p. 8


Look Them Over having In extraordinary cure. PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY DECEMBER 10, 1927)
Canal Zune District Cosmopolitan House. CHURCH SERVICES Attorney 31 CALIDONIA ROAD St. Peter by the Sea, La Baca McALMON Prop. Third Sunday in Adv nt Let Out by President Holy Communion, 6, 4, Coolidge We will repeat our bargain The Rector, sale on collars to continue Holy Baptism 7, 30, a. Edward Mitchell, District Attorney of the Canal Zore, bas until December 24th Another Matins 10 a mLeen removed from office, accordchance to own some cheap Church School, 00, ing to a radio message received Choral Evensong end fermon collars of quality. Get yours by the Governor of the Panama The following just arrived and are being early. 30, Preacher The Rector, Canal from President Coolidge at MULCARE, Rector the White House, Washington, dated December fifth 1927, offered at prices to suit everybody :St. Barnabas Empire, It is believed that Mr. Mitebell Matins and address, 11, a. removal from office is a result of issension which had existed for Mr. E. Johnson, Lay Reader.
Photo Albums. Scrap Albums Church School 3, pm some time between himself and District Judge Guy Martin of MULCARE Rector the Canal 2000;sed to file inforAttorney Mit Vellum Pocket Books chell Stenographers Note Books St Bartholon. ew Las Cascadas tation tion of the National viola on a case involving Writing Pads Children Toy Books The Aonual Harvest Festival Canal se. in the name of the NEED will be ob erved Government, conteading that at the above it named Mission on tommorrow.
should be filed in the name of the Accounting Day Books T, MULCARE. Rector, Government of the United Sates The defendant attorney moved WATCH?
St Simon s, Gamboa for a dismissal, and after taking Hymn Prayer Books Holy bibles the motion under advisement for Matins andaddress 10. 45 am DROP IN AT The Rector some time District Judge Martin dismissed the case Oburch School 30 pm.
As a a result of the controversy Typewriting Paper in First and Second Sheets FULLER J. MULCARE. Rector between the Judge and the Dis.
trict Attorney, Lieutenant Colonel Mouth Organs in two sizes Seventh Day Adventist Grant Trent was sent to the Canal 122 CENTRAL AVE. STREET CALIDONIA Zone to conduct an investigation and it assumed that the District Pocket Knives, Scout Knives Meador Knives You ll Find Them ROAD near Isthmian Park Pana.
Attorney removal from office is ma an outcome of that investigation.
and many other items too numerous to mention Moderately Priced. Sasbach School (Saturdav) 45 a.
eral Worship Spanish Combined Court Class: 80 in. Society, meeting 30 pm. Junior and Continued from page THE WORKMAN Senior Staudard of sttainment was willing to be included Class, p. spert.
the tour. The object of the Topic for Sunday night Dec. 10, motion was to ascertain the 1927. Educational program.
views of the Court as to whether Stationery and Souvenir Store tbe Colony should take advantage GRIZZLE Pastor, of the tour.
93 Central Avenue. Panama City Mr. Webber said that British Gaida was suffering from Garveyites At Jarr. aica stere attack of lodigestion Madame Parker to special Committees and from xperts and they Sing were undergoing rest Rojoicos Over Roloase They could get along very Of Thoir Prosidont with ut any more parveys at Garvey on the Isthmus Receives BOWEN (Continued from page 5)
present and should tell the Years Day, 1928, by the Colonial retary ef Siate that they were (Continued from page 1)
TAILOR Classical o chesus and several very creatful for the offer but. Including We almost crazy witb joy at when toe officer Was making bis liberal space to bo the founder of the largest Negro move No. M Street San Miguel Parker, soprano, math o made her the release of our great leader next tour of apo her twelve colonies this Colony might b: 40 ment as well as to the movement itself; in fact, Mr.
Garvey Panama City debut said Hall recently wher said Mr. Charles Johnson, accorded a splendid President of the Kingston Branch clined to participate in the and his movement received during those two days, and reception, of the United Negro Improvement second round. At present they including the time since the first news of the commutation Association had to put their hands into their of his sentence reached Panama, the most sincere and conthe gra the parent body of grand movemeut of which Mr.
pockete and find 125 which the structive criticism and publicity, by local newspapers, than PRESIDENT COOLIDGE Glee Singers to Debate bad Hand we are in order that they might obtoia had ever before accorded them locally.
In Christmas Carol of arran diving Sir Jobn Simon opinion on the In addition to newspape advices of his expected Continued from page 1)
have a big service in comments overjoyed of the event Constitution question, He weuld arrival, a direct official cable to the effect was received meat and control of the great We are not, however, suggest that the before his arrival by High Commissioner Soiomon St. veteran hospital. Tuskegee Go Singers will make their de loved leader here again in his fact The newly organized Papa me that we may expect to see our be.
Secretary of State should do the Rose after which plans were at once stated by high officals of where their conduct bas taken but at the Wesleyan Church on native land at an early date. Our same with respect to Col. Winterbotbam.
the movement here as to the best way to welcome him. bigh rank They have shown Christmas Day in a Christmas prayers to day are that all all may Mr. Candon said be would bare These plans included a request from Governor L that they have been worthy of of all supported the motion be saw Walker of the Panama Canal to grant permission to a dele the encouragement which they Come Set As Das well with tim till that bappy there was any good to be derived gation to interview Mr. Garvey aboard ship as he would are too often subjected to thought Conductor of the Club and amook kind of a welcome when he arrives late of the have receivad. Nevertheless they is the Singer: the organizand present course he will get the biggest it. They were led ap with all the experts that bad: transferred from the Saramacca to the Santa Marta.
hered not be privileged to land except when he was being less and inconei erátce treatment lite membership sro Mr. Oleh When will that be? That cannot naworthy alike of the white or King Mrs Adela Walker Hadley tell at the present time. 40 have had lately. He suggested that co oured races. They have ope Mason Alice Kiok and Doria bad no communication from the On Wednesday morning a delegation composed of the cially been made the target of the Rydney. And TSC Dottio President General, believe he will the Secretary of State be told to had bad enougb of the Colople Walker to interview Mr. Garvey, in company with Mr oral year these act of unlawfwdB. Hamilton. be allowed time by the American Ofico authorities to settle bis affairs to and was not afraid to any it. The Young, West In ian Editor on the staff of the Panama violonce had born diminishing. Io New York before sailing for JaSecretary of State could be told American, crossed the Isthmus by rail and met bim on the the laut your they have shown an BOARD OF DIRECT ORS maica. But whenever be comes we that with bis complimente. Ne Saramacca: A, Lindo, Collins, Moulton, der and found liberty is opposed incronse or Every will all be on baad to receive and would not support anything a Burke, A, Parchment and John Thompson, Mr. Lindo act to this crime. The Congress (Continued from page 1) welcome him.
would not respect their wishes. ing as spokesman for the delegation. After the delega should enact any legislation it enn sort of interest they are obowing on Saturday. Lindy Henrietta from Mr. under the Constitution to provide in their own welfare.
Davis They bad asked that 125 be tion bad received a most cordial handshake and Mr. Johnson, rent the The voted to pay Sir John Simon and Garvey, not witb following cablegram to Mr. GarMr. Lindo, on behalf of his colleagues in for its elimination.
Association that a very important officer Panama and the Canal Zone, read an appropria e address standing this poor and indifferent vey: Congratulations from Kingshould be returned to the Colour welcoming the leader to these shores and further pledging support, bas er. deavored to carry stod from Heretta Vintoa Davis but up to Thursday evening tbat on the pro. ecution of the tesk, and Charles Jobason.
officer had beard nothing of their their allegiance to the movement and faith in the President CUBAN SUGAR COMPANY with full confidence that the future wishes from the Colonial Office. General leadership. He then presented him with a purse Votil their wishes were resp et donated by members of the local U, Continued from page 11 measure of nearre will bring some be would oppose anything that came as a sugRestion from the Mr. Garvey suitably replied in eloquent language enter fourteea thousand Jamaicape Valuatioa. Ton is a High NEGRO NEEDS NEW educating (Continued from page workers Colonial Ofice.
tore og her er. Rutherford had, 13 bard The Colonial Secretary saia reply he regretted having the the du: ing coming crop. to place upon toate noko mebel vieres High Commissioner who, on account of lack of foresight on the entry of undersirable fimm htened and. in eo kep easy jobo because there is bigber salue the feeling of the Elected the part of some one, did not succeed in getting his name grants is the real national problem one as well; and at the some time who is successful put a whole lot social too much competition.
Members be asked le. ve to with included with those of the delegation, and several other Cube is fazing, and must rolve. by employer his in life.
draw the motion, prominent men whom he met here on a previous visit. Mer. That foreiga and Cuban mill he he heradual Leceptance Tre motion was withdrawa.
Garvey expressed his profound regret for having heard Cuban and Spaniarde, and of the Association, in their not give employment te le this new valuation, NEED NEW RELIGION The annual that there have been bickerings among certain offi undərsirable foreigners because they propted foro, have been doing ſo: the Christian Recorder, who, it Doctor Wright, Jr. Editor The International Bible affairs will in a short time be remedied, cials of the here, and hoped that this condition of work cheaper is a very serious at There will be a good deal of io elected Bigtop of the the authorities should be be the splendid work for the employees is stated, will io course of time be Students Association Mr. Negro to stop. And moreso when we stop formation to the employees afford. Church, speaking the same expects make Jamaica the headquarters for the 1, panies are the ones that do not do rtainty that istobal holon nerd a new religioo.
in the West Indies; that he intends to tour the West Indies, anything else but plant cane On District is going to be well repre want to apply their religion to The Association has asked us tº Central and South America and Europe, and that he will towers properties and do not let the sented there.
their circumstances. Their faith in extend through these columns, on their for their own conGod depends upon having faith in themselves. If you dont have faith general public every Sunday movement. He said that his wife, Mrs. Amy Jacques Gar quo pumption, seriously night at the Loyal Victor Lodge vey, will soon join him in Jamaica.
hampering the in self you can bave faith in God, economic progress of the Lation Ball Calidonia Road at 30 which is really most per irious, and without faith in God there is FLOWERS to their public Lectures, on topics This al Jae is enongh to maintain hell. The Doctor continued by from the Bible is which eolightthe present state of misery in Cuba saying that one must sacrifice in ment is much desired by the think NATIONAL PHARMACY indefinitely. What could be ing people. They are no charges, to flourishing republic is now going Abogado. Attorney at Law order to get ahead on earth, collection, and all seats are free.
Santa Ana Plaza SINALCO through a disastrous period of want Beginning on Sunday Dec. 11th and crisis and the authorities to a Notice to correspondents.
the sutject will be that of Adamic Central Avenue Death, and Second Death. This is For any child or adult.
loding to the wishes and peti extent are responsible by 2, OX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY TELEPHONE No. 1377 Contributors and correspondents a subject that has puzzld most tions of the selfish companies, who are asked to send in their contribuBible Scholars. Please come and Everybody gets the right It a tonic nutriment.
are only beat on making as much Practicing before all the courts of tions not later than Thursdays to obtain the clarification for yourinsure publication. This is imperamoney as possible and care li tle self, and be suti fi medicine and treatment.
for Cuba welfare and furure. th Republic since April 1914 tive and must be adhered to.
she was porter, re.
to 11 at the la of the Kingston Glee doof from it.
aims at bringed uosting LO the saine, OFFICE: No. 44 ST


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