
PAGE FOUR :IEW REMAN SATURDAY DECEMBER 4, 1927 THE WORKMAN Carvey is a Good Man Your Christmas Will Be Really HAPPY If You Have Electricity Installed For LIGHTING COOKING IRONING In spirit. He sod has belgbtentles od basso We will make a Complete Electric Service Installa.
tion For Only 200 bad for be exi be exista caly work to do Down and Four Small Monthly Payments from FUERZA 0 LUZ Says Correspondent in Jamica Newspaper Published on Saturdays by Rates for Adversasemen on applica.
WALROND, at the office No. 83 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited.
Marcus Garvey is. Indeed. PO Box 74, Padams All copy for publication must be great mar, yet be does not care written on one side of paper only, and to be considered grest. All great Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of men are characterised by three things: Simplicity in speech, se Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicaSiz Months simplicity in manners. simplicity 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
Three great because 60e.
We do not undertake to return rebe bas done what no other man Ooe Month 25 jected correspondence.
bas done before bim. He bas considerably exalted the stan The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JENUS dard of excellence which he found existing ed for various peoples of the SATURDAY DECEMBER 3, 1927 earth their ideas of the capabiliof their common nature.
ARTISTIC SINGING OF SONGS Garvey bas seen things tbat were bitherto invisible to others, 80 embodied them that At the present time, and as far back as six or seven benceforth, others shall see them in In the proper ligbt. He has years ago, considerable interest is being shown by West Indians on the Isthmus in the art of singing. At the same attempted things beretofore inpossible to others. sod, baving time there have arisen some misconception among many as done them too, is the token of io what constitutes artistic singing. On the whole the great man.
unusual interest which is being shown in the art is highly Earth greatest men bave commendable. It is an indication of progress. As in every been able to see and do. They baye combined in their cbareother field of awakening, however, many critics of ters equally in sight and energy, singing are springing up, and not a few of them are elevation of miod and decision of as a natural consequence, disposed to dabble: from will. Garvey bas poble cause wbich we can expect more harm than to be done to to fulfill, and so be had subordiambitious artistes. We deem it an opportune time, ested and even sacrificed himself to it. He is doing his duty in therefore, to point out for the information of allconcerned, spite of all outward contradict some of the essentials of good singing.
ions; he reverences this conIn his book on the lyric art, How to succeed in Singscience. He will face any diffiing. Buzzi Peccia, writing on Voice, says: When Papa culty and submit to any penalty for the cause that is dear to him.
Rossini launched his great motto, He who wants to be a singer must possess three things; Vuice Voice Voice!
You could not produce Garvey before bis time, and you cannot everyone was astonished by the profound sentence, the great make him dle before his time you truto. which included in one word all the art of singing.
cannot displace or advance bim. believe that the great master, who possessed a trenor you can put him beck; you mendous sense of humour, meant it ironically, for that part cannot conțioue bis existence and of the public wbicb cares only for VOICE, that is, for the replace bim; because be his Instrument itself and not for the artistic playing on it. It.
He will DO longer 40 exist must be so, otherw. se the great master would have only wben bis work is done. But alexplained a material necessity, which is common to all though Garvey rises above the kinds of art.
level of his people, be is no more No one would be amazed or sürprised to hear that a to be looked upon as distinct apd.
seperate the masses beneath dancer must possess Legs, Legs, Legs; that a pianist needs ble than the loftiest mountains a PIANO to play and a cook needs a chicken if he wishes that bath their beads in the to prepare a chicken a la grille. The impression that the beaven can be safd to be indemodulation of the voice is a phenomenal things apart from pendent of the earth from whose surface they rise in their subthe skill or the artistic culture of the singer, makes him think limity and greatness, Pay not that Voice is Everything! This impression is still general, thy praise to lofty things above.
after centuries. In fact, everyone wbo has the ambition of the plains are everlasting as the becoming a singer always asks if his voice is good bills. Just as the traveler whom enough to be cultivated (which is very reasonable. but he we see on yonder mountain nerer enquires about all the other musical talents he should Det bekan bli ucent from the possess, to become a successful singer. He never stops to so this great man Garvey of whom the Negro boasts is is but think that the voice is the Instrument which transmits of ourselves, standing on the artistic soul of the singer, his technical skill, his mag.
bigber Rround and by virtue of bis wider etic personal power. When the voice, has nothing to transKeep The Bright Side intelligence, bis nobler mit except the material resonance, the voice becomes a character, monotonous thing even though of natural good quality.
Out bis purer inspiration, bis more manly doing, be is claiming an knowledge of music and of the language in which Empire and a people as his right, one sings are prime factors in good singing. To sing a song Wby should not Jamaica be When you feel life but a burden, proud of this illustrious son!
effectively deinands from the singer not only the correct When your way is overcast, man of vision! The tigre of production of his voice, but also a knowledge and applicaWhen the days is full of trials, the Negro peoples of the world!
tion of the following esseentials, which go to build up an With new dangers tbic kening England is proud of such dames artistic rendering: Correct pronounciation and diction, Ridley, Latimer, Cranmer.
Thiok tben of the lark singing phrasing and suitable breathing places, appropriate expresWolfe, Baldwin and Lloyd As she gally suers about; George. Why should not the sions, style, etc. On pronounciation, Sabilla Novello in his Voice and the Vocal Art has this to say: Correct What could be more refreshing than Sure enough she has her troubler, degto be proud of the name of Yet she keeps the bright side Marcus Garvey?
pronounciation and clear enunciation should steadfastly be an ice cold bottle of out.
We watch this man, we support enforce d; clear articulation gives greater energy and force All the world is full of sorrow, him, and, when bis work is done, to song than can be obtained by any effort at loudness and Fall of beartaches and of fears. his bed side and we follow with reverence to vocal tone. On melodic phrasing, and breath taking, Hsten as be Full of lonesomeness and sad speaks the Rousseau, in Dictionnaire de Music. points out that the word like Wasbig.
ness, too, It is well or Like sniger who feels, what he sings, and duly marks his phrases Fall of partings and of tears; Expression in singing is a after a hard day work a and accents, is a man of taste.
So it needs a something different, to do Taylor. have endeavoured That will put despair to route; my natural gift; it is the out come of the individuality and spontaneous feeling of the performer. and depends upon Do you know that more people agree on this than Who will keep the bright side the Government, wise them the true principles of one appreciation of the beautiful in music, and also upon on electing a president, and out.
carried out, Or like the knowledge, intelligence, and depth of sympathy. Professor Never mind the little setbacks, Apostle Paul. bave fougbt Valentine Hemery, professor of singing of the Royal College Never mind the crusbjog blow, tbe Buod fight, have finished of Music, London, tells us. Singing, being a fine art, must Never mind about tomorrowmy course, have kept the faith.
necessarily be made a thorough study by those who wish Keep a singing as you go.
And now there is laid up for me to acquire proficiency in it; likewise, a knowledge of continues with its ever increasing popularity.
in heaven a crown of rigbteousIbough your heart may bave misgivings, wbich the Lord.
at least the theory of music and singing must necessarily tbe Bravely bide away your doubt on that day, and not to me only, be possessed by a critic to enable him Righteous Judge shall give me to attempt It had to be good to get where it is, 7, 000, 000 a day, to For you surely cheer some other but onto all them that love his intelligently criticize scientific and artistic singing. If such this is more than all other drinks combined.
When you keep the bright side courses are not taken by each, both are hastening to arrive appearing nowhere. None of these qualifications, however, are If your dealer cannot supply you a phone call will sw, etc.
WE:TERN ADVOCATE absolutely essential to the intelligent listener who can bring the goods to your door. SAMUEL BURTON.
easily detect awkward facial expressions, uncontrollable ex Chaplaio, efforts at breath taking defective articulation, false gestures.
BOCAS DEL TORO Universal Negro Improvement of the body and hands, etc. that are so common among beginners.
THE Association NOTES Kingston, PANAMA COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY November 16th, 1927 Snapshots PANAMA; 65; PHONES COLON; 84. By Our Correspondent) Notice to Correspondents. FROM THE NEGRO PRESS)
Our Motto is Obituary Contributors and correspondents CLEAN GOODS are asked to send in their contributions not later than Thursdays to We are not to lose heart, or give up, but to continue to Bocas del Toro, November 14. tive apd must he adbered to iosure publication. This is imperaprepare ourselves to take the place that may be offered There died bere little over a when the opportunity comes, and also those of us who are week ago Mr. Coombs, a older must pool our means, and build up enterprises that dative of Port Antonio, Jamaica Pwill enlarge the field of employment for our people and political factors in the communities where we live, we BW.
The delicious rich, thick, Omaha Monitor.
The late Mr. Coombs left home can not be counted when a community program is put on nearls forty years age, and fruity in the community where we live, and this progress must travell:d extensively to these SINALCO Economics and politics are the foundation upon which not be individual progress alone, mass uplft mass economic Central American republice. As the race must build. Unless we are regarded as economic. wealth and mass political power. Atlanta Independent. continued on page 5)
Makes meals appetizing.
one of thoughts his lottier 80 Coca Cola This Jast; Coczoda duty.
Or like Thibode with me build the brother hand om de to be the bander Caglala חוסם out.


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