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on Wall Silver Employees Promotion THE WORKMAN READ THE WORKMAN LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME WEEK BY PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY WEEK AND VOL 16 No. 19 PANAMA, SATURDAY DECEMBER 17. 1927 PRICE CENTS valy Negro Was the First Presi monthly a ramun the Bossary Chronicle Rich Copper Vein Discovered dent of Mexico In Jamaica e 250m to the now Aegroes to Maximun Pay For Alien Canal and Rail Garvay Can do Mugh in road Employe:s His Country by Arousing Racó Consciousness Said to be Illiterate Slave Who Smashed by President ExecySays Los Angeles Mining Man tive Order The Boston CHRONICLE in a Led Oppressed To Throw off recent issue says: Who Got Sample of ore and Yoke of Spain.
By virtue of a recent Frantire readers the news of Marene GarLong ere this has reached our Option. on Land.
Order signed by President Coolidge vey e release fron the Federal New York, Nov, 28. Rogers, the well of the Inited States of America, Penitentiary Arinta, Gre and the Governor of the Panama Cantil the subsequent order from bis The Los Angsles Daily News of recent date says: for the past year, has unearthed some very interesting in the limit of 960 per annum the over the world. It way he that all the Island of Jamaica. British West Indies, into the largest known Negro author and journalist who has been in Europe is authorised to increase above portation will have been flashad Indications of a rich copper vein which will transform formation about Vincente Guerrero, Liberator of Mexico. Po not to excel in hundred injunction will be bronchit Avainst copper mining centre in the world were revealed here yesWhile in Paris he ran across a discription of Guerrero in 100) alien empl vers in the posi. the inwigration authorities Larousse. the French encyclopedia, stating that he was canchayapoyo de the complet the deputation of this day by Brownridge veteran Los Angeles mining man, Rulrord esclave mulatre. meaning mulatto slave.
pany wheu such employees by long will not noted a in, and while we token from Reports are almost too good to be true. said BrownIn the December number of the Messenger, a Negro and efficient service have rendered this sor be forcibly hope he woo is in receipt of ore sample from the island.
is monthly magazine publish in New York City, Mr. Rogers themselves of greater value to to believe that in the end he won ridge who realized the possiblities of the ore land and secured an option on it a year ago.
tells the interesting story of this great man who would be those organization than can be to be sent back to candide jim crowed if he lived in the United states today. Says limit hereiafore established.
adequately com ensted by the The field in his rative island may Engineers claim that copper may be produced in this Rogers: producing it to day, singular fact about Guerrero: he could neither read ty Governor ML. Walker of the Garvey can do much good in the metal figures from 12 per cent plus to 65 and even 80 per Acting upon the above authoris comewhat restrirted and not as region at a lesser cost than Chile is Isage a i: is this country but while assayers state the copper percentage in each ton of and the first to strike the blow for American independence, ed rates ranging from and including pass, not by acting se itiously and nor write, but like Crispus Attucks, illiterate Negro slave Panama Canal imune lively approv ietan by arousing race conscicus.
deeply, all the more because to, and including, tun afoul of. but the of several hea sound efecap pobav perhaps tyranny mom spaimanae tyranny for nem lenne son disphemouente mower thousand ae regnaccording to brownridge. sind the newest percent of number to be he can be of great that caused her the loss of all her colonies of every single increased in accordance with the island. With the ring cocious vein discovery located in Scatters Hill mine. Tha entire Service foot of the vast possessions she once held in the New presidential authorization.
No apparent amour roes mining group is loacated only six and a half miles from maximum World.
The writer then relates the oppression and taxation fixed for rate, however, has been verywhere, his task is not as harbour facilities, Labour is plentiful and may be obtained for alien employees by the formidable as when he left bis at between 36 and 40 cents a day.
that Telade up to the revolt of the Mexicans agajust Spain and are circulation de sue comor Morder the island information with a bonal survey of tne great copper prospect.
new Exesutive Order.
According home Brownridge plans to leave in the near future for a perhow the oppressed, led by Guerrero and others threw off last from the Governor office, population of nearly the Spanish yoke After many internal struggles in which the wage nuw fixed for any one CAN EASILY TAKE CARE leaders arose and were overthrown Guerrero was elected man does not become a vested right of twice that number.
for that position but only apple tar feteheit but not improbable ay be GARVEY GOODBYE TO THE PEOPLE president in 1825. Then we are told: Guerrero at once set about improving the condition of is doing the present occupant that inst aid of trucoes morcearing IN THE UNITED STATES.
Africa they iniy go to the the masses composed largely o? Indians and halfbreeds. bolds it. If he ceperates from thes to Continued on page 8)
He ordered schools to be built and established free libraries. Continued on Page 8)
Although being hurriedly rushed from Atlanta jail to Reading had been forbidden by the Spaniards, and the inNew Orleans for deportation Mr. Marcus Garvey still found quisition had been active. Guerrero further established a SPARKLETS time to say good bye to his followers in the United States, coinage, regulated the gambling houses, and ordered a which he did as follows:suspension of the death penalty. But that was not all. He had been inspired by the American Constitution, but going (BY KING)
To the millions of members of they did in defeating the dermans Mister a Title of further than that document, he ordered the immediate free.
on look wa hat got mid the Universal Neero Improvement Bat for 118 they shall not puasa Courtesy dom of every slave in the republic. reading of the Mexover the silly chatter of a few of Association in America and my The New York World has just ican Constitution, much of it the work of Guerrero, shows friends. Aty good bye, published that look in (whitNot long ago, when used to ently caused his countrymº. His letuer apparleave you thus early because soever this in suns) 000, 00) and mich confusion in it to be one of the most liberal in existence.
a millia pul.
magazine edited by an unnoticed because chattel slaves were few all except in educate and cultured men, wis Guerrero emancipation proclamation passed almost educated nud cultures comments scam pered at its upp purune. Tam the Christ hat do see? They may for some imaxinary rainy day.
for fank and liced bit of ran out JerusalemMy day.
in but that did not kill the urge of of way put it Wiy irrevocably when one part of the republic where it made a tremendous stir following up a little discus ion ressoning the of app. yin: Mr. to any any Christianity. They erucified him in purchasn at least four more ships Barabbas, mich money, to show the preference to.
kaoma courtesyMister had been grantedt hem by the Spanish viceroy, and they had connection with the Nego. istaying colour or creed; but he would put here canaphas, Herod nor Pontius white mua ne bananeve te shen glebo Pilate could stop the mighty in driving the sought there a heaven from the agitation against slavery the very least, the discussion, o ne limitation en ascordance action. These modern fools who seas. If bad half a million cente which spots developed bich social status. The de against cause of should be 80 29 edircaling. It pained me for of Thon39 Johns fuldblooded their own defeat, of which the when po sess my character that lengrtesy being affixed to name righteousness jumped from the frying pan into the fire Thus a Negro slave became the George Washington of not baving been able Mexico.
the required five dollars a year for Cauca vion who, in addition to floods, storms and earthquakes are no evil white man nor newspaper can take away from mo?
but sign of the the privilege of bring a mental dwarf. is a crook; continuing the reading of that luminous weekly but he was a compromisingly dis am not sore with the incoecot. The white man (unreasonable) in ARRIVAL OF MR. GARVEY AT JAMAICA The discussion as of course native of Sierra L: mne who is an they know no better than what the think he can dispose of determined be courteous to a black people of white America because the face of history is simpla to being staged by white people. As horest and respectabl: cit 2:0. by tricky politicans care to have the characters in world movements for AND MESSACE TO HIS PEOPLE.
gentle are educated and uneducated white addressing him as Mr. Jadia know and do, but honest white buman liberty by mere ridicule.
people, there are the intelligent broken into print en one of those then the cheap politician will have Ramah. This contr bato: had only America will one day wake up and SHALL NOT BE INTIMIDATED Marcus Garvey, founder and President General of the endnunintelligent ones and among who took part in the silly chatter sung his requiem. promise you as God liveth that Universal Negro Improvement Association, who passed them all you will find some culture Wad expreosed an opinion that the ONLY ONE REGRET.
ed some gets wall. shall, with the leadership of through Cristobal a little over a week ago from the United is quite apparent that the incalled. Ahonored th Mr. from a Christ and Simon, the Cyrenian, States, landed in Kingston, Jamaica, his native bome and for discussion was between the white man.
There is only one regret have, blast a way to African freedom.
and that is, that the Negro is to a No fear, no intimidation, no puoish received what is reported as the biggest rsception ever given trained and the untrained or the a native of that island, His arrival was Characterized as cultured and the ancultured. The Now, gentle revder, this is in no certain extent sleeping onder the ment, no death shall ever deler me poli the fight African.
perhaps the most historical event that has taken place. in traiorduod cultured maintained way a delicate question, neither deception of the tricky that the. a perfect is it vexatious one; it is, statesmen who have Good God! What. unthat.
specimen of man who, Darwin and of not certain where you stud it. and gradual that comes upon in Kingston and a private car was immediately placed it. graduated like all other men Ioam quite home ho seved ones the body politie with the oil and foot etery Negro netobuy food at his disposal. The streets along the route which he crom the chimpanzee species by Brother Sam Whyte, the labour connivance of the corrupt and the scene? It is laughable. They of America, followed from the dock was jammed with a surging mass of muchmece te verbetere marion. Che, felt about it when Governor leader. Lying white newspapers and but they also rano Christa molti car entitled to afore, aforemention Chester Harding Panama people, and it was with the utmost difficulty that his cared title of common courtesy as Canal addresed him some yaars magazines are all in the scheme to Jerasalem, but that did not stop found way through the cheering crowds. His triumphal any of the other graduates froid ago as Mr. Whyte; Presi fool the Negro. and suppress bis the sweeping potency of Christianiride to Liberty Hall was one which any public man who the same class of mamala and dent of the Silver Employees As growth.
had earned the good will of the people might well be proud. is almost unnecessary to state the been well pleased with the splendià the. it soriation. the Governor having THE LIBERAL NEW YORK During the two years and ten WORLD It was arranged that he should have entered Liberty Hall opposition maistained a front sole. way in whſoh Brother month remained in Atlanta buy this was impossible, as thousands of people crowded in with the best to contributed to be pulled for the source working force continues to profpes friendship for York and prevented The New York World still bed you of all your assets is New peneteatiary they, as planned roband around it; and so, on the steps of his car in front of wine kept in de privil ge of Canal and Railroad. have you, but dobry sight of her parentuny perly deterodonesia place.
the pay Silver me Liberty Hall he addressed the people as follows: frgy prothe Morte Estate to have clipped some of the argu noticed that Prother Whyte quoted nity to stab you in the back by gross los of over half million Jamaica, the country seems as in human love and fellowship. am glad to be once more in suffering that must appeal to meats pould thea he glad to quote and observe, too, that he is now able leadership to ridicule. It is an empty envelope that is not and cou on the discus. the Governor ou a few occasions, holding up your borest and bonor: dollars. They imprisoned, me for sioo; viting as it ever was, to be away is to lose its beautiful touch of the lesson of the relationship of ment and enlightment.
To any beart this much teach them herewith for YOUR amuse. receiving the naked Whyte, by propaganda and ridicule that worth a cent, then caused you to opinion Nature, to return is to realise that God and man. God is good, the was one letter, however, which for in the premise would be uninter they hope to defeat the steady riselose half a million dollars, Tott of the Negro to nationalism, as all the world is not frigid and soul country is beautiful, and it is mans its illuminating and enlightening wouldn attention of (Continued on page less, One can see and learn so duty to share it wth his fellow effects on the others, selected as George, the ex churchman, my much from the natural beauty man, but unfortunately it seems the best. That interesting piece Lilliputian friend, to a communica increase in pay, whether or not be the Island, and it is hard to that one section is extremely of communication was tion from the Gover aor it the affixes to my name the little com fine assortment of xides and imagine that in the midst of such evidently ccatributed latter should notify me via that mon tittle Mister. How do you New Year Cards at the WORK beauty there can exist so much (Continued op page 8) by a disinterested but intelligent route that he had granted me an fee about it?
MAN Printery.
glance hastily through a certain the camp, as all the debaters others who are in power today say that have could favour.
Sfer certain personally white in being me Garvey was received by high officials of the probar en mante, mas com base per proposed and complete pentru a condus otros docente from tv.
Tig Wbyte bade that ell the 19 1918


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