
CERAS THOMASOS Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertasemen on applica.
WALROND, at the office No. 93 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes Dry leaves, diy, mournful, witter.
Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited ed leaves, PO Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be Your woeful, dismal plight written on one side of paper only, and veil of sadness round me weaves, Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of And all my hope doth blight.
se Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicaFor leaves, wy day, like yours, is Six Months doomed; 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
Taree 60e.
We do not undertake to return reLike you soon must fall, One Month 25 Consigned to Earth caspacious jected correspon. ence.
womb By Death imperious call.
The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights NUIS Like you onze verdant youth was mine, SATURDAY DECEMBER 10, 1927 When love sick maid os fair Did at my noble looks repine And load their hearts with care.
WEST INDIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY But now, alas! where is that youth?
SHOE Where is the vernal bloom?
Devoured by Time rapacious suggestion to organize a West Indian Red Cross toothsociety in Panama has recently been thrown out for comLost in its endless gl. om.
ment by a resident of Silver City, Cristobal. In offering our Oft wraped in meditation deep comment on the proposition we cannot out, conscientiously, he feels better every time he wears it, think, Oleaves, of you, credit it as another glimmer of the awakening of West And then my soul doth feel to weep Indians here to some of their duties to themselves which for the recollection of quality At your cada verous buo.
should be performed either wholly or in part by them.
You who witb verdure once were These people are happily arriving at a point where they are remains long after the price cled, beginning to realize that much of what others have been And now so pale and wan.
doing for them, they should have been doing for them.
is forgotten.
So changed, forlorn, so very sad, selves. Saying the very least in this connection, it With beads that eithward hang is certainly high ambition and the ambitious will in course of You who once crowned with glo.
time succeed in making good.
rious life, High on your citadel, The policy of the WORKMAN is not to discourage in Oft braved the elemental strile any way worthwhile efforts; but while we are in thorough In all its vengeance fell, sympathy with any idea to organize means to care for the Now on the ground a carpet poor and indigent ones among us, we must frankly admit our for all the latest Models spread Oh base, ignoble fallinability at this time to discover any immediate necessity That creatures ile on you may for an exclusive West Indian Red Cross Society. We are, trea!
however, not immune to being convinced of such necessitv.
Aod virmins o er you crawl.
In a previous leading article we warned our people here of CARLOS MULLER Thue once you lay, so Milton sang, as the evils of, as well as to avoid, over organization. We Oo Vallombrosa shore; also, at that time, pointed out the fact that West Indians So others, too, in mortal pang Here are miserably unorganized along lines for the improve.
SOLE AGENT At Vridun, washed in gore.
For leaf or an euch to the dust ment of their educational and economic status.
Is levelled soon by Death Whether a West Indian Red Cross Society is a pressing 87 CENTRAL. AVENUE PANAMA CITY To gore her grim, infernal lust Aud swell ber fet. wealth.
need, and whether, if organized, it will receive enough ste support to guarantee its continual efficient maintenance are Dry leaves, uuhappy, withered pertinent questions when considering tre advisibility of rega izing it. Owing to the present economic condition, So poor, so desolate, and in view of the past ftilure of many West Indians How oft your friend in sorrow approve for any length of time small monthly deductions Ku Klux Klan was going to blow grieves from their pay to maintain a West Indian branch of the up the hall where ihey had the But, leaves, his day, like yours, is at your lugubrious fate!
local American Red Cross Society in this city, we are a bit meeting, sc Joomed; This incident was written up ir skeptical as to whether they are now prepared to give Like you be, too, shull fall, the paper with faming headlines Returns to Terra fruitful womb liberal support to a West Indian Red Cross Society.
as a Negro riot, sed the organi By Death clear trumpet ca In commenting on the proposed scheme, Wilson, tion was represented as being guilty of anti American sinti(All rights reserved)
Secretary of the Isthmian League of Briush West Indians in Why throw away your old, but no ment. It was circulated that we pai Panama, ir dicated his sympathy towards it, but at the same were worse than the Bolsheviste tbe time invited att ntion to the fact that West Indians are al doubt interesting, books when you of Russia; in fact, we were pic ready in possession of two smali efforts in the same Cirecas having assembled for pal THE IDEAL DRINK tion, viz: The Panama Canal West Indian Employees As can have them neatly bound at of scattering sediliterature and sociation Red Cross Month. a month set aside by the pot seditious speeches, and SINALCO Association for the collection by the Association of any bitterness bas thus been entow amount up to one dollar each from all West Indians, to be THE WORKMAN gendered againt us. Our bode Always Delicious pos turned over to the local branch of the American Red Cross would require approxima els one to go towards caring for poor and indigent West Indians; and 40, 000, and we have not got one 93 CENTRAL AVENUE cent in the world the Dorcas Society, a charitable institution which is being We are laboring men and wart jul are kind to us, but a sick ago carried on under the auspices of the Isthmian League of man needs British West Indians. With reference to these two efforts it Opposite Cecilia Theatre jheaded to be a tearpoder and sick, and he neede medical treatas the purpose con lc is adınitted that, like the previous one to maintain a West objects of the Universal Negre ment consistent with the injury Indian Red Cross Department in this city, very little Improvement Association, and imposed upon bim.
We ask that all attended the response has been given to their solicitations. But where ady ter is the guarantee that a new organization with similar aims U, Victims of Chat was, and at the time of the raid besont to HONOURABLE WIL made by the police we were STREET, CINCINNATI, OHIO.
LIAM per will be any successfuialready singing religious song th in. We need 10, 000 prepare and org cb finish the job!
a disturbance or a riot. Two of cen If West Indians have done a few thirg; in Panama Aid to Battle for Justice 28 wure hurt and one policeman peal the same in the event of was hurt, sod the newspapers at conviction worthy of note, one is the organization of a net work of Chattanooga are bcsule bud Under the law of Tennessee, por religious, fraternal and benevolent organizations. And it us. We have no money, and the the defendant is required to get or is perfectly safe to estimate that as high as ninety percenTo the members and friends of ths Universal organization at Chattanooga has bis own proof and to pay the ex: bad penses of his nesto tj and and tum of these people are members of one or all of these Negra Improvement Association in all countries of been practically dissolved disbanded and its leaders scatif they live outshil organizations. Hence, while they are apparently reluctant the world: tered, and we inil de cf the state, and he is to pre to con ribute to charity work, they are nevertheless noted We, Ira Johnson, Henry Bailey, Lewis Moore and helpless and without assistance bear the expense of taktog the depoeitions of bis owa witoesses, Tue for taking care through these organizations, of their sick, James Sackson, are now confined in iron cells in Hamilton from the outside world.
the indigent and ponr as well as for burying their dead, This case is liable to be made and we bave no funds with which County, Chattanooga, Tennessee, jail, awaiting trial under ma case 89 to the rigbta of of to meet these expenses.
the We are not recording any diametrical opposition to the exurbitant bonds which we are unable to make, and we are this organization and its mem. SAVE FOUR INNOCENT MEN rest organization of a West Indian Red Cross Society in Panama, appealing to our friends and to the lovers of liberty for bership to exist under the law. Four Race men are sufferiog Wou but we believe that, considering that West Indians have assistance.
and we are advised that we bave in a Tennessee juil and are ap bad not been neglecting their sick and indigent members, but, The cause of our imprisonment is as follows: We of the United States and of the friends of all races t) help them trol right under the Cobstitatiu pealing to the philanthrops of on the other hand have evidently been neglecting their attended a meeting in Chattanooga, Tenessee, of the Uni Constitution of Tennessee 10 in the case, because per ting economic and educational wel are, they should now direct versal Negro Improvement Association, at which there were meet and discuss public quzs guilty of crime and are without in in the efforts to the improvement of the latter.
about ten or fifteen men and about forty or fifty women tions and to ha religion friends and money to make the not con When a people improve their economic and educational and children present. Police officers forced their way into services, and that this meeting necessary defense which was a lawlui meelog.
every citizin is entil to have made for tbel status they are automatically minimizing the chances of the hall where the meeting was being held without warrant Lagu Beinbeats to convey is involved.
for their members becoming poor and indigent. Why not of law and without any claim that any crime was being in NEED OF MEDICAL TREATMENT.
thet our feelings to the outside world bend all surplus energy in this direction and help dam committed at the time, and after entering the hall over the con the flow?
protest of the doorkeeper of the Universal Negro Improve Ja pes Jack:00, one of our in this letter. The ball bas pot ment Association, said doorkeeper, having objected to the auwber, bad one of bis legs shot be told, but our trial will soon We can see no immediate need for an exclusive West efficers coming into the hall without stating their business, Juleb see andising in batside driends witho du help from crutebes contadio sell with our doum is cerB Indian Red Cross Society in Panama; but we have long or wbat they wanted, a Chattanooga police officer drew bis g in a plaster of Paris castably be consigoed to the made the discovery that the educatiɔnal and economic pistol and fired two shuts at the doorkeeper and in the The food in this jul is not fit tai Four innoceut men will situation among West Indians is actually critical and should direction of women and children sitting in the hall. for a sick man to eat, and the Tennessee coal mines for long be given all the attention possible.
This produced a panic and ourselves and innocent medical treatment terms against say!
reinforcements were calld for by spectators at the meeting and equivalent to no medical treat than when they are introdest thel ADVERTISE the police and practically every two of us were sbot during the mental del We need doctors and unerely vicums of circum tra who will visit the.
day colored wan that was seen leav trouble.
Rep and see that a man ing the ball was shot at by these PREVIOUS THREATS ted Respectfully submitted, has been shot all to pieces is vari officers. Ose man in the ball bad Prior to this trouble threats dressed occasioualy, irrespective IRA JOHNSON, a rifle and be shot two or three HENRY BAILEY.
map times, as we are advised, at the bad been made against the mem of the charge lodged against him con bers of the Universal Negroe but this is not even accorded to LEWIS MOORE, IT PAYS policeman who was sbooting at Improvement Association and us.
sate him. We did not do any shcoting the members were told that the The jailere lo charge of the NEGRO WORLD Book Binding!
ult bal tured as anc the purpose of tious making gres cer ot int in two smal organized efforts why not augment either one and tanooga Outrage Appeal For booking at correo no 84 from the court are left test bia when his Brou is each Jeg that In the Workman mati


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