
THE WORKMAX SATCRDAY DECEMBER 1927 PAGE THREE Salvation Army Launches The Prosperity Tailors Great Relig cus Offensive In London.
GENERAL BOOTH IN COMMAND passengers, express and all CLEANERS DYERS Company.
a New Airway Line SINALCO To Connect North and South American For any child or adult.
Havana, Nov. 14. Formation It a tonic nutriment.
of a company to control a through alr way line connecting North and Sub America and bandhog has been announced by Robert FLOWERS Atkins, of the banking firm of Hayden, Stone and Company.
The new company will be Abogado. Attorney at Law known as the Atlantic, Gulf and!
Carribbean Airline, loe. Those OZFICE: No. 44 ST the Company include BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY Rockfeller. Richard TELEPHONE No. 1377 How to and other members of the tirm of Haydedi Sione and Practicing before all the courts of the Republic since April 1914 The Atlantic Club and Carribbean Company, which was recently incorporated in Delaware, batile or wounded, and their has purchased a controlling io bouses broken open, is the terest and is now the hoiding marriage styled rakabara.
company of the Panama American Airways. Atkins said. The In several parts of India infant Panama American Company at pay at marrages are customary, the present is operating an airplain majority of girls being married service betweeu Key West, Fio batwon the ag of 10 and 15.
shortage of rida, and Havana Gaba. To When there is a bolaleg orgao zstion. Atkias said, women girls are sold the price.
will seek additional air mal cour of the birde. girl aged COD varying according to the matury tracts as they are offered for the be had for cao transportation of mail up the wara coast of the southern states.
the price payable is 100 rupees (about 7) for each year Eventually, Atkics added, of the girl see that is 900 other companies will be forced rapes for a girl of and 1000 as subsidiaries of the Atlantic rupees for a girl of 10 and so or.
Gult and Carribbean Company, Evers where the girl ia lookea and in the manner it is hoed to upon as a valuable asset, for an air way live connecting the two continents.
Tne that the operating cuinpanies The WORKMAN can be had would control already have been at the La Boca Restaurant and at laid out, be said, adding that House No. 971, Jamaica Prado Central America would be includ. La Boca ed in the link ratber than the West Indies, where another cou.
pany is now operating, Aikios said. cubo It is not the intention of the promoters 10 solicit passenger traffis on the route between Key West and Havana Uotil aller we bave domonstrated with several months of service with the mails that the land lanes aiu wholly titted for the lights, nothing,. but after London, November Tbe greatest religious odesive ever launched by Salvation ArmyNo. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue a salvation slege was under way today after a night of prayer Telephone 695 PANAMA CITY by 100. COO Salvationists at 1, 000 tretings throughout the country The camraign is to continue until Nov. 24. Bold and spec DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING tacular methods will be used for conuitst and determined atrack on the indifference of the OF THE HIGHEST ORDER great mass of people to religion, Opened by Gen. Bramwell Broth last night at Glosgow, the campaign is to be taken into public houses and other gatherine Work Done While You Wait places in an effort to coc vert the wbole of Britain within a month The Sevents one year old head of the Station Army spent five and one balt bours on the platTRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED form last night praying and leading the singing at Salvation Army bymns. M18, Booth simiAlterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices larly conducied the largest of tive meetings beld bere.
Ladies Garments carefully handled The offensive against religious indifference is being waged by so army or red hot gospellars. as they are discribed by the SalvaC. REID Manager tionists themselves. It is apnouoced that there will be of mourning when Salvation Army Battalions will parade in.
mounirg god sockeloth for the sios of some particular city or There will be Bible days SEK50x5o when every Salvation soldier will bearted with Bibles and read them at Street corners and in the guiters. There will be procestions in wbich Gospel tanks and Gospel armored cars from which the Salvationist will blast their messages, Five million letters have been sent out tbrough the country telling of the selge and Salvation Army leaders say that not a sin gle letter asked for money.
ne routes days lown.
Little Cirls Sold as Brides in India Holds South Africa Quite Free Of Britain Lower Classes Still Exact Pay for Daughters who have Nothing to Say About Selecting Husbands.
SILVER Cabinet Officer Says It Would Not Eyen Need to Declare Neutrality If Eng.
land Went to War.
localities, SPRAY Dr. Malan, MAIL blo olid bloo song an PILSENER makes no The report of the census of India devotes considerable portion of its descriptive volumes to the marriage customs of the various communities and shows that in spite of the reliperusal of th. se gous prohibition of the salo of brides among the lower classes, wbo mostly live by manual work and to wbom a daughter is as Useful as son, the parents stili чее expect the briõegroom to compensate them for the loss of her ha labor.
Among the higher castes, says the LONDON DAILY where the males are the wage geearners and women are relega.
ted to tbe pruformance of house.
hold dutics, their loss is more easily endured, and the parents willingly part with thier daughters for nothing. Among the well to do they Even psy a handsome price for an eligible Lusband.
The husband selected is invariably a few years older than the bride, and the marriege rites are performed in the bome of the bride Among the Hindus marriage is Ia parents.
universal. All Hindus strive to marry off their daugoters young and strage devices are often resorted to in order to comply with the letter of the strict Hindu religious laws. Failing to secare an eligible busbaud a girl is made to go through a mock marriage with so arrow, Alwer or a tree, the real marriage being performed later wben a suitable basband is available.
Marriage by purchase and marriage by exchange are common throughout lodia, and it is noteworthy that marriage by under the British Goveroment capture is not yet extinct. Even it is practiced among the Meemas, a robber tribe of Central Indis, and among the Gods of Berar, not as a a symbol bus a matter of real tarbee as real as any other form of robbery.
Manu, the great Hindu law reformer, thes describes such marriages: The seizare of a waidun by force from der house, while she weeps and calls for assistance, after ber kinsmen and riends have been slain in SCH Capetown, South Africa, Nov. The Minister of the Interior, Dr. Malan, bas made a statement to Pretoria paper on the flag settlement wbich, it is thought here, may have serious effects.
who all along opposed ECTS: further concessions to General Smute, maintained in his declaration that dropping the shield on the national flag is heraldically unimportant.
The earller design provided that the Union Mick and the two Republican flags should not be integral part of the national flag, but should be imposed on them in shield. The accepted design includes these three flags as an essential part of the national flag, but Dr. Malan contends that that difference. They symbolize, he said. exaetiy the same thing as they would bare done in a shield.
He then declrred that the NAtionalists had lost nothing by the settlement, and continued. What we sbould not lose sight of is wbat the Union Jack still stands for. It symbolizes for us only and solely an association or connection with the other parts of the British Commonwealthe.
of Nations. The therefore, is that onr own flag Alles over us, while the Union Jack ties between us and Britain. We might, for instance do the same with the American flag If we were an exceptionally friendly footing with the United States Dr. Malan also said that it would not be necessary for General Hertzog to propose common symbol for the Empire at the next Imperial Conference. because there does not exist such a thing as an Empire: He added. We are absolutely freew 80 tree that if England were in a state of war it would not be necessary for us to declare a state of neutrality. It follows Daturally that we are neutral.
The Union Jack simply indicates (Continued on page 6) 000 ton siding a DO DOOD IS GOOD DRINK diderenc 2010 OD FOR EVERYBODY 30 2009 AAS dowo 1019 co watoto 31 d300 SVS ge a civlastbilstein dam ܟܛ Case AKSS:


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