
Your Christmas Will Be Really HAPPY If You Have Electricity Installed For LIGHTING domestis DOW water in vats.
COOKING IRONING The foilowing motion given notice of by Mr, Strick and, one of the Goverument nominees on the Georgetown Town Council, was down for discussion at a recent weeting of the Corpora tion: That His Worship the Mayor appoint a small special committee to report on the following: The best means to adopt to filter and make suitable for all purposes the water of tbe Lamaha Canal so that the City may be supplied with pure water independent of the present method of storing To report on the test method to extermitate the dangerons and disgusting pests that at present defile the city. allud more especially te Carrion Crows Yawarris, and Rats, ownerless Dogs and Cats.
Mr. A, Seeram, an elected member of the Demerara Legis.
lature on Thursday of last week wbile discussing the re organzition of Queeu College, re.
marked that the appointment of a local master would not of greater advantage to the College but to the colons. He was against the tendency to give jobs to foreigners lo preference to local mar. Ia reply the Acting Guvernor very much regretted the remarks by the member who referred to persoas coming out there as foreigners, They were no more foreigners than any British subj ct coming here from acy part of the British Empire, whatever bis colour or creed. He resented the remark.
11 TE We will make a Complete Electric Service Installation For Only only be yet to bit bis 200 V4 a veritate Down and Four Small Monthly Payments Combined Court minded. Des Turns Down Idea of a Survey.
BABADOS SINALCO Anglican Clergy Lot On sale at all First Class Clubs, Cabarets and Soda Of Spoilt Children.
Fountains Panama City Distributor.
Says Newspaper in Review GILBERT BRID, ing Conpltions of Chusch. Exclusive Representative.
CASA ANAVITARTE, Ia recent Issue, tbe ADVOColon.
CATE Comae ting editorially says: The report of the Committee appointed by Synod to make Small recommerdations to the best method of approaching the DENTIST Legislature for an additiscal grant to the Avglican Church for MASONIC TEMPLE the purposes of iccreasing the Office Hours: 8, am to 12p salaries of the Clergy, bas 30 to 30 been published and an tunity is there fore given to the Sundays, by Special Appointm public to Masonic Temple ilth St, consider the claims of clergymen to increased PO Box 787. CRISTOBAL salaries of clergymen to InPHONE: OFFICE 1664 creased salaries. When the idea to appoint a committee for ti RESIDENCE 538 purpose, was first mooted, we gave it as our opinion that the Clergy were not entitled to 7, 000 Found in Amreceive an Increased grant from the easury. Moreover, sterdam Big Mystery were convinced, that we were expresing te opinion of th to Police.
lige tij uity of the taxpayer.
The Committee were, how. ver.
TO SO easily to be restrained Amsterdam. Th Amsteriam from the task which had been police force is dealing with ore requtred of them and after two of the most mysterious cases in meetings and most careful con its history. moth ago a sideration they have barded citizen, walking in one of the over to the public their case for parks of the metropolis, hit the Clers Ry. There is, bewever ver, foot against a porttolio contai 1in tbe Report no polnt, which ing a large number of banknotes has cot already been the sub to a total value of 7000. He ct of argument.
There is is took his find to the lice, who nothing novel about it. It is the have enqvired into the Story of ingowy old of thout any result. Nobody salary, of heavy Informed the poilce of the acd the high cost of We loss of the money and not al 285 cao se us to change th opinion discovere banko 3tes are genuine fee pothing 10 it, which will single trace or larceny has been we have already expressed in the matter, or do we think As the there is no question of a crise poblic will be otherwise belog involved. Could it be We reiterate that Barbados can possible that the owner of the not further extend het generes money is such a wealthy man sity Towards the Anglican that he has not notic:d that he Church, and the Clergy must bas lost 7, 030 seek means of increasing their stiperds from other sources The report etres ses the point Executive Committee is We hope the Government inthat a clergy man cannot obtain fully an app io meot until he reaches Cornizant of the opinions of the he age of twenty Four years that they will give a tax rayers in this respect and irm but and therefore he is at the diseta de cortege five than lay of the Synod. The emphasis made men of But the com of the point at the list meeting mittee forgot that ever though of Syood that this question bsd he may start a few years late in isen sloely from the Liity life, the salary be receives at the means nothing. The Laity bave no authority to blind this colony very beginning of his own anything, and they can only cases out of ten surpasses tat of laymen speak on baball ot themselvee.
not even representmany years before him.
We are who have started to work present, but tew, if any, of the ther congregations. They is therefore no groucd in that argument for an lucrease of taxpayers, who after all, are the salary: We thill not deny that persons to decide the matter. It the office of Clergy man is reaches the House, we hope that tae netiti so by any chancr, ity is great. This is, bowever, the opinion of tbeir constituents bigb one, or that his responsibil hon, mau bers will first obtain no argument for a further assault the on tbe Treasury, even by those thereon, before thy decide to Clergymen, who realise the act. And we are confident that responsibility of thelr vocation an appeal to the tax prayers will and endeavour hy their conduct show that they are unwilling to malttain the high standards further ta subsi lise the Church of their office. This argument together with the point, that ibere is practically no pecuniary An Example ion to wbicb clergymen LDR look forward, might constiTati strong claims for consideraToe Lord Bishop has been tion from other sources, but the working very hard daring the tax payers cannot afford to pay week says the WEEKLY HERALD any greater sum towards Choren On Tuesday 1st instant, All upkeep than that which they now Saints Day he took Confirmacontribute And that is the real tion service at St. Clements and point in the whole matter. The All Saints Churches respectively, Clergy may lock at it from their and wok the opportunity ol Owa point of view. After all teaching eximple bɔth of bumilthey are men, and self preser ity and generosity to the vicar.
ration is the order of the day, of St. Clements Church. From but the polnt for this Govero information to hand it would ment is not whether the parsons appear that two female candiare inadequately pald or not, but dates, who were to be confirmed whether it is fair to the Church, arrived payers to call on them to furnish laying on of bands was inore money for the Church. We being most solemnly celebrated.
have already stated that the of the Church sick adoption of such a policy would ing to the laws of the Medes and be upjust to that large section of Persians. would not allow the the public which does not belong two intended sheep to go to the to the Anglican Church.
shapherd, becanae they were The whoie trouble wib tbe Clergy is that they are a lot of The Bishop realizing the posispoilt children. This Government ton, and perhaps considering bas fathered them for too long a how hard the poor young women period and they have not until must have strives both to preRecently, attempted to put their pare themselves in every way tiounces stable founde and to be in time for the ceretica, They refused to make an mody, spoke to them in sympaBodeavour to put their fiances thetic terms at the conclusion on a sound basis and await the in his car to All Saints Church. and conveyed them time when the Government grapt in his car will be substantially reduced. So where they were admitted into far, from factug the inevitable Christ flock. Brave Bishop!
day of dis ndowment ther want God send a few priests of the Covernment row to Increase your typa among the clergy.
tbeir stipends. This must not be.
be The Bishop also delivered an Let the clergy men, seek other instructive address at All Souls means to accomplish their desire, Church on Wednesday evening Tue ahule uend ot opinion is the Patronal Festival of All in the direction of disec dowolent. Soul.
FUERZA LUZ ofte his age years later ܛܜܘܐ ܘܣܛܪ ܐ.
to career in of For they There are Notice of Removal was head the geographica tal stall of a THE BUSINESS OF 03 the 4th inst. at a sitting of the Combined Court of British Guiana, the Acting Colonial secretary moved. Be it resolved: That this Court bereby approves of British Guiana being included in the tour of Colonial Survey Departwents wbich it is proposed shall be made by Colonel St.
Winterboth R, during the year 1928 and undertakes to provide the necessary funds to meet the Colony sbare of the expenses.
He explained that the officer would be able to advise the Government as to possible im.
provement in the method of surveying. Col. Winterbotham of staff and secretary of the geneof the War Office whose approval would have to be obtained for his services to ha be given to the Colony. He was for wany years in charge of survey work in in Southampton and was closely connected with Colonial surveys. He was a member of the Colonial Survey Committee and also the Air Survey Committee. The torms of bis appointment were half pay making up Grst class passage and a daily bis full pay allowance of and 20 per day while on boara ship. The cost to the Colony could not be worked out at present but presuming that the tour lasted two years, the average cost to twelve colonies would be about 296 The Secretary of State would like to be informed whether this colony Continued on page 8)
The Isthmian Undertaking Co. Ltd.
promo while on land Has been Removed from Calidonia Road To the Company new Building at No. 12 HIGINIO DURAN STREET San Miguel at St.
Clements tax. when the when the Toe vicar British Industries Fair 1928.
Of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH ob (Continued from page 6)
from the point of yiew of the overseas buyer. The public are excluded from admission during business hours, and only the products of the actual maker may be showo by bim at the Fair and then only on bis stand.
This absence of duplication of exhibits and the elimination of displays by firms who are not the actaal makers of the shew valuable means by which the overseas buyer can purchase bis requirements over practically the whole tild of British industry.
N) overseas buyer can afford to miss the opportunity of visitiog the next British Industries Fair to be the largest Fair ever held in Great Britair.
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