
THE WORAMAS SATCRDAY DECEMBER 17, 1927 PAGE THREE New Light on Fate of Valentino The Prosperity Tailors WAS HE VICTIM OF WOMAN SPURNED?
No. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 and DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING OF THE HIGHEST ORDER Paris.
Work Done While You Wait vi tím a RY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices Ladies Garments carefully handled Gorilla Man Is To Small Be Executed DENTIST MASONIC TEMPLE Winnipeg Earl. Ne.
Office Hours: 8, am to 12pm son, the Korilla man, has been found guilty on a charge of 30 to 30 pm murdering Mrs Emily Patter. Sundays, by Special Appointmot Masonic Temple ilth St, son, aged 83, an Irish Woman, who had just come out to Can. PO Box 787. CRISTOBAL ada, and la Cowan, a 15 yearold flower girl, and bas been sen PHONE: OFFICE 1664 tenced to death RESIDENCE 538 The sentence will be carried out in the New Year The jury were absent considering their verdict for an hour.
Earle Nelson is believed to SINALCO have murdered by strangling 22 women girls in the Dol United Regulates the stomach, States and Canada, his rail gives healthy and natural covering man bundreds of m18 from California to Michigan.
sleep, Police were tirst led to the corclusion that the murders were the work of the same individual by the remarkable similarities The WORKMAN can be had which characterised the crimes. at the La Boca Restaurant and at la each case the victim was House No. 971, Jamaica Prado 10und strangled, and in no case La Boca.
Was there any clue to the murder apart from the marke of bis fers on the throat of the ago, and bie father was a respec.
tible citizen in Cuba. During the The first of the crimes was war be served in the Merchant. commited is May 1925, but it was Service, and at the end of 1917 not to June of this year that he became a zz drummer and Nelson was captured o the vil bard proprietor. At one time he lage of Killarney Manitoba after has as many as six bands under police and soldiers, armed with hie control, and was receiving a shot guns, les revolvers and total income of 250 a week tear gas buu bs, had combed the The Lord Chief Justice said city of HK the Court thought the sentence Hoc intrived to escape from of five years penal servitude Killarney goals within a few mi required further consideration nutes of Dia incarceration, and and they gave leave to was them heavily mana led and against the sentence, but not placed in a cell in Winnipeg against the conviction.
with four warders in constant attendance.
Owing to the bitterness of publiceeling, extraordioary precautions were taken to guard Sesso 55x653385 against any attempts to lynch the prisoner, while for the same reasou the trial was postponed till October Nelson, who claims to be of Eoglish Spanish parentage, is a powerfully built man with exceptionally strong haids. He give his age as 30, but is said to be 40.
Toroughout the trial be showed compiere indifference to the proceedings, but exhibited amusement when a number of people received injuries in stuggling for seats at the opening of De trial. diary of the crimes of which he is almost certainly the author is as follows: 1925. Four women murdered in Boston and Palladelphia.
10. Six women and two children in San Francisco, Los sud Portland, O, egor.
of the murders occurred three successive days.
1927. series of murders at Peersburg (Indiana. Chicago, Kansas. and Philadelphia. fol.
Tuwed by the two murdered imwediately preceding his capsure.
Paris, Oos 29 Was Rudolph Volentino poisoned by a jealous woman, whose adyances be bad rejected This is the question which is occupying certian Italian newspapers, According to message from the Secolo (Milan) received in private detectives in New York are ou the track of a clue which may lead to a solution of the numerous romour surroundog the death of the famous film star.
According to one report, a det. ctive and his wife were the witnesses in a night club on Broadway, New York, of an iocident wbich, it is alleged, may afford an explanation of Valerlins illness and death.
Valentino, it is stated was approached by woman who was apparently deeply in love with bim. Valentino turned his back on the woman, well known film star and entered into conversation with another woman.
With eyes flaming with anger, the spurned woman is said to have left the room on tbe arm of a film magnate, who had been vainly trying to get Valentino to act for his syndicate.
OVERHEARD BY DETECTIVE The woman made a sign to two men in evening dress, and a woman detective says she overbeard one of them say in a low tone. The Indian method is intallible. One can mix a drink with diamond dust and it will cause death by internal perforation. The doctors will say death was due to an incurable malady or attribute it to appendicitis. Central News. REID Manager appeal Dokcoses SXSX Co Operation in the British West Indies SILVER Manner in which Producers of Jamaica Are Seeking to Work Together 1926. ind Angeles.
FOR BETTER MARKETING in San Francisco three on Editor of Times Trade Supplement on Potentialities of Jamaica SPRAY West Indian Has Appealed Against Year Sentence.
PILSENER be Fears penal before The TIMEs trade and Engi.
neerring Supplement of recent date says: Mr. Ormsby. Gore speech to the British Empire Producers at the Society of Arts on Monday Solonies that wild. we trust, not be lost to them. He pointed out that the Eppire Marketing Board was spending a great deal of money on bringing home to the people of this country the significance to themselves and to the Empire oversea of British buying an Imrerial ero pomic policy. But her rightly iasisted that that was only one side of question. To obtaip better and better marketing it is Decesary to bave better production, and better means of distribution, and in those respects the Empire must do its part.
He told the West Indies quite frankiy that the neth patby symand support of the Empire Marketing Board would be measured by the williogress of the various interests and Colonies to co operate for economic purposes among themselves.
If Mr. Ormsby Gore bad left off at that point his remarks might possibly bave been misunderstood, because the extent which the West Indies can cooperate is strictly limited by transport conditions. There is teodeney to refer airily to the West Isdies as a whole without considering the extremily wide area over which they are scattered and the lack of any The products of the diderent islands are also in many cases quite dissimilar. Fortunately Mr.
Ormsby Gore went on to refer ito political federation aod in that connection be admitted that it (Continued on Page 6)
ME IS GOOD Loodos despatch of the 26. ulto. says: When Oscar Dawkins West Indian sought leave to appeal, in the Court of Criminal Appeal yesterday, against his conviction at the Central Criminal Court and sentence to five servitude for possessing firearms with intent to endanger lite at a North London cate, it was stated that at one time bº received income totalling 250 a werk as a zz bana proprietor.
made Pulication, which was ha Lord Colet Justice (Lord Hewart. Mr. Justice Avory, and Justice Saltet, was granted, so laras the sentence was concerned.
Mr. Capewell, for Dawkins, said that be entered a cate, produced an automatic pistol, and was severely injured to a strug.
gle, but it would appear that be nad no intention of doing bodily harm at the cafe, whatever bis original intention might have been.
The Lord Chif Justice marked that there was no reference to eace any elevento hour repentanee with the notice of appeal.
Mr. Capewell explained that the appeal had been drawn up by the applicant bimselt.
Mr. Justice Avory The truth sometimes leaks out even in a notice of appeal. Laughter. Mr. Cape well pointed out that it was in the man drst offence.
He came to England fifteen years.


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