
Contra Crespo para New Prayer Book Does Not GOOD POSITION FOR REAL WORKER. Continued from page 3)
not the unanimous support of Church people.
We are offering Permanent positions to a few reliable men In confers extens ve powThe best in the World And women, in which an exeellent income can be made even ers in regulation of divine to those who work bat PART TIME Duriag onr 35 years in service upon the Archbishops business we have appoi ted o er 518, 000 agents who supply and Bishops without any security of their proper use.
our household necessity to our customers in every country in It modifies the doctrins of the world. Many of our agents have been with us over 3)
For Regaining Strength Lost By Excess Work. The the Church in the direction of years and have achieved Finncial Independence InereasRoman Catholic teaching and ing local demands and rupeat orders, make nt ce sary to Only Wine That Should Be Taken With Phos goes far toward uodoing the work conn plisbed for the appcint more local representatives in many loalities in the Charch of England by the Re United States. No special experience or eapital required. It pherine (Ashton Parson)
formation is a straightrfoward, dignified business. Why not represent the The prayer for the King is largest and best known honse of its kind in the world. Send placed among the occasional us your address and the Manager of our appointmeat Bureau prayers of thanksgiving The Bishop is empowered will send you full particulars When we arpoint an ageut Guaranteed by Law No. 1572 of the to give o ders which are tinal.
we furnish free samples for Trial Tests in the bones in the and there are no provisions that locality of the agent.
Republic of Panama.
the congregation be consulted on In answering be sure to tell us the name of the paper in teachings now illegal. The use of incense prevail which you saw this advertisement, widely though contrary to th Address ALPHEUS BANCROFT, WASHINGTON, D, C, law of the Church of England.
This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommended in Since under the provisions of (Attention Clerk No. 12. 1438 (You Street NW.
the enabling act it is impossible Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Impoverishment to amend the prayor book, it must be rejected as a whol, the memorandum argues, and Parof the Blood, and to build up a run down constitution. llament should refer the measure back to the Church Assembly la promotes digestion, improʻres the appetite, and gives tone for nore mature consideration CALL IN AT and amendment.
Sir William is the leader of the and energy to the whole system.
Evangelical Party in the Church The Workman of England CO. One sn all Mine Glass befare each meal or times a day, British Industries BOOK STORE Fair 1928 No. 93, Central Avenue Vigor Tonic is the only tonic builder protected by Finest Display of Sports Goods, Toys and Games. GOOD SELECTION OF the laws of Panama and no such tonic is legitiThe largest and most represec.
NEW BIBLES mate unless it bears the signature of Javier Moran, ative display of Britisb sports goods, toys and games yet printed matter explaning for what diseases it should Hymn Prayer Books arranged will be seen at the White City in th: London section of be British Industries Fairbe used, how it should be used, how it should be apBritain Great Trade faire opens in London and erwar on pli and what doses should be taken.
the 20 1928. for TH The sections comprising displays WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR SOLD BY.
of sports goods and equipment, toys and games in recent years Coy have been among th most reDie presentative in the Fair, JAVIER MORAN he forthcoming Fair it will possible to see every kind of No hot irons or special combs required sporting quipment and almost AMERICAN PHARMACY Panama City of very toy that British manufacturers make. For the convenience SOLD IN DRUG STORES of both buyers and exhibitors, the sports good section and the toga section are to be next to each other at the 1928 Fair. Another ot. nur convenient re arangement is the transfer from the Birmingham Section to the London Section of the Fair of perambulators, th: manufacture of wbich is closely allied to that of it to that of the strooger type of toy. The display ol peram bulator adj vin that of toys will srtaighten any hair in 15 and ga nes. Sporting guns, too, minutes without the aid of have been transferred from Birmingham to the sports goods hot irons or combs.
COLON section in Lodon SPORTS GOODS AND EQUIPMENT FOR SALE AT THE It was said of the sports good section of the 1927 Fair that it PHARMACY sbowed tban Britain atill led the IS NOW LOCATED AT world in this icdustry, due not 149. Central Avenue Panama and at of British workmanship, but niso to the fact that the best raw The New Drug Store 11. 1154 11th STREET material for almost every sports 5th and Street Colon.
is to be Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK found within the Empire with this y:ar although shwdisplay, il compared Where our customers will receive the usual ing raps few big develop remain much were quality counts for little base rim3, which are made in the courtesies the same from year to year that the British manufacturer biggest British tyre factory Inthe will indicate that the maca fact sometimes fails.
same way as full size tyres. Real urers are not content lights, real breaks and real inrely on natural advantages and TOYS AND GAMES struments are provided. These a high standard of workman ship alone. There will be few LOOK FOR THE SIGN The toys and games section tops are produced in an np toamong the large number of has reached huge dimensions date factory, which is run on the exhibitors who will not had it and has broken all records for same lines as a mass production car factory, possible at the forthcoming Fair z9. This is indeed testimony motor to point to improvements into the progress made by the In th3 tia tay trade foreign sign and execution in the bote Bridsh toy industry since the competiton is still very strong articles and equipment they In the making of strong, but British manufacturers have exhibit.
toys, for example, motor. cars; made satisfactory bead way with The sports goods section will toy cycles and scooters, British the help of connections establish exceed this year display in manufacturers are supreme.
Fair and by their enter: Within an hour of the opeplug of prisa in producing novelties each siz? by thousands of square feet.
This fact shows that the results the last Fair, buyers from the year for display at the Pales of the last Fair were unusually the United States, South America Bitish rag books and soft satisfactory to the trade.
and Australia, in search of luxury toys will be shown again in every WORKMAN. It Pays Fair is more than hopefur. Mine were busy in the section. Next and type. considerable volume home market is fairly secure for February these same buyers of export trade in regula ly dor e the British for will find many innovation in the in these types of itish tays, because the sports mad at home favourite big toy of to day tbe for overseas busers relise that many types of this class of mytor car.
Dr. Fred Sterling fastidious in bis tastes and deNATIONAL PHARMACY toy can only be purchased in Great mands the best quality sports One English firm recently en THE NEW YORK DENTIST SINALCO Santa Ana Plaza goods, He the refore buys as a Raged a well known automobile Britain. Some bing now in these mat. er of course from bis own engineer to design a three spet dnes ts prorided each year, the 182. BOLIVAR STREET Regulates the stomach, Central Avenue countrymen. Abroad competi gear and clutch mechanism for Fir bavi Bb. come established regular means of launch CLON, gives healthy and natural tion is more severe lo tennis their tog motors and tter are as the slerp.
Drug Store for poor Packets for instar ce but where preparing for big business at ng ovelties on the market.
LU Box 771, CRISTOBAL, The British Industries Fair quality is demanded, British ih) Fair. Anoher Britisb bas TEL PIONE 247 COLON and rich.
goods got there despite high adopted miniature relpforced has many valuable characteristi tariffs is only in the markets cord balloon tyres, fitted on well(Continued on page KONGOLENE The British Pharmacy will article The next ments for games to BRITISH PHARMACY war.


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