
VIGOR TONIC GOOD POSITION FOR REAL WORKER 090 We are offering Permanent positions to a few reliable men and women, in which an exeellent income can be made even to those who work but PART TIME. During onr 35 years in business we have appointed orer 518, 000 agents who supply our bousehold necessity to our customers in every country in the world. Many of our agents bave been with us over 30 years and hava achieved Financial Independence Increasing local demands and repeat orders, make it necesary to appoint more local representatives in many localities in the United States. No special experience or capital required. It ig a straiebtrioward, digoibed business. Wny bot represent the largest and best known house of its kind in the world. Send 19 your address and the Manager of our appointmeat Bureau will send you full particulars. When we appoint an agent we furoish free samples for Trial Tests in the bomes in the locality of the agent.
In answering be sure to tell us the name of the paper in which you saw this advertisement, Address ALPHEUS BANCROFT, WASHINGTON, DC. Attention Clerk No. 12. 1438 (You) Street the Col and islands witball they need Delivers Fearless Address At West Indian League The best in the World The following editorial de taken from the treal STAR of tbe 23d.
It is not often that a servant of the Crowo is as outsp kep as the Bon Sir Eustace Fiennies For Regaining Strength Lost By Excess Work. The Governor General of the Leeward Islands in bis Address to the Only Wine That Should Be Taken With Phos Canadian West Indian League a message for Canadians and he yesterday.
pherine (Ashton Parson)
delivered it teatlessly textlessly and in the fratkest possible language. He that everything po sible would be done to encourage tbel Guaranteed by Law No. 1572 of the West Indies to break off their existing tinancial relations with Uoited States unite Republic of Panama.
commercially with the Dominion losterd. What he asked, the United States to us. We want to be welded to Canada and we are going to be through This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommended in the sea board route, He urged that tbe West Indies should be Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Impoverishment educated to turn to Canada for all the manufactured goods they requtre, instead of buying them of the Blood, and to build up a run down constitution. from the United States. This country, be said, can apply the It promotes digestion, improves the appetite, and gives tone West Indian But in order to and energy to the whole system.
develop trade along the lines be indicated it would be Decessary he pointed out to facilitate sobal Intercourse between busiDees men from the Island ard DOSE. One sniall Wine Glass before each meal or times a day.
Canadian Arms, so that former might get into close toucb with conditions in Canada ar ragge for agencies here, od break oft financial relations with Vigor Tonic is the only tonic builder protected by the United States.
This of course means tbat the laws of Panama and no such tonic is legitiCanada will bave to extend liberal credits at the outset. But the volume of business the West mate unless it bears the signature of Javier Moran, Indies have to give us is derable. The present hus printed matter explaning for what diseases it should done between the islands and the United States is large, but there be used, how it should be used, how it should be ap not have it is very little that Canada could have if she went after it in the same keen minder that the plied and what doses should be taken.
Americans bave done. There is nothing prejudical to American Interests in Sir Eustace attude.
He SOLD BY simply says he believes in trading within Empire wherever and whenever possible and this is one case in which it JAVIER MORAN is possible. The diversi) of business will will not be effected in a montb or without bard and AMERICAN PHARMACY Panama City strenuous work.
Emigracion From St.
Vincent to Cuba.
este per CALL IN AT The Workman BOOK STORE No. 93, Central Avenue tbe GOOD SELECTION OF NEW BIBLES Hymn Prayer Books the WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR Contra Crespo No hot irons or special combs required SOLD IN DRUG STORES Arrangements Made by Mr. cCormack To Get Cane Hands For Chaparra Estate, The British Pharmacy COLON KONGOLENE will srtaighten any hair in 15 minutes without the aid of hot irons or combs.
THE COLLECTION OF TAX Cata, the local bebalf For Each Man Ten Shillings FOR SALE AT THE Must be Deposited to PHARMACY Public Revenue, IS NOW LOCATED AT 149. Central Avenue Panama and at The St. Vincent Sentry of the 28th ult. states;The New Drug Store 11. 1154 11th STREET During the rush of emigrants for Cuba 5th and Street Colon.
last year a bill was Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK passed by the local legislature to the effect that each emigrant leaving St. Vincent for Cuba Where our customers will receive the usual must deposit the sum of as a guarantee that in case of the out a per it and (2) that a tax Holds South Africa courtesies repatriation of such emigrant or of 10 per bead be paid towards emigrats trom no Government revenue by the expense would be incurred by Chaparra Sugar Company for (Continued from page 3)
government on their every labourer taken from St.
further as was experienced in Vincent and a Bank that we are on a friendly foctite 1925 when the boat conveying a guarantee of 25 per head for with England.
batch of labourers bound for their return.
Dr. Malan statement is 30 15 Caba was grounded off San On these terms Mr. McCor completely at variance with the Domingo and several of them views of the Minister of Justice back assures were stranded in the Republic.
that be Roos, and of the Cabinet as a Chaparra Sugar Co. will be whole, that it is unlikely it will The bill naturally tended to willing to take labour in the be allowed to pass over.
stop entirely emigration from fature from St. Vincent for St. Vincent to Cuba as it was in their crop. At the same time it the class of labourer who left ion of the sugar manufacture in the first place very unlikely that is unlikely owing to the restrict e here for Chaparra could afford a Cuba, that much labour will be depotit of and secondis the required this crop but it outside Chaparra Company could pot help is necessary the first batch SINALCO to Vincent will be taken xowania WORKMAN. It Pays Put your servel to work large deposit per head consider. about the middle of December ing the number of labourers Mr. McCormack sails to day for every day.
taken from St.
Grenada, interview this account a visit to the colony Excellency the Governor on this Dr. Fred Sterling BOWEN has been made by Mr.
McCormack, representative if THE IDEAL DRINK We the Caparra Sugar Compads. are THE NEW YORK DENTIST also informed that be This taken to Notice to Correspondents.
SINALCO TAILOR gentleman bas recently in steps will shortly 182, BOLIVAR STREET similar terviewed Bis Honour the Ad limpose tax on COLON, ministrator on the question as a emigrants to Curacao. As both Contributers and correspondents Always Delicious Box 771, CRISTOBAL, No. M Street San Miguel result of whicb we understand these matters have not yet been are asked to send in their contribua new bill will shortly be passed officially announced we ralr. in tions not later than Thursdays to TELEPHONE 247 COLON Panama City enforcing (1) that all emigrants at this stage from making any insure publication. This is imperaleaving for Chaparra must take fortber comment.
tive apd must be adhered to.
On to His


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