
LA MASCOTA Mysterious Fire In Provision Store.
For The West Indian Cricket Team.
Of Demerara Electric Company.
PACKARD Packard SHOE crowa bis year: eaten som tre tree from yard of bis he feels better every time he wears it, for the recollection of quality remains long after the price is forgotten.
Works salted meats: was same more SEE OUR SHOW WINDOWS for all the latest Models English and wall, The GUARDIAN of the 5th ulto.
says: But for the timely discorery on Monday morning of a fire which bad broken cut at No. Henry Street in the provision store ot Messrs. Pereira Bros.
and Nieres, great blaze would bave resulted in the business quarter of the city.
The store was closed about p, m, on Saturday but when Mr. Camacho, one of the partnets went to open the following morning at 30 o clock he experienced a peculiar smell of burning matter, and on open up the door saw a cloud of smoke in the backstore. He rushed forward and discovered that one of the uprights was burning, a number of fering the wood work of a from a pile of salt were jon on the concrete floor were the smouldering remains of a few barrels which bad contained With haste Mr. Camacho, secured a few buckets of water ad put out the fames Tbe barrels which had contained the salted meatstente made of cak and the contents were entirely consumed by the fire so that tbe benes could be reduced to ashes by touch of the hard. crate of potatoes which was some distance off was nd cooked by the ha. and were it not for the fact that the fire caught near the and inflammable articles in tbat vielbity were the barrels of meat the fire woud probably bave taken great bold of the premises before it was discovered. It is assumed that it must bave been burning for a long time to reduce the contenits of two tari els of pickled meats to ashes theory to the origin has been found. sm. ll.
bundle of steel wire had been placed above the barrels which were destroyed and it is believed that a flash of lightning coming through the latticed partition the barrels underneath. The only other theory is tbat a customer he or someone who had gone into lhe buckstore dropped the lighted end of and it ignited the sawdust which is spread under the barrels and this in turn set fire to the barrels. There was no sign that an intruder bad entered the premises since it was closed Inspector Power, Superintendent of the Fire Bri gade was notified and the Police visited the place and made an inspection.
The premises are owned by Mr. Ferriera, and the stock is partially insured.
Notice of Removal מס Saturday Commenting on the question of SUPERINTENDENT GREEN selecting a competent successor NARRON ESCAPE.
to Mr. G: Austin, to Captain the West Iodian eleven The death took place under for England next year, the AGRI CULTURAL REPORTERS Sages. peculiar circumstances on Suc While the wbole sporting public Freitas, who for 20 years bad day last of Mr. will regret that Mr. G, been emloyed in the Test Room Austin has not been able to of the Demerara Elect ic Co, as cricketing career reer an engineer, with the horoar of.
being the tist Oa Friday morning, 21st uldav nin Test Match cricket in work in the best of health. He captain of West Indies Mr. de Freitas left home for England it it will refrain from say returned home in the evening ing anything that might appear ver and exhibiting as carpioe eriticism of etberbis very ill, vɔmiting.
ability or that of any other Sr as of poisoning by his wife he said that he had Questioned bext Much attention will now be paid which grew in the bananas in and much ink spilled on the ditfucult qu stion of his successor work place and abɔat the ruots of There are five possibles: Chel: which had been throwa eluse lenor, Tarillton, Nunes, c, iron and copper, He went out to Browse and Dewhurst.
the next morning but returned soon after more ill than From the cricketing point of before and Dr. Clavier view pach of these is worthy of suo summyned.
Dr. Clavier treated consideration. They all are the sufferer but be gradually sner ething more than first class lass grew worse, the symptoms of Have all had Tes Match Fave all ex poisoning growing proIerience and in addition three nounced. Wednesday last at least have had more than he became unconscious and suc1 assing acquaintance with cumbed on tha Sunday morning conditions.
English following wicke ard Eoglish horns cricket.
Nunes, Challener The peculiarity of the incident Prowne. When all has been said is made even more marked by berite the fact Mr. and cricketers and leaders or more Elec. rical Superintendent of the to The choice must be made of that Company, also ate of the banaone who best fulblls the coodi nas from the sane tree a be Fions necessary for effective also exhibited similar but forta capaines of the agglomeration of nately not as dearly symptome.
players who will go to make up the West Indies team, Bearing in mind the sometim Elective Members sorry happenings of the 1923 Combine.
tour when petty inter Island ance of each other and of each And Vote Against Governgoor other capabilities led to exbibitions ot childish temper and, ment Mo:ion.
cccasionally, unsport manlike con duct, we must in choosing a Captain choose one who can bold Georgetown BG, Ostober together bis mon of and on the 29h. At the meeting of the fi. id. They are one or two players elected members presented to levere combined court on Friday the whom only Austin can restrain from exbibiting characteristics the Government a unanimous more akin to the bear than to request for a sum of 125 for the the cricketer, but on the whole, purpose of securing Igal what is ordinarily expected of a opinion from Sir Jobn Simon on Bord capain? He must be a keen een Colonial Constitutions) Rahs game and of the under the Articles of Capitula Excellency the players, a captain wbo studies in. tion 1803.
dividual temperament bob o Orficer Administeriog the Ghe his own side and his opponents: Jones, asked for ulme for the ernment, the Douglis he must be unsparing of himself and utterly unselfish: ha must cy on the matter before giving sedl Government to consider its poligive just that word of encourageHaal decision.
ment to big men that converts tential sulker into a keen At the same player: slow to give offence, be Court the Goverome propohould be always thinking of his sals for the division of the as a team ard not as a mere Colony into geven admincollection of men. He must above istrative ucits under District all things, inspire his men with Commissioners as recommended enfidence in th:mselves and in by Sir Harry Mooth use and in him as their captain. This as a keeping with similiar practices general principle, in addition, in Africa for the decentralisation where, as here. Test Match cri of administration was negatived cket is to be played, be must be without debite. Mr A, Un possessed of nerves and, on the conclusion preferably, not be a bowler.
by the Comparisons are odicus, and it motion That the question be we in selecting one of these five now put. Toe Government as our West Indies captain, seen mo to make comparisons with the motion was thereupon submitted every electod others, it is not that we tblok to the Court and member present vat:d against.
them unworthy but that in al The motion was accordingly the circumstance holding together of the team is further motion by the Govconsidered as much to be erament varying somewhat the mere ability cannot bat eliminate our offband proposals of Sir Harry MoorGeorge Challenor, otherwise an house for abolishing classes in idol, is temperamentally unsuita the Civil Service and instituting ble. The fact that so much de one long grade in place of cleri.
fends on his success as an cal assistants and classes six six to opening batsman Is against him, two was similarly nezatived Nunes in all their respects the without discussion motion obvious choice, is not likely to by the same member, That the hold the side together as it should subject be considered to day 12 be. C, Browne excellency is months, a bowler is more than likely to All the elected members were bamper him as a Captalny. Dew in attendance witb the excepburst beloved of all around whose tion of the Hon. Humphrys personality an epic tale might who is out of the Colony.
be woven. would if Gaptain, baye to Skipper Jamaicans Absi: omen, REMEMBER!
There remains the most SINALCO suitable choice is all the circumstanes Tarilton, who in spite Enriches the blood of his detractors, is not too di to play his best when up against is known by the team that will it; bo remains with Challeaoe still one of the best be selected for 1928 and opezingbatsmen in the world to a great extent than any who knows bis men, encourages other West Indian possesses them, and gets the best out of just that combination of quathem. wbose dement is sound lities necessary to the succeseful and bis y experienced rivalled leadership of Weet Indies only by Austin s) who Eleven.
cigarette judge of the His THE BUSINESS OF су The Isthmian Undertaking Co. Ltd.
of the team Dr. Hubert Edwards Webber of the secretary, tendered Files Has been Removed from Calidonia Road To the Company new Building at No. 12 HIGINIO, DURAN STREET San Miguel PHYSICIAN SURGEON Special Studies in Diseases of Women and Children: BOLIVAR ST. FRONT MASONIC TEMPLE COLON PHONE 469 where the lost.
29 we NATIONAL PHARMACY Santa Ana Plaza Central Avenue Everybody gets the right medicine and treatment.
on JOB. PRINTING Buy Demerara Rice iro Plans For Recapturing West Indian Markets Of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH AT THE Geprgetown, British Gu ana, Nov. It is stated that an endeavour te recapture the domInance in the Trinidad and West Indian rice markets, the, rice millers of Essequebo, the certre of the colony highest grades ot rice manufacture, having decided to form an Associatiɔn for control of the grading and marketing of Esscquebo rice. Articles of Association have been prepare ed and it is reported that 75 per cent of the millers have agreed to adhere and to entrust the marketing and export to a single house in Georgetown.


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