
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY DECEMBER 10 1927 PAGE THREE Loyd George Scores Sir. Chamberlain The Prosperity Tailors Jo did Germans CLEANERS DYERS No. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue, PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING OF THE HIGHEST ORDER ration of Work Done While You Wait dealing bim TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED Alter tions and Repairs at reasonable Prices Ladies Garments carefully handled For Being Judged As Britains War Maker.
Lendon, November Former Pret ler Lloyd George, whose eight grandchild was born today celebrated the occasion by mounting the Liberal rostrum and repaying with interest Bir Austen Chamberlain recent criticism of him, in the Foreign Minister defense of British policy in the League of Nations looking to peace and disaramsment.
To an accompaniment of loud laughter at the Aldwych Club, the Liberal leader labuched this perorat! on Sir Austen bas rested now long enough at Locarne. It lo po use standing on the shore of Lake Maggiore like a stork on one leg looking preternaturally sine and ferling very satisfied because he has swallowed one trout. Let him lift up his winga and proceed on the pilgrimago of peace. It by casting a few stones at Sir Austen we stir up and wake bim spread ble pinions toward the sunlight, then, even if have made to er ntribution to to the peace of the world in will have made one in the Mr.
George took sharp exceptions to the view that he is to be judge in bistory only Britain great war maker. don waat 10 RO down in as a map of blood be naid, and be recalled that sir Austen was one of tbe twelve ministers who signed tributo to bim for bis efforts for peace. were told that before Locarno there was chsor, he said. Europe before Locarno was without a form for peace.
Ther como Locardo and Lutbere was light! Locarno. was simply one of the steps, Before Locarno the victors and Genos.
as perfect He challenged the Conservetive Minister to show him wtere be was uplaformed about the peace treaties, and reiterated that unless a steady advance was made toward disarmament apotber war was loevitable, lo the port Lloyd futuro. REID Manager history tc met equale as Right to Search Ships Lord Scoobope fomediately out to Lord Wemyss that on Seas in Time of be only referred to one classe to the agreement. Part of the deciaWar ration probibited privateering and another roled cbat a blockade in order to be Stand Which Lord Wemyss sffective. Although ory must be Would Like British Covera Declaration because he did not States bad ment to Take Up wish privateering to be illegal Beltain wisbed it, as also HER ANCIENT RIGHTS of the entire British Isles was paper blockade was illegal in wartime because Is Informed in House of Lords ineffective. He asked wbat Gerthat Cannot Go Back many migbt not have done in on Agreement raiding with privateers fitted out overseas and provided with letters of ma: que.
London, November 10 Lord Fically be raid datly tbst BriWesur Wegysa. commander et tain could not wihdraw from the ibe British Fieet in the Dardanel Ancient agreement witbout the les and later First Sea Lord, consent of all partisor inducing urged in the House of Lords to the Assembly of th: League of day that Great itain give Nations to recoge der the wböle formal notice to the world of ber question as treaty inapplicable intention to dsoudce the Decla: under Article XIX.
of Paris treaty of 1856 and It was Lord Haldane who reassert ber intention in any future called the Geneva breakdowo, wars to exercise her ancient pointedly blaming the Admiralty bistoric right, given up tben, for throwing our proposals at to search neutral ships at sea the heads of people with wbom and coptiscale се chandise we are destined for enemy countries. Lord Balfour poured oil to calm It was a purely academic dis tbe debate. It was impossible cussion, one of those trillan, and undesirable to erd tbe impotent debates which OCD. claration of Paris, he said.
casionally bold tbe door of the Ho chief criticis of Lord British upper house and aturd Wemyto views was that they observers so thoight into the underrated the part the British empire varied viewpoints on all Navy played in the war.
Danner of world questions.
y view is that without the Earl Stochope, Civil Lord of Bih Nory th: wat couldn be Admiralty qul kly murd bacó iusted yea. he said.
Lord Womyos that it was im Tho claration of Paris was ossible to withdraw from the signed at the Congress of Paris verty year obligation yen it bo 1856 by the various powers Britain wished to, and he said be represented tbure, includiog doubted tbe advantage of dolog 8r.
Lord Balfour, winding up the di cowolon, took OCCASIun decry Parliamentary criticism of the failure of tbe Geners Coi fere ce to acbieve limitation of armameut, failu e wb chlen springboard wbence Lord Wemyss dived into wartime paval policy evera ly. It is very easy to critic er the even, said Lord Ballour. The ill success wbich attended the efforts at Guneva SOCROSS bowever, that wben this on bject lo Again rosqued.
as bope it will be, it will be well to learn wbat we can from Meanwbile, be said, the subj. ch was too delicate to debate sod WAS calculated to lead to discord rather than to peace, address of Lord Wemyss, blunt, outspoken expression of expert opinion op naval matters, is recogo zed here as the true view of the Admiraly the civil side. Every Englishman IA.
way that his safety and even tbe Dational existance de Derd entirely on the davy, said the Admiral, but be bai tbe paguest Idea of what thy fleet does. Ius cbie? power lies not in Rods or torpedoor, but in the inmemorial rigbt of all belliRerests to suppress entirely all sea bordo supplies of or emies op wbicb the enemies continued resistance most depind. That rigbt is ancient, historie and universally recognized as the Dations. Command of the Bed is essential, as this country itbort it ca Roof continue 10 wage war at all. The rigbt to Enppress enemies supilles is o: greater importance to be Ibad Sny one else.
It was because Ger any supHes were able to reacb ber via Duetral countries, be wont, on, that the German Boet was able to stay ip port throurbout the war and the Biitleb fleet was unable to reach and destroy it. The inability of our daty to bring direct pressure on the German flat was a direct result of the Declaration of Paris, be added.
Be argued that the declaration was not a treaty but merely.
declaration of intent never ratified, and there was no reason, legal or moral, wby any BO tory might not end it. 11 Jet ber fleet exercise full power over enemies? supplies in futuro wars Ibere would be no need to raise great armies. It would Secure Europe to a large degree tbe proJonat and spreading of any military cop flagration Which booke out.
Only one other sentence was significant No trader, of whatever nationality. but owes a debt to the British fiset for the safety of his Ventures at sem.
the past.
SILVER Bat the apart from koowa fringe Rederal rights SPRAY New Prayer Book Does Not Infringe Rights Of The People.
London November 23rd (Rugby Wireless. The Ecclesiastical Committee of the two Houses of Perliament havior decided by thirty one rotes to five that the new prayer book for the Church of Ecgland does not in constitutional of lihe King subjects bave now reported to the Legislative committee of the Church Assembly and that body will take appr.
priate steps to table resolution in Parliament tbat the measure proving of the new book be submitted for Royal Assent. The dates for debating this resolation have not yet been fixed but will probably be discussed before Christmas recess. There was no party opposition the measure and members will be free to express their individual opinion.
The Home SECRETARY London, Nov. 18. In the memorandum, submitted yesterdap to the Ecclesiastical Committee of Parliament urging Parliamentary rej ction of the ruviaed Anglican Book of Commen Prayer, Sir William Jeynep Hicks, the Home Secretary, listed the following as his objections to the new text. The revised prayer book bas (Continued on Page 6)
PILSENER low of IS GOOD DRINK. PThe delicious rich, thick, fruity SINALCO Makes meals appetizing.
FOR EVERYBODY France and Great Britain. It contained four articles, as follows1. Privateering is and remains abolished. The Deutral flag covers enemies goods, with the exceptIon of contrabands of war. Neutral goods, except contreband of war, are not liable to captore onder an enemy flag. Blocades to be binding must be effective; that is, main lained by suficient force.


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