p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY DECEMBER 3, 1927 The Nazarine and the Cosmopolitan House.
Look Them Over The following just arrived and are being offered at prices to suit everybody:DO wbole fear, and remedy lies 08 bo Scout Knives. Meador Knives io a large en THE WORKMAN Stationery and Souvenir Store a Washington News Letter Guilty Woman 31 CALIDONIA ROAD MCALMON Prog.
Continued from page one. Contioved from page 1)
wbole world: It is becsuse of this!
The crowd to a new order born We will repeat our bargain service that we bave rised bead Of Love, of Char. ty, and shoulders above our fellows.
Of Virtuous acts of drivers sorts. until December 24th Another Sale on collars to continue It should be borne io mind, of God Great Kingdom He chance to own some cheap bowever, tbat if pational virtoes relates, bave brougbt a large measure of And His unbounded love collars of quality. Get yours national creatness, it logically He speaks of man iniqui y early.
follows that we must assume of his deceits and vengeful bales; greater responsibility before Gd and men for the proper use Wh le jo the sky above lark pours down its meloly.
CHURCH SERVICES of the powers within our keeping.
Upon the sboulders of the whole And now of Rigbt, of Brotberbood of the people rests the burden of Photo Albums Scrap Albums Wbeo hark! a suddeo roar.
AMERICAN EPISCOPAL bonourable scharge of our daty As wbeo some rain gourged stream CHURCH to or follows and to the o erleaps Vellum Pocket Books world. The individual citizen cad: Second Sunday in Advent Stenographers Note Books Her pristine bounds in tbuod sing St: Paul Church, Panama not bonestly sbuot ble share of dood, civic duty back upon wbat we Destruction ia ber core, Rev. Nighteagale BD Rec.
call the state of government, for Writing Pads Children Toy Books And she ber fluvial carnage reape. am Boly Communion. The each is an integral part of the Rector Bebold Eve. daughter, pile with state of goverement sharing the 10. 15 a Mantios MPR of ita virtues a:d the onus Accounting Day Books Atwell. Lay Reader of his mistakes.
Amidst a brutal tbroog It may be well it wo find less As ebe they dragged, and jeered, sermon. The Roctor 10. 30 a no Holy Eucharist fault with Koveromental agencies Hymn Prayer Books Holy bibles and beat, and public servante and begin to And e en ter limbs they fain 12 pm Holy Baptism inform ourselves more about with tear; pm Churrh School It tbere For she had done a wrog what is done and why. 30 pm Chora! Ev:asong in sught of illor woe or wrong, och Typewriting Paper in First and Second Sheets Aod deeds must face the judge sermoa Preacher, Chaplainia witbin law and mest seat, Stanley Log.
administration tbereof, let do Mouth Organs in two sizes St Alban Church, Paraiso those Like when the sea, tormented by our part as becomes rude and fearful quake, CANAL ZONE appreciate te the blessing that It rusbee thund ring over the land, Bw out of OUT form of (A, Nighteogale goverbPocket Knives, And all men barriers doth defy, ment, by foding the law and Priest ia cbargo 80 that crowd io lamed with 11 am Matius and address, just men to administer it.
bate, Mr A, Osborne, Washington the beautiful, do and many other items too numerous to mention Advanced to longer just the capital city were plead its false 30 a. Matins demand.
tbe Presleent lives 30 Choral Evensong and the ens congress toute, is not only tbe Master, we the woman se and addrese.
very heart the nation, but Nay, ſio the act we caught, St Matthias Mission sena. ia Rreat Committing foul adultry.
LAB SABANAS nerve center of the world.
she must be stooed, 80 says the (Rev AF Nighteogale, Wasbirgtop bas become in every LAW Priest in Cbarga Beds, eve perh. pe, that of As we by Moses thaught.
population and commerce, Wbat syst thou? What thy pm Church School 45 a Holy Communion International city of the first decree? 30 pm Choral Eversong and magplode.
93 Central Avenue. Panama City Thue they disclose th. ir moral addres. Mr. A Richarda, Lay The acts of the legislative and Views; Reader.
Executive branch of our goWith fell desigu they plead; iroment have great effect upon SSXSS By wbicb they soek occasion meet N, Chplain to Prosch at rh econówles and morale ol Their Lord und Master to accuse.
st. Paul Tomorrow Night Very CIVI: Dati of tbe Does He tie plasings The Rev. Stanley Long, beed?
In Washi: 01 we may feel Chaplain on the Flagship He on the ground writer Texas now At Balbo, will be the No.
ibe Collapse of Span Bridge bation polse: know ito symbols Deat.
of sentiments, learn its deeiro SINALCO preacher at Evepiog at St.
and its will To our capital (Continued from Page 1)
Again with artful guile thev sought Paul tomorrow Sunday night.
city there flown great and Regulates the stomach, To know from Bim his view, and other members of the Department were early on the At woich the Teacher röse und contipious stream of information st. Peter by the Sea, sca glves healthy and natural not inly from every nook and scene yesterday morning and a temporary roadway was Second Sunday in advent sleep, spoke, corper it our own country, but devised on the nothern side of the bridge to allow of Divining weha tha evii choright Holy Communion, 6, 4, rom most parts of the woole e lestrians to pass. Later in the morning Hun.
on Of that bold ribald erw The Rector.
Neville babitable world. Tbore througb Holy Biptism 7, 30. a Roots, Deputy Director of Public Works, visited the site of Which craft ly did the Law invoke.
Matins and address 10. 45 civic organiz tions, public opinthe damaged bridge, and measurements were made to effect Let bim, said He, without a The Rector PL repairs. Such cannot however, be started until the depth sin sentiments are crystalHoly Eucharists and formen, Cast first at her the stone, 7, 30, a. The Rectore ized, and again they are Greyhound Racing in and the flow of the water have considerally lessened.
ation Yesterday morning And in her eyes stero justice Church School, 00, and executive orde, sleo, when a representative of the burued Choral Evensong and Panama brough the pres they pass to Jamaica Mail visited the locus in quo the depth of the And cast ber radioace all between, 30, pm. Preacher The Rector.
ibe wbole of the water in the vicinity of the damaged span was estimated at Engulfed ia shame their backo MULCARE, We are arrangig to provide not more than three feet.
St. Barnabas Empire. Continued from page 1)
our readers with a fairly correct they turned.
Dr. Anderson, of Morant Bay was reflection of public opiplop op on his way to St Bartholomew is national and interational issues libe right to the improvements. Tuesday night. Had it not been for the fact that a police000 to the land is clerr and welhave Morant Bay along with Mrs. Anderson from Kingston on The old, the young, all quickly. Cascadas ad eventos developed in our the only parties who can lose are man was on the western side of the wrecked bridge the And Him aldur with her they left: all froun His presence fled, St Simon s, Gamboa rations capital. We will beves the holders of preferred shares who there, Seventh Day Adventist wbo will be constantly in touch have invested their capital which party might have had an experience similar to that of the dim in His puissince where He atood, STREET CALIDONIA with the sources of the informe is not the case with Mr. Towle, parties who has gone into the water in the Buick car. Dr.
noteerisked any capital Anderson car had arrived at the kiver just after the of all her youthful grace bereſt.
who Her quiv ring in her dead, tio we want, ROAD Dear lathmisc Park PapaW sbington news letter whatever. It is up to the share. accident. He assisted in the work of rescuing the parties. Dumber of quesholders to come to come agrement so much so, be brought one of the female travellers to the Awhile He stood in silenon deep.
Sabbatb (Saturday) 45 tions to gether with tbelr with Mr. Towle to protect their Public Hospital in which she remained as a patient until Where at fi feet the captive lay oral Worsblp Spanish Tuen dowoward Cast His eyes, Sabbath Bcbool; 11. 16. Gensoswer on matters of national interests.
lyesterday morning.
sed loternational cbaractor, In view of what have stated, Yesterday afternoon the wrecke Confused with guilt a trembling Class: the soewere to the questions that in any case our interests are from the river. There were many persons on the bank of car was removed 30 Society.
belog the result of our cores not completely quaranteeds we are the stream yesterday afternoon endeavouring to get back to where are thy bold accusers, pray? Senior Standardele Baid He: Woman, arise! meeting 30 Junior and sitsinment persobo residing It Washington worried over what, may Bt Thomas, Among them were Rev. Thomson. Dr. erwhelmed witb sbame she wished Class, p. Vespora.
among who is the well knows happen Topic for Sunday night Dec. 4, pucha, Colommen were questionnait um possible to hold and Mrs. Anderson. Hundreds of individuals arsonOur. to die, 1927. The Sealing Work.
who because of blo many national greyhound, racing during the com from Kingston to view the damaged structure.
And downward hanged ber head, season or for ghe dared ont look into His eyes, GRIZZLE Pastor, and international connections. it racing is never resumed repeat, For fear He would ner sin descry.
will be very great help to it is up to the owners of preferred wa bin ton news share to see more agreement Her heart, meanwhile, in sorrow Automobile Popularity.
service is providtog us witb with the President of the Kennel Havana May Become Made clear by ber repeated sighe, Contest the news we want. Club, Winter wis largely instrumental in bringing into existeoce one of If po agreement is preible our An American Geneva. Bas abyone condemned thee?
Very great interett has been al the most valuable sido to modern only coure would be to devote According to Reports These words ber tears bave ready expressed in connection with economic cow merce, the parcel the land op wbich the racing plant is built to some other purpose stemmed the unique Automobile Popularity post system Which the Cuban State Aad roozbed ber beart with Contest to be conducted during Witbout duabe, the most lucia whleb we may consider convenient Dopartment Have anguish sore.
this month to our intereste as we preliminary of the Valne and necessity of national that land remain indefinitely ideal NEED Received Lord, she said, in accents meek, activity, associated with the Grand No one bas me coademned, Christmas Fete to be held at the and international parcel port idle aud unprofitable. Not. said He. Go thou, and Grounds of the National Iostitute system for the Uaited States NATIONS MEET IN JANUARY in Do more.
in this city, under the auspices of prepared by Colonel Winter in tbe WATCH. All rights reserved)
the Associated Guilds and Societies fall of 1900, which treatise was of St. Paul Church. The first incorporated into the Congres Notice To All Elks Several Conntriee to Send DROP IN AT count of votes will be made on slobal Record of December 20, Delegations to the 6th PanFriday night, 9th inst, at the St.
1900, and started agitation and Ame: ican Congress, That justified reason, thougbt Paul School: oum, cemmencing at public interest that feally re or the of to exist for the material zation 30 o cl clock, ulted in leglelation creating of the plan, are claimed to be Havara, Nov. Havera found in the fact that the supplied anytime on or after ibe Dational and international Persons desiring votes can be Parcele post as we now know it.
Io the Proclamation issued as 122 CENTRAL AVE. gay becom: an American Geneva League of Nations will send an Tuesday oberta will be able 12th, the seat if a League of Nations official observer to the xtb Pick your favourite car, and let tormation from Wasbiogton trai of Neprem bank» the Fise Sunday You ll Find Them to reporte being received cordibe of the continent, accordine Pan American Congress us have some real clean fun, Here hadded, and, to 08 figure of In December the time for Memospeecb, we ll be able to Whether the placed League they are, alphabetically arrange Caban State Department from of Nations of America would Buick, Chevorlet, Chrysler, rial Services. part referred Our nation pulse.
should read the second standay to Moderately Priced. Jitterer Latin Republics. ofrece elbise moda. Ar Latin America Bucek. Chores hot chocolate Decor Por?
December All Lodges will gove themselves accordingly, and hold of several couo tries at the con Council ibo League in tine, Star, coming Sixth NATIONAL PHARMACY Memorial Services the Second Geneva is not 20 Wa, but it is These makes of care are Santa Ana Plaza Saoday in Desember, Congress, to be held bere next anticipated that it the project already set up in the contest, proJanuary, will stress the con is carried out the majority of the bably other will be entered. Bach From, Office of District Deputy venlerce of creating such an Republics of the new contiget day succeeding the cuat of the Central Avenue EwD, WORRELL organizı iɔn, alore the ines of wills op sending delegations to voies a report will be publisbed.
Drug Store for poor the European Leagu. Details Europe and join the new budy, Dealers, owners an admirers of No 30, Calidonia Raad for the prej et are being Wo ked from which valuable work in particular mark sbould get and rich.
Panama City.
out at the Pac American Bureau favour of better latijns on the ready for a lively time in the. Washington continuat is expected, boosting of their care governmental Rencies and great iods and on thor arma people.
Tbe ma will contain besp.
ORT Colonel ad FULLER here Itel It is eaid that the delegations can republice with related to Overla sed, oldtamobler Paige of Kaight.


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