
PAGE TWO THE WOKMAN SATURDAY DECEMBER 10, 1927 JAMAICA Committee Named to Prepare a Scheme REMEMBER. SINALCO Enriches the blood world wide varit en Under which the State WIII Help Elementary Teachers to Travel Abroad TO WIDEN THEIR EXPER:ENCE.
FOR THE GENERAL GOOD OF IMPORTANT WORK IN WHICH THEY ARE ENGAGED 16 QUALITY CIGARETTES FOR 10c. GOLD band of resolute workers, who toiled censelessly until San FeDando had its Library. Fortunutely Mr. Huckerby, when he returned bere last year os a visit bad an opportunity of seeing the Library at work. or observing bow much it is appreciated, and bow largely it was used, of kacwing that many of the oppopents of the scheme in the early days, with the enthusiasm so peenliar to to the convert, were loudest in their praise of the great want that the Library filled.
Mr. Ruckerby was not much of a preacher, but bis earnestness and his siccerity swayed congregations and audience, and won for him the love and respect of all.
News Items. few weeks ago says, the Jamaica MAIL, of the 2016 alto.
the Hon. D, Tbeo. Wint Member for St. And moved a resolution in the Legislative Council that the Goverment ebould make proylsion upon the estimates to assist elementary school teachers to travel abroad to acquire experi ence for the furtherance of their work in the schoolroon of the country Mr. Wiot resolution was accepted by the Government. It was warmly supported by His Excellency the Govercor as President of the Council and also by the Colonial Secretary as Leader of the House. It now be stated that the Governo: has appointed a commit:ee consisting of the Colonial Secretary, Hon. Wint, Mr. Leary A.
to of Poppe Miss Lard, Training 00 as to the lines on which Siate assistance should be given in the above matter. It is learnt that the Governor desires that the scbeme should be brougbt before the Legislature next year, when tba Council will be asked to vote a sum of money for the purpose stated above.
The Acting Grvernor of Trialdad has considered the petition of certain berbers praying for en amendment of the regulations made under the Shop Hours Ordinance, 1920, wbereby bar.
ber shops cannot be opened on Sundays. His Exceller ey tees no resson to interfere with the provisions and the closing of such shops on Sundays will continue as ordered oder its terms.
can At All Stores in the Republic Direc Principal Reid, to prepare to prepare a scheme and Soortwoc a Hon. 6. LUCKY STRIKE report by a The Fastest Growing Cigarette in Panama The question of the formation of a gas works company in Portof Spain, which for over three years has been pending. bas been made the subject of a fortber by Committee of the City Council, says the TRINIDAD Guardian, The Committee have recommended that, subject to certain provisions the mirbt be which is in same was said in April, prospects of the than they were at that time for leto lisips are, how during the loog period that bas tbe Counsel in Trinidad and of an exped, so that the Municipality in Scotland bave been obare armed with precise informs.
tlon enabling them to deliberate intelligently on the proposal.
carried lo effect the Banana War IT TOASTED No Irritation. No Cough intervened opinions on of ma fees, torna Christmas Cards!
Santiago, that thelra price abillings ao guides, but Big Concerns Trying to Squeze out Small Dea ers.
Saya the MAIL of the 24tb ulto: The Barbam Fruit Company is fighting an unequal battle against powerful rivals in the bacana market. The principal of the company has issued another call to growers to support the company which has certainly contributed its quota towards making competition possibe in the local market Mr, Barbam company loads one steamer per week for the American market. Some weeks ago It purchased fruit on beball of two companies. As neither concern was prepared to enter local banana war, one withdrew immediately a as the was advanced by large bananain.
teres ta to six and seven per bunch. On Monday the Barbam trult company, like other organization, started the purin centres. The price was three sbilliogs and sixpence per count bunch, By Tuesday it was reKingston that in one or two buylog districts the price bad advanced four, Ave and six shillingi.
re presentive of this journal on Tue day, Mr. Barbam stressed the point that an off ort was being made to drive his company out of the market. If this ware the resalt, he went on to stat would mean that once core banana prices would be con Welce trolled. Therefore, he was depecding upon growers to con in Jamaica. Il Company was tinue to support his operations not in to co. npete with concerus whenever it their purpose to pay fancy pr. ces for badadas in order to achieve their aim e. straogle other and leave banana growers in their bands, January Good Assortment now on Display at the WORKMAN STATIONERY STORE ported in with Get your supply early, mail your relatives and friends abroad.
The Annual Report of the Director of Education Trinidad, for the year 1926 sbows the total expenditure, after deducting the revenue received from schocl and examination bave an increase, practices of touts and runners been 121, 063, being who prey upon their credulence of teachers, of just over 6, 000 due chiefly to increased in comes The protection offered Salvation The on the expeuditare of the pretion Army both here and at If taken advantage of of vious year. Elementary educale of such that will enable these tion cost 98, 84 and Secondary bitberto unfortunato to Jedacation cost 14, 442, go on Way without the frequent molestation of the the men who pose The Trinidad Legislature bas do 80 only to the practically agreed as to the timise those whom they protess desirability of postponing the to be taking care of.
meeting of the West Indian ConIntending travellers to Cuba ference scheduled for January should therefore, heed the advice 1928, in Barbados to given.
1929. According to the Actior Governor. It seemed to him that the colony had nothing urgent to TRINIDAD put before the Conference and in view of the fact that their Legislative Council election would take place in Jaruary Death of Rev. next, there might be some delay regard to the coatter of Huckerby choosing representatives. He proposed replying to that;effect bat before doing so he desired to The WEEKLY GUARDIAN of know the views of hon, members Nov. 19 sayo:on the watter.
It was with deep regret that residents heard of the death of of Rev. Thomas Huckerby in st. Dr. Arnulfo Arias Vincent, where he has been stationed for tbe PHYSICIAN SURGEON Hackerby came here at a Kemoved his Clinic to Centime when old San Feranado was passing away to give place to tral Avenue No. 137 half Fernando, and help the block away from the up toed an part in moulding of public opinion, and date Drug Store in getting restionary views replaced by. Pharmaɔy.
Witb bis own community, he lost no time id putting Church the Wesleyao to get a stronger bold on the PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON community. Throughout the San Fernando circuit, 11th and Bolivar Sts.
be COLON, worker, who greatly improved BUILDING 10. 123 OPPOSITE conditions whilst be remained here. The lasting monument to Chase National Bank his memory is of Office Hours: a. to 12m, Carnegi Free Library. The Rev. p. to p.
Thomas Huckerby, Mr. OFFICÉ TELEPHONE 320 Lawis and the Very Rev. Canon DRUG STORE TELEPHONE 154 Cantwull, who have all gone to their rest were at the head of a P: 0, Box 854, Cristobal, C, state, it PRICES the most reasonable to meet the dull times and the pockets of all.
past few MP.
position to sulted hew San concerns, ALSO fine supply of Beware of Sharpers.
Greeting Cards proer borde Methodist Chulog Dr. Nathan Rowe suitable for Lodgo and Friendly Societies.
be remembered as 80 her way energetic The Mall of the 22nd ulto. says: The Salvation Army In their effort to protect intending travelers to and from the Republic of Cuba, have distributed notices of warning at the various railway stations. many other coaspicious places conveying the moet useful info mation to such travelers as safeguard against the nefarious Course, the ADVERTISE IN THE WORKMAN It Pays


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