
PAGE SIX THE WORK31AN SATURDAY DECEMBER 17, 1927 VIGOR TONIC citrus visitors Roca tortune visit 1211221242. 11111 77 1 Cooperation in The British West Indies GOOD POSITION (Continued from page 3)
could never come about until transportation was very different We are offering Permanent positions to a few reliable men The best in the World from what it was today. Mean and women, in which ao exeellent income can be made even while, the Jamaica planters appear to be making great proto those who work but PART TIME. During onr 35 years in press with their scheme for the business we have appointed over 518, 000 agents who supply co operative marketing of bana our household necessity to our customers in every country in cas. We do not underestimate For Regaining Strength Lost By Excess Work. The the formidable nature the world. Many of our agents have been with us over 30 of the LON difficulties to be overcome but years and have achieved Financial Independence. IncreasOnly Wine That Should Be Taken With Phos the readiness of the majority of ing local demands and repeat orders, make is necessary to the growers to enter is to con appoint more local representatives in many localities in the pherine (Ashton Parson)
tracts to support the new organi United States. No special experience or capital required. It zation is welcome evidence of is a straightrfoward, dignified business. Why not represent the willingness to work together.
largest and best known house of its kind in the world. Send VISIT WEST INDIES us your address and the Manager of our appointment Bureau Nor do we underestimate the will send you full particulars.
Guaranteed by Law No. 1574 of the When we aopoint an agent importance of the banana when we furaish free samples for Trial Tests in the bomes in the we remined Jamaict that the Republic of Panama.
leland has many other potentiallocality of the agent.
ities that should not be neglect In answering be sure to tell us the name of the paper in ed. One would like to hear that which you saw this advertisement, more attention was been paid to fruit and coffee.
Last Address ALPHEUS BANCROFT, WASHINGTON, DC, This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommended in winter we strongly urged that (Attention Clerk No. 12. 1438 (You) Street NW.
the question of water conersvaDebility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Impoverishment ton should be explored.
It is satisfactory to learn that that is of the Blood, and to build up a run down constitution.
now being done. The Island Is 80 autre ingly bad the people so bospitable to le promotes digestion, improves the appetite, and gives tone hat every one who has had the CALL IN AT to Jamaica and energy to the whole system.
must rejoice at any prosperity FI that comes her way. But Mr, Orosby Gore bint that ProviThe Workman derce helps those wbo help themselves should not be forgot LOSE. One sn:all Wine Glass beiore each meat or times a day.
teo. If ny of our readers feel BOOK STORE the need on a cbange this winter Dow is the time to book passages to the West Indies Centrai America.
Vigor Tonic is the only tonic builder protected by No. 93, Central Avenue the laws of Panama and no such tonic is legitiSerious Outbreak of GOOD SELECTION OF Malarial Fever mate unless it bears the signature of Javier Moran, NEW BIBLES SPREADS IN ISLAND OF printed matter explaning for what diseases it should Hymn Prayer Books BARBADOS be used, how it should be used, how it should be ap More Than 400 Stricken Down But Few death.
plied and what doses should be taken.
According to recent exchanges WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR SOLD BY received on the Isthmus, there is a serious eutbreak of sickness in the island of Barbados. The se which has since been JAVIER MORAN sten diagnosed as malaria spread with rapidity after some 400 persons No hot irons or special combs required bad been with the AMERICAN PHARMACY Panama City malady, with three for or four deaths. The island bealth authorSOLD IN DRUG STORES ities took measures to coatrol the outbreak; but it was decided to invite the Government mended Trinidad and a in tropical diseases, the latter of attached to the Imperial immediately avilable: a reply has The Governor asks tbe College of Tropical Agriculture been received that he is at pre. House of Assembly to agree to in that Colons, to assist in check sent in New York, and would not bis sanctioning reasonable expan.
ing the spread of the complaint. be back in British Guiana for one diture for such purpose should No one in Barbados thought it month.
the circumstances dewas malaria, for that island has LEGISLATURE Vores Moser mand it as an advance from the been singularly free from such Trinidad GUARDIAN states: Treasury, pending consideration complaint.
Earlier special meeting of the Barba ef medical reports wbich from the Public Health Inspec dos Legislative Council was held be presented as soon as available.
COLON tor, Bacterioligist and Parocbial on November 15, to consider The Council concurred in the Medical Officers (a) cert rin Messages from His Extuin Ex: following Resolution. Resolved that at first the was cellency the Covernor in connec that a sum not exceeding 1, 000 to of dengue tion with the outbreak of an epifever but the bacieriological ex demic fever in the parishes of Treasury and placed at the dis.
amination of the blood for some James and St Peter.
posal of the Governor in Execu.
IS NOW LOCATED AT the cases disclosed malarial The President stated the objet tive Committee to meet expenses organisms, although the clinical of the meeting and informed the in connection with the present features in a large propo tion of Council that His Excellencey was outbreak of fever.
the cases did not contirm the desirous of having an expression The Legislature also approved 11. 1154 11th STREET diagnosis of malaria (b) No of opinion from them as soon as of certain special measures to apopbeles mosquitoes or their possible.
cope with the situation.
Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK larvae bave been found. c) The The Colonial Secretary presen.
fever reacted to quinine. d) the ted two Messages relating to the disease spread very rapidly. epidemic.
Canada West Indie; Where our customers will receive the usual The Board decided to treat the Thesu messages were a repit:disease as though it were mala. 110. of those presented to the Service.
House of Assembly courtesies meeting Dr. Massiab, Government on November reported in the Medical Officer in St. Lucy Barbados Newspapers on! Novem Improvement in Winter parisb; and Dr. Jobpson, ber 16. The text of the first Months Bacteriologist, stated that the message was as follows:The Governor has the honour LOOK sickness was due to malaria. Dr.
to FOR THE SIGN Weekly Halifax BarbadosE Seagar, according to the to form the Honourable the House Trinidad GUARDIAN. the special: ot assembly that be bas received Trinidad Demerara Run.
ist referred to above, went to reports from several districts of BRITISH Barbados, and he agreed with the island indicating the exis TOBAGO NOT MENTIONED tbe two medical men.
arrived He tence of an of an epidemic fever which in a community whose is ose is apparently to be be classed as members were alarmed at the of the mosquitoborne diseases.
Montreal, November 21st.
march of the disease. It appears Should it to be so la Augmentation of the that heavy rains bad fallen 19 mediate preventive action may Canada West Indies Service of the island recently: water bad become necessary and the Gover the Canadian Government Marcollected in shallow ponds; with nor proposes to authorise the chant Marioe will be effected in a few weeks upwards of 400 prompt execution of such meas. during the winter months sall persona bad been affected. ures as be considered ings being made WORKMAN The Government of Trinidad essential by the Board of Health Halifax to four of the islands It Pays despatched, in response to a re in consultation with the medical and Damerara; fortnightly to quest from Barbados, a large and sazitary authoritieo of the quantity of quinine to Bridge. districts concerned.
lande, and six of the smaller and once ever three Until further information weers to the Bahamas, Jamaica, Notice to correspondents.
Dr. Fred Sterling That a telegram has been re is received it 18 not possible to and British Honduras. Pceived from the Secretary of say whe The Halitax special expenditure to Blize Britisn State for the Colonies stating will be required, or to estimate Honduras Service will be operContributors and correspondents The delicious rich, thick THE NEW YORK DENTIST that Dr. J, Johnson, leit the amount of such expenditure. ated with the Canadian Forester ne asked to send in their contribufruity 182, BOLIVAR STREET Barbados to assist in the cam led that the epidemie is one of being made every three weeks England on the 12th inst, for should it, however, be establisb und Canadian Fisher, sailling tivos not later than Thurstiays to SINALCO COLON, paign.
malarial fever it is clear that and ca ls made at Hamiltor, insure publication. This is impera.
Makes meals appe izing. Box 771, CRISTOBAL, The Government of British special measures must instantly (Bermuda) Nassau. Babamas)
tive and must be adhered to.
TELEFONE 247 CULON Guiana was asked if the services be taken to prevent its fur her and Kingston, Jamaica. The of Dr. W, Grace could be spread. Continued on page 7)
Contra Crespo stricken specialist whom is The British Pharmacy reports lef the showed the disease type thought be a ba the at its PHARMACY as one ADVERTISE IN THE may weekly out of town


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