
husbands; rather, sary.
000, 000 concerto.
rural may charge The ments These other of of bed Holders. crochet paid consisted hand bread BAB chach in Jared bath worship the Dit band embroiTHE WORKMAN SATURJAY DEC MBER 17, 1927 PAGE FIVE ATLANTIC SIDE Sex3:00 e ssawess see se: CANAL ZON NOTES Sears, Roebuck and Colon women AssoCompany II You Are a West Indian Read this Through La Boca Pars ciation. Continued from page 4)
Synopsis of Christa formula don know of it.
mas Boxes He thinks luck bas much to do Celebration First with a percon success in life.
OUR XMAS GOODS was lucky, not a genus, he Anniversary The oy of kristmas says. wink that is true of Boxes. the free comedy wbich most rich men. With rare excep.
Toys, Decorations, Wares, Toilet Articles, School the La Boca Athecaeum will tion, the man who accumulates The Colon Housewives, Im.
preser in conjunction with their great wealth displays no more provement Association reached its Suppiles, Barbers Goods, Tailors Trimmings Vari ty concert at the La Boca genius theodd the capital prize first milestone 00 Thursday iast; Clubhouse on Tuesday evening winner in the Louisiana lottery today the members of that proand Gift Goods rex lates humorously near. Be that as it may, this merchant Christmas dome teh. urine prince admits that initiative, singressive women movement are on their seeond years journey. In between two women and their cerity and industre are very imporother words, on Thursday the SPECIAL. TO OUR WEST INDIAN COLLEAGULS two men tant in the strife to As ociation celebrated in a most succeed. With and their wive. The wives who, out his personality and make orick befitting manner its first anniverOf: Guachipali, San Miguel, Calidonia, Chorcillo others during the balance of te the great ability, perhaps protectores and Co.
be the rebellos who are being abused like ourselves for being West Iodians.
The program was carried out and bellicose attitude 3200, concern that it is today: tawards their respective buy employing 50, 000 persons, hand: at the residence of Dr Joseph hu.
DEAR FRIENDS: Hamlet and presided over by Mrs.
bands, have been log Florence Smith, president of the doing We have adopted this medium of reaching and acquainting you as follows: passive in order to get wirth half millioa dullars worth of Women Life Problem Club of La THE STATION Novelty House is the caly West Indian owned store a bile Christinas presents from business daily, and publishing 50, Boca. Among the guests of of its kind throughout the length of Central Avenue.
The busbands, them.
the of Jackley 000, 000 copies an ally of one Association were Mrs Susie, Neely 2. We thank you for past patronage. This contributed to our success and and Halls, are, as most wen as the most popular books in Christmas tine bruke. They America. the Sears, Roebuck cata proves that you are proud of our efforts.
Boex, and members of the La th refore plotted to set the oz!
Boca Women Club West Indians are now walking miles to patronize their own where courtesy presen making by effecting a It is small wonder, then, that is extended Ordline is COURTESY. It is the platform we stand co.
The program consisted of papers quarrel witb. eu with wheir wives, by by when a little cruotry girl in Mio.
on various phases of Negro West Indians need respect and must seek it through business You must planning love me with each oth s wife in order that the Sunday Rehool teacher. Where oesota was once asked by her progress, women activities, ebila start something also, al must patronize each other. Even death comes to some their wived rearing, addresses and vocal and of us only for being West Indians with lo we get the Ten Command infidelity. But the trap failed instrumental selections As West Indians we must pass our enemies with cocked eyes and carry to catch the wive, they caugh Wered: she uphesitatingly anmembers of the Association also our patronag: to our owa, baanse the enemies open only their stores to us, but will Tacirley ad Hilly themselve. presented a splendid variety not have us in their Lodges Churches Clubs We should tell them to put up such For the wives got hold of the Prom Sears and Roebuck!
of bandwork naterial of whico signs as GREEN MEN ONLY.
plot and each vamp the Many requisites of sucos: sre Mr Neely was specially invited to be the judge.
exemplified in Mr Rosenwala 6. Our enemies brag that they can carry on business in our very centre and husband into reality o career. Before he was 11 he was Mrs. y call us fools for supporting them. Let cut it out.
children dresses bureau ve with Mr, Jacklas ad Mrs. peddling weres from house to house Money is the greatest weapon and should be systemtically kept from our enemies. We would not supply them with fire arms or dazzers to use against us Jackley with Mr. lly on tive town of Springfield, iles, vanny III. When he extracing her useful household wasn selling lovely then why give them money?
of chromos he ods was pumping an organ presents from the husband of After a careful exami ation of bol in a Christian house the Mrs Nerly de And who are our enemies? Every one who is not our people.
o her. The claring but in a bat the memamusing exposure of the mo young bers of the Association had been Julius thought he was Please pass this on to some other friend and tell all the o hers Furnisbe a brilliant climax to rict when he made 82 25 in one very much alive to their interests Christmas Boxes.
day selling a souvenir program at in the short spare of one year for to call on us at of the Lincoln they had done excellent work. She Cuncert with be turnsband for the memorial at Springfield. Predidelio stwarded prize to Mrs. Henri THE STATION NOVELTY HOUSE Panama Symphony Orchestra Grant, the principal speaker was quez for a hand embroidered bed hich, with Christmas xes the first man to wear kid gloves spread; the second prize went to Mrs. Lewis, the president of the Next door to Mr. Oscar Foote Bar Opposite Panama. be innovation of a pecil orli that the boy had seen. With the ard Vocal numbers, etc. will first 25 made while working in a Association, for Railroad Station compose one of the best medium, dry goods store julios bolight a dered hood bag; for a splendid ol entertainment ever presented tea set for his mother cn her 20th crochet work. Mrs. Rullocks was 177 CENTRAL AVENUE by the venerable La boca Atbe. wedding anniversary.
awarded third prize, while the naeum.
More than two score of years Associatin secretary, Mrs.
ago he went to Chicago and started Mass ah, received the consolation SS S050 30465Xoss sexsexocos SSD prze.
Among the women from the story loft of a dilapidated building.
a little clothing factory in the third The prizes were donated by Pacific end who attended the Then he got an opportunity to Doctors Small, Hamlet and Colon Housewive limprove supply clothing to a mail order Mr. Cadogan Jordon, Lake, Secre.
ment Association anniversary business founded by Sears tary (re elected) Clarke, and exhibition of work done. who, wbile a station agent in assistant Secretary: Jordan.
were Mrs. Florenc: Sunith, Fres Minnesota, started selling watches Junior Deacon; Soaw. Treadent of the C Women by mail. 1895 Mr. Rosenwald Special Musical Prosure;r (re elected) Senit, Life Problem Club; Mrs and another man were able to Chaplain Doiores, Tyler; Neely and Mrs. Oixa King. a half interest in Sear, RoeInnis, loner Guard.
buck and Co. for 70, 000. From These officers will be installed chance connection a great At St. Vincent Church on Monday the 9th p:ox. SINALCO business has developed. Since then Sears, Roebuck and Co. has established retail stores and great The rew Christmas Crib at Put your servel to work warehouses in various sections of St. Vincent Church, Silver City Thanksgiving High Mass: the country will be blessed tomorrow at pm.
What could be more refreshing than every day.
But Mr. Rosenwald is modest musical program will be ren Toe St. Lucian Uaited Friendly dered by the choir of the church, Society of Colon about his share in making Sears, is offering a an ice cold bottle of Roebuck and Co. what it is.
assisted by prominent musi Thanksgiving High Mass in When it was ruggested tbat the cians of the city, and a special honour of St. Lucia at St. Josepbs name be to insermon for the occasion will be Creb 10:h Street and Broadway Garvey Goodbye clude his name Mr. Rosenwald preached by v. Father Jøbn The feast fell on the 13th, but protested: owing to the inconvenience it No, no! want no monuments Program are selling at 10 cent would cause to working people after a hard day work (Continued from pagel)
a outside of the cemetery or is it, each to all except sponsors of it bas been postponed for to.
is only a op in the bucket in the Men are quickly forgotten when the crib, Anybody may become a morrow Sunday at 30 a. m, a sponsor by paying 25 cents or Pull attendance is urge to African freedom. We shall they die. And perhaps it is better Do you know that more people agree on this than anticipated win and recover every cent we so. cordial invitation is extenon electing a president, and have been robbed of with com ded all St. Lucians to pay pound interest. Why worry over homage to the Patron Saint of such small matter when the bivger but they shall never blind me in News Notes their Island bome.
urge of liberty calls!
the storm.
Never Felt in Better Shape because am honest and did not They tried to call me crooked St. Ann Catholic Friendly continues with its ever increasing popularity.
Society No. will install oficers am feeling fine and never better iall for the methods of corruption.
It had to be good to get where it is, 7, 000, 000 a day, in my life.
for the coming term tomorrow They sent me to But if am crooked, then shall evening at the St. Olive Lodge Atlanta to die, but the God who present their history that even the 15 this is more than all other drinks combined.
Hall, 6th Street and Hudson took care of Daniel in the lions devil wonld be ashamed of.
den and the faithful in the fiery Work Is Just Begun Lane. The leading officers to to be If your dealer cannot supply you a phone call will furnace took care of me in Atlanta installed will be, D. Peters, Believe that our work is just President, Bourne, vice presibring the goods to your door.
They tried their damnedest to hold started. And all those who caldent; Mrs. Agnes Martin, Sec me down, but the truth shall rise culate on my defeat have another even from the dust.
thought to experience. Here is one retary, Prentice, Treasurer, Underwood will be the They now, in the prese reports black man who shall not be dowood installing master.
NEED THE are enlling me a black Ponziby unjustice and and uprighteousness. shall fight rn Ponzi what are the white men who loose. For me there is no fear but The thing is laughable am a side with li with God on my all the legions of beil let St Lucia Welfare Society No. PANAMA COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY who have bern robbing even the ihe fear o? God. Cast fear to observed the least of their Patrop dead since God Almighty said, the winds, Negroes, and go forward Saint on Tuesday laat the 13th PANAMA; 65; PHONES COLON; 84. Let there inst. with High Mass at St.
be light. Has the co your own creative destiny.
white man forgotten bis history Joseph Church at 30 a. DROP IN AT feel happy that bave started Our Motto is of plunder and universal rot berv? the good work. Carry on, carry on when father Cain officiated.
Does he want me to tell him about and let the standard of the Red. CLEAN GOODS it? If so, shall surely accom. Black and Green fly!
modate him; from the time of Following the opening of the Ancient Greece to the time of the CHEER UP; KEEP Cool section connecting 12th politically corrupt 20th century street with the Cristobal Docks, 122 CENTRAL AVE.
Those of you who have financial the crossing near to the Police THE BUSINESS OF FOOLING interest in the organization as memStation is now permanently You lil Find Them NEGROES bers, don be discouraged or foo! closed to traffic.
ed out of your rights, We shall WHITENS THE SKIN Negroes, keep your head high take care of everything at the next Flower of the Isthmus Moderately Priced.
alof white race fool fooling all the though the enemies have robbed Lodge No. Elects For Creme Blanc Mirette Negro is over. They will have to you, and was imprisoned princiComing Term.
remake the universe to fool me: paily to take all Marvelous Cream In no department of learning can discourage and scatter you: thev close my eyes. am ready me that you shall lose nothing. Just On Monday nigbt the 12th.
Prevents and removes freckles, moth patches, for all their trick, sociologically wait awile and help us tn rearrang inst. The Flower of the Isthmus Lodge No. nominated and sunian, and other skin blemishes actorially cally, economically, the work of the movement, iloli commercially, politi fast to the principles of the Assoelected officers for the Januarycally, biologically ethnically, ciation, never say die. Cheer up, June term 1928 as follows: Sidney Worrell. G. re elerSOLD IN DRUG STORES philosophically and religiously. keep cool and remember that am They use propaganda to throw in splendid figbting shape. God ted) Cecil Nelson, dust into the eyes of the wo:ld, bless and be with us.
gram Tomorrow Coca Cola buy a th Coca Cola more.
Coca Cola WATCH?
an FULLER Dew you had 80 as to believe


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