
ARD Packard SHOE when you of the negro many persone SHOE Institute.
a Sears, Roebuck and THE WORKMAN Co.
Not Run By Negroes But Help Negroes Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on appilea.
WALROND, at the office No. 83 Central tion. Correspondence on ai maltes Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited Is SEARS, ROEBUCK AND PO Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be CO. run by Negroes? This has on one side of pape only.
been a popular subject for debate, Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of particularly in rural districts, for se Year 40 Cy, the writer, not necessarily for publica mary years. It is still miking Six Mosths. 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
the rounds. The idea, though enoThree Be.
We do not undertake to return reneous. owes itself to the philanOne Ninth. jected correspondence.
thropy of a Jew Julius Rosewald. former president of of that great The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JUNDIS mail order firm and now chairman its board of directors Because Rosenwald has given SATURDAY DECEMBER 17, 1927 millions toward Improving SILVER EMPLOYEES PROMOTION including not a few new roes then selves, are under the impresion that one or mors executive of Sears, Starting out in the year 1904 twenty three years agoRoebuck and Co, are of that race to work side by side with their North American supervisors, Among Mr. Rosenwald gift to was 500, 000 for seperate to clear trails and swamps and to map out the route of and build what is now known as the Panama Canal, West Indians, and a considerable share of the he feels better every time he wears it, in the great majority, still remain a great factor in the 82. 6000. 000 used to found 13 colored CA He has operation and maintenance of the worlds waterway, the also greatest foreigi engineering and scientific achievement of been generous to Tuskegee for the recollection of quality the people of the United States of America. And so, on the Ball part of Mr. Rosenwalde assistance to negroes is only first of January 1928, among nine of the most faithful and remains long after the price Efficient employees on the Silver rolls of the Canal, several philanthropy He contributed West Indian employees will each receive monthly remuneris forgotten. 000, 000 to the Chicago ladusation of one hundred dollars, while fifty eight more will trial Museum, 1, 000, 000 for relief in Eastern Europe and gave more each receive 90 per mont. In all, nearly 78 honest, hardthan a milliou to tie University of working men on the Silver rols who stuck through thick Chicago.
ani thin during the construction of the Cinal and are SEE OUR SHOW WINDOWS Don ask me how to get rich.
still on the job, will be graated increases in pay over Mr. Rosenwald recently remarked the rignty doll us a month miximum which was heretofore on his 65th birthday. If there is established for the Silver working force of the Panama (Continued on page 5)
for all the latest Models Canal and Panama Railroad Company, on the Isthmus. In addition to the aforementioned, we understand that there cluding besides the brothers have been some hourly rates which are to be increased Lula and Green, Amado Campos, effective also on January first, over the maximu hourly Costa can, and Frederick rate of 37 cents an hour.
CARLOS MULLER Wareham, Jamaican.
Campos is said to have conUpon recommendation to the Governor of meritorious cealed Porfelio who, by the way.
cases, by heads of departments of the Canal, he will also SOLE AGENT escaped from custody snd was grant, effective on January first, other increases of one cenu recaptured only on Saturday an hour and 250 a month to hourly and monthly em.
night last at the Changuinola ployees, respectively, who have not been granted increases switcb Goabito) by sub tiente 87 CENTRAL. AVENUE PANAMA CITY Brown and others, while Wareabove the old maximum.
bam is koown to bave connived Rading through the annual reports of the Panama 1759 with Campos to effect the e escape of Porfelio across the Sixaola Canal West Indian Employee Associauon, we had not fail.
river in to Costa Rican territory.
ed to note, and that with much satisfaction, the pla ant Murderers and accomplices are relationship which has been exi ting betweet e Governor all bere awaiting trial.
of the Panama Canal and the Silver employees We especial ly noted with profound pleasure, how the representatives THE IDEAL DRINK of the employees had intelligently put to the Canal chief SINALCO U, Division executive and highest representative of the United States on the Canal Zone, the unvarnished facts concerning working Always Delicious Rejoices and living conditions among Silver employees on the great waterway. We noted the almost unsurpassable affability Why throw away your old, but no Great has been the joy of the of the Governor in his dealings with the employees reprelocal division of the N. A, sentatives, and we were satisfied that Governor Walker doubt interesting, books when you BOCAS DEL TORO No. 44, over the releas; of Marwould not, in the face of fast growing public sentiment here cas Garvey.
and in the United States against the continual disregard for can have them neatly bound at This division has been plaoning NOTES equity and fairplay, continue to increase the pay of one class to carry off a big function of of the Canal hard working force, while just requests from some kind on Fiday night of this week in the Sin Miguel Hall the other class were being consistently denied.
We are immensely pleased not because we feel that Foul Murder as an expression of ioy over tbe the release of the Negro leader.
after 23 lung years of tiresome toil the employees have all 93 CENTRAL AVENUE been granted all that they had long merited and which Bocas del Toro, December they had been denied, but because, after the narThe long standing feud between Sports Opposite Cecilia Theatre Ab Fong, late Chinese shop row minded, and the notorious abusers of help given in keeper at Torres Bluff (East crossing the bridge after it has been crossed, had been Isanguinola. and Green, Da Owing to the death, recently contriving singly and through organized efforts to demote Mr. David Morgan, a prom and hold down a capable, etficient and trustworthy class of Andrews of the Colombian employees to the level of messengers and common came to an abrupt end on Thursdent cricketer, and a member of the local Cricket Council, the day night, 24 November, labourers, after these people bave so brilliantly helped and the former was Cup Presentation match which was to be are still helping to further world progress, making millions United Fruit Company Oval on played of on ocas this week, happy and thousands rich, a few noble nds bave been railway bridge at Torres by the heen so farindely postponlooking on and taking true note of the tremendously heavy brothers Antonio and Porfelio ed as an act of respect to the economic odds under which the actual diggers of the great Lula (Nicaraguans. and hired deceased cricketer. It is under assassins. Regular Assortment of ditch have been for years labouring, and have come out and not to inconThe plot that had been laid venience the winning cluh (Bocas ini iated some help for, though few, yet not an unappreciawas so cleverly carried out that in the matter of having the tive number of the most deserving ones.
before the authors of the deed sentation of the Cup. without it was well nigh a week atter trophy in its possession, a preThe Panama Canal, when under construction, was a ola could be gigantic engineering and financial undertaking. In its operasuspected and then the mat mateb, may be made, and. SUCH AS tion and maintenance, it is no less a huge financial scheme.
The trouble between the two an early date.
For its construction the American furnished adequate TONICS, SOAPS, VANISHING CREAM, SALVE, engineering skill, but it will go down in history that West men centered round you be The late Mr. Morgan was of TALCUM POWDER. ASPERINE TABLETS, Spanish girl, who bad traagilin West Indian pareutage, and the (ona Indians contributed overwhelming help in lessening, to the red her afections from Greed to large funeral procession SHAMPOO, HAIR DRESSING Etc. Etc.
the Celestial and for wbom she that he had only testified to tbe anique in the history of this city)
tune of millions of coars, the financial burden of the had given birth to a child. This United States of Amenea. How did the West Indians do it?
girl lived at another settlement great esteeta in which he was By the contribution of cheap, but efficient and dependable men beld by all classes of this comin the Changuinola section, murity.
labor. Therefore, while one must not lose sight of the fact as Farin Nine, from that it takes no smali amount of money to adequately comwhich place Fong wae returning 93 CENTRAL AVENUE on the night of the 24th Novem pensate the 7000 and more employees on the Siiver rolls of ber when upon nearing his own Co s, Plans.
the Canar, it is hoped that the present Governor will conPanama City. tinue the good work which he has started giving credit by the Lala brothers, where credit is due and that each succeeding head of the The drag Iine operations of ped about the body in the Co. in the Changuinola several places and thrown in the where it seeks to transform an great Canal will emulate Governor Walker example by river (Changairola. continuing to share some of the huge protits accrued from Fung extensive tract of swamp into the employment of West Indians ard other underpaid absence arable banana land is makirg workers.
mornink satisfactory progress. It is we should always perform with a degree of delight. We from his shop next aroused public interest. It was should not take time to investigate why we have the the Tuesday morning of the learnt from reliable sources that unfortunates with us, since the human family is given to following week (Nov 29) that be com as this work is through, Snapshots mistakes. Oklahoma Eagle, bis mangled body was discovered the company will seek to make. at Barmouth where the river in Chiriqui.
connection with its plantations (FROM THE NEGRO PRESS)
loses itself in the Atlantic; one There have been one or two Many of our best organizations have come to shame and there was a deep cut across arm bad teen entirely cut of important changes recently in There is much misery and woe in the world, and we and disgrace because too many of us are satisfied to put the abdomen. Beyond all doubt tarsidivision of the company service: Mr.
Adam guess there always will be, however, we should become those we like ioto office regardless of their fitness and the unfortunate man must nave been appointed successor to Mr.
interested in the work of making the world better by being ability for office. Until we learn to do things for much expired before be touched tbe Blair as General Manager, in it and instead of keeping aloft from those who need better purposes and choose our officials for much better water.
Altogether, there baye been Superintendent at Lonosi now while Mr. Peck, formerly us most, go to their rescue. They may never be able to reasons, we will never get anywhere with our organiza flve arrests in connection with goes to Chiriqui as Superintenpay us in any kind of way, but this is a sacred duty, one tions Portland Advocate.
the alleged murder, the list lc dent for that section.
Book Binding. THE WORKMAN coast, when toully murdered up on the on the Bocas has Take Notice Ho Ro Co Famous Products hunted dowo.
that at The Workman Printery koown cho Naturally,


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