of an Empire Shopping enc ur agire the giowib it Week. This remarkable moveImperial trade.
ment promotes the sale of Brit CUNLIFFE LISTER.
isb products and manufactures, From Rt. Hon. Lord South and stiçulates the interest of the borough, B, C. public is the con and Chairman of general welfare of the Empire.
Executive Board, British Empire Wo are becoming more and more conscious of the possibilities of As Chairman of the Executive Empire trade; this is great Committee of the British Empire cause in which every citizen can League have much pleasure in play part every day of tis life.
sending my best wishes to all SOUTHBOROUGH.
Christmas Cards!
are Good Assortment now on Display at the WORKMAN STATIONERY STORE Empire Shopping Week In Jamaica; Get your supply early, mail your relatives and friends abroad.
INSPIRING MESSAGES FROM ENGLAND From Presidents of Three Very Important Organizations; Inter Imperial Trade, PRICES the most reasonable to meet the dull times and the pockets of all. GREETINGS TO THE ISLAND.
ALSO fine supply of Greeting Cards From Duke of Devonshire, FRt. Hon. Sir CunliffeLister and Rt. Hon Lord Southborough.
suitable for Lodgus and Friendly Societies.
con mercial Under the above captions the JAMAICA Mall of the 19th ulto says: The following inspiring messages have been received by the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce for publication to the public of Jamaica.
From His Grace the Duke of Lague.


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