
THE WORKJAN SATURDAY DECEMBER 10, 1907 PAGE FIVE Coca Cola ment is enthusiam is Coca Cola u der ved hal certainty Coca Cola play built solid Making play feared that 18 is Roing to and fourth parts are Information with the con trict, ME: Good THE ATTENTION Friendly Societies and Secret Orders ATLANTIC SIDE Daddy Additions To CANAL ZONE NOTES Colon Boys Institute Service of Songs SuccessfulColon Wesley Church La Boca Pars Activites.
ly Rendered Minor repairs were started on the Coloa Wesley Church du g. Christmas Boxes Tae Colon Boys Institute he the past fortnight as a prelui ale acother important step in inst. the services of song enti led have been planned. The first step Werinesday night, the 7: nary to certain additions which the march of events in the e Daddy was suceessfully rendered taken was to stop leaks in ridge of Creating Interest tablishment of Dryss making at the Cristobal Colon Baptist the gable ends by means of a metal As time mures on upon the partment. This new part. Church by the Christian Endea flusting, and to all appearances What could be more refreshing than date on which the La Boca Athe in charge of Mesta mes vour Choir of the Colon Wesley this Ether Ballia and Mora a Church which was slightly avg.
bas been successful.
raeum will stage its Christmas Following the stoppage of the an ice cold bottle of de Mier, the later a sister of Mr, mented for the occasion.
Variety Entertainment, Benete. Pac ece, interpreter of heaks esves are to be added in being eveb over Christmas Boxes. the the Alcalde Court in Colun, The Le Smith of the Silver City get the walls, doors and windows The chair ns occupied by Mr. both sides of the building to prc.
dres. kers are arce comedy which is announced Versed in fom to be the feature item on the Alilizery and Tsitoring, and are Sehool and the story was read in a e pable of teaching those masterly fashion by Mr. Conrad coming dry season the saturation after a hard day work program. It is certainly a long ime since the Athenaeum bas need instructions in these art. Wittingham. well known figure in the walls of the gable ends will ever gives the public one of It is bepid that all awambitious nicely and reflected much credit on literary circles. The choire sung It has also been planned to erect those enter ainments of which it whose narents cannot afford Do you know that more people agree on this than was once famous. Now that the tn wbrer hal to lace them Mre. Coneins whº trained it for a porch on the front of tte building in street. At present the main on electing a president, and society has promised one for the take advantage of this oppor gocd amstresses will the occasinr, 20th of this month it seems a Due to the frequent aquells the the window to the front is to be eotrance is on the forth side but that it will tunity of learning, as comman: audi nce was small but the service röplaced by a door, over wh ch e be a success. Christmas Brxes is a little privilege to to all porch will be built.
with and upon CS It is unnerstood that it is the foundation of continues with its ever increasing popularity.
Tne names of the Merchants fun from who have contributed and intention of the Rev. RE, beginning to end, and although 11 co tribute ftowards Wade, Superintenden of the cirIt 19 unconventional to ask for an Christmis hippy for the Boys of cuit and the Rev. Cousins, It had to be good to get where it is, 7, 000, 000 a day, encore of an entire the Institute will not te pub.
resident mini ter to enlarge the this is more than all other drinks combined. Christmas Boxes lisbed un il after the nas sea SINALCO building by adding a chancel to the to be an exception. And son, anacut ces Commander rear, but figal plans for this scheme ben ll will be played by three If your dealer cannot supply you a phone call will Watson.
Put your servel to work bave not yet been ade.
members of the cast of The Path bring the goods to your door, Across the Hill, Miss Leanor every day.
Jump, ynd Messrs Sewell ewen Loret zo Johnson News Notes The The Mayor of Colon ne (the characters Pays THE composed of two males and two An usually large gathering females) will be Miss Undine attended the Solemn High Mses at PANAMA COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY Smith, who is having no trouble EN OFFICIAL VISIT at the athletic parties on Sundays. the Cathedral of the Immaculate In carrying her part. synopsis The Institution has two profes Conception on Sunday last, when PANAMA; 65; PHONES COLON; 84; of the play as well as other sors at present, one the sub dire. Rev. Father Monasterie acting as conhection To The Correctional School tor, Mr. Reid, who teaches celebrant chanted the mass, assiscort will appear in our issue of the Our Motto is OF Minors.
English and other subjects, and ted by Rev. Father Clement. 7th instant; but in the meantime the other Mr. Guillermo Retallv, Salenz, deacon, and Rev, Father LEAN GOODS it is important to state that the tenches Spanish, history, geogra Francis Ciriana, sub deacon. The tow famous Panama Symphony Necesities of the institution phy, arithmetic and natural cermony was delivered ty His Orchestra will be there, and that tha reed of workshops The science, who earns monthly it is advisible to procu e tickets school name will be changed. salary of fifty balboas.
before the night.
At 45 of the morning of the Religion is being taught by the 22nd inst. the Mayor of the Dis Rev. Father Burns of the CathoSUSSOS Os XOXooosss Mr. Hector Conte and Prizes for Winners of a lic Church, and the Rev. Hutebinrepresentative of the STAR son of the adventist Church. Dr.
Herald on invitation of this Veruon Crosbie is the dentist of Junior Elocution oftcial, psil an official visit to Correctional School Minors. At the Institute, who gives bis service which the Contest inthe entrance of the School floated gratuitious, for te National flag and mates are very th tkful OFthrough the arch a well are the gift of tools eing Orber ot incoine to the Another splendid feature of the group of the inmates sung the and food which is given by the Atheraeum Christmas Entertainment will be the distribution ish; it is Anthem, in porele champ the American Society everyXmas for to be that of the priz won by Juniors in the inmates are En Province and Municipal Council the the recent Juniors Elocution glish, which tends to show, IS DIRECTED TO GOOD SUPPLY OF Contest promoted under the aushave shown, the interest taken by also contributes to this. In bonpices of the Women Life ProbClub. It will be rememthe directors of the school to instill use the truth, we must say; in the brains of these wayward hat the Governor is one of the Master we Osbourne boys interest in the native land of most respousible par ies for the Quarlese, entrant from the present success which crowns the Alliance on the first Institution, The Correctioral School was founded on the 15th of May 1920 The Institution has 81 iomates prize: Miss La Boca Athenaeum, the second by Mr. D, Watson, an ex corp of which 15 are Panamanians, one and Master Andrew Bute, repreoral of the British Army of the American, and remainder West Indies during the World are from the West Indies:8 sentative of St. Vincent de Paul Soceity of Panama, third. It is war. The school when started of all these 35 are orphans, and functioned not yet known who will make the at the rəsidence of their home is in the lostutute.
presentation of these prizes.
Commander Watson, between 12 from which they will leave as and 13 Street; at that time the trade min in a position to earu Suitable for Lodge Business Besides music, the iu papers was continually pub a livin Blue Belle Party alarming news of the con mates are not taught any manual of a majority of West Indian descent treat of the things that attracted a multitude of boys. in its trade, nevertheless, this happens the lack of tools; this was AT THEThe Girls Friendly Society is and the Provincial Government oue preparing for a grand Blue Belle putting an end to the most the attention of the Mayor, Party to be held at the Clubhouse disbandment of those minors made who has promised to advise the 10 an agreement with Mr.
Watson for Govonor on Thursday the 15th of this request the aid of month.
the foundation of the Institute. the National Government or the The Isthmian Syncopators bave The place that was found to be Municipal ty to purchase the neces been engaged to furnish dance most appropiate for the purpo e sury ztools for the boys, 80 that music for the occasion, and for was the old building knowo as they may be able to learn some ostao those who do not care for dancScissoso. soooXOSLO The Athletic Ring, dedicated to useful trade.
ing other novel attractions will be Boxing exhibitions at the time, the building was inspected, presented sitaated at 13th Street and Central venue, the proporty of Mr.
Robert the Mayor noted that the batts Lordship Bishop Maistegui Wilcox, and for which the los. itu. and toilete needed improvement. Com.
WHITENS THE SKIN Symphony Orchestra tion paid monthly rental o. 125 Commander Watsoo also called his atteation to the need of table: baltoas.
for the innates to write on, or And Concert Party To assist the sustinence of this rather desks, which would be more ulate Conception will be observed The annual fenst of the Immac Creme Blanc Mirette School the National Government appropriate. there is also lacking tomorrow. The traditional procontributed, through the National chairs for the reception of visi ors. cussion will take place at Marvelous Cream On Sunday January 1, 1928, the the sum of 100. 00 Panama Symphony Orchestra his be Municipality 59. 00 The Mayor has promised to see and will be followed by a ponti invited Prevents and removes freckles, moth patches, and party will present acother classical program at the and having sun tan, and other skin blemishes to attend.
Excelsior Theatre. Several compositions of the famous coloured to pay a rent of At present Commander Watson How can au Institution be suze has purchased, from his own SOLD IN DRUG STORES musician, Coleridge Taylor, are tained with such an amount? It is sources sore three shoemaking Housewife Club are planning to The members of the being prepared for rendition on sustained thus; thirty three boys machines but do instructor is celebrate their first anniversary on that occasion.
are dedicated to the sale of the ques Thursday night the 15th inst. at new addition bas been made STAR il erald, also of the tioned about the treatment re the residence of Mrs Jos. Hamlett.
to the Orchestra in the person DARIO de Panana and other ceived, and thay manifested their musical program is being Mrs, Cousios. wife The monthly community evening of Miss Daisy White; promising sum of 100. 00, otter boys rrethe called or attentibroeke arranged and a profitable time is Pastor Cousins of the Colon of the Episcopal Young People planist of La Boca.
Wesley church is working hard to Society is announced to take place sent to Gatua to act as Cad. cause they were chained to their ber anticipated.
give the juvenile members of the at the hall, at the corner of Cash dies for the Gulf Club, which pro feet, and in response to our duces a monthly sumn of 80, 00: queries, we were informed that church a good time at the Christ and 3rd streets on Wednesday Madame Parker To the Samaritan Hopi. al, through these boys had attempted an es street and the one Cristobale Docko also planning to present them in program is being prepared for the Sing at Liberty Hall The new extension between 12th mas treat on the 26th inst. She is night the 14th inst. An elaborate. 25, 00 the Institute fifteen will soon be open to traffic. The a musical and li erary program in occa ion and everybody is invited.
There will be no charge.
first pair of gates for the railroad connection with the treat.
ments while the pbilan minutes ago.
The energetic Secretary of elps the school There is much to be said of the crossing have been erected, and it is Import benefit of the Correctional School Division No. 17 of the NI:A. in expected that the other pair Weather conditions on the Atthis city is preparing another Export Co gives jipi japa bats. of Minors to the community in will be in place in a shart time.
Colon Division. Nò. 877 IA, program to be presented on New the general; sbirts, ete, for the inmates. Wong cause is a noble lantic side are uncertain. It is a one, to Chang with rolls of drill for to help the wayward ones, teach continuous alternation of squalls will hold their usual mass meeting (Continued on page 8)
Chising Sing Chong Co. themen tráde, need to hit they will be West Indian Commercial Compeny instruct them and suasbine. at the hall 11th street and Broadmass proposed with blue shirts for the in such manner way tomorrow evening commenc.
the Catholic daily wear, Churct corrected and instead cf being a is anaounced to take place at the ing at 7, 30 o clock, It is expected The Pride of the Atlantic Lodge.
Pether Burns thirty white suits menace be a booo to the community Gabriel Union Lodge Hall, 6th Baseball players and lovers of that a short account of the inter. No. 2362 will hold eleceach year for the bys to take their The Mayor is of the opinion street and Hudson Lane on Mon the gama are expecting the season view of the officers with the Hon, tion and nomination of officers at com muoioa, and many other estab that the name of the In titution day night the 12th inst, This is to commence during the latter the Buffalo Lodge Hall, corner of lishments with food stuff, of which should be changed for one that expected to be a very important part of the present month, but Marcus Garvey on Wednesday 6th and Street on Friday night.
some are put on sale is a part of would not blight the future pros meeting, and many are planoing Goal arrangements have not yet last will be given. The public 18 the 16th inst. Membsrs are asked the Iostitution and some are sold pects of the iomates, to be present.
been made.
to bo out in good time, and len bered that terary (and Debating the country.
to assist in Workman Stationery Store Concert of 150, 00 monthl125. 000 reColon of along. The Coon


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