
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY DECEMBER 17, 1927 བབ བཝཔ (3བ to place Your Christmas Will Be Really HAPPY If You Have Electricity Installed For LIGHTING COOKING IRONING the men of wealth amongst as have neither inclioation por intention to support the turf, It is for the official controllers of the sport to show that their heart is not a mere collection of fatiscent figure beads. They must reorganise the Thoroughbred Raffle Scheme and, for three or four years, place wwelve or eighteen animals annually in the colony.
We are asking the Tort Club pot the hace matter of purchase in any one man band, but that they control it as a responsible body. We koow, as others de, that there bas been discontent at the manner of the conduct of Thico be be obviated Confidence can be restored, and ready patronage of a the scheme is assured, for:daere are yet amongst og some few ersons jealous of the colocy reputatioa and doxions for its resurrection. The Turf Club should call a meeting promptly to deal with this matter, and get way without undue delay. The Club sbould feel that its active days are numbered unless it really injects some American bustle into its methods of business. Horse racing in Barbados deserves a cbance, wbich, under existing circumstances, only the Turf Club Can give it.
last sche scheme. This can ea easily opposite it doder to We will make a Complete Electric Service Installa.
tion For Only 00 Trial Matches To Select West Indian Cricket Team To Tour England 1928 20 Down and Four Small Monthly Payments possible bow on the JAMAICA SINALCO 28 On sale at all First Class Proposal For New Clubs, Cabarets and Soda Fountains.
Railway Station Panama City Distributor, GILBERT BRID.
The GLEANER understands that the scheme to build a new Exclusive Representative.
Rallway station at Kingston is CASA ANAVITARTE, again under the consideration of Colon.
ibe autborities and that plans are being drawn up for a station with almost every modero en venience It has been proposed that the the wisdom, wit, and characternew station should be built with is apparently crude metaphoro istic humour which lie concealed foods from the expected 1927 28 Railway surplus, and the propose and smiler.
u site is the old cemetery just The Editors may be right in the present Rais way their assertion that proverbs premises.
are praciically the race criticisms of its owo salient defects.
te The scheme is not a new one. What, however strikes me wore as it was considered some years aga when it was found imprac. Porcibly is the agreement to be ticabl to put it into effect.
Some round in the working phri sophie of alterations have, however, been in their proveros; it indica different nations, as expressed regard to the lines on which the station that human nature, in its reaction should be built; and it is under to circumstances, and collective stood that the present plan pro human experience under condi vides for an overbead Railway sions which after all, do not track across Darling St. The differ greatly in essentials, are lines wuuld, of course bave to che fundamentally the same in erery clime.
be deviated to the new station me.
from about a quarter of a mile editor has been added The interest of the present up the track irom the present illustrations contributed by Miss by station It is not proposed to demolish Lily Perkins who never fails to display understanding, and be present station premises sympathy in dealing with the but that it sbould remail and be peasant life.
used in connection with freight present life.
alone, while the new one would ba for passenger cars and the passengers themselves as wait ing room, bargage office would BARBADOS be transferred there. It is felt that tbe existing freight sbed is not quite up to standard.
The Decadence of Railway Earnings Horse Racing The earnings of the Jamaica Government Railway are keeping Wri ing editorially under the up splendidly says the Jamaica above caption, the HERALD says: MAIL of the 3rd inst. The gross Toere is no doubt about it that earnings for the month of Octo borse racing in Barbados is again ber came to about 40, 000 one of on the cline. It is receiving the best contbs for the year In support nei ber from the wealthy jact it is said that the amount of from the standpoi at of worship. 40 000 in one month is a record nor from the mass of people.
in the distory of the Railway. from the standpoint of enthuStasem. No blame can, however, be attached to the latter. Their Lights for Tennis patronage by their presence in Courts quality of the Equine stock raced, on the diversity of owners, and, coincidently, on the numThe Jamaica Public Service ber of the entries.
Company. ever mindful of tbe of the Turf is at present depon Ifare of their employees, bave dent on a few enthusiastic owaOxford Pen. the residence of position to maintain either large quipped the tennis courts at ers, most of whom are not any employees of the office stables or eveo to invest in staff, with lighting units in order of good ibat teonis way be played at And even the value limit fixed by nights. The lighting up of the the Barbados Tuat Club can ingrounds is bowever, no new ides, these purchasing as many years ago the West these brave souls.
India Electric Company, main true and British spirit, tained a well kept bowling a ley Theater Kraadly Devertheles there for the use of their em ever, never meant for the o: ployees at night.
of The effect of this, however, dos, these days, bad it not been small purse. But, in Barbawill serve to encourage the play for the pluck of this particular ing of tennis matches through section we would not be baving out tbe afternoon and at night. even the pony races, or very Oce attempt had previously been nearly that, which are the nature made in Jamaica to light tennis of our contribution to this class courts, and particularly at the of Wes: Indian sport today.
time the last American Tennis pam played at the Liguanea From a first rate turf power Club. The system installed is we tave degenerated to fourthibe tirst standard design accord rate, and did not Trinidad, kod ing to the recommendation cf occasionally, other neighboring the illuminating er gineers, that colonies trear us far better than has been installed to the colony, we deserve. borse racing must sind with these lights, it will be inevitably have died bere before, possible to play tennis at nights as as it must very soon, should not as well as in the day.
a well organized, and really serious, more in the splendid Deition Ithitherto occupied in the general lie of the island Negro Proverbs and Toere can be no question as 10 Sayings. wberber there are in the e men of sufficient wealth to patrc.
nise the sport generously. There Thie. Jamaica Mail of the 1st love of their forefathere for the are many. But they have not the inst, says. second edition of sport, or are too Cateful to ex Jamaica Neero Proverbs ara bibit it. Certainly, the pride of Sayings (edited by Izart Ander Barbadians is waning on the son, MD, Edin. and Frans splendid historical past of the Cundall, Secretary and colony in the realm of sport, and Librarian of the Institute of gradually, but no less surely, is Jamaica. has appeared after a our reputatian receding as leadJaspe of seventeen years. Its ers in this, and many another publication is timely, for there direction. We could name a dez a must be many who like the families who could, without feel the first edition, and to whom three or four full blooded ap:ing tbe present volume will be a new mals. Yet they elect like tha iadiof this vidu who has no other choise experience.
country will of course, be be fami beca hed far with many of these proverbs capita because of his circumscribed on alber but by classifying and present has be supporters. It is a sad them in a permanent the Editore haber done to form spectacle and no less sturbo ing fact for the very good reason service to local literature, that it expresses not an isolated For literature of a kind these more or less wide spread retrofeature of our exis:eace, but a proverbs are. They represent the toought and experiences of the gressive movement.
therwise inarticulate masses of There is only one course to the people. No one, who reads pursue, now that it is clear from them, but must be struck with the rec. rd of recent year. tha: FUERZA LUZ Local support in a ཝ ཝ3 ས ཝ ༠8 The ADVOCATS of the 18 ulto says. As the time for the selection of the team to represent the West Iudies 1928 during the summer of 10 draws near, it has become increasingly clear that no really equitable and sound selection can be made unless the soles players are tested before the selectors in series of matcher We have continually insistid upon this point and on Satur last we drew attention to Mr.
Nunes letter which showed. by its omissions do less than by some of its positive statements, necessary it is that some efa fosts sbould be made to get all tbe players together under the is, we believe, ncw receiving the. The serious attention of our local Perlu cricket authorities, and there Set no reason why they should not succeed. Most of the provinent inter colonial cricketers can obmain Teave during the month of January, and if the most progeminent players from Jamaica could tind convenient to visit us us at the oame time a series of Interesting :D instructive Hive matches could be arranged. On the ficancial side wa have no doubt that trial matches would be a huge success. Every cricket lover in the Island and whə is DO1. would consider it a patriotic dury to come and watch pass lap ac opinion on the the merits and demerits of the various players.
Tested under conditions which would be only less trying than in Test. Match the individual players would should whether they poseessed the suitable temperament On every ground, therefore, desirable and we sincerely hope that the efforts wbich are now being made to arrange them will be enurely successful and that tbe public mind will soon be relieved by an announcement to that effect.
couple Notice of Removal crease the Yet, power of In the they gjort mi THE BUSINESS OF ans The Isthmian Undertaking Co. Ltd trial matches are Has been Removed from Calidonia Road To the Company new Building at No. 12 HIGINIO DURAN STREET San Miguel TRINIDAD Blony Petitions Against Ławyers.
WASTE OF JUDGE TIME Complaint By Sir George Walton.
JOB. PRINTING Of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH AT THE WORKMAN PRINTERY capital, to be lookers. com The WEEKLY GUARDIAN says. Petitions by litigants against lawyers setting out Berious charges against the last named were referred to buy Sir George Walton to the supreme Court Hon. A. Reilly, on bebalf of Mr. Reilly and other Counsels ecgaged in the case, Ida Huggins Jerome Isaac Watts and otbers, an action in wespert of deed; banded to His Honcu (Continued on page 7)


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