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VOL 18 No. 13 PANAMA, SATURDAY DECEMBER 30 1927 PRICE CENTS Garvey on the Isthmus Receives Distinguidiara West Cuban Super Compa, Florence Mills Helped London nies Delegation on Board Ship Huwan Lady Passes Through To Import West Indlans Wreckage.
For Harvesting Crop Expresses Regret at Bickernigs Between the Mina Minna Powell, gradunte of Havann, Nov. 11. Despite. Famed Coloured Artist Distrubuted Money the West College nouncements GovernHigh Commissioner and Local Heads of Nandeville, Jamaica, como ment and going to clamp Secretly at Midnight to Starving, Shelterless Divisions and Chapters.
transit guest of the Canal Zone Antilian immigration, President during the early part of this week. Machado yesterday signed a Human Beings.
Miss Powell arrived on the steam decree upon the recommendation at Cristobal. General Delgado, secretary of Mr. Marcus Garvey left Atlanta Penitentiary at 2:30 ship Mongolia Much has been written and said about Florence Mills in transit to Port Limon, agricul ore, commerce and labour, m, on Saturday, November 26th after serving two years, Costa Rica, where, we have been authorising the Chaparra Sugar one of he most gifted singer and actress the colored race nine months and eighteen days of his five year sentence, reliably informed, she is engaged Company to import 1, 500 Jamai has ever produced, but the following noble deed which has which was commuted by President Coolidge conditional, as to be married shortly up sa her cans and Haitians for harvesting just been brought to light calls for more than mere passing we learn, upon his immediate deportation to the island of arrival.
work during the coming suger crop knowledge:Jamaica. He was released from the penitentiary in custody Due to the restrictions placed at Central Chaparra This contingent, together with (FROM THE PEOPLE LONDON JOURNAL)
of an immigration cfficial and was taken immediately to upoo, West Indians by the new Immigration law of the Republic Dermits e vea last month to the Back in the months of summer there was a mysterious New Orleans, La. from which port, he embark fortbe West of Patama be Immigration st Fruit Comparies to enter Antiliian personage who drove late at night along the Thames Em bad to o be United Fruit and the Atlantic Indies.
detained at From New Orleans, be sent the follwing cheering tion at Balboa until Wednesday labourers, places the numbt of bankment distributing money among the human wreckag message to his followers in the United States and abroad: morning when she crossed the Isth Jamaicans and Haitians that may gathered there.
now at 16, 000. The people is now able to reveal the name of tha desire to convey to the millions of my friends in mus by rail and sailed on the same be y on the stenmsh Clamares. Notwithstanding the protests America and all the members of the Universal Negro Im Miss Powell graduated in 1926 from native labour week following ar the next actress, who died in New York last provement my the and left Jamaica soon after believed, that befortements, it is mysterious benefactor It was Florence Mills, the colored Egofidence they have reposed in me, in spite of the trickery recuperate dans le vana, Cuba: sig weil be granted.
to season state mərol au operation for appendicitis.
Poor Florence Mills! She was only twenty six years and machinations of my enemies and detractors to present had a pleasant trip on her way down here. She was very much 100 uli The Government claims that as of age, and was not only a great actress but a great hearted me in a false light to the world.
delighted with the sceneries on the for To the millions of members of the Universal Negro Canal Zone and only regretted that Antillian labour is not found, it woman. She longed intensely for the betterment of he bounds of race o Improvement Association throughout the world can only owing to the restrictions of the cannot deny the petitions of the race, but her sympathies knew no mills, because if it did so it would religion.
Say, Cheer up, for the good work is just getting on its Panananian Law, she was unable render the crisis the Cubar sugar to see Panama City.
Sufficient for her was that the poor wretches way. Be firm and steadfast in holding to the principles of industry in facing still more acutr gathered on the Embarkment needed help. So the grea the organization. The greatest work is yet to be done. teaching professioa in Port Limon, cost of sugar.
Miss Powell will take up the by increasing the production car sped noiselessly along, with Florence ever and again shall with God help do it.
where it is understood, a large Havana newspaper writes signalling the chauffeur to stop. Be not disturbed or dismayed by vile and loose number of pupils are waiting for At last the. ich proprietors of She would hand her husband, the Negro Ulesses rumors, but hew to. ber.
Centrals Tanomo, Preston and Chompson, a handful of money, of which he would quick surely bing hand Shane soon shed its rays around the world. a basertiful assortment of Xman lion from beobtaiovernment is to Boston bave obtained authorise. ly dispose as she directed.
live and shall die for Africa redeemed. Steady yourselves conchose the WORKMAN Printer And when it was all over Florence Mills would sighContinued on page 8)
and go forward.
not a sigh of satisfation, but of regret that she could LAWYER SEEKS STAY OF DEPORTATION Mr. Cochran regarded her as the greatest artis As soon as it became evident that Mr. Garvey was to SPARKLETS with whom he had ever been associated. She made he be rushed out of the an Atlanta lawyer. Mr. Edgar reputation in American and came to England in 1923.
Neely, of McDaniel Neely, was retained, supplementing (By KING)
In Blackbirds she took London by storm, and latte the services of Mr. Garvey lawyers, Messrs. Kohn bad decided to stay behind the cousin Cespedes is hereby in repeated her triumph in the provinces. She was born ur Nagler, of 36 West 44th Street, New York City, Mr. Armin but am forced to break into print matched grips with the indomider a dancing star, and possesssed a wonderful voice. Sh Kohn proceeded to Washingtonon Saturday, November 26th since reading on friend Nick Page table leader when be first visited that her stage career had to be interrupted so that she coul screen this week, gentle reader, formed that bad, more than once, was discovered in America when she was so you and before a Board of Review of the Department of Labor, in the Mr. Cespedes these shore and attracted comprised of three members, cargued the point of the com. Brikel om interviews report, or cere people for de American treasy to go to schools arrival of. with of sad rece arcus Garvey the Excelsior Theatre than any future to the She had great visions of the future of the coloured rac sought to obtain a ninety day stay of deportation proceed the Hon. Ourable other one man before or after him. She astfg and dance for her race, We must justify our ings. to. permit Mr. Garvey to wind up his affairs in this on Wednesday last upon his arrival of derp regret for bot baving. Hér aim was to spur on her people by hes. example While on thg momentous subject sleves, she used to say: We must show what we can country and protect tne vast interest of the membership of at Cristobal aboard want to to also register Then we can claim equality.
the Association he was the head, involving hum dreds of thousandf wrdchars. Wine Board promised So give from the United sates on his in sem er einen Comme dometer once when being entertained at a London Caberer, el on which he sailed its decision on Monday, November 28th, but up to Monday to the Isle Of he honour to the place the SC. Rose, fligh Commissioner in Pagimi and startlet those present by making an earnest appeal night, its decision had not been learnt.
been boro. Cespedes have contiguo 18 parts, with the other Mr. Kohn left Washington on Saturday evening for lor may not know, is a bood rela interviewed the world. famed as you may members of the committee who black people.
She used to get prominent persons in London socie New Orleans, La. there, in conjuction with a noted lawyer of tive of mine and a member of the leader. It seems to me that the to meet her artists at her home so that the white and blac that city, to take whatever steps it may found neccessary graphers; when society of Verbose Lexico rep have been guilty of a races might be drawn closer together.
to take to protect the interest of his clinet. a view to pnblish the just inadvertency? Or could it be puts pea to serious breach of duty! Or was it great actress but probably she will be best remen Marcus Garvey, was the man of the hour in Negro much reading matter within a day had received cabled information of given lavishly to help on the cause of her people.
meschoole are assured of as hat after the High Co. rmissioner bered as a missionary of high courage. Her money at Cristobal aboard the steamship Saramacca from the peet from the pen of the In London she lived in simple rooms in Gower stree eminent United States on route to Jamaica, up to 15 on the Attorney Felix Por:er er my en he fell il?
in New York she resided in the Negro quarter.
following day when he again sailed on the Santa friend and contemporary Mr.
Marta of the Great White Fleet for Kingston. For the two Pilgrim Wilkins of the Gold days the West Indian sections of the daily papers devoted Coast, But tbat is not really the Board of Directors Negro Needs New Re. President Coolidge (Continued on Page 8)
point am after. Wading through Cespedes account of what tranligion Editor Asserts The Amorican Negri spi ed and takip estimate of for granted Of The Florence Mills Left No Canal Zone Policeman je te Meets In Cristobal Sul the fellow Nogro Must Apply In his message delivered bef Will: Estate 33. 146 the Seventieth Congress of Fined Religion uses to intersperse the quotations ver Clubhouse Tonight.
United States of America on Tug of the addresses, interview, reply day last, President Call to addresses, et cetera, are currect, TO HIS PRESENT CIR Coolidge is reported to be York City, Nov. The Canal Zone patrol policeman could nət fail to detect pure For the first time in its life of CUMSTANCES.
referred to the Negro as follows ego heralded quarter million dollar Reece, stationed at Pedro from the mere fact of his having four years the Board of Directors THE NEGRO estate of Mi klorence Mills ba: Miguel, was fined 10. 00 by dwindled to 33. 146 in cash and Balboa Magistrate on Tuesday emphasized the point that war. Employees as ocas. ion will meet Rutherford fo and of the History does not anywhere personal property, according to moroing last book banda for having eports published here. From the Canal dually with the delegate tes to Cristobal tonight, in the Silver Nauonal Benefit Life Insurance cord so much progress made in wb this amount the expense of the Reece dis Zone traffio regulatioos of whom be was one, Claubouse. This meeting will be company, reputed to be the largest same length of time goal put funeral, which is estimated at out by the switchmat Pastor couldn the fellow bee little chiefly for the nomination and Negro business in the world, talice has baen accomplished by the Ne 000 must be deducted.
road crossing near the Pot Cap: more modest, even as was Brother election of officers during the year, celmly, yet vigorously, on busines race in the United States di Because she left po will, Surro tain building at Bilboa on Young, the young editor of West and then to review and pass upou at the Union Baptist Church in the Emancipation Proclamati ia gate Foley granted letters of December 4th, and drove his car Indian affairs on the staff of our mattere dealt with by lue officers Piniladelphia last month the church)T. ey have como np from slav with those who to be promineot education, the year, business being crowded to wier husband passed on his way to Pedro Independent Daily, who report droogte beforbereder brugerne desired to hear about Negro busi cho profession, art, science, adm nstration s. Tuou pson, who in his Miguel comme petition devlared that be and Miss thusly: Mr. Garvey shook bands action. On account of the por pess. Mr. Rutherforu rise from a culture, banking and Mills another, Mrs. Nellie Wiofrey, beard of was residing in Panama, with the following delegates, support received from the general former boy in the cornfe ds of It is estimated that 50, 000 of tt ouly hirs Messrs A, Lindo, ete, etc.
employees. the Georgia to the head of the National are on the Government pay to They have been The British Consulate General at What dedact from Cespedes spe management was unable to find Benefit Life Insurance Company drawing about 50. 000. 000 cial in iudi recipients of presideatal appo British Consulate Notices Panama desires information as to vidunlluh. employing that tbe foods incidental to the holding which has more than fifty tpilion year.
is that all of a meeting of the boszd, to hold dollars of active insurance is The British Consulate Ganeral at of Jamaica, who left Jamaica for the slightest particle of doubt, any other meeting during the year should make every bluck boy bola vybasarisen to a sufficient che whereabouts of Peruana Holly, sundry to know, without having the regular quarterly meetings or remarkable story in its li which means and their professional so that they at Paosua desires information as to Panams some fourteen yeurs ago that be, too, had the distinguished This is an unf stuuste refl. cuo, bis ad bigh sud go forward.
the whereabouts of Mrs. Coretha with bis aunt, Mis Oreathia honour of shaking bands with against the employees, as to the la his address to young men, trueted with the entire man Lewis, of Jamaica, who, when last Smith, President General Carvey. But (Continued on page Continued on page Continued on page 8)
Bleamship my grand paper with he violated indivi by the la body of 39


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