
OINOT INSIST ON blow ST. CHARLES That Civilization is not a failure was proven by the debate beld by the Society at tbe Cristobal Bilver Clubbouse on Tuesday night, 29th, November Although the Negative gained the decision, the points the Afirmative adduced were very convincing ones lbe audience at times being beld in suspense by the profundity and logie they advanced. Tbe majority present bexved sight of reliet when the judges gave tbeir verdict, as it would be a great blow to know ibat Civilization was not all they Inough it to be.
flower Richest in Cream By CERAN THOMASOS Serene and tranquil was the hour.
Far in the leaden east glowing speck of crimson light, Like th flaming core of some Proclaimed the map and beast That Bol bad climbed his chariot bright.
The birds, from their arbores!
bome, With joyous, mellow thrille, Poured forth their souls in eestasy; While cross the blue celestial dome Pale clouds, ke silken frills, Sailed in calm and tranquillity.
Refreshed with sleep glad Nature wades; Her dew bejewelled veil She doffs to greet the new born The mettled team its journey takes Along the welkin trial, Bathed in the soft matinal rsy.
Serene and peaceful is the morn: But not more so than He, Who in the temple grand exhorts Continued on page 8)
Meeting Of The Isthmian Literary And Musical League day ST. CHARLES BRAND pe will Bocas Del Toro Notes UNSWEETENED Tocigot tbe Meeting of ibe lathmian Literary and Musical League will be held at the Cris.
tobal Silver Club commencing at 8, 00 precisely. Delegates from both tae Pacioc and lat tic erds be represented, and will discuss topics relveant to the success in their chosen felds.
It is hoped that lovers of Literalure and Music will attend to isten to be arruments and plans bich will be advanced for the gocd of sald League. The Con.
stitution will be read and consid.
ered for adoption. All interested Darties are given a cordial invi.
adverse EVAPORATED MILK kept (Continued from page 4)
activities were chiefly confined to commercial pursuits until be lately decided, through circumstances and advanced years, to enter tbe restaurant business, and was so engaged st the time of bis death, wbere be a small cafe in Hind street.
The deceased was not lll for very many days and passed off peacefully Friday the 5th November, Rev. Father Neary, officiating at the funerai ceremony the following Saturday Mr. Coombs was a well krowa com mualty, and In the absence of any relatives his funeral was undertaken by good friends, chlef among whom were Mesar. Aubrey Lowe.
Rosseau and DJ Reid.
He was between 60 and 70 years age at the time of his death.
מס News Notes service o songs entitled Daddy is announced to be rendered at the Cristobal Colon Baptist Ctorcb by the Christian Eodearoar cboir of the Colon Wesleyan Church on Wednesday nigbt tbe 7tb inst. baby girl was born to Mr.
and Mrs, D, A, Atberley at the Colon Hos iwl on Wednesday morning the 30th nito. Motber and child are reported to be goite normal. Mr. Atberley is an employee at the Panama Canal Press, Mt. Hope, and wellkDown member of the Sussex On tbe occasion of Bible Day tomorrow tbe Rev, RR, Gregory of tbe Cristobal Bible House will be the preacher at the Colɔn Wesley Church at 11, a.
figure in this The Brand that has stood the test of years.
Officers of Club Visit Club Save the labels for Valuable Premiums The Municipal Governmect is now taking steps to erect an Isolation bospital for the treatment of venereal cases. It is kdown thats sbort time ago patients of this class were sent over to Papama; now that the admission to future cases, the Panama authorities have refused local government is obliged to cake its own provision for the bandling of local cases. Already certain land owner baving premises that are very near the sea board has been approached View to!
bis leasing or repting the Government the lot in question for the erection of the necessary building. It is not however, known whether tbe negotiations have succeeded or not.
witb ไวนการ Two officers, the President sa Vice President of the Bal.
bos Women Club visited the La Boca Women Life Problem Club at the latter weekly meeting at the Clubhouse OD Thursday afternoon last.
The visitors were Mrs. ReyLolds and Mrs. Kenney.
The visiting ladies gave the La Boca Club some very helpful hints on the care of children, including hygiene and proper methods of feeding. They also made several suggestions on how to make the children bappy at Christmas.
About twenty members of the Life Problem Club were present.
THE ATTENTION Friendly Societies and Secret Orders Press Association Christmas Boxes The Inaugural meeting of the Asociacion de Perodista de The little farce. comedy wbicb Bocas del Toro was held at is being prepared by the La quarters in the Palacio yesterBoca Anthenarum to be ren day afternoon at three o clock.
Toidered conjuntion with the The Primary object of the Society Variety Association is OFto raise the Entertainment has been attrac standard of local journalism, and ting no little attention, and indi invitations to ito brst meeting cations are that this will be one were issued to all the kcown of the most successful treate newspapermen (Spanish and to be beld bere durior this English) of the towo.
mouth, Tbe promoters of the AssociaIS DIRECTED TO GOOD SUPPLY OF tion who were present were: Sors. Ramon Escovar, President; Paul Lawrence Dunbar Rodriquez, Vice President; Edwardo Thomas, Secretary: Urriols, Treasurer; paper on Paul Lawrence Lioyd, Maceo, Benning Danbar will be read by Lorenzo burrb, Castillo, and a few Jobpson at next Tuesday obers.
meeting of the La Boca AtbeThe next meeting will be held ting Negro character of which be presented the By Laws of the many seem not to be quite Association for the drafting for acquainted with, and it is ex which a special committee has pected that all the members and been appointed. Suitable for Lodge Business Jriends of literature will turn out to bear Mr. Johnson paper CRICKET Teams Draw in Match MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS te Sports Corral Cricret team dre with the East End Cricket team in a friendly game played on the La Boca oval on Sunday afternoon last, Sports Corral occupled the wickets first and compiled 78 TUDS with Barnett as top scorer with 22 to bis credit. Walker made the next bigbest score, 15 not out.
East End put up a total score of 62 for seven wickets, the bigbest scorers on this side being Crosey 11, add Tudor and W, DeSousa 10 respectively, Bowling for SportCorral, Walker took three ckets for 17 runs and Barnett tor 17 runs. AT THEWorkman Stationery Store toon oooo The Bocas club bag been of Small ficially declared the winners of the cop this season, and Satur.
DENTIST day tbe 26th of November will witness the presentation matcb MASONIC TEMPLE wbicb will take place on the Bocas Office Hours: 8, am to 12pm Oval. 30 to 30 pm The Junior Clab (Bocas)
scored a smashing victory eetsete Sundays, by Special Appointment the Farm Two Juniors in their Masonic match bere on the sixth inst.
PO Box 787. CRISTOBAL Farm Two wbo batted first scored 82; Bocas replied with 57 PHONE: OFFICE 1664 The game was a most interesting RESIDENCE 588 one from start to finish.
orer beautiful assortment of Xmas Cards at the WORKMAN Printery.
Advertise in the Workman It Pays


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